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By xXPersevereXx

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To help fellow wattpaders' get their story out in the community and fell like their story is truly being read... More

What you need to know
Set One Winner: Get Messed Up
Set Two Winner: Seth Hayes and the Naked Girl
Set Three Winner: My Life Before
Set Four Winner: Felicity
Set Five Winner: Until You
Set Six Winner: to glow
Set Eight Winner: A Time Before 1968
Set Nine Winner: Scarred Hearts
Set Ten Winner: Cursed
Great Sport Award: Her Secret.
Last Remarks

Set Seven Winner: The 7th Aykeh

172 8 2
By xXPersevereXx


Whatpad Name: CacauFlower

Tittle: The 7th Aykeh

Genera(s): Fantacy and Romance 


Personal Message to the Audinece:

Hi Everyone! I’m so excited to have the chance to show you my story. I hope you like romance, action and an intense paced story. I have enjoyed writing it and developing the characters, so i hope get to loved and even hate some of them. It’s a story full of twists, things are never what it first appears to be. Thank you for your support!  


A girl is taken to another world, leaving the man she loves behind. There she is force to fight for her life and for a kingdom she doesn't know. But that is only the beginning. In a world full of extraordinary powers, greed and ancient races, what part will she play? Who will be able to capture the heart of a girl much more than she appears to be? Will she be able to stand by her convictions or will she let herself be taken by the circumstances? 

Chapter One: 

It was late at night when a young couple, somewhere in their early twenties, strolled through the parking lot of a big shopping center. There weren’t many people around anymore and they were just about to head home. They had beencelebrating their recent engagement and laughed out loud, discussing the funniestscenes from the movie they had just watched.

Some of the lights flickeredas if they were about to go off, while others had already done so. Carrie stopped beside a sporty older-model sedan, lovingly buffed to a deep blue shine and brushed her long fringe off her eyes as Alex walked to his side to unlock the car. She glanced at the deserted lot, holding tightly to her phone.

Alex smiled as his eye caught Carrie’s and he placed one hand on the car, digging around in his black leather jacket pocket for the car keys with his other hand.

Carrie heard steps stomping down to her right andturned to look at who was coming. She saw a small group of fierce-looking men, running at them wearing strange armor like outfits. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized they were coming straight towards her.

“Alex!” She cried, alarmed.

“What?” He asked, finally fishing out the keys from his jacket.

Alex raised his head and sucked in a breath as he saw the men hurtling towards them. He tried to put the key into the keyhole of the door but anxious as he was he missed the keyhole and the keys slipped out of his suddenly sweaty hand, clattering on the asphalt.

He crouched down, scrabbling under the car for the keyringas Carrie grasped the passenger-side door handle and pulled at it impatiently

“Alex!!” She shouted, panic making her voice shrill.

Alex finally grasped the keys  and rose up as the strange men reached them. The group split, most of the men barrelling down past the front of the car to intercept Alex, while two men - a tall blond man and a wiry brown-haired accomplice - separated from the pack and angled towards Carrie.

The long-haired blond man slipped past her field of vision, and by grabbing one shoulder jerked her off-balance. Unsteady, she stumbled backwards, phone flying out of her clammy hands as she felt an iron grip embracing her from behind, supporting but effectively imprisoning her. Her lips trembled as she gasped, an involuntary cry escaping her, and shrank back, overcome with fear seeing the the second man’s fierce gaze over at Alex.

Seeing Carrie was in danger and aware his assailants were fast closing in, Alex took two running steps and placing his hand on the car boot, threw his legs forward. He slid, face upwards, over the boot and with his full force kicked cannoned into the brown-haired attacker knocking him backwards, before twisting to face Carrie’s attacker. The group of men Alex had dodged quickly moved towards him, and arranged themselves with military precision to block Carrie and Alex’s escape route.

Another man charged towards Alex suddenly, punching him with enough power to knocked him to the ground.

“No! Alex!!” Carrie cried out, wrenching half out of her aggressor’s grip and bashing her elbow painfully against the hard metal over his midsection as she began to put up a fight.

Alex, still a little dazed from the blow, raised his hand forward grasping the car wheel housing and pulled himself up. He stumbled sideways, deflecting a poorly aimed kick to his knee as he tried to stand upright. Now two men came at him with punches and high kicks. He fell again not being able to defend himself. One of the men kicked him in the stomach grunting with the effort. Breathless, Alex groaned and curled up in pain.

