Love On The Road (Niall Horan)

By radiantharry

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Niall was psyched for the US part of the Take Me Home tour, but he was feeling lonely lately. He really wante... More

Chapter 1: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 2: The Beginning of it All
Chapter 3: We're All Alright
Chapter 4: Frosty Adventures
Chapter 5: LOUISville
Chapter 6: Mickey D's
Chapter 7: An Unresolved Mess
Chapter 8: Shortcuts
Chapter 9: Nine Flags
Chapter 10: Nightmares
Chapter 11: A Simple Promise
Chapter 12: Jinxed
Chapter 13: Complications (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Complications (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Announcements
Chapter 16: Sassatonic
Chapter 17: Surprises
Chapter 18: Happenings
Chapter 19: Party Time
Chapter 20: Guilt
Chapter 21: Acceptance
Chapter 22: "Dreams"
Chapter 23: Back To Normal

Chapter 14: Resolutions

309 4 3
By radiantharry

A/N: Okay, so this is sort of a filler chaper, just something thrown in here to keep the story going, so it's going to be really short, but I tried to make it the best I could! :) Love you guys soooo much! Tweet me sometime or something; I love to talk!

June 24, 2013

Concert at PNC Arena in Raleigh, NC

(Krystal's POV)

Why I was up this early was a mystery to me, but I wasn't tired at all. I still wasn't used to the fact that Danielle wasn't here with us keeping everything in order. It was really weird not having her tell us the day's schedule or something like that. I had to makes sure she was doing alright:

Hey! How ya doin?

Much better! :) The next show is in Philly right?

Yeah! Are you gonna come and join us again?

I think so! (: 

Ahhh! Yay! Everything's weird without you here!

Aw. :) You're so sweet! I'll see you later! I think I'll drive up tonight; get there before you guys. 

See you there!

"LORISSAAAAA! ARE YOU AWAKE YET?" I screamed from my room. These walls were no more than paper thin, so I'm sure everyone in the hotel heard it, but I was excited. 

"I am now..." I heard her whimper walking through my doorway. "What's going on?"

"Danielle's coming back! She'll be in Philly when we get there tonight!"

"That's great!" Her smile faded a bit, "So, what are we going to do today then?"

"Well, I had planned to hang out with the boys today, but since Danielle isn't here and I don't want to leave you alone by any means, we can go do something!"

"Are you sure, Krystal? You don't have to give up Niall time for me."

"Would you be quiet?" I said, throwing a pillow at her face. "You're my best friend. I'm not ditching you; are you stupid?"


"Well, idiot, go shower and we'll go get some breakfast and do some shopping!" I replied, a smile creeping it's way onto my face. Girl time was exactly what Lorissa and I needed after these past few stressful days. I was so ready for it.

(Niall's POV)

I woke up hearing traffic run through the street next to the hotel. It had to be early because the sun hadn't even completely risen yet. Yesterday had been one of the best days of the tour because of spending so much of it with Krystal. I pick up my phone to text her, but to my surprise, there's already a text waiting for me.

Shopping with Lorissa today! Sorry..

No worries! Have a good girls' day!  I typed, feeling a bit of dissapointment, but understanding that she did need this time with Lorissa. 

Dragging myself out of my room, I run into Louis. "Oh, sorry man. What are you doing up so early?" Even though it was about 10:30.....that's early for us on tour days. His eyes were a bit tear filled, so I had an idea of what was going on. "Eleanor?" 

He looked me directly in the eye and nodded fiercly. It had slipped my mind that Lou hadn't officially called things off with her yet. I'm guessing that's what he was going to do now. I didn't know if I should say anything or not, so I just pulled him in for a hug and said, "Be the Louis she knows." He hugged me even harder and left without a word. I stood there for a second wishing there was something I could do to make this easier for him. There would always be a connection between El and Lou, but some things were just not meant to be.

(Louis' POV)

This was going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. I've dated her for this long and I'm just going to end it like this? Well, not much choice was given. I took a very, very, very deep breath and dialed her number on my phone. 

"Hey!" I hear from the other line. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too, El."

