The Daughter of the Prince

By LadyTigerLily16

50.2K 1.2K 134

Aria is an Elf of Mirkwood. She was raised by a wizard named Gandulf and has no knowledge of her family. Gand... More

13 Dwarfs and 1 hobbit
Let the Journey Begin
The Promise
Elf of Mirkwood
The Crystel
The Burning of Lake town
Friend or Family
A life for a life
The Gift

Under the same Moon

3.8K 104 6
By LadyTigerLily16

Aria's Point of View

"Aria! Aria!" Gandulf yells

"I'm coming Gandulf" I shout and jump from tree to tree and land right in front of him and he stars down at me

"How many times have I told you not be out in the forest after sunset" he scowls and I sigh and say

"More then needed to, but I can't help it" He leads me inside and I sit next to the fire place while he smokes and then speaks

"You are to young to be out there, what if something happened to you"

"I'm not that young" I protest

"You are only 8 years of age, that is young and you don't know how to defend yourself yet" He says

"That's because you won't teach me until I'm older but how much older will I have to be?" I beg and he chuckles and I look at the fire and he sighed

"Alright will you at least wait until your are 16 then?" he asks and I look back at him and jump on him and give him a hug

"Oh yes I can wait thank you Gandulf" I shout over his shoulder. He holds me tightly and says

"Well until then it is bedtime for you then"

"Tell me a story?" I ask

"Alright"He says and I go up stairs with Gandulf behind me and I jump on my bed and open the window so I could see the stars. Gandulf pulls up a chair and sits and I put the covers over me looked at Gandulf smoke

"Hmmmm Ah yes in a time of good and peace there was the kindom of Erebor. The Last of the Dwarf Kingdom that was ruled by Thror the king under the mountain. Long he ruled with his son Thrain and Grandson Thorin. The kingdom was known for there riches and the city of Dale was full of silks and fine goods that came from Erebor. The riches were so known even the Elven King Thranduil of the Woodlend Realm came to the kingdom asking for the jewels that were rightful his and Thror would not give any of his treasures to the elves..."

"Not one?" I asked

"Not one, The King had a terrible sickness for gold and bad things would started to happen. A strong wind came over the city of Dale a Hurricane they say came of fire and despair. It was a Fire Drake of the North..."

I breathed in and Gandulf continued

"Smaug was his name and he destroyed the city but that wasn't what he was after. He entered Erebor and Thorin tried to fight the dragon but his fire was too great. Thorin saved the king and draged his father out of the kingdom and there on the hill Thranduil stood with his people and Thorin yelled for help but Thrunduil turned away with his people behind him. The people of Dale wondered the lands and Thorin lead his people to the Blue mountains and took work where he could but he could still see dragon fire before his eyes and he never forgave or forgotten" He finished

"The elves didn't help" I asked

"No, No help came that day or that day since from the elves" he said

"Well my father would of helpt them" I said while I took out my necklace and looked at it and Gandulf put his hand on my hands holding the white gem

"Do you remember what I told you about this?" He asked

"When my father is near me it will shine, but I don't understand why I'm not with him does he not care about me?" I ask

"He cares very deeply about you, but I thought It would be safer to be away for a while and when the time is right he will have you, if he didn't care about you this gem wouldn't be here now would it"he said and tickled me and I giggled

"No" I said smiling and he chuckles

"You have his eyes" He said

"Sometimes I dream of him in the forest looking down at me, but I can't see him completly, but I can see his eyes" I told him and sighed sadly

"Do you see the moon there just above the forest?" He asked

"Yes" I said looking out the small window next to my bed

"That is the same moon your Father is looking at, and when you feel sad just look at that moon and your Father will think about you and take the pain away" He said and I nodded

"Sweet dreams Aria" he said and kissed the top of my head and walked over to the stairs

"Good night Gandulf" I said and turned my head to face the moon and put the gem in my hand

"Good night Ada" I said and closed my eyes to sleep


8 years later

Gandulf and I walk along the path passing homes of hobbits. I have my hood up so they don't see that I'm an Elf. We stop in front of a hobbit siting and smoking and he looks up at us and says

"Good morning"

"Is this a good morning or is this morning to be good on" Gandulf says

"I don't know can I help you" He says

"Yes you may, We are are here for someone to share an adventure with" Gandulf says and I just smile

"Oh are you well what are your names?" he asked

"I am Gandulf"

"I am Aria at your Service" I say and I bow

"Well please to meet you I am Bilbo Bagins,and Gandulf well you cant be the wizard that makes splendid fire works?" he asks and Gandulf laughs at the hobbit

"But no adventure here I'm sorry try somewhere else " Bilbo said and walked away inside

"Well so much for a burgler" I said and Gandulf gives me a fustraighting look

"He is our burglar he just needs persuasion" He said and walked to the door and put a mark on it

"Are you sure about this Gandulf?" I asked. He put his hand on my shoulder

"I have never been sure in my life, now come we must go get the others"

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