She's Mine

De lvndr-

190K 5.8K 1.7K

His eyes were red-rimmed, his hair tousled like he had been running his hand through it over and over again... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
c o r o n a t i o n

Chapter 8

4.4K 125 23
De lvndr-

My body was warm, for once. My feet were toasty, and it felt like the sleep I wanted in a long time. I didn't want to open my eyes, I didn't want to lose this comfortable feeling and get dragged back into my lifeless, dull life. No bad visions plagued me beneath my eyelids and I felt... relaxed.

My fingers were burrowed smooth, delicate fur, warmth emitting from it, and I dug my fingers deeper.

I was sinking further into relaxation when something nudged at my side. It kept nudging and nudging until I gave up trying to sleep. I growled in frustration and flung my eyes open, irritation filling up the rare contentment. I winced, as light leaked in and squinted to try to make out what the source of the nudging was. Slowly, my eyes began to focus.

Lykos in his wold form lay under me, so I was sleeping on his back and his tail was nudging me. I snarled and began to rise to my feet, but my legs were weaker from before and my knees slammed back hard onto the ground. In a flash of light, Lykos formed back into his Fae form.

Why were my knees always so weak in the morning?

Before Lykos could help me up, I dedicated to helping myself. Placing one hand on the ground, whilst the other gripped Lykos's shirt. I pulled and placed down a foot, it wobbled, like a new-born deer's, but thankfully didn't give way again. Gradually, I stood up and looked around me.

We were in a different house, it was humble but homely. There was a bed on the far-right side, with a trunk on its foot. A kitchen on the left side of the cottage and a door, which I presumed to lead to a bathroom and another door, which I also presumed to lead outside. There was a minute fireplace, on the top were two horns, it had swirling patterns engraved to both and on each base of the horn, there was a crescent moon. It was beautiful.

I peered out the little window and noticed that we were in the middle of a forest and that the sun was gradually descending into darkness.

Lykos had been silent throughout the whole time, I examined his home.

Then I realised the other details.

We were alone.

In the middle of the forest.

Maybe extremely far from Rowan's manor.

Alone with a person I barely knew.

"Where are we?" I said.

Lykos's smile was polite and forced, as he said, "My house,"

I scowled in annoyance, "I know that. I mean, where are we? And how far is it from Rowan's manor?"

"We are quite far from Rowan, probably one and a half days on foot, and 10 minutes in wolf form," he said, walking towards his kitchen.

"Would you like some water?"

Indeed, I did. My tongue parched. I nodded, imagining the cool liquid refreshing my spirit.

He handed me a long glass of the water, condensation already starting around the border.

I pressed the rim against my lip and began drinking, as expected, the reviving magic soothed my aching throat and dry tongue.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I finished it in two gulps.

His eyebrows were raised in surprise and amusement, agitation tugging at my gut already.

"Wow, the first nice words you've said to me since we met," his lips curving upwards.

"I hoped you caught on by now, but I'm not a very friendly person," I snapped at him.

He put his hands up in surrender, "Alright, alright. Don't bite my head off,"

I abruptly stood up and walked out of the house. I was going back. I couldn't stay a minute longer with the overly polite, mercurial werewolf.

I heard the door shut with a satisfying slam and began to walk faster. And then I stopped. The trees were high and now a russet colour, a variety of shades of golden to rusty brown leaves scattered around, a soft path for my naked feet. I had no idea where I was going. I pivoted. Lykos could take me back. But then I stopped again, as I took a step towards his home.

I would seem helpless, weak. Even though I were those things, it would cut my pride.

I had my shadows. My only friends, that would never leave. So quickly I melted into the subdued quiet of the darkness.

"Do you know the way to go back to Rowan's house?" I questioned them.

There was a silence, then they whispered:


I let them hold my hand and they began to lead me. Being a shadow was faster than walking or running, being a shadow was like an arrow shot from a strong bow. The woods a blur as we zoomed past them.

They led me to Rowan's looming manor, the stone glistening softly at the setting sun. How was that possible? Had I slept till the evening? Or did getting here seem a lot longer than it seemed?

