Series Rewrite (A Teen Wolf F...

By Bilesbilinskix

672K 18.6K 7.8K

Stiles Stilinski x Reader A rewrite of every episode featuring you as a main character alongside Stiles Stili... More

S1 Wolf Moon Part 1
Wolf Moon Part 2
Wolf Moon Part 3
Wolf Moon Part 4
Wolf Moon Part 5
Second Chance at First Line Part 1
Second Chance at First Line Part 2
Second Chance at First Line Part 3
Second Chance at First Line Part 4
Pack Mentality Part 2
Pack Mentality Part 3
Magic Bullet Part 1
Magic Bullet Part 2
Magic Bullet Part 3
The Tell Part 1
The Tell Part 2
Heart Monitor Part 1
Heart Monitor Part 2
Heart Monitor Part 3
Heart Monitor Part 4
Night School Part 1
Night School Part 2
Night School Part 3
Night School Part 4
Lunatic Part 1
Lunatic Part 2
Lunatic Part 3
Wolf's Bane Part 1
Wolf's Bane Part 2
Wolf's Bane Part 3
Formality Part 1
Formality Part 2
Code Breaker Part 1
Code Breaker Part 2
S2 Omega Part 1
Omega Part 2
Omega Part 3
Shape Shifted Part 1
Shape Shifted Part 2
Shape Shifted Part 3
Shape Shifted Part 4
Ice Pick Part 1
Ice Pick Part 2
Ice Pick Part 3
Abomination Part 1
Abomination Part 2
Abomination Part 3
Venomous Part 1
Venomous Part 2
Venomous Part 3
Frenemy Part 1
Frenemy Part 2
Frenemy Part 3
Restraint Part 1
Restraint Part 2
Restraint Part 3
Restraint Part 4
Raving Part 1
Raving Part 2
Raving Part 3
Party Guessed Part 1
Party Guessed Part 2
Party Guessed Part 3
Fury Part 1
Fury Part 2
Fury Part 3
Battlefield Part 1
Battlefield Part 2
Battlefield Part 3
Master Plan Part 1
Master Plan Part 2
Master Plan Part 3
Master Plan Part 4
S3a Tattoo Part 1
Tattoo Part 2
Tattoo Part 3
Chaos Rising Part 1
Chaos Rising Part 2
Chaos Rising Part 3
Chaos Rising Part 4
Chaos Rising Part 5
Fireflies Part 1
Fireflies Part 2
Fireflies Part 3
Unleashed Part 1
Unleashed Part 2
Unleashed Part 3
Unleashed Part 4
Frayed Part 1
Frayed Part 2
Frayed Part 3
Motel California Part 1
Motel California Part 2
Motel California Part 3
Currents Part 1
Currents Part 2
Currents Part 3
Visionary Part 1
Visionary Part 2
Visionary Part 3
Visionary Part 4
The Girl Who Knew Too Much Part 1
The Girl Who Knew Too Much Part 2
The Girl Who Knew Too Much Part 3
The Overlooked Part 1
The Overlooked Part 2
The Overlooked Part 3
The Overlooked Part 4
Alpha Pact Part 1
The Alpha Pact Part 2
Alpha Pact Part 3
Lunar Ellipse Part 1
Lunar Ellipse Part 2
S3b Anchor Part 1
Anchor Part 2
Anchor Part 3
More Bad Than Good Part 1
More Bad Than Good Part 2
More Bad Than Good Part 3
Galvanize Part 1
Galvanize Part 2
Galvanize Part 3
Illuminated Part 1
Illuminated Part 2
Illuminated Part 3
Illuminated Part 4
Silverfinger Part 1
Silverfinger Part 2
Silverfinger Part 3
Riddled Part 1
Riddled Part 2
Riddled Part 3
Riddled Part 4
Letharia Vulpina Part 1
Letharia Vulpina Part 2
Letharia Vulpina Part 3
Echo House Part 1
Echo House Part 2
Echo House Part 3
The Fox and the Wolf Part 1
The Fox and the Wolf Part 2
The Fox and the Wolf Part 3
De-Void Part 1
De-Void Part 2
De-Void Part 3
Insatiable Part 1
Insatiable Part 2
Insatiable Part 3
The Divine Move Part 1
The Divine Move Part 2
S4 Dark Moon Part 1
The Dark Moon Part 2
The Dark Moon Part 3
117 Part 1
117 Part 2
117 Part 3
117 Part 4
Muted Part 1
Muted Part 2
Muted Part 3
Muted Part 4
The Benefactor Part 1
The Benefactor Part 2
The Benefactor Part 3
I.E.D Part 1
I.E.D Part 2
I.E.D Part 3
I.E.D Part 4
Orphaned Part 1
Orphaned Part 2
Orphaned Part 3
Weaponized Part 1
Weaponized Part 2
Weaponized Part 3
Time of Death Part 1
Time of Death Part 2
Time of Death Part 3
Perishable Part 1
Perishable Part 2
Parishable Part 3
Monstrous Part 1
Monstrous Part 2
A Promise to the Dead Part 1
A Promise to the Dead Part 2
Smoke and Mirrors Part 1
Smoke and Mirrors Part 2
Smoke and Mirrors Part 3
S5a Creatures of the Night Part 1
Creatures of the Night Part 2
Creatures of the Night Part 3
Creatures of the Night Part 4
Parasomnia Part 1
Parasomnia Part 2
Parasomnia Part 3
Parasomnia Part 4
Dreamcatchers Part 1
Dreamcatcher Part 2
Dreamcatcher Part 3

