The Worst one Raven Branwen X...

By AdrianGonzalez558

79.6K 1K 141

Lives kicks everyone to the ground, nothings different for Y/N L/N, being exiled from noble family members th... More

The Worst One: Haste intro Pt1
The Worst One: Haste intro Pt2
The Worst One: avalanche Pt1
The Worst One: avalanche Pt2
The Worst One: Key We've Lost Pt1
The Worst One: Key We've lost Pt:2
Sorry but slow is smooth, smooth is fast
The Worst One: Key We've lost Pt3
The Worst One: Moonless Sky Pt1
The Worst One: Moonless Sky Pt: 2
The Worst One: Moonless Sky Pt: 3
The Worst One: Bitter With a Touch of Sweet
The Worst One: Above and Under the Sky So Blue
The Worst One: Hard Punches
The Worst One: Truth of Mistakes
The Worst One: Mischief Maker
The Worst One: The X in the Road
The Worst One: Ex-Ch: The Moment That Counted the Most
The Worst One: The Promise I Made To You Part 1
The Worst One: The Promise I Made To You Part 2
The Worst One: Is this Enough? For Both You and I?
The Worst One: One Day It Will Be Right.
The Worst One: The Party Is Getting Crazy...
The Worst One: Lets Rock this Train Ride!
The Worst One: When It Falls... Pt:1
The Worst One: When It Falls... Pt:2
The Worst One: When It Falls... Pt: 3
The Worst One: Ex Ch 2: The Gift Rightful Earned And Forged
The Worst One: ...We Will Crawl the Earth and Stand Up Tall Pt 1
The Worst One: ...We Will Crawl the Earth and Stand Up Tall Pt: 2
The Worst One: ...We Will Crawl the Earth and Stand Up Tall Pt: 3
The Worst One: For the Sake Of Resolution
The Worst One: Our Memories Color...
The Worst One: ...Our Jounrey's End
From me to you

The Worst One: avalanche Pt3

3.5K 56 1
By AdrianGonzalez558


We ran through the forest having a fair encounter with grim along the way. I was to far a head from the team I would take the main course while everyone else would take the scraps. STRQ had their mission to do I had a personal vendetta. Whoever destroyed this town were going to be 6 feet under. It could have been a grim, a faunces, or even a human I didn't care.
"Wait up Y/N!" The team shouted behind me, I didn't know who it was the sound of their voices bounced off the trees.
A grim popped out from the corner of my eye. Full heartedly I implied Aoi into the head of the balwolf cutting downwards until it burned to ash.
"Y/N! What's the matter?" Raven pulled me a side holding me by the wrist, "if you keep fighting the way you are now you'll get yourself kill! Worst someone else!"
Truth be told I almost pull Aoi on her my mind was in a fog on revenge, killer intent. I almost did, luckily summer slapped me across the face. Funny it had left a mark, yet I looked back at everyone. Tai, summer, Qrow, and raven. They all knew how I felt yet I neglected them.
"Raven's right Y/N!" Summer shouted as the rest of team STRQ caught up. I need a moment. I looked up at the trees through the cracks of the beaches I could see the sky. I need to calm down somehow, I didn't want to get anyone killed.
"Y/N," raven called out she pushed my head back her hand having been placed on my face, "I want you to take a deep breath," I listen still having my eyes open looking out through the gaps of Ravens fingers. She slid them down my face my eyes automatically closing I exhaled, "Good now open them."
I couldn't thank her enough for that, but my calm mentality swiftly ended. A quick flicker of light in the trees I shoved Raven out of the way. A loud echo bounced off the trees surrounding us. My right arm fell to my side. Another sound echo, I closed my eyes thinking the worst.
"You idiot don't just stand there!" Qrow shouted blocking a shot. Another Echo Tai had tackled me to cover behind the trees.
"How is he?" Summer asked.
"Can't say for sure looks like the round made an exit wound through the arm, I can do a rough patch, but you'll need to be looked at quickly."
I couldn't help but look at my surrounding Qrow had been keeping an eye out look for the shooter while Raven was in wide eye about what had happen.
"Y/N!" Summer looked at me all I could hear is ringing in my head, "squeeze my hands!"
My vision was burry it was hard to make out the scenery, but from the corn of my eye Raven looked the most clear. My body started to boil, my body began to shack sparaticly. I didn't feel right it was like something was resonating with something or someone.
"Somethings wrong! Tai get over here! Everyone were pulling out of this mission!"

