Never Forever

By LadyPerez

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Growing up, people look for fairytales in the world. Innocence shining in our eyes. Love pouring out of our h... More

The Perfect Presence
Cold Lips
Paper Hearts
The Pathetic Tear
Outside The Box
Present Day
A Bad Hobi
No More Dream
Drop The Ball
Jung - Jun
Icy Thorns
Jelly Chances
Questionable Plans
Morning Misery
Wedding Plates
Real Lies
Memory Lane
Wine & Dine
Heavy Eyes
Mmmm Dreams
The Truth: Untold
Lust-tirie (Lingerie)
We - Her - Me
Closer Than You Think
Back Up, Plan!
Not Yet
The Dress of Inspiration
Sparks of Spectulation
Deep Thoughts
After Us
Moist & Messy
Mind Games
Maid of Honor
Letting Go
Ethereal Urge
What I Must Do
A Moment With You
What Once Was
Made to Honor
The Truth: Unveiled
A Rock
And A Hard Place
Never A Bride

Just A Bridesmaid

20 2 8
By LadyPerez

"Jun?" She began. "Why are you here?" I looked down at her innocent frame. "How did you know to come and save me?" Her expression slowly becoming harsh in her words. "Did you know?"


"Jun. Did you know about Mira lying to me?" I sighed and rubbed my face with one hand.

"Leona, I knew but-." She pushed me back and tried to walk away from me but I grabbed her by the arm. "Leona.."

"Fuck off, Jooheon."

"No, Leona, listen to me. I know that you're angry with me but please-."

"Let go of me Jooheon!"

"No! Not until you listen to me!" Our eyes stabbing each other with the same echo of death. She remained quiet before snatching her arm away from me. I stood in front of the doorway just in case she tried to escape. "Leona, I knew about everything for a while. I didn't tell you because I made a promise to Hoseok that I would let everything play out for itself even though I was against it." I sighed. "Look, I'm not proud of keeping this big secret from you, but whether I would've known or not, just know that I still would've found you." Her reign of death pierced my soul.

"What exactly did you promise Hoseok to keep this from me?"

"I.." I began to choke and stumble over my words. "Promised.." I cleared my throat. "I promised to push my feelings aside for you to make sure that if you still loved Hoseok, he still had the chance to make you happy." Her face was even redder than before and she began to bite her lip to conceal her tears. Shaking her head, she covered her face with her hand, turning away from me.

"How could you do this to me?"

"Leona, I-."

"I Loved you." Her red eyes bore the bullet to my heart I expected, yet it felt much worse than I had imagined. "I have felt so many different feelings for you Jooheon over the past few months that I have known you. That day that I first came here, I missed you so much. I loved how you used to call me beautiful, butterfly and try making silly passes at me. Despite your past of being a player, I still fell for you. I wanted the chance to be with someone who had grown into maturity and could be patient with me as I forget about the past." She sniffed. "That horrid past that you already knew about! How could you even think that getting back together with him could ever make me happy? Don't you realize that I've already tried it? That's why I went away. That's why I was able to open my heart to you and.." She sighed before shaking her head. "Move." I blinked in shock. "Move your ass, Jooheon." I stepped aside and walked up to the door.

"You are of my past, now."



I wiped my eyes as I made my way to the room where I knew the beloved bride would be. Opening the door, her expression soon went from that overjoyed pre-wedding glow to a pitied, worrisome look. I had no concern for irrational expressions right now. Right now, I just needed the truth.

"Leona, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Mira, I really need you to just answer me this one question." She sat up straighter. "Who are you marrying today?"

She immediately dropped her smile and began to hang her head. "I'm sorry." I began to nod.

"Why? Why did you lie to me? All those months of torture just to try and help you out with your supposed wedding with Hoseok, the many miserable nights I've had due to my mind torturing me about the past and you-!" I shook my head as I smiled. "A fake friendship.."

"Leona, I-."

"Shut up. Is this what you wanted? To see me end up like this? In tears? Or no, wait.. Is it all because of that huge piece of the puzzle that Hoseok and I once refused to tell you?" My eyes narrowing in on her as I came closer. I stood there for a while looking into the face of a liar before smiling once more. "Fine. Since you so desperately want to know. Hoseok and I were together for a long time. You already know how in love we were with each other. But that day that we first broke up is where it happens. We were in a study room after having not seen each other in a few weeks. Hoseok, I already knew, had been experiencing some sensual spells but I thought it to be nothing new from before."

"Leona, you really don't-"

"No. You sit there like the gorgeous bride you are and listen to me!" I wiped my eyes. "Now close your eyes and imagine this. He went in for a kiss and then, before I could even do anything back, he got on top of me."


"He began grinding on my body and kissing it as I kept telling him to stop. His obsession was eating him alive and causing him to hurt me. I was able to escape from him multiple times, but each time I did, he would just come back onto me stronger than before. I tried asking him what was wrong with him, but he couldn't answer me. It seemed as if he, himself, had allowed the devil to enter him. He wouldn't stop until I screamed at him that if he went on-"

"Leona, stop."

"That this would count as rape."

"Please.." She began to cry into her hands. With a smile, I began to comfort her by rubbing her back. "But, my dear Gorgeous bride, Mira, that wasn't one hundred percent why I was afraid or shocked by any of that. What hurt me the most was that it had happened to me before. We were together when it first happened to me. The good news is that he wasn't the one who did it to me the first time my body was violated. It was someone very near and dear to me. A person of my own blood."  I took a deep breath. "The very fact that he knew what had happened to me and decided to do this to me made me lose all trust in him altogether for a long time. Though, I did try to get back together with him.. It failed because I couldn't let him touch me. I became disgusted with him and myself, so I left."

"My dear, precious Mira. I was scared for you. I was hoping that he had learned his lesson and would never do that to you either. Hoseok is a good man, but his sexual urges make him bad." I laughed. "Now that I think about it, it felt kind of nice to be painted as the bad guy. Especially since I was able to meet the mastermind criminal, cross paths with a familiar foe and be the main prize of a betrayal." I sighed. "I will be your maid of honor for today, as I highly doubt that you have anyone else to replace me. But after today, I never want to hear another word from you again."

I began to walk out but paused at the doorway, turning back with a smile. "Oh and Mira. The next time you wanna lie, keep it small. Being nosey can get you into a lot of trouble. I just hope your Husband is nothing like Hoseok." My smile dropped.

 "Yet, I also hope that he is everything like him."

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