Pack Mentality Part 1

5.3K 166 190
By Bilesbilinskix

Scott relived his nightmare, telling Stiles and me just how he killed Allison. They were making out on a school bus, then he ripped her to shreds. I turned a 10-minute story into a five second one.

"So you killed her?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know. I just woke up," Scott replied, walking down the hall.

"Sounds like you killed her," I said, smoothing out my dress.

"I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

"Really?" Stiles said surprised. "I have. Usually... Ends a little different, though." I made a grossed-out face at him and he shrugged, smirking down at me. Why was everyone all of a sudden smirking at me? And why was I now thinking about Stiles' sweaty sex body? Stop it!

"A) I meant a dream that felt that real, and B) never give me that much detail about you in bed again," Scott replied.

"Noted. Let me take a guess here, though."

"No, I know you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gunna lose control and rip her throat out," Scott said. The sentence forced a memory in my head that I slapped away. I couldn't think about that.

"No, of course not," Stiles said. Scott gave him a look and Stiles pursed his lips. "Yeah, that's totally it. Hey, come on, it's gunna be fine, alright? Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freaking amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a Lycanthropy for Beginners class you can take."

"Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher," I replied.

"Who, Derek?" Stiles rose his voice at me. He grabbed my shoulder to make me look at him. "Are you forgetting about the part we got him tossed in jail?"

"No, she's right. I'll do it. Chasing Allison, dragging her to the back of the bus... It felt so real. Like it actually happened," Scott agreed. We walked out the back doors and stopped in our tracks. There was a bloody bus with the backdoor ripped open. People were taking samples and pictures while the cops were standing around talking to people and taking notes.

"Are you sure that it didn't?" I breathed. On the backdoor were four white scratch marks. I looked over to Scott, who looked horrified.

We walked back inside and Scott immediately took out his phone.

"She's probably fine," Stiles said.

"She's not answering my texts." Scott groaned and became increasingly scared.

"It could just be a coincidence," I offered, even though I knew it wasn't likely.

"A seriously amazing coincidence," Stiles muttered, and I gave him a pointed look. Not helping.

"Just help me find her, okay? Do you see her?" Scott's heart raced the farther we walked. None of us were seeing Allison anywhere, and finally Scott threw himself against a locker, breathing heavily and trying not to turn. He screamed and punched the locker. It dented inwards and the top swung off its hinges, barely hanging on by the bottom.

He walked away and I went to it, trying to place it back in its spot.

"Aw, crap," I muttered as I attempted to subtly bend it back as the principal announced something I didn't listen to.

"The hell'd you do to my locker?" I heard behind me. I gasped and jumped, whizzing around. Jackson was standing there, somewhere between wanting to smirk and me and wanting to scowl at me. I pressed my back against the lockers to get as far away as I could, but he stepped closer, using checking his locker as an excuse.