-three days later-

Summer's POV

I waited outside in the hall looking at those two. Raven had dug her head in the bed still holding on to Y/N hand. We haven't been to class in three days since what had happen to Y/N.
"How are they." Tai said bring me a cup of coffee sweet of him the way I like it three creams and two sugar.
"She hasn't left his side since we came back. I'd bring her something to eat every now and then, but hasn't had a good night sleep. As for Y/N he flat lined twice in the course of three hours."
"It miserable to see our friends like that."
"But for Y/N, and his experience four days ago. It hit him so rough. The village, old man Lyold."
I looked back at the two, Y/N eyes still shut, Raven still resting. As leader I was going to help the best I could. Telling tai to follow me we entered Y/N room. Placing my hands on Ravens shoulder rocking her gently for her to wake up. A cute little grunt escaped from her lips. When she saw tai and I she turned her head. To late you're mine raven.
"Raven, go to bed, tai and me will stay by his side."
"I can't do that summer...I cause this, it would have been me on this bed if he didn't intervene."
"Don't say that, I'm sure Y/N would be doing the same thing as you right now if you were in that bed. As leader I held myself accountable to putting my team in the arms of danger."
"I'm sorry Summer." Raven muttered.
I finally saw raven crying for once something I don't wanna see personally, "tai can you take her back?"

Thankfully I had a cookbook so when You came back to us maybe we could celebrate. Time felt like it froze. Just being by his side was a bit worrying not knowing what would happen to him. Maybe I should message Qrow to head down here...maybe or maybe not. I looked back at Y/N a bit of his hair was in his face. Leaning over the bed I parted his hair to the side sitting back down I could see his faint eyes open.
"Thank you summer," Y/N muttered.
"Morning how long have you been awake?"
"Since before you kicked Raven out. I'm glad you did. I didn't want her to cry again when she saw me. To blame herself for what happen to me. Speaking of which what happen?"
"That's..." I paused inhaling and exhaling, "is a long story."
It wasn't easy explaining what had happened after what happen to Y/N. Before we could move we were surrounded not by grim but by faunces and humans. It was simple, to protect you, and hold off the attack. It didn't sit well with Tai and I fighting people. Qrow and raven didn't have a problem with it. After fighting for what felt like hours, Qrow and raven were hitting there limit. The attackers made an opening there was a man with long brown hair wearing samurai armor approaching us.
"Where is he!" He shouted with a demanding stern voice, "ah I see that's where."
He was after you. For what reason we had no idea.
"You're not touching him!" Raven announced charging head first.
"RAVEN! Don't!" I tried to stop her but it was useless.
The man all but grinned he unsheathing his sword. It was a single edge samurai sword with electricity surrounding the blade, "What am I thinking you're not worth being killed by sumargi!" He lunged forward grabbing raven by her neck lifting her up from the ground. I was frozen in place just by the sheer presence of that man. He squeezed, Ravens mouth automatically open.
"HAHAHAH!" How could anyone laugh like that, with raven screeching in pain.
"RAVEN!!" Qrow shouted.
With in just moments a gust of wind blew through the trees. I saw you in the air kicking the mans face. He released his grip on raven. you brought her back to us. You set her down near Tai. Yet Tai was more terrified by you at that time with the anger in your eyes burning red eyes, a look that would even bring grim to their knees, is what he said.
"Finally! You've come back to us you traitor!" The man shouted with a smile on his face with blood coming off the side of his lip, "How's you're whore of a mother...Sorry is she even still."
another gust of wind blew by. Aoi was in front of you across your body. blood had stained your weapon as well as you're face. You simply swung you sword outward to clean up your weapon. That blood splatter in the rocks and trees. Even in death the man was still laughing.
"Hahahah that's it that's my nephew who has the blood of his father, blood of a killer. THE CRUSE OF KAMWUI...isn't that right Y/N!!!"

