
By DangoSage

344K 5.8K 4.2K

Izuku gets bit by a radioactive spider and gets the abilities of one. Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Acade... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Please read gadgets
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34(Final arc)
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43: The End
Let me explain (Anybody that hasn't read up till the end don't read this)
SpiderIzuku Alternate Universe Ending

Part 11

9.9K 183 86
By DangoSage


All Might stared deeply at Izuku. As if he were staring into the boys soul. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Izuku asked as he looked away. "What you did today, and at the entrance exam. Do you know what you did?" He questioned with a serious expression, no joking in his tone. Izuku turned to look at him and said "Yeah, what about it?" He asked and steam rose from All Mights body. As he slowly transformed into a slimmer boney version of himself. Izuku raised an eyebrow at the sudden transformation. "I am made of questions right now" he said as he sat up and looked at All Might.

"I know you are, but I am too" he said in a normal tone. His voice losing it's once manly edge to it.

Jeez his balls left with his form I guess

Izuku thought as All Might sighed. "What about it is that, it's my quirk. One For All" the Pro said as he stared at his feet. "Let me give you a little history lesson. The power you used is called One For All, a very powerful power that has been passed down from person to person. I wondered why I couldn't use my Quirk for much longer now. You see, originally I could only use my quirk for 3 hours before I became like this. But, lately that time has been slowly deteriorating and now I'm down to an 1 and a ½ hours that I can stay buff. It started deteriorating about 11 months ago, and from backround checks of you, it seems you seemed to get your quirk 11 months ago. Coincidence, I think not. You see, as I said One For All, or OFA for short. Is passed down from person to person. And the only way to receive the power, would be if the user accepts the power. Think of it this way, if I give you a present that you don't like, what will you do?" All Might questioned. "I would give it back" Midoriya said.

"Exactly, OFA can only be passed down if the user accepts it. And, the next recipient must have digested a piece of DNA from the previous user" All Might stood and walked over to the window to look out of it.

"Then how did I get it?" Izuku asked as he turned to face the Pro.

"Well, I lie, the DNA doesn't exactly have to be digested, I just needs to be inputted into the body of the recipient. It can be put in anyway, injection, a tablet, or digested, however you can put it in. Which does raise the question. How did you get it? Me and you haven't been in direct contact until a few hours ago when I carried you here, and even so, the quirk can't be transferred through skin contact" "Plus I had it before you carried me here" Izuku said and put a hand to his chin. Using his smart, scientist brain to figure out how it happened.

"Yeah, you catch on quick. Your smart. Which brings me to a theory that I've had for some time now. I knew your father, his name was Hiashi Midoriya. And me and your father worked on a project a few years back. It was to see if we could give quirks to the quirkless. Now the test ended up going all wrong to the point where your father...died" All Might said as a tear escaped his eye. He quickly wiped it off as he continued. "He tried science as a means to create a quirk, but it failed. Then, one day after I fought a really bad villain, called All For One. He...he scarred me. So now, my quirk doesn't work properly and I have a specific amount of time to be a hero, before I become like this" He said and turned to see Midoriya's expression. Izuku was crying now.

He looked at his hands and they were trembling. "The symbol of peace is disappearing, and it's all my fault" Izuku said and put his hands on to his face. All Might walked over to Izuku and put a hand on his shoulder.

I should have known not to be so serious. He's just a kid after all

All Might thought as he smiled at Izuku. "It's not your fault. Its All For Ones fault. He injured me, causing my hero timeouts" All Might looked into Midoriya's eyes and smiled wider. "Now, let me ask the question, how did you get your spider quirk?" All Might asked. Trying to prove if his theory was correct.

"I got it when I got bitten by a spider in a lab, and your picture was in the lab with my dad" Izuku said as wiped his stray tears. "Just as I thought. It seems one spider survived. The experiment was meant to give quirks to the quirkless, but like I said, it didn't work out well. And, your father used my DNA in said spiders because I could pass on my quirk. And with that ability, he thought that if the spider had bitten someone. The person could get the abilities of the spider. We created 10 spiders like that. You must have gotten one of the more common ones, since there were spiders who could grant invisibility and others that cause tazer hands. You kinda fell short there" All Might said and chuckled.

"I could have gotten invisibility? No fair man. Now someone else can get that ability by getting bitten by the spider" Izuku said with depressed face. All Might began laughing at his expression.

