The Interview | ✔️

By Drummer_Lover

354K 11.4K 2.1K

Meet Stephanie Lynn Ryder, an almost 21-year-old girl behind on rent, works at a diner for $350 a week and ha... More

Celebrate Good Times, C'mon!
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
Getting to Know Each Other More
Way Too Hungover
What Now?
You're Fun to Be Around
Changes Part 1
Changes Part 2
Changes Part 3
Changes Part 4
Something Different
New Beginnings........Again
The Morning After
Put In Her Place...For Now At Least
That Bitch Is Everywhere
He's Back
Isobel and William
The Fort
Tick Tock
You Need To Calm Down
Too Late
I Don't Like Darkness
Angel With A Shotgun
I'd Come For You
Please Don't Leave Me
I'll Be Waiting
In The End
Coming Home
Keep Holding On Part 1
Keep Holding On Part 2
Move Along
Final Author's Note:

First Day

17.4K 499 343
By Drummer_Lover

I wake up to my alarm. Yayy. The start of a brand new day. Somebody shoot me. Then I remember, I have that interview to go to. Someone shoot me again.

I go to the bathroom and wash up, trying to make myself look presentable. I do my hair like this:

I put on my clothes:

And then Tara offers to do my nails for me, and it was nothing too flashy. I was trying to impress him with who I am as a person, not my nails. She claims that they were ok, but I think they came out amazing:

I don't put on any make-up, because I, as I said before, want to impress him with who I am, not my face.

I eat the breakfast that Tara made for me earlier and catch a taxi to Mason Enterprises. I arrive with 5 minutes to spare. So, I'm rushing out of the car, and into the building.

There, I find Maria-Rose, a sweet little old lady sitting at the front desk. She directs me to the 20th floor in which the interviews will be held. The elevator was taken what seemed like forever for a man, so I ran up the stairs. It's a good thing I did track in high school. I get to the 20th floor with a minute to be spared, I check in with yet another secretary, and sat down. Here goes nothing.


Name after name was called, and yet mine wasn't. I plug in my earbuds because I didn't want to hear about how sexy or hot Mr. Mason was, I just wanted to get the job.

Ryder, Stephanie Lynn Ryder. Well, it's about fucking time they called my name.

"Ok, let's get this over with"


Carter's P.O.V

"Ok, let's get this over with," I say

I look at the girl in front of me. I quickly notice she isn't like the other girls I interviewed. She isn't wearing anything too tight or anything too revealing. Her dress, its nice and flowy, and I can tell she isn't wearing 50 pounds of makeup on her face. I take her résumé and look it over.

"So, you haven't been to college, correct."


"You're 20 years old, soon to be 21 in a few weeks"


"You graduated top of your class in high school, correct"

"Yes, sir"

"So, tell me, Stephanie, what makes you think that you're qualified for this job"

"Well, to be honest sir, I don't know what makes me qualified for this job. The diner I work at went bankrupt, and all the workers were laid off without their last paycheck. My best friend decided that it would be a great idea if she signed me up for this, just to see if I would get the job. Mr. Mason, all I'm trying to do here is get a job, so I can back on my feet. I just want to make an honest living. Yes, I may not make the best choices, but I'm trying to change. The only person that I have to support me, is my best friend Tara, and I can't keep depending on her. She's got to have a life of her own too. I can't just live at her house for the rest of eternity. Look, I understand if you don't think I can handle the job. Trust me, I don't think I could either. But if you actually want to give me a shot, I swear I won't let you down."


Steph's P.O.V

I knew, there was no way in hell I was getting the job, but I had to try. I needed this. I couldn't always depend on Tara.

"Excuse me one moment, Rebekah, tell everyone else to go home. I don't need to do any more interviews." He says into the intercom.

"You, come with me," he says to me

I quickly get up and follow, where was I going, I had no clue.

"This is going to be your new office, right next to mine. They are right next to each other, and there is a secret door over there connecting them. You are always welcome in my office, so you don't have to knock, just walk in. You show up for work at 8:45 and you can leave at 6. If I tell you to stay back to work overtime, you work overtime, no ands, ifs, or buts about it. Understand?"

"Yes sir," I reply

"There's a pile of paperwork on your desk. Sort it out, fill in what's missing, do the math, or whatever it asks you to do. Come back to me when you're finished and I'll let you know what to do next. You should finish around, let's see it's 11:35, I'd say you'll finish around 3:30. Have fun" he says and slams the door.

"Yeesh, so much for slowly easing into things." Then I look at the pile of paperwork on my desk. "Shit, that's huge. Oh well, no time to waste"

--------2 hours later--------

An hour later I walk into Mr. Mason's office, trying my hardest not to drop anything.

"Here is the paperwork you asked me to fill out," I say

He looks at his watch. "It's only 1:40, how are you done so quick," he asks questioningly

"Well, most of the paperwork included finances and a lot of math, everything else was just stamping and sending to you to get your signature."

"So how the hell did you finish all the math that quickly?" he asks

I was amused at how confused he was. "It was quite easy really. And by the way, when I looked at the company's statistics, I think you should go with option B. It would really benefit your company and over the years you'll have a great deal of money. If you go with the other options, you're bound to lose close to a million dollars in about 2 years."

"Ok, thank you. Um. Now you can go get me a latte from Starbucks, anything will do, just not pumpkin spice. And get something for yourself." he said

I take the money and go get him the latte. When I come back, there's a man in his office. It's his father.

"Ah, yes. Dad, this is my new P.A, Stephanie."

