The Price of Life [Fullmetal...

By melosdechordas

153K 5.9K 1.3K

No one would call Sonia an ordinary teenage girl. She has no family left to speak of, was born with strange p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
author's note

Chapter Forty Seven

960 42 2
By melosdechordas

a/n: these next few chapters are almost wholly focused on Sonia as a character. I know you're wanting some good action and romance, so I promise it'll be soon. I won't spoil it for you though - start reading!


Sonia's hand trembles as she reaches for the handle of the Bradley's front door. She knows who's in there. She can feel them. And yet, she swallows the fear. It goes down her throat like a thick pill.

"Here goes nothing," she mutters and enters the elaborate house. Unsurprisingly, it still does not feel like her home. It does not feel like a home at all, actually, considering her knowledge of the family that lived there. (Family was a loose term when it came to the Bradleys.)

She was alone in the foyer. She figured no one heard her come in, and frankly, she didn't want them to be alerted of her presence just yet. The girl sneaked up to her room and almost made it until she ran into a familiar woman. She exhaled an enormous sigh of relief at their meeting.

"Riza!" she exclaimed. "It's so good to see you." She embraces her tightly and the lieutenant returns the gesture. "It feels like it's been forever."

"I agree," she chuckles. "You've been out and about for a while, haven't you?"

"Yeah." Her voice drops low in a whisper. "I've been with Ed and Al, getting ready for the Promised Day."

Hawkeye nods knowingly, her mouth pressing into a tight line. It's then Sonia notices a cut on her cheek.

"What happened to your cheek?" she questions, peering in closer.

"I don't think I have to explain."

"Was it Bradley? Or Selim?"

Riza's eyes harden and she goes to speak, but she stops when Sonia looks behind her. Taking a look over her shoulder, she sees the Fuhrer and instantly salutes.


He's not concerned so much about his assistant, but more interested in Sonia's presence.

"Ah, my lovely daughter," he says, only to make aware of his status above her. She sneers. "You've returned from your extended mission to the north?"

Curtly, she replies, "I have. Just now, actually. Sorry for not keeping you posted - lots of things happened." She was sure he knew everything somehow anyway. No use in an explanation.

"No matter to me. But I'm sure Mrs. Hawkeye does not have time to hear about your frivolous adventures." He stepped towards the two women and his voice dropped low. He puts on no facade. "She has more important things to do. Besides, if you were wise, you'd be more mindful of who you speak with, and what you communicate about. Do not consider it a mere suggestion."

He walks a few feet away, then stops again. Turning around, he regains the fake liveliness into his voice. "Lunch is already prepared. We'll be waiting for you at the table."

The man walked away briskly, leaving the two alone again. Sonia knew better though; she could feel him lingering beyond the joint corridor, silently challenging them to obey his orders. But the message was clear: any conversation between themselves was off limits. Still, the alchemist couldn't resist saying one more bit to Riza.

"Soon everything will be different."

Hawkeye nods, then they both part ways, making an unspoken vow to see each other sooner than not when the Promised Day arrives.


Lunch is lively, thanks to Mrs. Bradley's excitement of having Sonia back in the house. The girl makes an offhanded comment, saying, "Don't get used to it," but not even that can dampen the first lady's mood.

Sonia humored her for as much as she could. She told her about the trip to the north, but kept it short, mostly because half the things that happened she couldn't share to the whole table. She didn't want to make her adopted mother worry, either. She was an innocent woman who deserved better than these two monsters as her family.

Even when she would pry, Sonia remained tight-lipped. The only time she spoke up was when Selim asked how the Elric brothers were. She stiffened, her jaw tight.

"They're doing just fine, actually."

The Fuhrer pipes up then. "Excellent. We'll need strong boys like them in the upcoming days."

They both knew what he meant. He didn't need to clarify. Sonia decides not to comment, fearful of what would happen if she did. Instead, she excuses herself from the table and back to her room. Later, Mrs. Bradley came to check on her. She wondered if the woman felt as if she was babysitting someone else's child. Sonia surely felt as if she was being forced into a space in this woman's heart that she just couldn't fill.

"Mrs. Bradley, I really appreciate all you've done for me. You're too kind for your own good." Sonia bit her lip. She couldn't stand to be the one to tell her her whole family was imaginary.

"It's no problem, dear. My husband and I just want to give you a good home life."

The girl didn't react, and Mrs. Bradley frowned. "What is it?"

"I need to go back to my hometown." She announced suddenly. "It's in the south. Will you let me? I'll only be gone a few days. I'll be safe I promise. Don't worry."

She shakes her head in confusion. "How do you have so much courage, young lady?"

Sonia smiles at her sadly. "It's all I've grown up with. And frankly, I think I'm losing some of my fearlessness. That's why a visit to my hometown would do me some good."

"I understand. Just please stay safe."

"You too, Mrs. Bradley."

"I'll be safe and sound in my home, don't worry."

Sonia had her doubts about that. Ironic how this woman praised her on her bravery when she had no courage to tell her the truth. She knew firsthand the heartbreak of finding someone you love to be someone entirely different. It was cruel and agonizing. But her lips were sealed.


The alchemist left early the next morning, having to take two trains to get to Augustine. For some reason, many were aboard the second train. Who would ever want to go to her poor old hometown, she had no idea. Still, it gave her a chance to study the passengers' qi and review Mei's lessons. She was surprised with herself how much she actually learned and retained from what felt like such a short period time. She still had to remind herself that it was already spring.

