Weekly love (weekly chris fan...

By malaysia_hammond

16.4K 253 49

At that moment, I realized who I really was, and who I really loved. More

Chapter 1: A Summer To Remember
Chapter 2: The First Kiss
Chapter 3: A Change In Plans
Chapter 4: A Summer I Can't Remember
Chapter 5: Don't Tell Mother
Chapter 6: It's Official
Chapter 7: Skunk & Ape
Chapter 8: Bowling With A Hint Of The Past
Chapter 9: An Unexpected Event
Chapter 10: The New Guy
Chapter 11: Thanks For Never Giving Up On Me
Chapter 12: Hidden Messages
Chapter 13: Failed Attempt
Chapter 14: A Night In MN
Chapter 15: Lead The Way
Chapter 16: Me.
Chapter 17: The Meet-and-Greet
Chapter 18: Autographs & Laughs
Chapter 19: Why Must The Truth Be Hidden?
Chapter 20: Hatersssss
Chapter 23: I don't have the strength to love more than one
Chapter 24: Deal Or No Deal?
Chapter 25: Dinner Cramps

Chapter 22: The Struggle In A Home Sweet Home

458 10 0
By malaysia_hammond

Maddie's POV

I passed Hunter's closed door as I rolled my suitcase into my room. "Honey, pick up your suitcase. Your brother's sleeping!" my mom said walking behind me to her room. It's 3 in the morning. There's no way he's sleeping. Of course, I didn't say that. I just secretly rolled my eyes and carried my 5 pound suitcase the rest of the way.

I sighed as I softly dropped it next to my nightstand. I turned on my lamp and plopped onto my bed and immediately closed my eyes. I started thinking back to the last few hours. Cameron invited us to fly on his private jet, and promised to pay us back for our already purchased plane tickets.

I really didn't talk to anybody, I just couldn't wait to get back home and do exactly what I'm doing right now. I was terrified on the jet. I didn't know whether the dance moves of obnoxious boys would affect the movement of the jet. I have to admit though, it was nice to fall asleep actually laying down instead of sitting up. I didn't wake up with a neck cramp.

I thought it was awfully peculiar that Chris didn't talk to me. Not even look at me. I wouldn't blame him, I've been giving him loads of shit that even I can't even get ahold of. A small, maybe invisible smile rised from the right side of my mouth. It's crazy how everything can change in 3 days. Now that I think about it, I don't even know if Chris told anyone besides Emily. But with Emily knowing, the whole world probably knows now.

Okay, recap. I made a scene at the mall. Proooobably shouldn't have. Didn't come back until late. I will admit, i was secretly drinking with Zac. Chris and I got into an argument, and I told him my big secret. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder since then. I probably shouldn't have said anything though.. Now Emily is on my ass. But hey, since when has that stopped me?

Okay. I met up with Matt and we supposedly are "starting over". Don't worry, the farthest we'll ever go is friends. Then hotel, them kissing...blah...ew. Next morning. Matt's hotel, Video, smack cam, cat fight with the whore. Kissed zac..

WAIT. I kissed Zac?! My eyes shot open. Oh yeah. What the hell was I thinking? And I called Emily a whore. Whats wrong with me?! I dont even have feelings for the kid. Or do I?

No. Im so confusing! I kept this secret from him so Emily and Chris could be together, and now that I've told him, I expect him to leave Emily for me? No.. Its wrong. Here I am thinking Emily is ruining everything but...I am!

No conscience, shut up. It doesn't even matter cause Emily's using him for fame. I have to make things right. And by the looks of it, Zac wont be talking to me anytime soon. God I'm such an idiot. I'll call him tomorrow. Right now, I need to let it go. For at least 9 hours.

Next morning

"Hunter!" I yelled as I knocked on his door. "What?" he replied. I turned the knob and entered as his door squeaked. "Don't you miss me?" I smiled. "A little." he said clicking the left button on his laptop.

"How was Minnesota?" he asked. "A whole lot of shit. Dont want to explain. I'll just say that I kept a little secret." I gave him a devious look. "What?" he said finally turning to me. "I kind of.. remembered Chris for awhile now..didnt tell him until like 2 days a-"

"You're an idiot." Hunter interrupted me. I gave him a weird look, waiting for him to explain what he just said. He just shook his head and repeated, "idiot."