"Hello," I say, unaware of what I should do in this situation.

"Here is the change sir" I give Carter the change and start to walk toward my office. Before I reach the door, Carter tells me that there is another new pile of work for me to complete. I finish this pile 2 hours later and bring it to his office.

"Mr. Mason, here is the new pile, fully completed and checked." I say "Is there anything else I can help you with"

"No, that's alright. I'll send up another pile of work for you if any comes in," he says

"Carter, that storage room is a mess, how could you have it like that?" a woman walks in, and I immediately realize that it's his mom.

She looks at me and says hello, of course, I reply the same way and Carter introduces me to his mom and then tells me to go on a lunch break. Thing was, I didn't have any money and I didn't think of bringing lunch with me.

I wander around the halls when something catches my eye. the label on the door reads "Storage Room"

"Huh, I wonder if it really is that messy." I walk in, and it's like 5 tornados passed through the room. "Jesus, for a man who seems so organized, this room is a mess" I didn't have anything else to do, so I decided to clean it up. It was the least I could do.

--------3 hours later--------

After cleaning the storage room, I was really tired. But I still had to go back to my office. I was pretty sure that I had a huge pile of paperwork to do.

When I walk in though I was greeted with:

"Where the fuck were you!!"


"As my P.A, I'm supposed to be able to get a hold of you whenever I want or need to."

"If you-"

"You're supposed to be in your office at all times, that is where I sent you."


"Now, you're behind on all the paperwork, and it will never be finished. I can't be-"

"Mr. Mason can you shut up for 5 seconds!" Surprisingly, that worked

"Shit. Sorry, please don't fire me. But if you must know, I was doing work. But I couldn't just stay in an office all day long."

"So what exactly were you doing?!" he growls

"Why don't you come see," I say, leaving his office with him on my heels

I walk to the storage room and open the door. When Mr. Mason walks in, his mouth falls open.

"Close your mouth, you might catch flies if you leave it open," I say as I push his chin up


Carter's P.O.V

"Why don't you come see," she says

I walk behind her and see that she's leading me to the storage room. What could she possibly want to show me in the storage room? It's a mess in there. But when I walk in, that was so not true. My mouth literally falls open when I see what she's done to the storage room.

"Close your mouth, you might catch flies if you leave it open," she says as she pushes my chin up to close my mouth.

"How did you, when did you, I-" I couldn't even formulate a sentence. It was the cleanest it had ever been. How is that even possible.

"Well, since I didn't want you thinking I was eavesdropping on you and your parents' conversation, I started to wander around. Then I found the storage room. I remembered your mom saying that it was really dirty and messy, and boy, was she right. It took 3 hours but I got it done. I know I should've been in my office, but I didn't want to seem rude and like I was trying to listen in on your conversation, so I left. But I promise I will have those papers done and filed for you before I go home."

I didn't know what to say. I was mindblown that someone actually decided to clean up without being told to. As she was walking away, I grabbed her arm.

"One, you don't have to apologize; two, what you did in here is amazing, three, the walls are soundproof and if I press a button, I can see straight through the walls, and four, don't worry if you don't get those papers done, you can do them tomorrow," I say with a smile. She says thank you and walks out the door. Leaving me there with my thoughts.


Steph's P.O.V

I still decided to do the paperwork, even though he told me I could do it tomorrow. I definitely didn't want to have double the work to do tomorrow when I came back to work. I come out of my office at 7. Everyone has already gone home. Lucky them. I enter Mr. Mason's office and told him that I finished the papers.

"You're an ambitious one, aren't you," he says

"Something like that" I reply "I just want to say, Mr. Mason, thank you for giving me a chance."

"You've really proven that it was the right decision," he says

"Well,-" I'm cut off by my phone ringing.

"I need to take this," I say. He nods his head and I pick up the phone.


"Hey girly" replies Tara

"Hey, what's up," I say

"So, some stuff came up, and I'm not gonna be home till late."

"Ok? You still left the key under the mat for me though, right?" I ask

"Well, um, you see, the thing is, I kind of forgot. I'm really sorry," she says

"Bitch, really," I say annoyed

"Yeah," she says in a whisper

So, explain to me Tara, what the fuck am I supposed to do, while you're out doing whatever." I say

"I don't know, find something. I gotta go now, bye"

She then hangs up on me. I groan in frustration, completely forgetting my boss was right there.

"You know, for someone so young, you really have a dirty mouth."

"Sorry, you had to witness that. My oh so smart friend Tara that I live with, forgot to put the spare key under the mat, and she's not gonna be home until late. Which is just fucking fantastic." I say

"Tell you what, why don't you come with me," he says

"And where would we be going exactly," I ask

"Well, it's your first day here, and you one, didn't have a mental breakdown, and two, I have found no reason to fire you. So I'm gonna take you someplace. C'mon, let's go." He grabs my arm and pulls me out the door.

"Mr. Mason, I don't want to intrude on whatever plans you already have," I say

"Don't worry about it" he says

"But, Mr. Mason" I protest

"I said, don't worry about it. Now get in the car," he says. I do as I'm told and get into his car. It's a fucking Lamborghini Murcielago!

"And by the way, Stephanie, when it's just us, I'd like for you to call me Carter," he says

"Ok. And I guess you can call me Steph, or whatever you want, I don't really care."

"Ok, Steph it is."


Howdy, y'all! I hope you're liking the story so far! As always comment on what you think, feel, and whatever. If you made it this far in the story, you already know the drill.

As always,

Byeeeeeeeeeeee <3

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