The Forgotten Ones

By Duggish

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Seventeen year old Elias is less than happy when his family decides to up and move to a small, dreary town. O... More

Chapter 1: Small World
Chapter 2: Strange Faces
Chapter 3: La Mort Noire
Chapter 4: Changes
Chapter 5: Club Members
Chapter 6: Stars Align - Part 1
Chapter 6: Stars Align - Part 2
Chapter 7: The Neet
Chapter 9: Understand? Understood.
Chapter 10: Sweets
Chapter 11: Thoughts
Chapter 12: Judge - Part 1
Chapter 12: Judge - Part 2
Chapter 13: Beneath the Mask
Chapter 14: Greener Grass
Chapter 15: Borderline
Chapter 16: Slippery Slope
Chapter 17: Cornered
Chapter 18: Rip It Off - Part 1
Chapter 18: Like a Bandaid - Part 2
Chapter 19: Sanity
Chapter 20: Guilt
Chapter 21: Exposed
Chapter 22: Doubt
Chapter 23: Numb
Chapter 24: All Good Things - Part 1
Chapter 24: All Good Things - Part 2
Chapter 25: Eighteen
Chapter 26: Promise
Chapter 27: Title
Chapter 28: Déjà vu
Chapter 29: Shattered Mirrors
Chapter 30: Cold Feet

Chapter 8: Home

1.7K 127 43
By Duggish

"Family is suppose to be our safe haven. Very often, it's the place we find the most heartache."

-Iyanla Vanzant

...7:14 pm.

Elias had stopped what he was doing when he noticed a notification pop up on his screen. He wasn't surprised to see that it was Sunshine sending yet another text only two minutes after the last one.

You ready yet? 7:14 pm

Rolling his eyes, he continued to pack the rest of his clothes in his book bag. Sunshine and Elias had both agreed it'd be better if Elias just stayed over for the night. Though Elias had no idea what to expect, he would jump at the chance to avoid having to sneak in and out. Rainbow boy was able to get his mother on board. Now it was up to Elias to hold up his end and do the same.

His father wasn't home. Still, Elias tried to call him eleven times and left five messages asking if he had permission. He hadn't replied. Giving it one more try, he called his father. Waiting patiently through all the rings, he sighed when he was met with the familiar voice saying his call didn't go through. His only option was to ask Brie, but he felt uncomfortable. He'd never really talked to Brie, let alone ask her something.

Shoving his phone in his pocket, he zipped up his book bag, and left down stairs where Brie and Ava were making dinner. Well, Brie was making pot pies and Ava was distracting her with her babbling. When Ava noticed Elias at the bottom of the stairs, she spun around in the stool excitedly, loosing her balance. Elias acted quickly, catching her before she fell.

"Careful now." Elias helped her back up. Ava giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck, squeezing him.

"Hey, Eli."

"Hey." He gave her a quick pat before pulling away. Straightening himself out, he'd noticed Brie was watching him. He froze for a moment. He didn't know what to say. He'd never started a conversation between them before-

"Hey Elias." Brie pursed her lips. He was taken back for a moment. Clearing his throat, he replied, "Hey."

After a few moments of pure silence, Brie went back to preparing dinner and Ava continued playing with the rubies on her shirt while Eli collected his thoughts.

"Have you heard from dad?" Elias asked and Brie looked at him again.

"Not in a little while." She glanced at her phone on the counter. "Why?"

"I just need to talk to him. I want to know if I can spend the night over a friend's house." Elias shoved his hands in his pockets, shrugging. "But he hasn't been able to get back to me."

Brie wiped her hands on a towel, grabbing her phone. "Well, let me try for you."

She wasted no time in putting the phone to her ear.

"I don't think he'll pick up. I just tried a few seconds ago-"

"Hey baby."

Elias paused at that. He'd answered.

"Yeah, I know." She continued. "I just have a small question."

Elias looked away, shaking his head.

I should have known. He thought.

"Is it okay for Elias to stay over at a friend's tonight?" She asked. "Okay. Okay, good. Yeah. Love you too."

She hung up, glancing back at Elias.

"He said yes." She nodded, and Elias thanked her before running up stairs to grab his book bag.

"I have some extra cash." Brie called out to him as he opened the front door. "You can have twenty in case you want to-"

The slam at the door cut her off.

