81 Days with One Direction

By 1DFanFictionForever

74.6K 587 162

Book One: A musical prodigy , Elizabeth, otherwise known as Lizzy, best friend had won a contest and was taki... More

Chapter one:
Chapter two:
Chapter three:
Chapter four:
Chapter five:
Chapter six:
Chapter seven:
Chapter eight:
Chapter nine:
Chapter ten:
Chapter eleven:
Chapter twelve:
Chatper thirteen:
Chapter fourteen:
Chapter fifteen:
Chapter sixteen:
Chapter seventeen:
Chapter eighteen:
Chapter nineteen:
Chapter twenty:
Chapter twenty one:
Chapter twenty two:
Chapter twenty three:
Chapter twenty four:
Chapter twenty five:
Chapter twenty six:
Chapter twenty seven:
Chapter twenty eight:
Chapter twenty nine:
Chapter thirty:
Chapter thirty two

Chapter thirty one:

1.7K 20 9
By 1DFanFictionForever

I pulled away from the kiss and opened my eyes wide open at Zayn. What had just happened? And what would Harry say? But what would Harry care, he's cheating on me.

I shook my head and went into panic mode. My hands were rapped around my neck as I placed my head between my bent legs. The rain hit the ground harder and harder. I just kissed Zayn. But I had sex with Harry last night. What was I doing? I am losing myself. I am getting lost in the clouds and I am losing my ground. Zayn moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Leave me alone." I snapped to him in tears as I starred into his eyes. I jumped to my feet and pushed my hands in my pockets and began to walk down the driveway and towards the park. I need to get away.

Elizabeth's POV

I opened my eyes and exposed Niall next to me. He pretended like we were a couple. And even those small minutes we pretended, it felt real. I wanted us to be real. But we can't be real. And that is set in stone.


We finally arrived back in London after the many hours on the flight. And it wasn't quite really fun.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Me - Sara, we are here in London.

I sat in the cab with Niall as he starred out the window. I wonder what Sara and Harry are doing. It is after all their 2 month anniversary.

We finally arrived back to the flat. And there was still no response from Sara. Something was fishy.

I crawled out of the cab and ran out of the rain and straight to the door, that I had flung open. Harry was sitting on a stool next to the bar, talking on the phone. Zayn wasn't in the room and Liam and Louis were sitting talking to each other. I couldn't make out what exactly they were talking about. I finally stopped and began to breath heavier. "Where is Sara?" I asked. She wasn't in the room. Everyone in the room stopped and starred at me. Liam and Louis just shrugged and Harry just sat at the bar. He had frorearm crutches leaning against the wall. What happened while I was gone?

"She ran away." I heard a deep voice call out. I turned to see Zayn standing there on the balcony of the steps. I nodded and turned around and sprinted past Niall.

I began to slow. Where would Sara go? Why did she go? What is happening?

Then the thought hit me.

The park.

I hitched, full on speed towards the park I ran out on Niall.

As I turned the corner of the street, towards the park, there sat Sara, on the same swing I was on a few weeks ago. I stopped my running and began to walk up the steep hill, slowly. "Sara. What's wrong?" I called to her. She continued to stare at the ground. I walked behind her back and placed my hand on it. Her shirt was drenched in rain water and her hair was soaking wet. Tears were running down her face and it was hard to tell because of the rain. I sat down on the swing next to her.

"Sara, I am here for you now. What happened?" I said, despite how tired I was from jet lag. She still starred at the ground. Bless her heart. What happened? I have never honestly seen her cry this much before. Come to think of it, she was always there when I cried. This is a switch.

"Sara?" I asked. My voice rang in the air. She moved her head towards me. A eyebrow lifted. "Harry and I had sex last night." She said, leaving her voice open. My eyes grew and a smile soon appeared and then disappeared. Why was she crying if her and Harry had sex? Did he force her? Wait, he isn't that kind of boy. "Why are you crying?" I asked her, making it sound less.... Vague.

She gulped and cleared her throat and whipped some dreading rain from her brow. "Harry is cheating on me." Sara said. My mouth dropped. That... that... I have no words for cheaters. "Oh my Sara!" I said as I pulled her into a hug, but she barley returned my hug. "That isn't all that happened." Sara managed. I pulled my body away from her.

Thunder rolled in the distance and lightning crashed to the ground. "What else happened Sara?" I asked her. My eyebrow was soon raised and I was biting my lip, holding in every urge to cuss words at the moment.

