His Wife

By Elena_Rybnikova

1M 22K 3.4K

Maria Vasilievna is the wife of one of the richest men in the world, Alexander Vasiliev. As the wife of a wea... More



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By Elena_Rybnikova

"Maria, I'm glad you're back. Now, we need to talk."

I silently nodded as I stared at my husband. I hadn't gotten a chance to speak to him first; he beat me to the punch. 

I sat down at the couches in the little lobby area and waited for him to begin. He sat down next to me. 

"I'm leaving to a meeting in Florida. I'm going alone because I also have a meeting here that I need you to get to and substitute for me. On Friday, you're then coming to Florida and we're attending a little gathering."

I stared at him. I would have to substitute him for a meeting? I didn't even... I didn't know how. And I would have to travel all by myself? 

I almost wanted to cry at all this pressure and stress, but I mentally slapped myself instead to keep myself from bursting into tears. 

"Okay, that sounds manageable." 

He kissed my forehead as a smile erupted on his face. "Perfect, I'll be leaving in a few hours. Everything you need to know about the meeting, as well as the plane ride is in my office. I'll see you in a few days."

He left right after he finished his sentence and I just stared off at him.

'I'm pregnant... you're going to be a father.' I whispered silently to myself as he vanished from view. 

Ah okay then, the big news would have to wait just a few more days. He survived two months without knowing, a few more days wouldn't hurt.

 I went into my husband's office. As expected, nothing changed except for a pile of papers on his desk labeled 'Maria.'

I sat at his enormous, extraordinarily comfortable chair. Okay, I was exaggerating a little. It wasn't that great. But definitely the best in the building. 

He was a strange person. He never let me go off to do anything myself, I always had to be at his side. But here he was; first, he let me walk around in a different country with a friend that, lets' be honest, neither one of us knew so well. Then, he let me go out with her to lunch. I never got to go with anybody to lunch! And now... he left me all alone for an entire few days. Oh, this was strange.

I took the pile and began to look through it. The meeting was scheduled for tomorrow, and it was nothing, nothing big at all. 

In fact, it was minute. I simply had to sit at some random meeting and take notes. Actually, in the margins of the instructions that had been left, he mentioned that I can just make it seem as if I am taking notes. 

I laughed and went through everything else. 

Friday, in the afternoon, I would hop on a flight and meet him in Florida. Then, in an hour or so, I would need to attend a party with him.

'Okay, let's get this started, Maria.'

~ ~ ~ 

I was standing at the airport, looking for Alexander. It was finally Friday, and I was finally in Florida. The week had gone by so fast that I didn't even get a moment to breathe. I simply kept myself busy at work. I would stay long hours, never arriving later than 7 or leaving later than 10. 

Know I knew why Alexander would bury himself with work. It just made the time go by faster.

I couldn't help but think about my little baby every once in a while. It was actually that was clouding my thinking. Even at that 'super important' meeting I only took notes about my baby.

I couldn't help myself. I loved it dearly already.

I was standing in a white and flimsy sleeveless dress. It actually looked like I took a sheet from my bed and wrapped it around myself. I wore white stilettos with palm tree leaves and red hibiscus flowers painted on them. I thought this would be right for a Florida party. I had gold earrings clipped and a red bracelet to finish my Florida party outfit.

"Maria. I'm glad to see you. Did you have a good flight?" Alexander asked, approaching me.

A deep sigh of relief escaped my lips. Oh, I hadn't been separated from this man for years. I had spent an entire week all by myself and wow, how much I missed him!

I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and placed my head on his chest. 

"It's so good to see you, Alexander. You have no idea how much I've missed you." I whispered light enough so only he would hear.

I felt his hand slide on around my waist and gently squeeze me to him. He kissed my head and then mumbled, "I missed you too, Maria. Now, are we going to go to this party? It's at the beach, you'll love it."

I took his hand and he led me out of the airport. The sun was shining and it was significantly warmer than it had been in New York City, but still not enough to die of parchedness. There were palm trees everywhere and large buildings. Yup, exactly how I pictured Florida, just without the ocean.

However, my dreams were fulfilled once we had driven to the beach. Alexander took my hand and led me to the party. It was at a resort that stood right in line with the beach and the beautiful ocean. 

The breeze from the ocean carried that salty smell and as I heard the waves crashing I found a moment of pure peace and tranquility. It was very refreshing and my hand immediately went to my stomach.

I found myself already forming a very little bump on my belly. Or maybe I just really wanted a little bump and I was starting to see one.

Either way, I just couldn't stop placing my hands on my stomach; I would constantly find myself in that position.

I wanted to tell Alexander but he was just never available for me to tell him. Besides, it didn't seem right for me to announce that during a random party in a different state and away from home. 

The party was once more, way different than what I was used to but somehow I still fit in. It was just the society; rich and cocky.

I never really wanted to think of myself as a cocky rich girl but I guess I was. I did have the tendency to think of myself better than others, but I tried to keep myself humble and kind and approachable. Lexi was a perfect example.

"Maria, will you join the party?" Alexander's breath tickled my ear as he spoke from behind me. 

I was simply standing with a glass of water and staring out onto the ocean. It was dark now, and there were many lights in the resort that lit up the ocean with their reflection. The waves were larger now and crashed with more power. They could be heard even over the loud party music coming from the resort.

I wanted to go out to the beach, but I had to stay here and be a part of the social gathering. It sucked, really. I had to keep on wearing these awful heels and pretend to like everyone.

"Yes, I am joining the party." I simply stated.

"Ah, Maria. You don't really fit in here, don't you?" Alexander asked quietly, staring into the depths of my eyes.

"I'm not sure..."I murmured, "I like being in comfort of our own home, all by ourselves. Although I do enjoy getting out and seeing the world, I don't exactly appreciate these sorts of parties."

He offered me a glass of sparkling champagne. "As do I. Would you like some champagne?" 

I shook my head. "I can't."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I am trying to cut off all alcoholic beverages... it's a diet." 

My hand went to my belly and I whispered to myself, 'Sorry little baby. Your dad will have to wait just a little longer to know about you.'

"Hmm, very well. Come, let's take a walk along the beach."

I was certainly quite surprised when Alexander took my hand and led me to the beach. We walked silently along the beach, barefoot against the warm sand as the cold waves gently kissed our feet. 

The air was still warm although it was already evening. 

Right now seemed like the perfect time to tell my Alexander that we were going to have a baby. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. 

I tried a couple times but just closed my mouth. How would I even start? Alexander didn't want children. No, he did, but not now. 

"We should head back already. We don't want to be missed for too long." Alexander spoke. We had been walking for a good while now, and could barely make out the lights from the party at the resort.

I didn't reply, and Alexander wasn't exactly looking for a reply. None of us wanted to go back; he knew that as perfectly as I did. He simply took me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I gently wrapped my arms arounnd his waist and we just stood there for a few many moments, in the silent evening air, with the waves crashing at our feet, and the ocean calming us and bringing peace to our hearts.

This would be a very cherished memory in my mind, forever and always. 

Alexander took my face in his palms and slowly leaned down to kiss me. His soft lips met mine and gently kissed him back. It was a simple kiss; no lust no passion just a very sweet token of our love. 

We walked back to the party, even more slowly now. Alexander had his arm around my shoulders, his hands playing with my long golden hair, and I was leaning into him, my arm tightly around him. 

"I love you," I whispered into the air, but I don't think he heard because the waves were too loud.

I looked up at him just in time to see his mouth close. 

I frowned. Maybe he did hear me, and I just didn't hear him.

I quickly stood on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek, and then continued to walk with him, right at my side. 

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