The Secrets We Keep (Remaster...


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It's been a long time coming. their fall out was just inevitable. The one thing that was unexpected though wa... More

The Dilemma
The Fall out
Open Scars
The First of Many Conversations.
Possible Turning Point.
Was it Over Stepping?
Is it really friendship?
Yeah the line has been crossed.
This wasn't suppose to go this way
Don't fuck with her
Morning After.
Getting it Clear
Sneaking Around
The Trip Begins
I Love You
What a Surprise
Change of Plans
Caught Red Handed
Well that wasn't Planned
Making it Official
Late nights and Windows
Happy Birthday?!
Unexpected Surprise
Make Me Forget
Trying to Survive
Get Your Girl
A Long kept Secret

When You're Gone

263 10 0

Camila's POV

I had woken up sweating again. Another nightmare, but this time it felt so real. I looked to my side praying that Lauren was sleeping but nothing.

"Lauren" I called out. She must be in the bathroom.

So I got up and made my way to the bathroom but the light wasn't on. Maybe she's in the kitchen. Yeah the kitchen. As I made my way towards the kitchen I got a weird feeling that something was wrong. I turned on the lights in the living room and no one was there. I shook my head and headed to the kitchen and did the same but no one was in the kitchen either. At this point I got a sickening feeling.

"Lauren if this is a joke it isn't funny. Please come out I-I need you" I say at the point of tears but nothing.

I started to panic and ran to Taylor's room to see if she's seen Lauren.

"Please be in there please" I say to myself as I knock on the bed room door and wait till it opens.

"Camila what's wrong?" Taylor asks in a sleepy voice

"You-you haven't seen Lauren have you?" I ask and her eyes go wide

"Not since last night when I checked on you two before going to bed" She replies

"She's not in the apartment" I say completely freaking out

"Camila calm down, she couldn't have gotten far. Ricardo and my dad's guys down stairs wouldn't have let her get anywhere" She says

"What do you mean your dad's guys?" I ask and Taylor looks like she just said something she shouldn't have said.

"Just some body guards nothing big" Tay says

"Taylor I'm worried" I say biting my nails

"Okay let's call Ricardo " She says and I nod in agreement

Taylor takes out her phone and puts it on speaker

"It's Ricardo I can't come to the phone right now so you know what to do" We heard the voice mail say

"Taylor he isn't answering" I say getting more worried

"Okay okay let me call one of the guards" She says and dials a number while leaving the phone on speaker

"Yes miss Jauregui"

"It's Taylor have you seen my sister around there she isn't up here" Taylor says

"No, we haven't seen any movement down here." the guard answers back

"SHE'S GONE" I shout

"I'll have everyone start looking for her don't worry we'll find her" he says then hangs up

"Call your dad now" I say hysterical

"Already on it" Taylor says with her phone on her ear

Where is she oh God please please please don't let anything happen to her please. Was all I could think of as I sat on the couch with my head in my hands.

Chris' POV

After warning Lauren, I got out the same way I got in, unnoticed. I know my sister and even if I warn her she's going to do what she wants so I knew I had to find a way to help her. I spent the rest of my day keeping a low profile because it was true, my dad and the cops were looking for me. At around 10pm I got a text from Paul telling me that I knew what I had to do. Which meant that he wanted me to make sure Lauren left so that I can take care of Camila. I really wasn't going to go through with the second part and as for the first part I was going to at least try and convince my sister not to do it. When it was 10:15 I made my way into the parking Garage and hid by her car.

I knew she was planning on leaving in her car so I had to try and stop her there. When I finally saw her coming out I grabbed her arm and told her to keep quiet.

"I knew it you weren't going to listen. Okay here's the deal. If you are going to go through with this insane idea. I'm taking you to Paul. your car stays here." I say and she nods

"I'm also leaving your location in the car so dad knows where to find you" I say and she kind of freaks

"No Chris they can't know" she says

"They have to Paul isn't just going to keep you in that house" I say and she finally realizes how serious it is

"What do you mean?" she asks

"I mean that you aren't staying in the abandoned house he's taking you somewhere else" I say and her eyes go wide

"Why are you doing all of this?" she finally asks the golden question

"I told you I'm helping. Now come on" I say dragging her to the car Paul has had me driving these past few days.

"Chris you don't have to do this" she says

"I'm helping you. I know I've messed up but it's my turn to protect you and I'm doing it like it or not" I say determined

"But how?" she asks

"If I tell Paul that I already took care of Camila and knocked you out in the process. He'll have no choice but to trust me even more and let me leave with you both. If he agrees I can do my best so that he doesn't kill you" I say driving away from my spot and head toward the house on fucking haunted hill.

