
By fluffhuff

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I think this is gonna be a friends with benefits type thing but if your not dig'n that that fine my dude 😁 ... More

Chapter one ✨
Chapter two✨
Chapter 3 ✨
Chapter 4 ✨
Chapter 5✨
Chapter 6✨
Chapter 7✨
Chapter 8✨
Chapter 9 ✨
Chapter 10 ✨
Chapter 11 ✨
Chapter 12 ✨
Chapter 13 ✨
Chapter 15✨
Chapter 16✨
Chapter 17 ✨
Chapter 18 ✨
Chapter 19 ✨
Chapter 20 ✨
Chapter 21 ✨
Chapter 22✨
Chapter 23 ✨
Chapter 24 ✨
Chapter 25✨
Chapter 26 ✨
Chapter 27 ✨
Chapter 28 ✨
Chapter 29 ✨
Chapter 30✨
Chapter 31✨
Chapter 32✨
Chapter 33✨
Chapter 34✨
Chapter 35 ✨
Chapter 36✨
Chapter 37✨
Chapter 38✨
Chapter 39✨
not an update

Chapter 14 ✨

173 4 0
By fluffhuff

It almost six and I'm waiting for alex to come over so we can watch our movie (I can't think of a movie)
I hear a knock at the door so I yell to him to come in then thinking it could be a murder am I just saying to come in and kill me but the I see Alex's face with a big smile holding a bag


L-yeah...what's in the bag?

He pulls beer out of the bag and shrugs

A-I'm not trying to get drunk and crazy but least I feel like I'm apart of the party

I laugh a little and gesture him to throw me some

I'm at the party at Zane's house with Sam by my side so I decided to get a little drunk

(more like almost zane drunk)

because honestly she can get on my nerves. Sam turns to me and opens her mouth but nothing comes out I look at her and she hit me in my arm

D-what the Fuck

S-are you listening

D-not really your trying to talk to me in this loud ass house

S- you would have listened to that whore

D- why do you have to bring her up in
everything and don't call her a whore

S-why?she is

D-no she's not your the one who cheated on me Multiple times

S-you cheated on me!!!!

D-with who?

S-that whore

D- first I did not cheat on you with her or anyone else and second stop calling her a damn whore

I say in a little bit of a nasty tone.

S-why are you sticking up to her

D-because she my friend Sam

S- well it's me or her

I take a second to think

D- alright alright...

S- so stop thinking about her and come dance with me

She comes closer and I back up almost falling
(I might be drunk but I'm not stupid)

D- back the fuck up from me I choose her instead of a whore like you

I start to leave and before I do I see her jaw dropped. HA. She's a dumb bitch for thinking I would choose her .I get in my car and drive to Liza's house
(he has the Tesla IT IS OKAY kinda)

I get to Liza's house and I knock on the door almost missing it the first time.

L- David?

It's about 10pm and we are on our 3rd movie and I have been having a great time with alex he's kinda like a brother to me. I get up to go get water and I hear a weird knock on my door. I set down the cup to see who it is. I open the door a crack just in case


I see him standing there lookin extremely drunk. I think back to when I was drunk and feel bad for him and how he had to deal with me. Except he got something out of it.

D- heyyyyyyy

L-shit, David why are you drunk you never get drunk

I say pulling him inside. I put his arm around my shoulder and he reeks of vodka and Hennessy

A- David is here?

Alex says getting up and walking to us
D- he's here ??!!! why??? are you to dating now or are you just FUCKING just like w-

I cut him if and pull him to the stairs

L- come on David

I say a bit embarrassed and aggravated

L- I'll be right back

I say as I drag the drunk boy to the stairs

A- nah it's alright I'll leave because this little fucker can be obnoxious when he's drunk

He laughs I walk over to hug him but he gives me a little kiss on my cheek instead

A- bye Liza


I shut the door and I turn around and see David looking at me from the stairs in disgust

D- what do you see in him?

He says as he rolls his eyes

L- god David! I don't like him okay?

I say grabbing his arm and pulling him to my room. Once we get in their I lay him on the couch in front of my bed

D- so y'all are just fuuuckking like we are.

L-1st of all I'm not fucking anyone and 2 stop being so immature David I'll be back

I come back with a trash can so he doesn't vomit everywhere because if he does that bitch is cleaning


He says as I'm leaving

L- what David

D- come

L- no because you are needy as it is I don't need to see drunk needy

I say as I turn to leave once again

D- I broke up with Sam

He says and I turn back around

L- why?

I question as I walk closer

D- she kept calling you a whore and shit and I was sick and tired of it

He said sitting up

L- well thanks for that now sleep

I say then walking to my bed and laying down

D- not tired

L- well shut up so I can


L- what do you want now

I say now agitated

He looks at me and smirks and I roll my eyes getting up to walk in front of him standing with my hands on my hips.

L-what the fuck do you want now dobrik

D-you knowwwww your reallyyyyy

L- David shut up your drunk

D- okay drunk or not your beautiful

He motions me to sit next to him and I sit
L- I know that I was probably annoying when I was drunk but are just obnoxious

I say laughing a bit and he gives me a pouty face

D- least I wasn't rude

L- yeah you just let me seduce you

I say smirking at him

D- yeah yeah

He looks at me with a smile and we kiss yeah I know old news we've kissed before but this was bad and good because I don't know if he would remember anything from tonight .

He puts his arms around my waist and I don't know what would happen next but I just went with it. We were making out until he took his shirt off, I backed up

L- so uh... you tired cause I am

I get up and speed walk out the door to the kitchen.

When I get in the kitchen I get water and just look through the cabinets, I wasn't hungry I just need something to keep me busy for a bit


David says creeping around the corner from the hall

L- yeah?

I say my body faced the opposite way still

D- look at me please

He says and I turn towards him

D- I'm sorry it just kinda got in the moment I know yo-

I walk up to him and kiss him I back away and see him surprise I was too

L- it's okay, I'm okay, okay?

D- are you sure? Because I can go home

L- no, stay. besides I don't wanna get you in trouble

He smiles and walks up stairs with me
When we get up stairs David gets on the bed and start to fall asleep

D- pssssss Liza pssssss

L- what David

I say a little annoyed

D-you know what

L-what David

D-I kinda like you

L-I like you too dobrik now sleep

D-nooooo not like, like you I mean like almost love you

I sit up and look at him

L- what!?

He passed out when I look at him
What the fuck does he mean?

1236 words

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