Elias walked quickly down the sidewalk, shrugging the strap higher onto his shoulder. He hated feeling like this-not good enough. He couldn't figure out what he was doing wrong or what he was missing. It was aggravating. The reason behind his father's attitude eluded him. Eli could remember the countless nights of trying to find an explanation or a simpler solution-anything other than just accepting the disappointed stare in his father's eyes everytime he looked at him. It was exhausting and made him sore.

His jaw clenched.

He couldn't make him proud. Not through grades, sports, acts of kindness, or petty attempts to outshine Ava. He knew that now, after years of desperately trying.

He walked up the drive way and the few steps to the porch, standing in front of Sunshine's door.

This was why he was here. Elias needed this.

Before he could bring his hand up to knock, the door swung open, revealing Sunshine with a stretching smile on his face. "Took you long enough!"

"Yea." Elias rubbed the back of his neck. "Slight issue with communication."

Sunshine stepped to the side, ushering him in. "You can take your bag upstairs to my room. Second door on the right."

Elias nodded, stepping into his home. Maybe he shouldn't have assumed, but what he saw wasn't what he expected. It was dark. The living room was cluttered with empty bottles ranging from alcohol to shampoo and sprays. The carpet was stained and littered with plenty of cigarette butts alone to fill an entire trash bag. Boxes upon boxes were stacked carelessly against the walls; each spilling with clothes and papers. There was no couch or television; just a torn, cushioned chair with a lamp beside it in the corner. The kitchen wasn't as bad, though it didn't look like it had been used for a while. Elias did his best not to scrunch his nose, but he couldn't get passed the overwhelming smell of cigarette ash and booze.

"I know it's bad." Sunshine laughed nervously. "I'd clean it, but it'll just go back to this so..."

It threw Elias off, but he didn't comment. He'd just walked up the stairs and down the hall to the door. When Elias reached it, he wasn't sure if it was the right room. Two black trash bags on one side and a book bag in the corner. That's all. Eli looked around, slowly stepping inside. It was much cleaner than downstairs, yet still excruciatingly bare. This isn't how he pictured it. A pang of guilt flashed through him. He'd imagine Sunshine was pampered, judging by how he was.

"You can just set it anywhere." Sunshine joined him. Eli set his bag down onto the pale carpet, scratching his head.

"I'm guessing you don't sleep?"

"Of course I do." Sunshine opened a black trash bag, pulling out a blanket and pillow, laying them out into a pallet. "See. I just don't need the bed part."

Eli furrowed his brows. "Right."

Something wasn't adding up; it didn't make sense. The houses on their street weren't the most luxurious and were nothing compared to where Cush lived, but they were three bedroom, two bathroom houses with a good amount of backyard space. It would be hard for a family to stay there if they were as poor as Sunshine was appearing. Elias took a breath.

Who would have thought that I was the one that was better off?

"Where's your mom?" Elias asked.

"At work." Sunshine replied. "She should be home soon-I think."

Elias watched him walk over to his window, raising the blinds. "But I've been watching the house ever since I saw him walk through the front door."

"Did you see his face?"

"Couldn't." Sunshine looked back. "He was wearing a hood and his head was down."

Elias peered through the window, staring across the street. It was the same creepy house from last night, but there was a car in the drive way now; a small dark grey Volkswagen with a cracked side mirror. His view was blocked by the sudden fall of the blinds.

"He only moves at night." Sunshine reminded him. "It'll be dark soon, but until then..."

Rainbow boy took out his phone. "Chinese or pizza?"


"Why would you get chop sticks if you don't know how to use them?" Elias rose a brow at the boy struggling to pick up his honey chicken.

"Because..." he stuck his tongue out in concentration, trying to hold the two sticks correctly. "They look cool in the movies."

Elias took a bite of his food. "There's still a plastic fork if you want to-"

"Got it!" Sunshine held up the chicken, sitting perfectly in between the two sticks in his hand. Elias would have been impressed if the piece didn't flip out of his grasp. Instead he chuckled, watching Sunshine stab the chicken, finally taking his first bite of food. "Oh man, that's good."

Quickly shoving a few more pieces in, Sunshine hummed in delight, closing his eyes. Elias checked the time.

9:02 pm.