“Stop that!! We have to go!” Barked the blond man in an assertive tone as Carrie twisted and kicked frantically to get to Alex;he shifted his grip, pinning her arms more firmly and half-lifting her off the ground to deal with her strugglesmore securely.

One of the men stretched his hand forward holding a bluish crystal palm-upwards, closing his eyes and frowning as he muttered something unintelligible, and the crystal stone began to glow. The crystal’s light then projected itself into mid-air and turned into a circle. As the circle of blue light spread out it revealed what looked like a dark ink pool in its centre. It resembled a black hole and obscured the shopping centre as Carrie blinked uncomprehendingly. She shook her head to try clear her vision but nothing could be seen inside of that black ink. It became bigger, touching the ground and casting a shadow towards the couple and their strangely disciplined attackers.

The attackers started to run towards the strange phenomenon, vanishing from sight as they passed through the insubstantial dark inky darkness. Now panicking mindlessly at the unknown, Carrie wrenched violently around trying to see if Alex was moving.

“Be still!!I don’t want to hurt you!” Said the man as he turned, lifting her higher from the ground, to follow his companions.

Carrie looked at Alex one last time before they entered the dark circle. The last thing she saw was him lying sideway on the ground, with blind desperation on his face, lunging towards her with one arm outstretched.


The sound of his voice was interrupted by complete silence and she heard nothing but the frenzied drumming of her own heartbeat. Suddenly she was aware of the cold metal against her back and a bruising grip pinning her arms to her sides. Then a cold darkness overtook her and she felt nothing at all.


Carrie and Alex met each other on a school trip. They were from different classes but ended up sitting next to each other on the bus. They had seen each other around school, but never got to talk, or at least never had a reason to. Carrie’s usual seat partner, a dreamy girl with thick bottle-cap glasseswas sick that day and she had no one to sit next to. So the teacher just told her to sit at the back next to Alex.

She greeted him awkwardly and slid her body onto the cracked vinyl aisle seat next to him. He didn’t even look at her. He had white headphones on and kept looking out the window. With a sigh she adjusted herself on the chair and grimaced, imagining how boring this trip would be.

Alex was a tall slim young man back then, with light brown eyes peering through thick straight dark hair overdue for a cut. He was quite good looking if anyone took enough time to pay attention to him but the stretcher fitted to his ear and his cold detached air kept most people away.

Carrie had Brown long shoulder-length slightly wavy hair with a straightened but normally unruly fringe that she was always flicking out of her eyes.Her eyes were a mix of green and hazel. Pale freckles dusted her cheekbones and the bridge of her small nose. She would say those were her best features, since she didn’t have a curvy body or big bust.

Halfway through the trip they trooped back from the museum to their seats and all started to open their lunch boxes to eat. Carrie’s mom had prepared her lunch. At least that was going right for her. She heard a noise and looked at Alex as she realised it was his stomach growling.

“Are you not going to eat?” She asked him, tilting her head to one side inquisitively.

He pulled his headphone down, shifting his gaze from the window to her for the first time that day. “What?”

“Are you not going to eat your lunch?” She asked again a bit more softly.

“I don’t have one.” He said as he put the headphones back on and looked away at the view outside the window.

“Right…” she said quietly to herself, rolling her eyes a little at his attitude.

She opened up her lunch box and grabbed half of her cheese and tomato sandwich as she regretted trying to make conversation with him. She heard his stomach growl again as she chewed the first mouthful. And that went on until she finished off her half sandwich.

She picked up the second half in her left hand and considered it for a moment, lips pursed, feeling sorry Alex. She glanced sideways at his hunched right shoulder and cold attitude, and with a resigned sigh stretched her left arm out  straight in front of him.Startled, he glanced at the half sandwich in front of him and then stared suspiciously back at her face.

“What’s this for?” He asked.

“It’s for you.” Carrie said moving the half sandwich closer to his hands.

“I don’t need it.” He said quickly, still frowning uncertainly at her.

“Just eat the sandwich! Ugh!”  She said, exclaiming with frustration and dumping it, still half-wrapped, in his lap.

He stared at her with his eyes wide open, not used to Carrie’s brusque kindness. Carrie noted the shock in his face, wondering if it were the first time a stranger had ever done something nice to him. Her expression softened and she tilted her head again, watching his hostility change to awkward confusion.

