Your Secret's Safe With Me

By abbey__road

813K 26.7K 19K

[COMPLETE] Peyton King is the popular girl at school. She's known for her cold attitude towards everyone, but... More

The beginning
The Meeting
Hello, My name is
Kissing Booth
Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal
Shots! Shots! Shots!
Date Night (Part 1)
Date Night (Part 2)
Happy Birthday (Part 1)
Happy Birthday (Part 2)
The Date
Mango Ice Cream
Peyton the Grinch (Christmas chapter)
Ejected and Rejected
The Truth
Take Care
Home (Part 1)
Home (Part 2)
Epilogue you

24.2K 823 438
By abbey__road

Logan woke up to the sounds of steady beeping. She licked her dry lips, her tongue feeling like sandpaper.  She would've given anything for a glass of water right now. She tried to sit up on her elbows but immediately fell back down onto the bed. Her body was so sore and she wasn't sure why. It took a great amount of energy to open her eyes, but she somehow managed to do it.

She looked around the room and realized that she was in a hospital room. What was she doing here? Then she remembered an accident, one that she literally didn't see coming.

Oh my god. Was Peyton ok? Where was she?

She looked around the room frantically searching for her girlfriend. She looked to her right and her parents sat in chairs, her dad had his head tilted back with his eyes closed and her mom had her head in her hands.

She blinked once, then twice. No that was definitely her parents.

"Mom? Dad?" She croaked.

They immediately opened their eyes and rushed to the bed hugging her.

"Logan, thank God you're alright," her dad huffed.

"We thought we were going to lose you too," her mom cried. Logan's eyes watered. All this time she thought her parents were indifferent about her and she was so wrong.

"What happened?"

Her mom wiped the tears from her eyes, "a drunk driver hit you. He caused damage to 3 other cars."

Logan winced at the words drunk driver. She never understood how anyone could think about driving intoxicated. She looked up at her parents, "I was in the car with someone, is she alright?"

Before her parents could answer, Peyton and Chloe walked into the room.

Her dad held her hand, "we'll be right back, we're going to notify the doctor that you're awake." Her parents each gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before they left the room.

Chloe walked up first, " look like shit."

Logan glared at her, "I was in an accident, you ass."

They stared at each other until they both started smiling. Chloe walked closer to her cousin, "if you didn't wake up today I was actually going to kick your ass."

Logan laughed and then winced at the pain, "I'm not a doctor but I'm positive that's not what you're supposed to do."

Chloe leaned over and gave her a hug, "now that I know you're ok, can you please do something about this one?" She nodded at Peyton, "she's been a wreck for the past 4 days."

4 days? That's how long she's been unconscious for?

Chloe walked towards the door, "I'm going to the cafeteria, do you want anything?"

"Can you grab me a green jello?"

Chloe made a face as she put her hand on the knob, "that's the worst flavor. I'll get you a red one instead."

Logan rolled her eyes she turned to Peyton who still looked beautiful despite not sleeping or eating well the last couple of days.

She stretched her arms out, "come here."

Peyton ran into her open arms and cried, leaving small drops on her hospital gown. "You didn't wake up when the crash happened. I tried calling out your name and shaking you but you didn't respond. I was so scared." Peyton had fistfuls of her hospital gown, making sure she wasn't going anywhere. She looked up with teary eyes, "I was scared that I lost you and that you wouldn't know how much you mean to me. How much I love you. I don't care if it's too early to say it or if you don't reciprocate the same feelings." She tucked her head back into Logan's chest, "I love you."

Tears were flowing down Logan's face, "I love you too," she pulled Peyton's face up, giving her a passionate kiss, their tears made the kiss salty but they didn't care. She pulled back and scanned Peyton's face and body, "are you ok? Did you get hurt?" Rage suddenly filled her, if that drunk driver even knicked Peyton, she was going to find him and kill him.

Almost as if Peyton knew what she was thinking, she gripped Logan's chin tenderly, "I'm ok. You got most of the impact," tears began to form again remembering the crash.

"Shhhh. It's ok, I'm ok now. Everything's fine." Logan made room for her on the bed, "I don't know how long it's been since I've showered, but can we cuddle for a few minutes?"