Getting up from the floor, Elias walked over to the window, peeking through. It was dark now, but the grey car was still there. He glanced down at the sudden slam of a car door right outside the house, seeing a lady making her way to the front door.

"I think your mom's home." Elias said, making Sunshine's eyes open wide.

"Really?" He hurried towards the window, recognizing the yellow car.


"Yes mamá!" He called back.

"Get down here!"

Sunshine looked at Elias. "I'll be right back."

Elias took one last bite of food before following Sunshine down stairs. He was curious to say the least. Standing at the front door was a pretty woman shorter than Elias, who looked no older than thirty, strapping on some red heels that matched her short, red dress. She'd gotten majority of her self dressed in the car.

"Ah, there you are." She waved Sunshine over. "Zip me up."

Sunshine walked over to his mom, attempting to zip the back of her dress. "Suck it in."

She took a deep breath, and he still couldn't do it. "Mamá why do you always where such tight dresses?"

"It's not tight-just zip it!" She gritted her teeth. Sunshine tried again, and she groaned. "Gah! Just forget it. You're too weak."

She glanced at Elias. "You. Help me." Elias stood surprised for a second before hesitantly walking over, making Sunshine back away. He cringed, trying his best not to brush his fingers against her skin. It was awkward; he was standing so close to Sunshine's mom who was wearing a dress that didn't leave much to the imagination. "Hazel, right?"

He held in his sigh. "Elias, actually." Eli gave her son a look. "I'm Sunshine's school buddy." He tugged, pulling the zipper up a bit.

"Sunshine." She scoffed. "Such a stupid name. Don't know where he gets that shit from."

Elias furrowed his brows, tugging.

"What's that smell?" She sniffed.

"Chinese food." Sunshine said.

"You got me some?" She asked, looking at him. He paused.

"Well-I didn't think-because-I mean since-"

"Well..." She cut him off, sounding very annoyed. "Is there anymore?"

"Yeah, mine." Sunshine answered softly.

"Well go get it!" She yelled, slapping his head. "You see I'm hungry!"

Elias tensed up at that, watching as Sunshine winced, quickly making his way upstairs. Finally zipping the dress up all the way, Elias stepped back.

"I swear he's challenged." She pulled out her ponytail holder, whipping her hair until it trailed down her back. Elias couldn't help but watch her with a disgusted look on his face. This isn't how he imagined her at all. She went into her purse, pulling out some earrings and a bracelet. "Why you choose to be his friend..." she put in her earrings one at a time. "Beats me."

She slipped on her bracelet. "And you're cute." She shook her head. "I could think of a million other things you could be doing on a Saturday night."

Sunshine returned with his chinese food.

"Finally." She held out her hand, snatching it from him. Shoving a few bites in her mouth, she walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet, pulling out two large bottles of whiskey. She took another bite before putting both whiskey bottles into her purse. Taking one last bite, she walked over, driving the empty container into Sunshine's chest. Elias grimaced at the loud clinking noise from the bottles that followed her throughout the house.

He looked over towards Sunshine in complete and utter confusion, but rainbow boy didn't let his eyes leave his mother. She was looking at herself now through the camera on her phone screen, smearing lipstick on her lips.

"I'm going out." She moved onto her mascara. "So don't bother me."

"Are you coming back?" Sunshine asked.

"I don't know." She shook her hair. "Hopefully I don't...if this goes as planned."

She turned to the two boys. "How do I look?"

Elias stayed silent and Sunshine answered without hesitation, "Beautiful."

She nodded, moving between them towards the door.

"Bye, mamá!" Sunshine yelled as she opened it. "I love you!"

She slammed it behind her. Elias slowly looked at Sunshine who was looking at his empty container. He cleared his throat, shoving his hands in his pockets, letting his mind register. Sunshine is strange-bubbly and excitable. That much Elias was sure about, but he'd always assumed that it was because of his home. He'd assumed he had both parents, but his father had passed. He'd assumed that his house was bright and well furnished, but it was the complete opposite. He'd assumed his mother would be the mirrored reflection of Sunshine's personality, but she...

Elias looked around him at the now depressing feel of the house still lingering with her aura. His gaze landed on Sunshine. How ironic that his life didn't seem to have a ray of sunshine in it? Elias was curious, but decided not to speak on it. Instead, he snatched Sunshine out of his trance.