"No, all the other spiders are dead. And the spider can only pass the ability on once. Then it just becomes a normal spider. But, I think that's how you got my quirk, you took in my DNA, which must have given you my quirk. But, it seems that its emotion based, which is bad. If you would like, I could train you on using it" Izuku stared at All Might contemplating his offer.

And as much as he'd like to jump and say "Yes! Yes!" He couldn't. He had too much going on now. "I'm sorry All Might, but I've got stuff going on now. I recently took up a project that's gonna take up a lot of time. And I've got my mother to look after, then there's homework and school projects, then there's training my spider quirk. I've got a full plate and I don't know if I can eat it all" Midoriya said. All Mights smile dropped slightly when he said that.

"Then, let me help you eat that plate of food. And I'm sure there are others that can help you eat that plate of food. Rely on others Midoriya" All Might stood and looked out the window. Noticing that they'd been talking for so long that it was now dark out. "Anyways I'm leaving now. Here's my number and address, in case you want to ask any questions about your father. You really do look like him. Oh, and there's this" he said and handed Izuku a USB.

"There's a video labeled 'My Son' watch it" All Might said.

"Don't worry, I didn't see it" then the Pro left. Izuku pocketed the USB. "I should get to the lab" he said and sighed. He picked up his phone to check the time and noticed that the option to choose connect to the schools wifi was there. "If I could, I would, but there's a password" he said and suddenly an idea came to mind.

"Now I definitely have to go to the lab!" He yelled as he quickly put clothes on and ran out the room. He ran toward the train station and waited for a train to take him to Nara Labs.

He ran out the train as soon as it arrived and bolted toward the big skyscraper. He ran through the doors with a happy smile and made it to Ben's Lab. "Ben! I've had a break through!" He yelled and Ben turned in his chair to look at Izuku. "What kinda break through? And where were you? You were supposed to arrive an hour ago to start working on this" Ben said as he turned to face the device he was working on.

"A breakthrough on how to control the nanobots" he said and shook his hands with a smile. "Alright, let me hear it" He said as he placed the tools down and looked at Izuku. "Oh, oh, okay, so, I was at school and I was just leaving the school nurses office and a notification came up on my phone to connect to my school's wifi" he said and his smile grew wider. "Get to the point now Izuku" Ben said and yawned. Ben also had bags under his eyes from overworking himself.

"We mix yours and my idea, I wanted an automated system. You wanted mind control. We'll meet in the middle. We'll make at least five wifi balls. We'll have one of the nanobots red and it will act like wifi. We give that one orders, and that one gives the rest of them orders" Izuku was hopping up and down at his idea. "Izuku...your a genius" Ben said and stood up. He started chuckling as him and Izuku walked toward each other. They hugged and hopped up and down. "Wait, what are we doing?" Izuku questioned as they stopped hopping. "Hmm" a voice came from the door. "I was wondering the same thing" Paige said as she smirked. Izuku and Ben immediately let go of each other.

"I see you guys must have had a breakthrough" Paige said, still with that smirk playing on her lips.

Izuku smiled and blushed with an embarrassed look on his face. Ben seemed to clear his throat and look away. "Good idea Izuku" Ben said and stuck out his hand for a handshake. Izuku's blush immediately disappeared and he looked at Ben's hand. Had he finally won Ben over.

He smiled and shook the older males hand. Paige smiled to herself at the scene. Izuku's eyes sparkled with happiness at Ben's acceptance. "Now, let's get to work...partner" Ben said and sat back down.

He called me partner

Izuku thought and looked at Paige and pointed at Ben with a goofy smile. Izuku walked over to her and he spun her around before kissing her passionately. "What was that for?" She asked. "Because I love you. But, I gotta get to work" he said and gave her a quick peck before leaving. "Tomorrow night. Me. You. Date" he said and ran off. Paige waved at Izuku as he ran off to go work.


Ben and Izuku split up on the work. Ben worked on the interneuron machine that would be connect to the neck of the user, and Izuku worked on this wifi balls he talked about. It was now 22:34 at night and the two were still hard at work.



Ben turned to see Izuku asleep at the desk he was working on and saw two red wifi balls and a half finished one. "Hey!..." He stopped when he saw how peaceful Izuku looked as he slept. He had his face squashed up against the desk and a little trail of drool came out of his mouth as he snored a little. His chest moved up and down rhythmically.

"Fine, sleep, you've earned it"


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