I fully stepped into his room and shut the door. "What i-"

"You should've said something from the start." he said slightly shaking his head. "Why?" i asked walking towards his bed. "Because, Maddie. Then there still could've been a chance for us." I pushed my head back. "Us?" I said pausing where I stood. "What?" he questioned. "You said there still could've been a chance for us." I said pointing my finger to him, and then me when I said "us".

"Oh! I meant you guys! Why did I say us?" he laughed pretty hard. "And you said I was the idiot." I mummered. "You are." he said seriously but still having a smile on his face. "A chance for who? Chris and I?" I asked getting back on subject. "Well duh." he said scrolling up. I walked closer to his bed to get a better glimpse of what he was looking at on his laptop. "Why would I tell him earlier?" I asked.

"Why wouldnt you?" he said. I sat next to him on his fluffly queen sized bed. Oh. He was just on Facebook. "Uhhh because at the time he's with Emily?" I said giving him sass. "And?" he quickly responded back. "And....." I was tongue twisted. He had me at that question.

Before I could think of something, he started speaking. "If I tell you something, don't tell anyone." he said solemnly. I stared at him in a weird way, waiting for him to continue. "I mean it." he looked away from his computer to me. "Okay....?" I said fading off.

"So if you didn't know, Chris and I made up." I nodded my head. "He told me some stuff."

"I have a feeling this is going in an invisible direction..." I said fading off in the end but Hunter tried to cut me off anyways. "No. Just listen. He was all like ... I dont even know how to explain it." he chuckled. "Welllllll you're gonna have to because I didn't listen to you for nothing!" I said.

"Okay. Okay. Well I'll just make it simple. He's still in love with you." he pursed his lips. "Wait....Still?" I asked shocked. "You mean...he used to be in love with me.. still is now?" I laughed and smiled at the same time. "Yeah you stupid dingus. I know you liked him, still do actually."

"You don't know that!" I stood up and accidentally smiled. He tilted his head down and gave me 'the look'. ".......Fine. Maybe I do" I looked away to avoid eye contact. "Anddd," I continued, "maybe you should of FUCKING TOLD ME CAUSE EVERYTHING'S A MESS NOW." I gave him a straight face. He smirked, "not my problem."

And with that, he went back to looking at his computer. "Well," I raised my arms up and lowered them back down. "Thanks big bro." I said walking to the door and turning the knob. I looked back one more time as he gave me a thumbs up without turning from his computer. I chuckled and went back to my room.

It was noon and both of us still hasn't gotten out of our pajamas. Lazy dayyyy. I sat on bed, grabbed my phone, and laid my back against the wall part. I unlocked it, and went into my contacts. I scrolled all the way down to 'Z' and clicked on Zac's name. I pressed call and let the cold screen touch my ear.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Voicemail. I hung up right away and clicked the 'message' icon to go to our messages. I started typing and hit send.

To: Zac Attack

Call me when you get thisssssss

I got up finally and strolled downstairs because I was hungry. "Well look whos up!" Mom said folding laundry on the couch. "Yeppp." I went to the fridge and got milk. "No, put it back. We're going out for sushi soon." Mom said with her back turned away. "What time?" I asked. "As soon as I'm done with the clothes and done taking a shower...so go get ready." I sighed quietly and put the milk away.

"Is your brother up?" she asked. "Yeah." I said heading back towards the stairs. "Tell him to get ready too okay?"

I walked back upstairs and banged on Hunter's door. "What?" he screamed behind his closed door. "Mom said to get ready because we're getting sushi soon!" I said loud enough for him to hear.

I walked to my room and checked my phone again. No response. Maybe he's busy? I unlocked it once again and it took me right to our messages, where I left it before I locked it.

Read at 12:07 PM

All I could think to myself is, why? He always responds to me. Gosh I'm so stupid to even lean in for a kiss. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo now. Oh my goshhhhh. It sucks because I can't keep texting cause he's gonna get annoyed which'll make it even harder! But he's my best friend. He probably just forgot to press send.

Oh, the struggle. It's pretty real.

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