Alone... A Bad Boy and His Ki...

By nobella

364K 12.2K 1.3K

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT<3 "Im serious kitten. No one believes me." I got angry. "So you told everyo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 25

4.7K 155 14
By nobella

I started waking up and felt something heavy and warm on me. I fully open my eyes and see that it's Aidan's arm and body that is on me. Now I widen my eyes and tried to get out of that bed faster then the Flash would. Key word-tried. I failed miserably and Aidan ended up grabbing me and holding me tighter. 

It was sweet. It really was.

But for some reason I wanted to get out of there. I was too shy to see him now. I just had the best night of my life and now Im afraid to face him. Like whats gonna happen now? What are we now?  Uhh stupid over thinking. 

Just let it go and sleep Hailey. Just close your eyes and focus on his strong arm and warm body around you. 

Well that didn't help. It just made me more nervous!! How do I look? Do I have eye boogers? Does my hair look like Chucky's? I know for a fact I don't look like those girls that wake up looking perfect on tv. 

Uhh. I decided to see what time it is. I looked at my phone at it was only 7:37 am. Its Saturday, way too early to be up. I finally got the courage to close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

A few hours later, I woke up to an empty bed. WTF! I went to the bathroom, fixed myself up, washed the eye boogers away, fixed my hair and brushed my teeth using my finger. I went downstairs to leave the house but I heard someone in the kitchen. Stupidly, I went there. I saw Aidan there humming, making pancakes. His back was to me and he was shirtless. Boy was I drooling at my view.

My moment was ruined quickly because Aidan being Aidan opened his mouth and said, "Kitten will you stop staring at my glorious back, you're making me distracted and not focused on the pancakes?!"

I rolled my eyes and sat on the barstool at the countertop. I was afraid of the moment he would turn around yet at the same time I wanted to get it over with. 

Eight pancakes later, that moment came. 

He turned around, smiled at me and simply said, "good morning."

I smiled back and said, "good morning."

Now smirking he asked, "So how'd you sleep? I bet this was the best sleep of your life huh?" Insert him winking here.

I ofcourse tried to hide my blush but failed. I simply shrugged, "Ehh I had better."

Now with a bigger smirk Aidan moved the plate away from me, "Liar. Liars don't get pancakes."

I started to pout. 

He started to cave. HA!! I knew my pout was gonna get him. He still kept the plate near him though. I needed to get it back. The pancakes looked delicious. I pouted some more and then he looked down and moved them back to me. VICTORY IS MINE!!

Luckily he changed the subject, "So I was thinking, wanna go back and visit my mother today?"

I opened my mouth from shock and the pancake I was stuffing my face with fell out of my mouth and down on the plate. 

He snickered, "Very sexy Kitten. "

I fully finish the remaining pancake and roll my eyes, "Oh shut up. You're serious about going?"

His face went to full serious, "Yeah. I mean..if thats okay with you. Ifff nottt....then I can go by myself. I big deal."

Omg. Aidan was stuttering. I never thought he could get any cuter but here he was surprising me. 

I smiled at him and put my hand on top of his, "Aidan I would love to go with you. Plus maybe we can also visit Elizabeth."

He looked at me and then down at my hand then back up at me again, "ofcourse."

With that, we sat down and ate our pancakes in silence. Oh and yes. Our hands were still holding each others.

After eating, I went home to change and waited for Aidan to come get me. My dad wasn't home but I think he'll come later on today. Aidan came a few minutes later and we drove to the cemetery. The car ride was silent with the radio playing. The whole ride there my left hand found his right hand on the shift gear. 

When we got there,  I let Aidan go talk to his mom while I visited Elizabeth. After a few moments of saying hello to her, I looked and saw Aidan was still busy with his mom. I decided that I would talk to Elizabeth then. Without thinking about it, I started to tell her everything. I told her about Jenny, Parker, Liam, Aidan, dad and even my mom. I told her everything I knew about them. I was speaking so fast and my mind was racing. I felt like I was Dan Dotson, the auctioneer from Storage Wars. Im not sure if I even got a chance to catch my breath. Im not sure if with everything I was saying, I made sense. Everything in my mind was jumbled right now.

As I was finishing talking about my mom, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped up and turned around. Aidan was right behind me. He looked at me worried and then he put both of his hands on my shoulder. He leaned closer, "Kitten are you ok?"

I fake smile, "Yeah Im fine. I just couldn't stop."

Aidan, still worried, "Kitten I know you're not okay right now. I think we need to talk. About everything. And not leave anything out. Especially about last night."

I nod, "yeah we do. and we will just not right now okay?. Lets just enjoy this day with Pamela and  Elizabeth."

He nodded.

I smiled, "Can you believe I was talking that fast? Who knew I could do that right?!"

He chuckled, "Tell me about it Dan Dotson."

Wow. I can't believe he thought the same thing I did. Wow. 

Afterwards, we switched graves. This time  I wasn't Dan Dotson but I spoke normally and filled Pam in with everything. Well besides last night ofcourse. Im not sure myself about it. 

We got in the car and planned to go to my house. I was praying my dad would be home so Aidan and I could avoid "the talk". Im too nervous for it. Plus Im still not 100% sure about last night and what either of us thought of it.  

I come back to reality after my spacing out and realized were not going the right way. 

"Uhh Aidan I think you're going the wrong way."

"No Im not."

"Yeah you are. My house is the other way.

"Were not going there Kitten."

"Where are we going then?"

"Kitten were going somewhere where we can talk. Somewhere where you can't escape me."



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