Drarry- Lasting love

By mydrarry

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During Harry and Draco's 4th year at Hogwarts, they start realizing how much they think of each other but put... More

Chapter 1: First Day of 4th Year
Chapter 2: Friends?
Chapter 3: Four Champions
Chapter 4: The First Task
Chapter 5: The Yule Ball
Chapter 7: Rainbow has a new meaning
Chapter 8: Weekend Together (Pt. 1)
Chapter 9: Weekend Together (Pt. 2)
Chapter 10: The Third Task

Chapter 6: The Second Task

78 6 0
By mydrarry

(A/N: There's going to be a lot of perspective changes in this chapter so sorry in advance.)

{Pansy's POV:}

I was very angry about last night. Why did Draco have to blow me off like that?! I need to take my anger out on someone but I don't want to hurt Draco. I know just the person.


"What do you want Pansy?"

"Come here, I have a plan." He groggily walked over to me.

"What is it?"

"I need to get my anger out on someone. Who better than Potter? This is what I was thinking..." I told Blaise about an amazing plan that was sure to make him break down. It was perfect. Now to conduct it without Draco knowing.

{Harry's POV:}

I was laying in bed all morning daydreaming about last night and I might miss breakfast. I decided to finally get up, get dressed, and go down to get some food. I get ready and leave the Gryffindor tower. As I walk through the hall I see people staring at me. It was more than usual. Then I realized they were laughing at something. At me. They all had pins on their shirts but I couldn't see what they said. I got closer to a couple of students and the pin read:

"Potter Stinks!

Support Cedric Diggory -- The Real Hogwarts Champion "

I looked around and most of the student body was wearing them, including some students from the other schools. I couldn't take it. It was too much. I ran through the halls to get to the familiar bathroom that I've grown to love. I have to stop just before it because Parkinson and Zabini were blocking the way.

"Like it Potter? They were made by us, pretty nifty design isn't it?"

I pushed through them trying to hold back tears. I run towards the bathroom and enter. I shut the doors and locked them. I walk to a wall and slide down it. I start to break down and cry. I just can't stop crying. I need someone but I can't just walk out and grab Draco and bring him in. People would be suspicious. So I just sit there and cry. My self-worth plummets and I decide I'm not going to classes today. Then I hear a bang and screaming. What is going on? I decided just to stay put.

{Draco's POV:}

I woke up later than usual but nonetheless I wanted to see Harry. I got up, changed and headed straight to the dining hall. As I walk through I hear people snickering about something. I choose to ignore it and head through the doors of the hall. I see that Harry isn't there and decide to go looking for him.

While I walk through the hall I begin to notice what people are snickering at. I get closer to some students and see a pin on their robes.

"Potter Stinks!

Support Cedric Diggory -- The Real Hogwarts Champion "

I fill with anger.

"Who gave you these?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Pansy and Blaise. Do you like them?" A small Slytherin answered.

"Thank you." And I brushed passed them to find those two bitches.

As I stormed through the halls I hexed anyone that was wearing those godawful pins. I finally spot the two idiots standing loud and proud. I storm up to them.

"Oh, Draco! Do you like them?" She smiles and shows off the pin.

"What the fuck you two! You are such imbeciles!" I scream. I take my wand out and hex them with a big bang. Everyone around screams.

"And if I see anyone else wearing those fucking pins I'll hex you next!" I was filled with rage. Everyone around was in shock. I hexed everyone around that was wearing the pins.

"Mr. Malfoy! What is the meaning of this?!" It was Professor McGonagall. "Detention young man! Meet me in my office after dinner. You will be doing lines all night long. And put your wand away and stop hexing people!" I put my wand away and stormed into the dining hall. I angerly ate my food and headed straight to potions. I was sure I would see Harry soon because we had the same class together. Soon enough he walks in with his head hanging low looking very depressed. He sat down and I gave him a sympathetic look. He showed a small smile and looked back down. I placed my hand on his thigh to comfort him. He placed his hand on top of mine but didn't look up. They broke him. Those two are going to pay.