"So basically you are going to trick him into bringing you with us so that at one point we take him out and came back" she asks

"Something like that but right now I'm going to need to tie you up and blind fold you so that he thinks I actually did what I said" I say stopping and pulling out a rope and bandanna

"Do what you have to do" she says and I nod

Camila's POV

It was 8am and I haven't slept at all. Ever since I woke up and Lauren wasn't anywhere to be found I couldn't close my eyes. My parents were now here as were all the girls. Papa J was out looking for Lauren with the cops but they still haven't found her.

My mom has tried getting me to eat something but I didn't want anything. All I really wanted was Lauren and only Lauren.

"Camila you need to eat something" Ally says and I shake my head

"Mila please if you don't eat at least get some sleep" Bea says and I deny that too

I can't sleep without Lauren with me

"Walz please you're scaring all of us" Dinah says

"I don't want anything!!! I JUST WANT LAUREN" I yell as tears fall from my eyes

"Mila they are going to find her. She just can't vanish" Alexa says hugging me

"but it feels like she did. Don't you get it. I fell asleep with her holding me and when I woke up she was gone. No sign of her" I say sobbing

"We're going to find her Mila I promise" I hear my dad say as he pulls me into his arms

"I miss her so much Papi" I say hugging him

"Te prometo hija que la vamos encontrar. Pero please try getting some sleep" he says rubbing my back

"Pero Papi" I try arguing but he just looks at me and I know he's worried just as much as I am.

"I'll try" I say sighing

"I'll go with her to make sure she gets sleep" Ally says to my dad as she take me and leads me to the room I share with Lauren

When we walked in the room was pitch black and Ally switched on the lights causing our mess from yesterday to appear.

"I'm guessing you two had fun yesterday?" Ally assumes and I nod with a sad smile "Hey they are going to find her. Now come on you need some sleep" Ally adds walking me to the bed.

As I sat on the edge of the bed I look around the room and think back to yesterday. It had been amazing. The laughs, the smiles, the kisses, and the I love yous. I was crying again I know I was because Ally ran into the bathroom to get me tissues. While I cried I reached over to the night table and held a picture of Lauren and I from our day at the Carnival before this mess started.

"Mila" I heard Ally say and I picked my head up

"She's gone, she's really gone" I say crying harder

"Mila please, Sweet heart, don't say that" Ally says kneeling in front of me

"But she is. Ally there is no sign of her and I bet her car is even gone" I say crying more

"Mila Listen to me. Lauren loves you more than life itself. she is not gone. Missing probably, but never gone. Now get some sleep please" Ally says cleaning my tears and taking the picture out of my hands

"It just feels like she is. I mean not even a note was left" I say

"You mean like this?" Ally says holding up a folded paper and I immediately take it from her hands

"Where did you find this?" I ask

"It must have been behind the picture" she says

"Ally wait outside" I say not looking at her

"Are you sure?" she asks and I nod "Okay I'll be right outside the door" she says and leaves

when I heard the door close I took a deep breath then unfolded the letter causing a ring to fall out and onto my lap. I picked it up and looked at it. As I looked at it closely I noticed what it was; and tears came to my eyes again. In my hand was not only a ring , it was Lauren's ring. It was the ring Lauren loved the most. It was the ring Lauren's grandmother gave to her. The ring she never took off. The ring that she told me that if she ever took it off it will be because she was going to do something she might not come back from. Seeing the ring didn't even make me want to read the letter but I had to. This could be the last thing Lauren will ever say to me. As I began to read , I could imagine her husky voice.


Hey baby girl, I guess if you are reading this you got the ring and probably figured out why I'm not next to you at this very moment. If you are crying please stop because an angel like you shouldn't cry, you should smile. If I'm not next to you right now it is because I am doing what you always say I do best, Saving you. I love you so much Camila that I'd risk my own safety and happiness just for you and that is what I am doing. Today I spent the entire day with you because I wanted one finale perfect memory with you. I'm taking with me your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your cute nose, and every perfect quality you have including the ones you say you don't. With me not around, you'll be safe and you can finally leave the apartment with no worries. I want you to feel free again, and I want you happy even if it isn't with me.

The decision for me to leave was not an easy one. I spent days and sleepless nights thinking it over, but seeing you in a constant worried state and those nightmares you have made the decision for me. I want you to tell my dad to find Chris, and when he finds him to not be hard on him. If anything, finding Chris will help you find me. I left you my ring so that you remember I'm always with you good or bad, I'll always be with you. I want you to take care of yourself and of Sofi. That little Sofa Monster needs you and so does everyone else. There is also one last thing I need you to know before I finish this letter. If I ever do come back, and I hope I do, I would love it if you agreed to live with me in this very apartment. Just me and you. I love you Karla Camila Cabello and I always will.




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