"Um... Would you believe me if I said I found it like this?" I squeaked. After a second, he pushed air out of his nose, a half-smiling forming on his face.


"Then I'll say it anyway. I found it like this," I said then tried to slide quickly to the side. His arm shot up and he blocked me in on every side. The hallway was thinning out, so it looked like anybody who was in the hallway was late to class and didn't give a crap about me or Jackson.

"Why do you keep trying to run from me?" he asked genuinely.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Why do you keep trying to chase me?" He laughed, his eyes flicking down to my lips, then back up to my eyes.

"Maybe I like you."

"And maybe I don't believe you."

"Why not?"

"Because you don't like anybody but yourself," I replied honestly, looking him straight in the eye. He smirked, his jaw clenching. The muscles in his temple jumped and he leaned down. And I didn't stop him.

His lips pressed to mine, and the second he realized I was kissing him back, he closed the space between our bodies, his lower jaw jutting out as he kissed me the way he had Lydia. His hands traveled down my back, then up my thighs, ending to give my butt a nice squeeze as he pressed me into him. I moaned into the kiss accidentally, making him smile.

He let go of me and dragged me by my hand into the men's bathroom then into the wheelchair accessible stall. He slammed me against the wall again, lifting my legs around his waist as he sucked on my neck. I felt his jean-covered bulge begin to rub against my underwear and whined at the contact. All the sensations running through my body made me shiver in his arms.

He smiled and his hand traveled between our bodies. He went under my dress, and his thumb pressed over my clit, rubbing gently through my underwear. He hummed appreciatively and I bucked against him, the sensation making a new wave of slick run onto my underwear. He kissed up to my lips and trapped my bottom lip between his teeth.

I opened my eyes, surprised to see Jackson was the one standing in front of me feeling me up. I realized in my mind, I had envisioned Stiles. I pushed him away and pulled my dress back down, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

"What?" Jackson asked, noticing my expression.

I gaped at him before I found the words to say, "I'm sorry. I can't do this." I ran past him out of the stall and quickly went to my class. Chemistry. And unfortunately, I had it with Scott and Stiles, and I was flustered and aroused and flushed.

When I opened to the door to the class, I felt all eyes on me, which was the last thing I needed right now.

"Good of you to join us," Mr. Harris said. I hid my face and plopped down at my seat, which Stiles was now sitting near for some reason. He squinted his eyes at me. More specifically, my neck.

"What's on your neck?" he asked. My eyes widened as I checked my neck in the reflective surface of the faucet in the center of the science table. There was a bright red mark there, already beginning to fade. Thank god for my healing abilities.

"Nothing," I said, wiping the area. The red was gone when I pulled my hand back. "See? All good."

He looked at me like he didn't quite believe me. And then Jackson took that moment to walk in, a large smirk on his face as he sat at his desk. He winked at me, and I quickly looked away, blinking at the table as shame bubbled up in my stomach. I glanced at Stiles to see him nearly red in the face.

"Jackson?!!" he whisper-yelled at me. "Are you kidding me?!"

"Stilinski, don't make me move you again," Harris said exasperatedly. Stiles' pursed his lips at me, not saying anything else.

"Hey, I think they found something!" a girl yelled and ran to the window. Everyone else hopped up to look, too. When I did, Stiles grabbed my arm.

"Jackson?!" he repeated, this time not as quietly.

"Nothing happened!"

"You had a freaking hickey! Nothing happened?!" Stiles' voice had gotten loud enough to where anyone who wanted to could listen in. I slapped my hand over his mouth and stared into his eyes.

"Stiles. Shut. Up," I growled quietly. I slowly removed my hand, telling him with my eyes that if he started up again, I'd put it right back. He pursed his lips at me then averted his eyes.

"Well... Was it... Good, at least?" he asked. I threw my hands up in exasperation.

"Oh, my god, Stiles, nothing happened. W-we made out a little bit, he felt me up. I decided I didn't want to do it with him. I came to class. End of story," I explained. "Now, if it does actually happen, and it won't be with him, I'll be sure to video it so I don't have to give you a play-by-play the next day."

Stiles stared at me, his jaw hanging open as he registered my outburst. Everyone screamed and jumped backwards, causing me and Stiles to snap out of our awkward moment. I looked at him and sighed. Would it always be like this?

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