Alex stared at her with a dazed look in his eyes. He opened his mouth as if to speak, and after a moment shut it again without saying anything.

Alex lost both of his parents in a car accident the year before and since then had retreated into his own world, guarding himself with sullen prickly silence. he just shut himself in his little world; not letting anyone in. He believed that if he let someone in they would be taken away from him, eventually.

Carrie eyed his stony, set expression with a bland look, before turning away to rummage in her backpack again. Most people didn’t even think about approaching Alex. There were even some rumors about him being the cause of his parent’s death and other violent acts. But Carrie was never one to just believe rumors without knowing for sure. She gestured expectantly at the sandwich in his lap, exasperation in her face.

Alex took the sandwich, unwrapped it and took a large bite. He finished eating the whole half before he looked back at Carrie. She simply watched him eat and gave him half of her juice as well when he looked back at her. He hesitated for a second but decided to grab the bottle from her hand. She could throw it at him, or so he thought.

After they got out of the bus they didn’t talk again until three months later when Alex was leaving school.

It was a cloudy dark day and the air was humid and sticky with rain.He was walking down the path to exit school, when he saw two students grab Carrie’s notebook and throw it at the field behind the school. They were part of the soccer team. He could tell by their shirts. He noticed they were laughing and teasing her, and heard her voice, sharp with alarm and annoyance, cutting through the heavy air.He started to walk towards her like he was being drawn to her.

One of the students yanked her off balance, grabbing her ponytail before pulling another book from the outsize pile she clutched.At that moment Alex found himself running. Before the young man could throw the second book away Alex cannoned into his back. Both fell to the ground. Carrie stepped back, surprise with what just happened. He barrelled into the first young man just as he released Carrie’s hair, and they both crashed to the hard-packed dirt. Carrie stumbled back against the loose wire fence, gripping her books and craning her head to see her unexpected assistance.

The second student, dumping the books with a snarl, grabbed Alex by his backpack and pushed him down towards his friend. Alex rolled over and stood up with one hand on the ground in a crouched combative pose between the fence and facing Carrie’s bullies as if he was ready to fight. The two students turned to Alex preparing themselves for anything.

Carrie froze, she didn’t know what to do. She thought about calling a teacher but she stood as if bolted to the ground, mouth dry, staring dazedly as the unequal fight unfolded before her eyes.

Alex slowly straightened up to his lean, height, half a head taller than either soccer-clads, pinning the shorter student with an intense look on his face. “If you are going to bully someone you should try someone your size!” He said in a sarcastic mocking tone, a feral smile twisting up the corner of his mouth.

The response was obvious, the shorter of the two aimed a punch at his face. He managed to dodge and instinctively punched the guy on the side, near his kidney. The young man fell on his knee in pain. His taller friend charged against Alex throwing him on the ground and punching him on the face; and then driving a second punch that glanced harmlessly off his raised guard.

Carrie, coming out of her daze, thought he was about to get beaten up and ducked past some nearby bins to a pile of rubble searching for a missile, a weapon, anything to throw at the boys. But before she could find anything she saw them rolling around on the ground. Then Alex got on top of the student. He punched the guy one time and there was a crunching noise as cartilage and bone gave way.Blood started to run out of the student’s nose as Alex’s fist reconnected with with his jaw.

Out of the corner of her eye Carrie saw the first student getting up, his face contorted with impotent rage. So she ran to Alex and grabbed his arm. “Let’s go! We have to go!” She pulled him.

Alex glanced at her and moved to obey the order. The first student shifted to block their exit, with a sly smile, picking up a brick from the rubble beside the bins. He wasn’t planning to let them go. The three of them just stared at each other for a few seconds before Alex put his fists up, chin raised and lips pulled back in a snarl, blood oozing from a cut on his eyebrow alongside his right eye.

The young man, looked uncertainly at his friend, cradling his bleeding misshapen nose and decided to step this one out. Probably wondering about the rumors about Alex’s violent acts.

Carrie pulled him away by the arm. They ran through the soccer field until they reached a shabby cluster of school buildings.

She looked at him as they both gasped for breath. His right eyebrow was laid wide open with a cut and the blood was now running into his eyes and then his shirt. Taking him by the hand she searched around with her eyes for a toilet. She found one.