She swallowed hard and dreamed into my eyes. "Zayn and I..... We shared a kiss." She said, having her eyes drop back to the ground. Wait, so as payback to Harry she kissed Zayn? That doesn't sound much like Sara. "You kissed Zayn?" I managed, trying to sound sorrow. She shook her head and swallowed again. "Kind of. Zayn kissed me and instead of pulling away.." She stopped. I added in, "you kissed him back." I said nodding and looking at the wet ground before me. "I never meant it Liz! I never meant to kiss Zayn! I love Harry! Or I did. It was just.. I don't know." She managed, slowing her words towards the end. "Sara, it's alright. I understand and don't blame you at all. You just need to think it out. Alright?" I said, turning my undivided attention back to her weeping face. She nodded and grasped my hand in hers and stood up, pulling me to my feet. "Now let's go home." She said, faking a small smile.

On the way back to the flat, I told her everything about the trip. From the perv at the airport to the girl hitting on Niall at the airport coming back! She was honestly quite stunned. And after I told her about Cole dying, she didn't show any emotion. Her face crossed to pale but her eye make up ran down her cheeks and both of our hair was drenched. It wasn't a pretty site.

We had gotten home and Niall and Liam stood at the door with a few towels at hand and by the facial expressions, they were worried about Sara and I.

Even though Niall and I flirt and have kissed a couple times, are we..... you know..... a couple? He never asked me and I for sure never asked him. But he held me like a boyfriend would and kissed me like a boyfriend would. But were we......... we? I know I had put so much thought into the question and thoughts, but it wasn't coming clear. It was becoming more clouded and darker. And it was one hole that I couldn't measure with my shovel. But did I want to measure this?

"Lizzy! Sara! Oh my! I am so happy to see you! Ah! You two are soaking wet! Here dry off." Liam said, handing Sara a white towel. I smiled at Sara as Liam handed her the towel. I turned and starred into the ocean eyes of Niall. His cheeks were red and a small smile crept across his wet face. He began to move closer towards me, wrapping the towel around my back. I was pulled, inching closer to his dry chest. I bit my lip and wanted whatever to come to come. I want him. I truly do.

I closed my eyes, squinting. "Uh, here Lizzy." Niall said, stopping and holding the towel in place, not moving me closer, but he was pushing away from me. I snapped my eyes open and released my red lip from my teeth and starred into Niall's eyes. He returned the look for a quick second and snapped back and walked into the house. I was left, holding the towel on my own. In the cold. And rain. Liam still stood there with his hands on Sara's shoulders and talking to her about something I couldn't hear. She just nodded and smiled a few times here and there. I turned back to the open door. Niall wasn't in sight but Lou was on the phone and Harry was at  his "friend's house." The friend is a girl...... a girl... and this was all going on, Zayn was walking in a pace, thinking. This is some weird day I say.

I am confused.

Confused about Niall.

Confused about the Sara, Harry, and Zayn thing.

Confused about the song.

Confused about life.

Don't get me wrong. I want to have Niall and have an album out and be a artist in the UK and travel in jets to Paris, Tokyo, Toronto, etc. But where do I start? My single is due in 2 days. 2 DAYS! And I don't have a guitar. Nor the rest of my song. Niall isn't.... being Niall.... Sara is freaking over the kiss with Zayn and Harry cheating. And I really just need to hear Brandt's voice.

I walked into the house, not making eye contact with any of the comotion going on in the house. I soon passed all the doors and right into the empty room I called mine. Brandt's bed sat made. I miss him dearly. And I just want him here.

I walked over to my bed.  There sat a shirt of Niall's. Laying there, solemnly. And lonely. And to my luck, my phone was underneath the shirt. I reached down, grasping the fabric of the shirt and began smelling Niall's aftershave. Chills ran up and down my spine. A tear escaped my eye. Where is this all going? I am.... losing it.

I threw it, like I had a muscle spasm in my arm, across the room. I wasn't thinking. Ouviously. And there sat my phone, on top of the converter. I reached down and touched it. Niall put it here when we got home. And he put his shirt in here too. But he wouldn't hug me or kiss me at the door. Something is wrong. Something.... not Niall.

I pulled the phone up from the bed and began dialing Brandt's number. Ring and ring went by. I was becoming an emotional wreck every second. And quite frankly, I just want to go home.

His deep voice rang over the phone. "Brandt?" I called to him, gulping, trying to keep all the tears and words down. "Lizzy! It is so glad to hear your voice! What is going on over there?" He called. I quietly closed my eyes and let another tear race out my eye. I cleared my throat. "Lizzy, what is going on?" Brandt said before I could even think of the words to his first question. I began to think, keeping my eyes closed. "Lizzy?" His voice becoming inpatient. "Hello? Lizzy? Are you there?" He rang again. I coughed, leaving a faint, "Yes." In the air between the call. "I am taking the first flight to London in the morning. Tell me what is going on." He demanded. Sounding like the older brother, even though we are twins.

The conversation on the phone lasted a good 2 hours. And it was becoming really late in the night time for me. But it was just starting for him. He was speechless. Nothing was said. Nothing was thought.

