You know the group Boystory, today I received the new that they are coming to Singapore on 2 of Nov. 😑 So then, I was like OMG admission is free!!! YESSSSS! Later on, I realised I can't go because I have training... 😪😭😭😭😭😭 My competition is like 2 days away! Like... why now😩
So I had a panick attack for nothing and I felt like stalking them but I'm not a creepy woman so like.. no.😅🤷♀️
I was crying internally for five minutes and still am and also freaking out cause.... does that mean I get to see them somewhere???😏 Singapore is a very small place you know.
Everything in a fangirls dreams😁😁😁 I'm still sad tho😫
Btw, maybe after this I will write a Boystory Fanfic 😊