They ran and ducked into the female toilets nearby. She slung her backpack on the bench space between sinks and searched through it, looking for her gym towel from volleyball practice. Pressing it over his eyebrow, she told him tersely to hold it in place, before wetting some paper towels in the sink and wiping some of the blood from his face . He grimaced as the towel touched his cut.

They stared at each other for a few minutes, catching their breath as the adrenalin leached slowly away. After a few ineffectual swipes at his bloodied face she realized it was not going to work, the blood just wouldn’t stop flowing sluggishly out of the jagged tear beside his right eye. Glancing uncertainly at his dazed expression, she decided to take him to a hospital, since the school infirmary was closed.

Calling a taxi, they found the nearest hospital and waited silently in the pre-dinner Friday rush for a nurse to stitch Alex’s face.

They didn’t talk much during the whole time, avoiding the nurse’s concerned gaze when she asked what caused Alex’s injuries. She looked suspiciously at them, but soon she was called away to another patient, leaving Carrie and Alex free to go.

They stood quietly outside of the hospital for a little while, wondering what they should do or say next.

“You should probably go now…” Alex said facing forward.

“I’m sorry you got injured because of me…” Carrie broke in with a heavy heart, staring at the ground guiltily.

“You must be wondering about the rumors…”

“What?” Startled, she glanced up at him, catching a sad look on his face.

“You know… the ones about me being a violent guy and all…” He paused for a second and turned his face to look earnestly at her. “This is the first time I actually got in a fight where I really hurt anyone.” He said shifting his glance to the ground.

Carrie didn’t know what to say. So she looked at him for a little while and then all of a sudden she pulled him to her and and awkwardly hugged him.

“I didn’t think the rumors were true, but thank you for standing up to those guys for me.” She whispered near his ear.

He froze. He didn’t know how to react. She let go of him and smiled sweetly into his eyes before turning away. Stunned for a second by her reaction, he schooled his face into the smile he really wanted to show,but she was already walking away.


Monday came as quickly as Friday went. Carrie had choir practice until late in the afternoon. Her friendship with Alex seemed to be the new school gossip, but she just ignored the general chatter, along with questions and comments from the most inquisitive of her classmates and friends from the choir.

As she was leaving the building with everyone she spotted Alex leaning against a pillar. She smiled to herself and angled her path towards him. Noting surprise in the faces of the few students still hanging around. Both of them noted a few murmurs of concern, approbation and even disapproval from one or two school staff walking past.

Alex swallowed as he saw her coming and with a quick move pushed himself upright away from the pillar, clearing his throat nervously as he stared uncertainly into her face.

“Were you waiting for me?” She asked trying to hide a smile.

“Ahhh… I was afraid those soccer guys might come near you again…”

“Really? Ohhh… That’s sweet of you. But you shouldn’t say that too loud or you might ruin your reputation as a loner…” She chuckled and looked sideways at him, a teasing glint in her eye.

Alex smiled at her comment and looked away. It was the first time she saw him smiling and she was taken by how attractive he actually looked when he smiled. She felt her cheeks grow hot with embarrassment.

As he looked up back at her face he saw her blushing. Surprised he coughed, running his hand through his unruly black hair in an awkward gesture.

“Are you ok?” She asked.

“Yeah…” He coughed again, then laughed at his own awkwardness and grinned at her. She laughed back at him conspiratorially. A long moment passed as they looked at each other, aware something had changed between them.

“So… are you taking me home?” She asked putting her hand behind her back and tilting her head sideways with a smile.

“Taking you home?” He frowned, his earlier excuse forgotten in the short time they had been talking

“Well, I thought you were here to escort me home in case the soccer guys come near me.”

They talked comfortably the whole way, about everything and nothing, and when they arrived at Carrie’s house a while later she was in possession of a few stark facts. Alex had lost both of his parents in a car accident the year before and since then had retreated into his own world, setting up a sullen prickly silence. He talked quietly, awkwardly about shutting himself in a solitary world with music and martial arts; not letting anyone in. He believed that if he let someone in they would be taken away from him, eventually.

Alex was surprised at how much he opened up to Carrie. She had a unique way of making him feel comfortable. He felt he could trust her. He had kept all of his feeling buried inside for so long that it was nice to finally be able to tell someone about his lonly thoughts. Carrie accepted Alex for who he was and drew out the best of him. Carrie found in Alex the friendship, protection and love she had always longed for. And with time they grew even closer.

>>>Click the external link on the right hand side to take you to the full story<<<

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