Peyton laid down careful not to hurt her or remove any of the tubes that connected her to the machines. "I'll hold you until you fall asleep."

They laid down in silence, the sound of the heart monitor and their breathing filled the room. Just as Logan was falling asleep she heard Peyton murmur, "I love you Logan, please don't ever leave me again."

When she woke up, Peyton was gone but she found a note on the table next to her.

Don't tell Chloe but I had to get you the green jello. I'll come back tomorrow, I love you <3


She looked at the table again and sure enough, there was one red jello and enough green ones to feed the hospital. She picked up a plastic spoon and opened up a green one. "I swear I love her so much," she giggled to herself.

* * * * *

Logan sat cross-legged on the bed as the doctor came in looking over her charts. "You're free to leave the hospital now if you'd like Ms. Mackenzie."

She jumped off the bed, not needing to be told twice. It was so boring staying in bed all day and only seeing Peyton for a couple hours at a time.

"Will I still be able to play volleyball? I have a game coming up this weekend."

She heard her parents kiss their teeth disapproving.

The doctor shook her head with a smile, "sorry Logan, its best not to. You can, however, participate in practice. Just please be careful."

Logan grinned happily to finally be able to have some physical activity in her life. The doctor gave her specific instructions to following certain symptoms if she were to have any but Logan wasn't paying attention. She just wanted to see Peyton.

After the doctor dismissed them, Logan and her parents walked out to the waiting room where Chloe and her parents waited.

She walked up to her aunt and uncle giving them both a hug. "We've been keeping you in our prayers every night," her aunt informed.

Logan smiled as she pulled Chloe into her arms, "thank you for visiting every day."

Chloe whispered in her ear, "thank Peyton. She dragged me here to see you every time. If it were up to me I would not see a green jello eating monster," she joked.

"Jokes on you, Peyton left at least 40 of the green ones for me."

Chloe gasped, "that traitor." Logan laughed, loving that her cousin and her girlfriend were close.

"Come on, Logan. Let's go home," her mom called.

"Yeah, our flight leaves in a couple hours," her dad added.

Both Logan and Chloe raised an eyebrow, "home as in Chloe's home right?"

Her parents shook their heads, "home as in Toronto honey." Her dad put his arm around her, "I think it's time we stopped ignoring the fact that our family's broken. After Peter died your mother and I haven't been the most attentive parents."

Her mom stepped forward, "and we apologize for that. We can't change how we acted in the past but we'd like to make up for it now." She held up a hand to her daughters face, "I can't believe it took a car accident for us to realize it  I"m so sorry honey."

Logan's eyes started to tear up. For months, she watched her parents walk around mindlessly as if nothing mattered anymore. Like she didn't matter anymore. She exhaled, "I'd love to come back home. But I have a life here and I still need to graduate."

"You can transfer to your old school in Toronto," her dad suggested.

She shook her head, "there are only 5 weeks left. I want to graduate with my friends here." She turned to look at her aunt and uncle, "if that's ok with aunt Maria and Uncle Ramon I mean."

Her uncle smiled, "of course you're welcome to stay with us."

She looked back at her parents and felt guilty at the hurt written on their faces. She gave them both a hug, "I forgive you. Please let me finish the semester here though. I'll come to visit as soon as the semesters done."

His dad kissed her on the side of the head while her mom gave her a tight hug while turning to her sister, "Maria, Ramon. Please take care of her."

*  *  *  *  *

Logan skipped down Peyton's driveway happily, just as she was about to knock on the door, Olivia swung it open with Ethan by her side.

"Mackenzie!" She pulled her into a hug. "Peyton told us what happened. Are you ok? Shouldn't you be resting?" Olivia looked over the young girl carefully.

Logan chuckled, "they cleared me at the hospital. I couldn't take another day confined to a bed."

"Well we're happy you weren't hurt too bad," Ethan said.

Olivia pointed into the house, "Peyton's in her room, you can go right on up."


Olivia and Ethan moved past her towards one of their many cars.

"Oh, Mackenzie!"

Logan turned around, "yes Mrs. King?"

"Ethan and I are having a charity party in a couple weeks, I'm not sure if Peyton mentioned it, but we'd love to have you there," Olivia smiled.

