Im One Directions Body Guard...

By ImADomoLover

84.6K 1.3K 140

Hi I'm Sendra. One Directions Body guard. I think the title says it all but here's more info. What if you we... More

Im One Directions Body Guard? [A1DFanfic]
Be Prepared To Lose Harry
No Way! Disbelief? Yes!
Friendships Are Being Made With Almost All Of The Lads
Prank War? And The Girlfriends? Should Be Fun?
Becoming One Personal Directions Body Guard
Nothing Will Be The Same Will It?
Forbidden Friendship?
Okay... So Now Im A Dancer For One Direction?
Expect the unexpected
Tweet That Pic!
Dont Get Sad, Get Glad
Can We Try One More Time?
Once Again No Date Tonight
D-D-Dance Everyone
Take One: Date Part 1
Part 2: A kiss in the rain is magical
Shes Mine and Im Glad
Kidnapped Seriously?
Shes Gone!
So Many Teears
One Day Turned Into Two
Shes Okay? I Hope
Just Some Dreadful News
Getting Out of This Hell Hole!
Back For You

Na Na Na

2.3K 41 3
By ImADomoLover



Its been a couple of days since the concert where me and Harry kissed. I can't help but wonder what would've happened we weren't interrupted by Eleanor.

"Sendra!" Dani shouts.

"Yeah?" I reply with curiosity.

"Come one. We have to go to dance rehearsal."

I jump up. Yeah buddies. I love my dancing with the girls.

I hurry up and we walk to the arena so that we can practice the dance.

"Ahhh its One Directions' girlfriends!" We hear.

I turn towards the girls as the screaming one direction fans reach us. There's probably about 6 girls to be the most.

"Can we take pictures with you guys?" They ask.

They look the most 15.

Ele and Dani smile. Dani speaks up. "Of course."

I watch them take pictures.

I stand off to the side checking my twitter.

"Can I take a picture with you Sendra?" One of the girls asks me.

I jump. "Why would you like a picture with me?" I ask confused.

She smiles "Because one day your going to be dating Harry styles."

I blush. "W-Why do you say that? "

"I think so. I'm shipping Sarry." She exclaims.

I smile. "Uhm Sure. Lets take this picture shall we?"

She smiles. "Yes please."

We pose taking a bunch of photos. Some normal and some crazy.

"Do you have a twitter?" I ask.

She nods.

I hand her my phone while its still on twitter.

"Can you find yourself and follow yourself for me?" I ask.

She beams. "Yes"

I laugh.

"Why don't you tweet me those pictures. I liked taking them with you. There were some that I really liked." I tell her.

"You sure?"

"How couldn't I?"

She hugs me. "My friends will get jealous that I got to take a bunch of pictures with you."

"Hey what's your name?" I ask


I glance at the girls and they're almost done.

"Well Rebecca. It was great meeting you but I have to go and get to dance rehearsals with the lads and girls. Check your twitter later. You might have 5 new followers." I wink at her.

"Thank you and have fun!" She replies giving me a hug.

She turns to leave. "I ship Sarry!" She yells heading off.

I smile. That girl was cool.

I felt my phone buzz and its the girl Rebecca.


Took a bunch of pics with @Sendry_Smiles (Hdjd-Hastag thing for pics )


I smile and tweet back.

Sendry_Smiles :

@IShipSarry: I love the pics we took. they came out awesome dontcha think? it was nice meeting u too :)

I finally walk over to the girls.

"That was a bunch of girls asking for photos of you two." I comment.

Ele checks her phone. "We should go. We're already late."

Sarry. What's sarry?

"Hey Dani? "


"What's Sarry?"

She looks at me. "Ohh that's your name with Harry."

"With Harry?"

"Yeah. That's what you get when fans think your dating one of the lads and they give you two a little nickname for both of you."

"ohh ..." I reply not having anything to say


"Where were you girls?" A very concerned Liam asks as we reach the arena.

Dani replies. "Sorry babe. A couple of fans wanted some pictures and we couldn't deny so we took some pics."

"Alright." He looks towards us. "Come on we should start practicing."

"What kind of dance is it this time? A couple dance or what?" I question

"Couple dance. "

We head to the lads.

"Hey" the girls and I shout.

"Hey where were you?" Harry asks coming from behind me.

I roll my eyes at his attempt to scare me. "Some fans wanted some pictures"

"Did you take any?"

I nod my head. "Just with one girl but we took a lot." I reply smiling.

"Oh that reminds me. Can you follow this girl " I say randomly

he pulls out his phone. "Sure what's her username?"

I laugh. "Its 'IShipSarry'

"What's Sarry?"

"That's our couple name which is weird considering we don't go out. "

He slightly smiles. "Hey Sendra I really wanna ask you something."

"Uhm sure. What is it?"