"Lizzy, I am so sorry." He said to me. His voice rang in my head as he said my name. "Brandt, I miss you and I just want to come home!" I began to sob. "No Liz! You are not leaving London till your album is out and you have singles and ratings up the yin yang. Do you hear me?" He said, now sounding like a father talking to his daughter who wants to give up. I nodded. Then realizing that he can't see me. "Yes." I managed, faintly. "I will be in London shortly. Behave and write your song on the piano till I get there. Then we can go shopping for a guitar. Alright?" He said to me. Leaving no ringing. Just love and concern. "Alright Brandt. I will see you soon. I love you." I managed, trying not to cry and babble. "I love you too Liz. Now get some sleep. I will be there before you know it." I smiled, closing my eyes. I tried to hold on to his last words. His voice rang a second and left, filling my head with no other than.... Niall. I hung up the phone call and sat my phone on its charger near the beside table. I then walked over to the closet and remembered, I have little to no clothing. And all that there was for me to wear was Niall's shirt.

I removed his bracelets that he gave me and the clothing that he bought for me. I pulled on his shirt, leaving me in a bra and panites and his shirt. His red polo. His signature shirt. 

I crawled into bed, trying not to cry or shed a tear. But yet, that didn't really work so well. I sat up in my bed, thinking. Now about what? That was uncertain. I turned towards the bracelet Niall gave me. The shamrock and N bracelet. I held it in my palms, pulling it close to my heart. And breathing in each breath before I lost it. I looked at the bracelet, studying it to the bone. Then it had been flung. I had held it and threw it as fast as I could against the wall, making the shamrock and N either split apart or fall off the bracelet all together. Then I bursted into non-stop tears.

I had began to crawl myself to sleep. The light began to fade from my head. Leaving nothing left but dreams and endless happiness. Than a beam of the hallway light shinned on to me. I turned my head to see someone standing at the door.

Niall's POV

I stood behind her closed door for 2 hours, listening to her conversation with Brandt. She wants to leave. She doesn't want this. She doesn't want... me.

Her conversation soon ended and I heard her sitting on her bed. Then there was a loud thud and then crying. What did she do? I held the door handle in my hands, debating on whether or not to go in and talk to her. "Niall." A voice called to me, nearly making me pee me pants. I turned my head to reveal Liam standing before me. "Go in there. Talk to her. She will understand." He said in a whisper tone. I rolled my eyes and faced the door of her room. "Liam-" He then cut me off. "Just do it. I know what I am talking about." He said as he walked past me, sending a cooling breeze my way. He then entered his room, shutting the door behind him. And then there was just me and Lizzy. What was I going to say? What was I going to do? Just walk in there and you know... Kiss her? Or get down tonight?

Then here came the courage. I tightened my grip around the door handle and pushed it open, and there she laid. So peaceful. She shot up and looked at me. Her eyes began to squint at the light, so I rushed in and shut the door behind me. I then walked close to her and held her face with my hands.

Elizabeth's POV

Niall inched closer and closer to my lips. And soon, his where touching mine, leaving a numbness in my face. I began to kiss him back, making the kiss more and more intense in till his tongue touched my bottom lip. Begging for entrance. I parted my lips and he began to explore my mouth, leaving his tongue, touching mine. Electricity ran through my body. And Niall soon was hovering on top of my body as I lied on the bed. He reached down to pull my shirt off. Tug after tug, he finally managed my shirt off, leaving my body revealed and vulnerable. He then, still kissing, pulled his shirt off and the heat in the room began to rise. Niall collapsed next to me and pulled me over his chest, keeping lip contact.

His hands raced up and down my body, giving me butterflies in my stomach. His hands then rolled over my bum and to my upper thighs, holding them and pulling them to the side of his. I then wrapped my arms around the halo of his head and moved up closer to him. And this is were I began to get confused. He pulled away, trying to catch his breath, but he was trying not to say something. "Niall, what's wrong?" I asked. He didn't answer. He just sat there. Starring into my eyes. I reached down and crashed my lips to his, making the kiss a little more wet. His hands touched my chest bones and he pulled me away. I then sat up on his stomach. "Liz. I am sorry." He managed. I shook my head. "No. I am sorry Niall, but you are turning into a copy of Cole and I just can't." I  said getting up away from him. His hand touched my inner, upper thigh. "No. Stay. I need ..." He began to pause. "You." He then added. I began to soften up and collapsed beside him and faced my body towards his.

The night began to fly away. He pleaded that he was sorry. But I have learned that from Cole. I have taught myself not to forgive to early. But the night soon came to an end and there I was. Sound asleep in the arms of Niall. The opposite of what I wanted to happen to night. But one thing that wasn't said was what happened when Sara and I arrived at the door. He just avoided it. What was really going on?

(Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated! I have been busy with orchestra and school.. So try and enjoy my lame chapter! Oh and we will be playing a game! If you want of course! Okay, so I will put song lyrics on my author notes and the first one to guess it right gets a dedication and a vote from me! Alright, well love you all and message me anytime!)

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