I thanked them greatly and stepped out the shadows. I walked towards the front door and knocked.

I heard running, great stomps on the reflective flooring, then there was a twist to the lock and Rowan opened the door. His eyes had purple smudges under them and his breathing was hard. His eyes flooded with relief when he beheld me, and I felt a twinge of guilt.

"Where have you been?" he said.

"I went for a walk last night and fell asleep, Lykos carried me to his house and now I'm here. I- I'm sorry for worrying you," my voice sounded dead and robotic, but I shrugged it off, it didn't matter. The void in me still whirling in wind and white fire and ice and darkness. Nothing else. But I did care for Rowan and he was there for me.

He seemed shocked at the apology, as his eyes widened slightly. He coughed awkwardly.

"It's fine,"

"When do we carry on training?" I enquired, eager to do something and move my stiff muscles.

Rowan shook his shoulders as if shaking off the worry and concern.

"Let's start after dinner unless you already-"

I shook my head, "No I haven't had dinner there," interrupting his question.

He nodded and walked to the dining table, then with a click of his fingers, food appeared on the table and I glanced to see if my mark from yesterday was still there and was surprised to see it was.

I filled my plate to the brim, excited to replenish my energy. And when my stomach was content, I rose from the table to warm up outside.

I began jogging around the large garden and headed towards the dummy near the left corner. I strapped on my punching gloves and began to hit the centre chest. Twisting my foot, a little right to add more power.

I pushed back, and someone grasped my elbow, restraining me from moving it. My spine locked up and breathing became difficult. I tried to break free, but the iron grip wouldn't budge. My head felt light-


A voice commanded, causing all the panic building up in me to disappear. My eyebrows shot up at how they obeyed.

Was it that easy?

But the voice was right. Enough of all this.

I had enough of feeling sick and tired all the time. Feeling vulnerable and expecting protection.

I am not weak. I will no longer feel shackled to the events of the past. There was no point to this sorrow.

Some weight lifted off my shoulders. As if accepting the truth finally began breaking me away from this trance of sadness and sorrow.

I loosened a breath. I turned quickly and twisted my whole arm from their hold, then I swiftly pushed it in the chest with all my strength. There was a male grunt as he hit the grass.

I looked up at the moon, visible now. Triumph swelling in me.

I stared down at the person and normally I would've laughed if I had seen who was sprawled on the floor, but no amusement tugged at me, just silence. Just when I thought I had gotten over this, it seemed like I had not.

How unfortunate for me.

Lykos face was twisted in mock pain, then he laughed and stood up, brushing the dirt off his clothes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Coming to visit you of course. You know I am quite impressed with how fast your shadows brought you here," he said.

I glanced at the manor behind him. To check If Rowan was there.

"Does Rowan know you're here?" I asked.

He nodded and ran his hand through his thick silvery hair. His grey and hazel eyes finding mine.

I was careful to school my face into a neutral mask and nothing more.

I turned back at the dummy, as Lykos wasn't talking anymore.

I positioned myself almost sideways to the dummy and raised my hands in front of me. I slightly bent my front leg and punched the dummy's chest. My body flowing into the rhythm and through each punch, they became more precise and sharper, each thrust of an arm swiftly returning like a snake's bite. And then I added the kicks.

By the end of my patterns of attacks. I was sweating and panting. But I wasn't done yet. I looked behind me to see that if Lykos had remained. But I found him standing next to Rowan, his mismatched eyes were on my face.

I probably looked like a mess. My hair was wild, with some of the curls breaking free near my ears. I didn't care; his opinion was irrelevant.

"Rowan," I called. He looked up from where he was staring at on the horizon. The sky was dark now, but not enough for all the stars to appear. Throughout my training, the lamps all over the garden must have turned on.

"Rowan, I need you for the defensive training," I said. He grinned and began to shrug off his jacket when Lykos stopped him.

"I will help you," he said with a smirk.

My face remained blank, as a bit of annoyance shot through me.

He always had to stick his ass into everything.

"I don't want you." I said with an unyielding and cold voice.