"Uhm, are you alright? You sound like something's wrong."

I choked back some of the tears I felt welling up in my eye lids. "Yeah, I'm fine. But, we sort of need to talk."

She breathed a faint sigh and I heard a door close. "Louis, is this what I think it's about?" My heart was slowly breaking. I knew I didn't really love Eleanor anymore, but breaking things off with her was harder than I ever thought it would be.

Trying not to break down crying, I replied, "Listen El, I've been feeling a bit seperated lately. Not just because we're an ocean apart, but because we haven't been as close as before."

"I think we both saw this coming, didn't we?" The emotion that was in her voice was just too much for me. A lone tear slid down my cheek.

"I guess so. We can still be the best of friends, though. I don't want to lose you just because we're not going to be together anymore, El. Please understand that."

"You should know I'm not like that, Louis. I'll always be here for you." 

"You're the most amazing girl ever. Thank you so much for understanding." 

"Wait, Lou!" I heard her yell frantically. "How are we going to tell everyone?"

"Honestly, I think I'll just tweet it out to everyone. I'll tell everyone it was a mutual thing and not to send hate to you. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Thanks for everything over the past couple of years Louis. Bye." Those words hit me like a brick.


I lay down on the bed for a second and gather all of my thoughts into one while I tweet:

Guys, me and El have split up. It was a mutual thing, please don't send hate to her. We will continue to be friends. Thanks. xx

I watched my mentions blow up and throw my phone across the room, not believing what had just happened. Harry walked into the room, starting intently at me. "Is it official?" I couldn't manage anything but a quick nod before I broke down in tears. Harry came over to me, hugging me until I stopped the sobs.

"Thank you." I said, thanking God for having such a wonderful best friend.

"Anytime, Lou. Now, why don't you go get yourself ready and we can go out somewhere with the other boys. Brunch, maybe."

(Krystal's POV) 

-----3:00 p.m.-----

Lorissa and I had had a whole lot of fun shopping in the mall. Thank God for credit cards, right? I know we'd have to pay it all back eventually, but I looked damn good this evening and couldn't wait to see Niall. We were already in the line for meet and greet. Not seeing him all day was really weird.

Finally we had reached the gate to enter for meet and greet;Paul finally let us in when Lorissa found our passes in that mess of a pocketbook. If Danielle was here, that would have never happened. I immediately went to Niall, trying to stay as calm and neutral as possible.

He hugged me, "Hey, you look great."

"Thanks. Not looking so bad yourself."  

"How was your day?"

"Great, we just went shopping. How about yours?"

"We've had a good day. It'd been a while since we've all hung out together." All of the boys nodded in unison. I guess they really are the best of friends.  With that, it was time for us to head to sound check where Niall winked at me and made my night again. Even though we're dating now, him just looking at me gives me chill bumps.

(Niall's POV)

I don't think that concert could have went any more perfect than it did. Krystal being up front makes everything so much less nerve wracking. This part of the tour is going to be so fun with Krystal hanging around us. I can't wait.

Speaking of the hot mess, here she comes now. We'll be riding the bus all the way to Philly tonight with her and Lorissa. I've already claimed the back part of the bus with the little futon for me and her. Sleeping next to her was one of my favorite things nowadays. It felt so perfect.

"Hey. This concert was awesome!" She exclaimed, throwing herself into my arms.

"Thanks, babe. Are you ready for some sleep? You look extremely tired. I have a futon on reserve." I winked at her, causing a chuckle.

"Yeah, sure. I'm pretty exhausted." We headed to the back of the bus and she immediately laid down on the couch. She must have been very tired because she was asleep within seconds of us laying down. I definitely didn't mind, though. She was so beautiful, asleep or not.

I couldn't wait until tomorrow when we're in Philadelphia. I'm ready to tell the whole world about Krystal. She's so important to me and I want everyone to know it.

I snuggle up to her and fall into a deep and meaningful sleep...

A/N: I told you this was just a SHORT filler chapter! :) But I had to set it up for the radio interview the boys' will be doing in my next chapter, so be excited for that one, k? :) I love you guys!

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