Crime Can't Love \/ Phan \/ C...

By LiterallyJustCase

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" For the first time I felt I saw Daniel Howell, the lonely boy who puts everything into his job so he can fe... More

Introduction - Chapter 1
My Guys - Chapter 2
Diversion - Chapter 4
Be My Distraction - Chapter 5
Sing To Me? - Chapter 6
Father Knows Best - Chapter 7
But That's Boring! - Chapter 8
One-night Stand? - Chapter 9
I Was Busy - Chapter 10
You Look Happier, You Do - Chapter 11
Don't Cry In Front of Father - Chapter 12
Who You Really Are - Chapter 13
Roll Credits - Chapter 14
No Sex - Chapter 15
Bye Dan - Chapter 16
Just... Be Gentle? - Chapter 17
Cheers - Chapter 18
I Love You, Goodbye - Chapter 19
I Can Promise You That - Chapter 20
His Room (Major Trigger Warnings) - Chapter 21
The Worst Circumstances (Part 1) - Chapter 22
The Worst Circumstances (Part 2) - Chapter 22
The Worst Circumstances (Part 3) - Chapter 22
It's Weird - Chapter 23
We Truly Saw Eachother - Chapter 24
I Never Liked Him - Chapter 25
Everything About You... - Chapter 26
I'm Working On It (It's not a hiatus)
Sofa Bed (Ay it's an actual chapter) - Chapter 27
Coming Over - Chapter 28
Connor Fisher and Phil Lester - Chapter 29
Get Out (Part 1) - Chapter 30
Get Out (Part 2) - Chapter 30
Deal - Chapter 31
Character Answers (Not a chapter obviously)
Messing With My Head - Chapter 32
I'll Wait For You - Chapter 33 (Important AN too)
(Im)Mature - Chapter 34
D_dagger_ccl- Chapter 35
YAY! (Also character answers again)
Well Loved, And Finally Happy - Chapter 36
Iconic - Chapter 69
Phil's (old) House!!! (Part 1)
Phil's Old House (Part 2)
That's Fantastic - Chapter 37
Everything (Nothing) Is Fantastic - Chapter 38
QnA Question Thingys (still open for questions)
Tease - Chapter 39
So whats happening? (You actually do need to read this please)
Outsmarted - Chapter 40
I'm Breaking Up With You - Chapter 41
Vengeance - Chapter 42 (Final)
Four Graves - Epilogue
Q&A * Questions *
New books (AN)

Lion's Fang - Chapter 3

66 9 10
By LiterallyJustCase

—No POV—

Dan sighed and put down his phone after a while of no response. Great, he grimaced, I just met someone and they already abandoned me. Sometimes I wonder how I have any subscribers if people can't stand me in a single chat.

He shook his head and decided to just go get a glass of water in hopes it would distract him. It was better than what he usually did - stuffing his face with either cookie dough or mediocre chocolate. Maybe not the most healthy coping mechanism but, hey, it worked.

However, even as he filled up the clear glass, he still couldn't figure out what Phil had meant by 'My guys'. Surely it was disrespectful to not just say friends instead? Though, Dan didn't have any (at least not many aside from Georgia and Josh) so he couldn't really talk...

By choice, obviously. Dan's just a workaholic and friends distract him from his job. He could make more friends any time he damn well pleased.

His apartment was silent, not even the repetitive ticking of a wall clock filled the air, and Dan hated it. So, naturally, he reached for his phone to put on some sort of song. Anything.

He opened up his phone, accidentally going right instead of opening Spotify. Oh well, he shrugged, guess I'm reading the news now. Who can read an listen to music at the same time anyway?

News near you-

But before he could read it, a notification from BBC news popped up, reading what he was sure was the same article he was just about to read:

Breaking news: Two members of the 'Lion's Fang' syndicate found dead from swallowing cyanide pills after failed robbery.

Dan felt chills go down his spine as he read on. It was quite surreal, he was only a few streets away! He guessed that was what all the sirens were about. He'd barely questioned it before, living in London and all, but now it made a lot more sense. Though it wasn't exactly comforting.

He ran his cold fingers through his hair, utterly bored and unsure of what to do about it. Going outside was definitely not an option right now. Eventually he just decided to go on tumblr, it's not like he had anything else to do - he uploaded a video just today and the apartment was spotless.

And so he spent the rest of the day in bed, laptop over the covers as he perused through his feeds, replying to tweets and reposting fanart, sometimes with a soft smile on his lips.

Phil, on the other hand, didn't have such a relaxed day.

He'd lost two of his men today, and he wasn't about to lose more. He was pretty much yelling at the driver of the car to "Speed up! Make sure you lose them before coming back to the base!" over their private transceivers (they were really just walkie talkies Phil had made, but Phil took his 'job' too seriously to refer to them as that.)

So, really not relaxing at all.

After he was sure the driver and his small team were going to make it back safe, he leaned back and took a 'mellow' breath, even though it did little to nothing.

Even though he had much more to worry about, he couldn't stop thinking about this 'Dan'. It was stupid, in his opinion, but he was sure he'd seen that face somewhere before, but where? He had to know him.

Maybe he was a childhood friend. It didn't make that much sense, though. All of a sudden an old friend from a tiny town in a different city just happens to reappear? He didn't think so. The app he used made it so that only people nearby show up, so he couldn't be from another city - London was much too large and dense for him to even be on the outskirts!

Speaking of Dan, he had a bit of extra time to kill, so why not text him?


Phil! At The Disco changed their name to Phunk

Phunk: Hey sorry for just running out on you then | Sent
It was boring business stuff | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Oh. | Sent
Well, at least you're back | Sent

Phunk: Indeed | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Really? Phunk? Where did that come from | Sent

Phunk: It's Phil mixed with punk | Sent
Are you okay you seem a bit off  | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Yeah, I'm fine. | Sent
Just a bit shaken up | Sent
Oh, and I get it now! | Sent

Phunk: Wanna talk about it | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Just something bad happened near where I live and it's a bit surreal | Sent
Have you seen that thing on the news where 2 thugs died? | Sent
That happened really close to where I live | Sent

Phunk: Oh | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Yup. | Sent
Never did understand crime | Sent
Why not just earn your money instead of stealing it from others? | Sent

Phunk: Maybe they cant earn their money | Sent
Maybe they failed school and cant get a job | Sent
Maybe their parents forced them into that life and even though they don't want to do it they have to because its the only life they've ever known | Sent
((Subtle, Phil))

Dnks fr th mmrs: Calm down, Phil | Sent
Why are you getting so defensive about this anyways? | Sent

Phunk: Sorry I have a rambling problem | Sent
But Im not | Sent
Oh Virgil and freya are here I gtg | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Uhh... | Sent
Okay bye Phil! | Sent

Phunk: Well that was a train wreck | Draft

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