"Sendra? Harry? Come on. Harry you can just hang out since you already know the dance But Sendra hurry so we can teach you it." A Guy calls out.

Harry groans.

"Hey its okay You can always ask me after." I glance to the stage. "I guess I should go.... I'll see you after." I smile.

He hugs me.

I hug back.

"Haz I really have to go now."

"Fine. " he pouts.

I kiss his cheek. "Laters."


I love dancing.

"Alright everyone. Lets put it all together. Get with your partners."

I glance at Harry.

He's laughing and flirting with some girl.

I ball up my fists.

I pause suddenly.

Am I getting jealous?

I look at Dani and she's watching me.

Everyone's watching me.

I slowly unball my fists and put my emotionless expression on.

I walk up to Harry with a fake smile.

"Hey Hazza Time to dance."

He ignores me though.

I feel myself have a hurt face on my face.

I put a fake smile on as quickly as I can.

"Hey Sendra?" Zayn calls out.


"My dance partner isn't here and I was wondering if you could be my partner for today?"

I glance at Harry and he's still flirting with the girl.

I smile at him. "Yeah Zayniee. Lets dance."

"I'm not the best dancer. Just to warn you."

"Don't worry. If you need extra help I can help you."

"Harry. Hurry up and get with a someone to practice with!" The choreographer yells.

I grab Zayns hand.

"Lets dance Zayn!"

I look out of the corner of my eye and see Harry looking upset.

Sorry Harry. You were too busy to come to me when I called you. You were busy flirting with that girl.

I would've loved to dance with you though.


"Zayn Your doing it wrong!" The choreographer yells.

He sighs. "I know. I'm trying!"

I turn to the choreographer. "Can you give us 30 minutes and I'll teach him the dance?"

he sighs. " Whatever. As long as he can dance to it later." he tells everyone else. "You get 30 minute break!"

I look at everyone walking out. Harry looks like he's glaring at Zayn? Nehhh that would be stupid. I'm just teaching him how to dance.

Ehh whatever.

"Alright Zayn. Dance the entire dance by yourself."

He pouts. "Do I have too?"



I watch him dance the entire dance. It looks weird considering its a couples dance.

I sigh. Hes doing even worse without a partner.

"Zayn Stop!" I say.

He stops. "I'm horrible right?" He says sheepishly.

"No... You just don't feel the beat. You needs get into it. Don't be so stiff. Now lets try it again but I'm going to dance with you this time."

We start over. "Don't be stiff. Relax. I got you. Just go with the beat. Feel it and just dance."

He sighs. "Alright."

I smile. "You can do it. You have to be a good dancer somewhere. A lot of people in our family can dance. You just needa let it come."

We start over and I feel him relax. "Don't feel awkward now. There's nobody here. When people come, ignore them. Just go with it."

He's still not doing too good.

We stop. "Zayn stop. Think. When you sing you have to do singing vocal warm ups. Try doing that for dancing. Start shaking your body or something.'"

He sighs but does it. I grab a cup filled of water and dump it on his hair.

"My hair!" He runs to get it fixed but I grab him.

"Zaynie. When you loosen up and do the dance better then you can get your hair fixed. Lets try it again. Hurry while nobody's watching."

He pouts. "Fine Sendra."


10 minutes later.

I jump up and do a happy dance.

"There you go Zayn! You did it right."

He smiles and jumps up. "I did?"

I nod my head. "Yes. Now hurry. You got 15 minutes to fix your hair. Wasnt so hard was it?"

He shakes his head and runs off to fix his precious hair.

I roll my eyes. That boy and his hair.

"How'd you do it?" Liam asks.

"Do what?" I asked confused.

"Get him to dance?"


"I don't really know. Almost anyone can dance you just need to get in it. Almost Everyone in our family can dance. Well on our side. But he just needs to feel the beat. That's all."

He smiles. "I keep forgetting that you two are related sometimes."

I nod. "I know right. I'm glad that Zayns my cousin though. He's the only cousin that I get along with pretty well. "

"What about your your mothers side?"

I sigh. "I love my mother. I honestly do. but she made me do things that I didn't want too. She wanted me to become a model and I didn't want to. I'd rather dance than be a model."

"Its amazing how he danced. He's never danced like that before. I've tried teaching him but its hard to teach him. I'm glad you can teach him." he pause. "What's up with you and Harry?"

I frown. "Nothings wrong."

"If nothings wrong why did you frown and why didn't you dance with Harry?"

"Because he was too busy flirting with some girl to come dance with me. And then Zayn asked me to dance so I agreed."

"You looked hurt when he ignored you. Then he looked hurt with you ignored him."

I shrug. "I don't know Liam. I'm going to get something to drink. Want anything?"

He shakes his head "No thanks. I think Imma hang with Dani."