"We should go check the house now. We have to be more attentive-can't afford to miss anything."

"Yea..." Sunshine agreed, passing Elias on his way upstairs.


5 Hours Later

The boys were still up in the deep hours of the night, watching the Neet's house. Well, Elias was watching and Sunshine was laying on his pallet telling stories.

"...and so I had to come home smelling like trash juice. All because Mr. Geithner didn't want to waste a second bag." Sunshine shook his head. "Took me forever to get the smell out of my shoes. The things we do for money."

He looked up at Elias who hadn't turned away from the house for hours.

"But it was worth it though. Now we're here." Sunshine turned on his side, facing the window. "You never told me how you ended up getting your half, Elias."

Eli glanced at Sunshine for a moment, smirking. "Robbed a store."

Sunshine laughed. "Yeah right."

"Nah." Elias replied seriously. "I just agreed to tutor this rich kid for a bit."

"Who?" Sunshine yawned, letting his eyes close.

"Kid named Cush." Elias replied, and Sunshine's eyes shot open.

"Cush Possolo?" He asked.

Elias chuckled. "Unless there's another rich kid named Cush I don't know about." He looked down and was shocked to see Sunshine looking a bit troubled. "What? You know him?"

Sunshine shrugged. "Everyone knows him. It's just..."

Elias watched as his gaze trailed off. "It's just what?" He asked.

"Nothing." Sunshine replied. "Just a small world. That's all."

"Yeah, well." Elias returned his gaze back towards the still house. "It's a small town."

"Yeah..." Sunshine yawned again.

"You can go to sleep now." Elias looked at the boy struggling to stay conscious. "I can handle it."

"No, we're a team. I can stay awake. Don't worry-" he was interrupted by another yawn. "-about me."

"Sure." Elias shook his head. He knew that he'd be gone within minutes, but he didn't mind. Sunshine had watched the house hours before Eli had even gotten there, and sacrificing sleep for two days straight would only have him slacking. So Elias continued on watching the house. Relentlessly stalking the windows and front door, imagining what he'd do if and when the man finally stepped out. He was ready.

A few minutes passed before the silence was disturbed by soft wheezing. Any other time, the sound would have gone unnoticed, but because Eli had been suffocated in the constant buzzing of night, he'd drowned out all other sound, leaving this one greatly exaggerated and somewhat loud. Elias glanced down at the sleeping boy.

Usually when you look at someone sleep they look peaceful-adorable almost. Elias furrowed his brows. Not Sunshine though. He was laid in the most uncomfortable position and Elias could see a darker colored spot on his pillow where he had been drooling. No. There was nothing adorable about it, but more importantly, there was nothing peaceful about it either. Instead of his face being gently relaxed, his brows were knitted together and his eyes were shut tight. It looked painful to sleep.

Eli's gaze softened. He'd remembered watching Ava sleep like this a couple of times. At most, it was mainly because she was having a nightmare and would soon wake up crying into his arms if Eli didn't wake her from it sooner. Could Sunshine be having a nightmare?

Elias wouldn't be surprised with all that's been going on. Not to mention his situation at home. Eli cringed as the memory rolled into his mind. He really didn't like Sunshine's mom. He was confused as why Sunshine even liked her.

Could my mom have been like this? He thought.

He wouldn't know. She died when he was young. He didn't remember her, although he was almost positive she couldn't have been anything like that.

Eli let his eyes linger on Sunshine a moment longer before returning his gaze back to the house.


Elias had stayed up the entire night watching the house and when the crack of dawn hit the horizon, to say he was disappointed would be an understatement. The door hadn't opened and the curtains on the windows never wavered. He was unsatisfied, but was too tired to show it. He woke Sunshine before he left and promised that he'd be back later that night after everyone had gone to sleep, but he had to get home and catch a few hours of sleep first. Sunshine showed him out, and Elias walked home sluggishly, attempting to keep his eyes open.

Finally, when he had entered his home, he was surprised to see his father and Brie sitting in the living room watching the news. Once Elias read the heading, he'd perked up, joining them.

"Big company owner and political activist, Paul Hudson, is catching heat after police officials confirmed Paul having an affair with one of La Mort Noire's victims."

Elias leaned in, listening closely to the blonde reporter.

"Police aren't releasing any information regarding the name of the victim as of now, but the town remains intrigued and standing by."

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