I Can See Spirits || Stray Ki...

By MinJi8103

4.3K 177 26

A girl name Bae Taeyeon has the ability to see spirits. She was followed by this one spirit name Woojin who d... More

Happy Birthday to HAN and FELIX


109 1 0
By MinJi8103


I sit at the couch while the others surround in a circle while Taeyeon and Han sit at both side of me.

"Ok, it's started when i was 12"


"Dad, i'm going to the park. I'll see u soon" i give my dad a peck on the cheek and went off.

I was walking down the street and all of a sudden my inner self yell 'mate'

I look around and i saw a boy with a black hair and chubby face. He have a mole under his eyes which is cute.

I saw him talking to his friend and his mouth is wide open when he laugh.

I didn't realize that his looking at me cuz i was buzy admiring his features.

I look away and start walking, heading to the park.

"Huh...., that was close" i sigh in relief and whisper to myself.

"What close?" a voice whisper to my ear.

I jump forward and look at him with a surprise look.

"You? Are you following me?!" i ask and act angry....

"No.... I was heading here than i saw you staring at me like there's no tomorrow..... Now, tell me. Why are you staring at me?" he eye me suspiciously.

"I thought you were someone i know but it turns out not.... So i just leave" i fake a reason.

"Owh..... Well then, i'm sorry if i look like someone you know but i really hope we can be friend" he apologize and smile.

"Sure....." i smile back.

"Well....., my name is Youngjae and you are?" he introduce himself and ask my name.

"I'm Minji" i smile again.

I can't help but smile..... Cuz finally, i get to see my mate face to face.

"Since we already know each other....... Let's hangout....... To get to know each other more" Youngjae said as he clap his hands.

"Sure...." i answer and smile....

End of flashback~

"We hangout almost everyday...... Until this one day"

Flashback~ (again)

"Do you believe in vampire and werewolf?" Youngjae ask while checking the book i lend to him.

"Yeah..... Their cool" i answer while looking at him who examined the book.

"I believe it too cuz..... I've meet one" he told me.

"Really?!" i asked....

"Yup..... I was sleeping that time and i heard a crack..... When i look up.... It's a girl with red eyes...... We were staring at each other..... Until she whisper 'mate'...... After that she jump out of the window and run to the woods..... I was a little startled..... Cuz it's rare.... And if it happen..... No one will accept it...... I really wanted to know her...... And meet her.... So i can decide whether i'm gonna be her mate......" he answer and explain afterwards.

'why do i feel like i'm related to the story? Cuz every vampire have different eye colours..... And mine is red.... Is it'

"You really want to meet her?" i ask.

"Yeah...... Cuz.... She said i'm her mate...." he answer and explain.

"Will u accept her?" i ask again.

"Well..... I don't know..... Why are you asking me this question?........ As if you know her" he ask a little pissed.

"Because..... I'm her" i tell him the truth.

"Are you joking? Or u just said that because you like me?" he ask insecure.

"No..... Every vampire have a different eye colour.... And mine is...." instead of telling.... I show him....

My inner vampire.....

Red eyes
Sharp fang

"Oh My God.... It's you.... It's really you!!!" he hold both my shoulder and shake me in an excited way....

"Yeah..... And you're right..... Mate" i smile.

"Yes!!! I'll be your mate.... I always wanted to say this to you.... And when i really know you.... It make me wanna say it even more" he excitedly agree....

End Of Flashback~

"After 1 and a half month dating each other..... I told my father about my mate and he ended up searching for him and kill him right in front of my eyes.... It's painful seeing him killed.... Especially when my father is the one who killed him" that is the last part of the story and everytime i remember it....

It makes me want to kill myself too......

To Be Continue~

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