"Alright. See you when we get together to dance."

I walk slowly around sipping my coke.

"Sendra!!" Niall yells.

"Hey Niall. How are you?" I say not really knowing what to say.

"Good. Luck what Harry made me!" He yells showing me a huge sandwich.

My stomach growls. I forgot. I didn't eat yet.

he hears my very hungry stomach.

"Someones hungry. " He says poking my stomach.

I laugh. "Yeah I know. I think I'm going to make something to eat. Imma go find something before we start. I honestly don't wanna try to steal your sandwich. I've learned my lesson."

He smiles. "You've learned young grasshopper."

I bow. "Yes.... Now to the food table to feed this monster!" I shout dashing to the table.


That was a good sandwich and I have time to spare.

Well if you count 5 minutes.

I dance around spinning.

I shouldn't have ate all that candy.

Ehhh its too late

"Everyone lets run this. If its really good then we can go home!" The choreographer says.

I run passed Harry to Zayn.

I smirk as Harry loses balance and almost falls over but catches himself.

"Zaynie? Ready to show everyone what you can do?"

He nods. "For once I'm ready to dance."

"Change of plans everyone. We're going to dance couple by couple and then altogether. "

Even better for Zayn. I can tell the choreographer doesn't like Zayn cause he's not the best dancer.

I smirk as everyone goes. Its Mine and Zayns turn.

He looks nervous.

"Zayn do your dancing warm up."

He nods and does it

I frown. This could've been me and Harry dancing together. But Zayns Awesome too so its not a complete loss.

If only he would've come with me.

"Zayn and Sendra!"

Its our turn.

"Ready to do this?" I ask.

he nods.


Everyone looks at us amazed.

"You did great Zayn!" I yell.

Everyone looks proud of him.

The choreographer looks impressed.

I smirk at him. Yeah choreographer. Taught him how to dance better than you.

"Lets run it all together now."

We all nod.


"Great job everyone. Come back later. Alright."

Zayn comes up to me once we finish

"Your a great dance teacher. Thanks. " He says smiling.

I smile and hug him. "It was nothing Zayniee. It was super fun."

He looks over my shoulder

"I think Harry wants to talk to you?"

I turn around. "What? Why?"

He shrugs. "I have no clue but hes been staring at you all day.'

I internally groan.

"Alright but can you do me a favor?'

He nods.

"Can you follow my new friend on twitter. Her name is 'IShipSarry'"


"Tell you later. I need to talk to Harry I guess."


I walk to Harry.

"How come you've been staring at me all day?"

He blushed. "I haven't stared at you all day."

I smirk. "You have then. "

He looks confused.

I say. "You said all day so that basically implies that you did stare at me today."

He blushes.

"So are you gonna give me an answer?"

He sighs. "I wanted to ask why you didn't dance with me today."

I look down. "Because you were busy flirting with some girl so you ignored me and then Zayn asked me to dance with him so I agreed."

"Are you jealous?"

I glare at him. "I don't get jealous over guys. Styles."

"I wanna try this again...." He mumbles.

"Try what?"

He leans in and kisses me.

I kiss back and smile in the kiss

We pull apart breathless.

"Is that what you wantes to try styles?"

"Yes..... Can I ask you something?"

"You just did...." I point out

"Will you go on a date with me?"

I pause.

Do I wanna go on a date with Harry?

I don't even have to think about it.

"Yes." I whisper.

He kisses me one last time and walks away.

"Be ready tomorrow at 7pm. Dress casual."

I call out. "Aren't you going to tell me where we're going?"

He turns back to face me.

"Its a surprise Sendra. Just be ready!"

I roll my eyes. "Alright Styles." I yell trying to hide my smile.

I have a date with Harry. Who would've known

I'm bored so I decide to log on twitter.

I look at Harry's last status.


One good thing happened today. Exicted for tomorrow. Can't wait.


There's retweets and favorites of course. He is the Harry styles.

I roll my eyes and tweet too.


Had a great day at rehearsal. @ZaynMalik1D did great at dancing. He did learn from me. :) #ProudOfYouZayn!

Can't wait for another day. I sorta have a clue but just gonna dress casual though. :) #CasualDayTomorrow

Met a new friend, Had fun teaching Zayn how to dance, and have a small idea what to do on our day off tomorrow. :) Hope everyone had a great day today too xxx

That's a long tweet even for me.

Well it has everything exciting that happened.

I mean look.

I met someone who ships Sarry but is down to earth. She's nice and cool.

Got to dance rehearsals and danced my heart out with Zayn.

Taught Zayn how to dance and impressed a choreographer with Zayns huge improvement.


I got a date with Harry Styles.


Another chapter done.

Please tell me what you think.

like it?

Love it?

Let me know. :)



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