Those thoughts kept her busy and soon enough familiar places and faces came back to her. She couldn't contain the rush of nostalgia that came to her as she stepped onto the station platform. Everything felt both familiar and different - even the town's qi. She spent her early childhood years here, up until Chris Mustang came to take her to a new home after she had lost everything. When she had gotten back on her feet a few years later, Roy took her back for a little vacation. She remembers crying so much that she made herself sick and had to be taken back home the next day. The most recent time, she had gone alone and came back with two friends: Edward and Alphonse Elric. She subconsciously wished they were both here with her now. Sonia had to remind herself of the mission at hand, though. She needed to find out who she was. There was no better way to know than to first find out who her parents were. And she knew just the man to ask.

Mr. Frederick Wesson had to be the oldest soul in the county that Augustine resided in. He was a wise old man who was a former Ishbalan monk. He knew many things, including alchestry and alchemy, and was even a family friend; he taught alchemy to Sonia's father. But more importantly, he knew everything and anything about everyone and anyone. He was more reliable with true information than anyone she knew. She figured he could give her some insight on this curse Mei spoke of. He had been to Xing, so surely he's heard of it too. She needed answers or else it would drive her mad.

His house was not too far from the train station, so she set off in a hurry, hopeful anxiety running through her.

Frederick was easier to find than she thought. When she was younger he would be all over town and impossible to track, but when she saw him sitting on the chair on his front porch, it had looked like he had been there for quite some time, just withering away. She had to admit he looked worse for wear. He was old when she was a child, but now he looked it. Yet still, he remained as lively as ever in his personality as he greeted Sonia when he recognized her.

Coming up the porch steps, she gave him a big smile. "How long has it been, Mr. Wesson?"

"Just Frederick," he corrects, grinning. "Have a seat."

She set her luggage down on the wooden porch and takes a seat next to him on the other rocking chair.

He goes straight to the point. "What brings you here, youngin?"

She smiles. "I'm not sure that name still applies."

"Ah, I can tell! You've grown up too much. Ya know, I bet your parents would love to see you now."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about. My dad, specifically. I've got the idea that our family has some sort of ties with Xing. I knew if I wanted to find out what kind of connection there was, I'd have to come to you.

"I'm already aware of the Xingese tale about the conjoined sisters. And how the father studied science to fix them. It can't be a coincidence that my sister and I share the same type of story. But how is it possible?"

The man smiles knowingly. "You and your father are quite alike. You both come to me in your time of need, and I appreciate it."

"How could we not? You're the wisest I know of."

"It is true that your father confided in me of you and your sister's abilities. It is true that he studied alchemy in hopes to change your fates. It is also true that he failed to do so."

This made her heart heavy. She wished she had a better connection with her father. But then again, Jocelyn's connection with him is what drove her to try and bring him back from the other side. She quieted these depressing thoughts and asked another question.

"Is it true that I'm part Xingese?"

He shakes his head. "It is not so. You are pure Amestrian. You may have your father's Ishbalan skin and your mother's dark eyes, but Amestris is your home."

"Then how am I linked to all this?"

"Do you truly wish to know?"

"Please. It will haunt me if I don't know." Sonia's pleas struck through Mr. Wesson's heart. He knew she could handle the truth, but it certainly wouldn't come easy. Still, it was his responsibility. She was akin to a daughter to him. She deserved to know the truth so that she could continue on with her life. With a heavy heart, he told the origins of the family's past.

"Your father had always been a soldier for this country. He fought in many skirmishes before you and your sister were even thought of. In one particular battle, he had gone off to Xing to fight. He told me that he killed over a dozen men, but one in particular stuck in his mind, no matter how hard he tried to expel it. For reasons of his own, he didn't share what had happened at the time. Even so, years passed, and Jocelyn was born. Then, after that, you were. As you both grew, he confessed to me that he wanted to study alchemy. I questioned his reasoning. He told me that a Xingese man had cursed him. Or rather, cursed his children with the Xingese folktale you know so well by now. Your father described the folktale to me, and wanted the curse to be lifted, somehow. I tried to help him, but I knew it was all futile.

Soon after, getting no closer to helping you and your sister, he went to war.. He realized had to fight against his own people, hesitated on the battlefield, and was blown to smithereens. I imagine you know the rest."

Sonia reels back, every detail of her life lining up in a chronological mess. "This explains a lot," she says bluntly, making Frederick chuckle sadistically. She felt sadness and relief simultaneously. Her life could have been so different. She wondered if she would be happier if she did not know. But in her heart, she was thankful for the information. She remembered Mei's words:

"Isn't it better to have knowledge than be ignorant?"

The girl stands up immediately, a new sense of purpose inside of her. She extends her hand for a handshake, but the old man takes it to get up from his seat then hugs her instead. She returns the gesture, whispering a "thank you" and blinking away tears. When they pull away, he takes a thumb and wipes a single tear away from her face.

"Would you like to stay the night? Grab your bearings?" he offers, knowing how much of a toll he put on her emotional state.

Sonia shakes her head. "That's very sweet, but no thank you. I still have one more thing to do tonight."

"The city made you too good for the country folk like me, eh?" he jokes, and Sonia laughs heartily.

"No, sir, I promise."

"At least stay for dinner."

Her stomach rumbled on cue. "Now that I can do."

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