His eyebrows shot up and a soft frown set upon his face at the rejection. And Rowan merely shrugged at him apologetically as he walked towards me.

Lykos was watching my every move, his hands tucked behind his hands and his posture straight. Not a trace of hatred or anger in those mismatched eyes.

Why, if it was me, I'd be fuming.

Rowan was now in front of me, his jacket of and thrown to the side. A grin on his face.

"Think you can beat me?" he said, bending down slightly and raising his hands.

I shrugged, adjusting my punching gloves and stretching my legs a bit more. Rotating my shoulders, I let out a long breath, letting my body fall into the flow of things.

I stood in fighting position and waited. We both began to circle each other. Thirty seconds had passed, and Rowan finally lunged. I swiftly moved aside as he flew past me. But he stopped himself with speed that I almost missed. He gracefully surged back up and went for a punch.

My eyes widened slightly as time seemed to slow down as if the world seemed to go in slow-motion. I watched his fist surge towards me. Then, I gripped his wrist, which was mere inches from my chest and twisted my body, along with his arm. His face contorted in pain as he was forced into a seemingly uncomfortable position.

I could hear Lykos clapping in the background.

Before I knew it, Rowan had detangled himself and pinned me so that my back was against his chest. I could feel the booming of his heart. The rise and fall of his torso. His arm locked around my neck. An iron grip, but not hard enough to hurt. I struggled a bit, trying to find a free spot so I could rip free, but there was nothing.

I sighed in defeat, as I tapped his arm and he let go.

My uncle was grinning like a fool and I scowled at him. How I hated losing.

I folded my arms in front of me and asked, "How would you get out of a hold like that?"

"Come and hold me in a hold like that." He said, bending down slightly so I can headlock him with my arm, although I still had to go on my toes to fully be able to do so.

He held one hand on my arm that was gripping him and with his free arm he pushed his elbow back, straight to my stomach.

Rowan was doing this slowly, so I could easily dodge that blow. But to do so I had to move my leg position, so my hold on him wouldn't loosen. With that, he effortlessly hooked his leg with mine and pushed so I was sent flying back.

"Just like that," he said smugly, his hand already out to help me up. But I ignored it and I helped myself up, brushing the dirt of me.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said and walked past him, taking my fighting gloves off and tossing them to side. I brushed past Lykos, even as he opened his mouth to say something.

I didn't want to deal with anything right now. So, I trudged up the stairs and into my room and straight into the bathroom.

My clothes were already sliding off as I stepped into the room and turned the faucets on.

Once I was finished, I wrapped a towel securely around myself and stared at the mirror and the person staring back at me.

My violet eyes were dull, and the blue ring seemed black. I thought I was getting better throughout the months, but apparently not.

I walked out the steaming bathroom and into the cool air of my room, the dripping of water from my drenched hair the only noise.

I was searching through my wardrobe for some nightclothes, when there was a knock at my door.

I looked down at myself, and the towel that only just covered me.


"Come in," I said, turning back to my clothes.

Lykos's scent hit me, without having to turn around and I scowled. "You're still here." I stated in a dead voice.

"Indeed, I am," he said. And my scowl deepened at the politeness and formality.

"What do you want?"

"To tell you that you fought very well, considering you've only been training for three or more months."

I shrugged, finally finding something to wear.

"Is that it?" I said turning so I was facing him. He was wearing a shocked expression; his mouth slightly open and his eyebrows raised.

So, I raised an eyebrow in silent question.

"Do you know, that it's very hard to please you? Most females would be blushing and giggling at the compliment. At me."

I almost laughed. Was he being serious?

"Then you have not met a lot of females, have you?" I mocked. "And why would I fawn over someone so egotistical and so... average. Perhaps even below that,"

And I did then laugh. More like cackle at his reaction. Cackled as I struck at his male pride.

"Are we finished here?" I questioned, as my amusement reigned itself in. But I couldn't help the slight lift of the corner of my mouth, as he curtly nodded and left.

That was fun. 


Honestly not so sure anymore about her evilness.

I think shes more heartless than evil rn 

Is her character even likeable?

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