"Then I'll be there. Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. King," she waved goodbye to them as they got in the car. She entered the house and closed the door behind her, quietly walking up the stairs to Peyton's room.

She heard the faint sound of music coming from her room and turned the doorknob gently to see Peyton doing homework on her bed.

Peyton was laying on her stomach in a tank top and short shorts. Her hair was up in a messy bun and her glasses were perched on the bridge of her nose. She bit the tip of the pencil in her hand as she tried to solve the physics equation.

Logan's eyes automatically zeroed in on her backside. The way her long smooth legs were bent, how her butt was round and perky, and the way her head was tilted to the side, exposing her neck. Logan could feel warmth in her stomach as she crept silently behind her, wanting to touch her but also knowing that she'd probably get hurt because Peyton would hit her out of fear.

She looked at the problem in front of Peyton and chuckled silently how annoyed Peyton was getting at herself for not knowing the answer.

She leaned forward and whispered, "the answer's 8.10 m/ s²." She quickly moved away as Peyton whipped around her arm narrowly missing her face.

"Lo?" Her eyes wide then a smile appeared. "Logan!" She jumped off the bed and into her arms.

Logan laughed, "I wanted to see you but you look like you're busy, I can come back later."

Peyton tightened her hold around Logan's neck, "yeah right. Like I'm letting you go anytime soon." She attacked her face with kisses while Logan giggled. 

When Peyton finally pulled away, she pulled her to the bed, moving all of her textbooks and notebooks on the floor to make room for them. Logan raised an eyebrow and smirked, "a little presumptuous are we?" 

Peyton narrowed her eyes at her, it wasn't her intention to get into Logan's pants at the moment, but she went almost a week without seducing her, so she had a lot of catching up to do. She bit her bottom lip seductively, "I've been really lonely for the last week, Logan." 

Logan's smirk fell off her face when she heard Peyton's husky voice. "Oh, well...that's...unfortunate?" She went to move away from her trying to give them distance.

"But you're here now," Peyton innocently smiled. She stopped Logan from moving away, tracing her index finger along her jaw, down her collarbone, and then down her chest. 

Logan stopped breathing, she was pretty sure her heart stopped beating too. She put her hands over her face suddenly feeling embarrassed. She heard Peyton laugh beside her, then her hands were pulled from her face. 

"Lo, you're so cute when you're flustered," Peyton continued giggling. She hugged Logan close to her, squishing her face against her chest.

Logan stayed completely still, on one hand, she had 2 perfect pillows supporting her head, on the other hand, her face was squished against Peyton King's boobs. She moved slightly off of her, "I'm glad me being uncomfortable is entertainment for you." 

Peyton chuckled, "I just missed you is all." 

"You know, there are better ways to show that you missed me," Logan informed. 

Peyton smiled and tilted her chin to give her a deep kiss on the lips. When she finally pulled away, Logan still had her eyes closed, her lips pulling into a smile, "that was a good way." 

Peyton smirked as they fell silent for a couple minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

Logan had her eyes closed but she could feel Peyton tap her finger on her body anxiously. Logan peeked from one eye and confirmed her suspicions. Peyton was biting her lip nervously not knowing that Logan was looking at her. 

"What's  wrong?" Logan finally asked holding Peyton's finger to stop the tapping. 

Peyton looked over at her, her face full of worry. She sighed, "Logan, you find me attractive, right? I mean I know I tease you a lot but when I'm finally ready for it, I can't help think that you'll push me away like you always do."

Logan couldn't believe what she was hearing that she couldn't help but laugh...really hard. Peyton took that the wrong way and went to roll away from her when Logan tugged her back. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh, love," she held her hand, giving it a kiss. "Peyton, you have no idea how many cold showers I have to take after we hang out because I need to keep my hormones in check." She kissed her on the cheek, "I find you very sexy, Peyton."

Peyton bit her lip, "so you'd have sex with me?" 

Logan choked back a laugh, "in a heartbeat." 

Peyton blushed, "ok just checking." She heard Logan laugh.

"Peyton, I'll wait however long you need. Just having you by my side is enough for me." 

"Thank you," she whispered. Peyton couldn't believe how much she lucked out with having Logan as her girlfriend. 

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