The look on Y/N face was blank, like he had accepted this story. The cruse of Kamwui?
"Y/N what did that man mean by that?" I asked resting my book on my lap.
He turned his eye away in disgust before finally answering my question, "If I remember correctly it began with...."
"How are you feeling Mr. L/N?" Professor Ozpin entered greeting Y/N first before looking over at me bowing his head as I did the same, "Ms. Rose would you mind if Y/N and I had a small chat."
"Not at all, I'll see you later Y/N I'll let everyone know you're awake."

Once summer left the room it was just Ozpin and I. I couldn't hide it, I automatically sat up. A fresh set of clothes were resting on night stand. A simple button up shirt and navy blue jeans.
"I heard about you're sudden death twice in the three hours when team STRQ had brought you back." Ozpin started conversation pulling up a seat that summer had just sat in.
"I know what you're gonna say, rather you saying it I'm just gonna do it."
"Oh what would that be?"
"What?" I hastily turn around Ozpin had a large smile on his face, fight what the hell, "what do you mean fight...did you not see what just happen I put Team STRQ in danger, I'm a Kamwui bloodline, and you expect me to stay and fight!"
"All you said is true yes, but when you were taken into operation everyone had put the blame on themselves did you know how summer felt having her team been completely outmatch?"
"No but-"
"Or how raven clung desperately to her friend who was in his death bed. Tai and Qrow losing sleep cause of that day. Y/N  you're mother and I talked about how I could do what I could for you while you are at beacon. As the way I see it you're also my student. However I can't explain the sudden resonance you felt but maybe SHE could."
The door slid open a slim hooded figure walked through their clothes was jagged, but good at covering their face.
"Y/N..." their voice was static but clear as crystal to my ears. It was her after all these years she was alive.
"Mom?" I muttered she sprinted towards me wrapping her arms around me I froze from her mother embrace, "Ozpin contacted as soon as he had word about what happen. I...I can't believe you were able to fight your Uncle."
"Wait my uncle? I don't understand. Actually I don't clearly know what happen except from what summer told me."
"Y/N, when you left that day, I had spent most of my days fighting the Kamwui's house. You're blood resonance with each other you're personality changes. You're uncle was an admiral leader to his supporters, they would lay down their lives for him, but his blood resonance changed him to be sporadic, impulsive. Everything that made other look up to him, feared him."
"What's does that have to do with me." I asked.
My mother continued, " your semblance is connected to your blood resonances, being able to enhance you're body that you're blood moves twice as fast so it didn't have a moment to resonate while you were around other Kamwui's bloodline, so it wasn't able to awake until you were in that battle. Something must have triggered it, so you have any idea."
"Hmmm, i dont remember much but I remembered black feathers, and a red moon in a blue sky. Next thing I knew someone scream out Raven's name and I just blacked out?"
Both my mother and ozpins eyes rose, they looked at each other then back at me, "Y/N? Love woken you're blood resonance?"
"What!?! No way it...I couldn't have- oh my god you're right..." I said my face blushed rose red from ear to ear.
"I'm sorry to say this Mrs. L/N," Ozpin clears his throat, "it seems young Y/N L/N has finally discovered girls..."
"This isn't funny..." I panicked, I sat on bed running my hands through my hair.
"My little baby is growing up," my mother said pretending to wipe tear away from her eyes.

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