One Knock, Two Knock, Three K...

By StoryCreator102

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One knock, two knock, three knock, four How many hands are under the door One knock, two knock, three knock... More


Chapter 1

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By StoryCreator102

My name is Asha Silverback. And I live in a town called Tiana Nights. Weird place, right? Well, don't let the name fool you, because no matter how clumsy it sounds, this town has a very scary story. And I am going to be the one to tell it. In 1989, I was a normal teen. I was in middle school, had a group of friends, and had a crush on a popular boy. Just like any other person in middle school. I was known in my grade for being the queen. I wasn't popular, and didn't have a lot of friends, but people called me the queen, because anyone who messed with me, got a good kick in the stomach. And if you decided to do something with my friends, you'd be asking for a beating. I had a long, long list of enemies. But I didn't really care. But despite being a huge hothead, I had straight A's and was considered a pretty smart person for my age. (Although most of my teachers were old, and the old people never seemed to like me) As for my face, I wasn't a pretty person. I had dark brown hair with a natural ombré that turned a dirty blonde at the end, and big, brown eyes. And a face with a lot of pimples. I was not someone who had any luck with acne. It sucked looking at my face in the mirror throughout middle school. But enough of my life, and on to the creepy story you guys want to hear. In our town, we have one rule. And only one rule. You have to sleep through New Years Eve. So basically, you can't be awake when the new year start. One guy from our school said he would try and stay up through the night, and we found his entire family dead with all their eyes seemingly carved out of their skull with blood everywhere. That was a scary enough example for everyone to understand that what he did should never be repeated. But that doesn't mean if you sleep through the night that you'll be entirely safe. People from the ages of 10-17 die, and in a really disturbing way. One every year. Family members say that they just start screaming and blood starts splitting out of their eyes. And in the end, each victim ends up dying about two days after with their left eye missing. But what's really weird, is that no one says anything about it. They just act like noting happens. Victoria, a girl from my neighborhood, she was 15, and she died that way. Her older brother, Victor, acted like nothing happened, and went to school the day she died. I even saw him laughing with his friends. Her family didn't even host a funeral for her! I mean, I just didn't get what was wrong with people at that time. Until that happened to my cousin, Laura. She was 10. And my aunt said she heard her screaming at about midnight with blood all over her room. There was nothing she could do. By the time Laura was in the hospital, her breath was gone. I saw her once before she was buried, and I was horrified. Her left eye was carved out like all the other victims, and her face was covered with blood that no one had even bothered to clean. Her sweet smile was now forever stuck in a scream. I wanted to ask the police to do something. I begged my parents. I had almost lost my mind about it. Until my parents sat me down, and told me the story of the girl with one eye. A long time ago, when this town was first built, there was a girl name Silena Lin. She was a sweet girl, and everyone loved her. She was also very pretty, with the warmest smile on the planet. But one day, her entire family got in an accident that left her with one eye, and a big scar on her face. Her parents died, and the only survivors were her and her older brother. But he became paralyzed, and couldn't move his legs, so she had to care for him 24/7. Silena thought that people in the town would still treat her with the niceness that she treated them with. But the world is a cruel place, and poor little Silena was only bullied by her classmates. All her friends betrayed her, and it seemed no one loved her. Her older brother was the only strong still attaching her to humanity. But one day at school, her older brother saw her getting bullied right outside of the house. He rolled himself outside and knocked the bully down with his wheelchair. The bullies got infuriated, and used a rock, and it hit him right in his head. Silena's older brother had already had some brain issues from the accident, and the rock just set everything off. He died, but no one was punished. The bullies were let off with a little slap on the hand, and that was that. Silena got mad. She went crazy. And she wanted revenge. Her parents, her brother, her face. It seemed the whole world was laughing at her. So she swore revenge on the people that made her life miserable. She hung herself in her bathroom, and at first no one cared. But one week after she had hung herself, on the midnight before the new year started, the bully that had killed her older brother was found dead the next morning. And in a very gruesome way. His left eye was carved out, and his hands and legs were tied with a rope, just hanging from the sealing. And with his blood, on the walls, said, I got my revenge. I hope you rot in hell. It was a disturbing sight, and after that, every year, one of the bullies would die. One after the other. So the town then made the rule that you had to sleep through the night. And it was said that Silena would sleep through the year, and at the last moment, she would wake up in search of someone to take revenge on and a new eye.

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