{Harry's POV:}

Loud knocking was coming from the bathroom door.

"Harry mate are you in there?" I wiped my eyes and stood up.

"Yes, I'll open the door." I opened the door and came out. Ron, Dean, and Seamus all looked at me with a sympathetic look. I was pathetic.

"The weirdest thing happened. Malfoy went out hexed every student that was wearing those stupid pins. We thought he had done it until I saw him hex his pals. I guess they did it. Anyway, we should get to class. We don't want to be late." I nodded my head and followed Ron to the potions class. I sat down and Draco shot me a sympathetic look. I smiled wearily and put my head back down. He placed his hand on my thigh and I put mine on top of his. I see him scribble something down on a piece of parchment and hand it to me.

"Can't meet tonight, sorry. Tomorrow morning?"

I nod and pass him back the note as class starts. We go through the usual lessons and the bell rings. I head for Ron and Hermione.

"Are you okay Harry?" Hermione wraps her arms around me.

"Yes, I'm fine. Hey, Hermione I still haven't figured out what the next task is. Can you please help me?"

"Harry! You should have already figured it out! But I'll help you. We are going straight to the library after dinner."

I nod and we head to the next class. All I can think about are those stupid pins and how worthless I am.

At dinner, I don't eat any food. I can feel eyes burning into my skull so I look up. Draco is staring at me and at my plate. I roll my eyes and put some food on it. I eat everything on my plate and he looks back down. He isn't talking to anyone and is sitting far away from his friends. As soon as dinner is over Hermione latches herself onto my arm and pulls me straight to the library. She askes me what the egg sang several times over and over again before she figures it out.

"Oh, I got it! Well, I think the task is going to be underwater in the lake. And the merpeople are taking something that you can't live without, like a friend."

"That makes perfect sense Hermione! But how am I supposed to breathe underwater?"

"I don't know, but you better get researching." I grab a book about the lake and start reading. Before we know it its past curfew and we still haven't found anything. The task is in a couple of days and it feels like we will never find something that makes me capable to breathe underwater. I start to leave for the common room but I see a tired Draco heading towards the dungeons.

"Draco, wait!"

{Draco's POV:}

After dinner, I head to Professor McGonagall classroom for my detention. When I enter she stands.

"You will be writing lines until I saw you can stop. There is already some parchment and a quill at your desk. You will be writing 'I will not hex my fellow students'. You may begin."

She sits back down and starts doing her work. I grab my piece of parchment and quill and start writing. 'I will not hex my fellow students. I will not hex my fellow students. I will not hex my fellow students...' and on. After every sentence, I complete it with 'unless it's for Harry' in my mind. I continue my lines until it is past curfew and I am wondering when I can leave. Professor McGonagall looked at the clock and then a panicked expression comes over her face.

"Oh dear, it seems I lost track of the time. You may leave Malfoy. Take this pass with you so you don't get in any trouble on your way back to your common room." I take the piece of paper and start walking. Halfway there I realize how tired I am and how much I want to just fall on my bed and sleep.

"Draco, wait!" Harry? I turn around to see a groggy Harry walking up to me.

I yawn, "Hello Harry. You must be wondering why I couldn't show up tonight. I got detention because-"

"I know why, Ron told me. Did you really do that for me? Hex all those people wearing those pins? Thank you, Draco. I really appreciate it." He hugs me.

"It was really no problem. I was so angry that I had to. Pansy and Blaise are going to wish they never did that after what I'm going to do to them." He giggled.

"We should probably head to our dorms so we don't get in trouble. Bye Draco!"

"Bye Harry." I wave and walk directly to the dorms. I change and jump onto my bed. As soon as I laid down I was in a deep sleep.


{Harry's POV:}

The second task was tomorrow and I still haven't found anything on how to breathe underwater. I've been in the library every night trying to find something that I could use. It was very late at night and I was still looking through one of my books and before I knew it I was asleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Harry Potter! Wake up, Harry Potter! The second task is starting soon. Dobby knows what the task is and brought Harry Potter Gillyweed. Harry Potter must eat it before he jumps into the lake it will help him breathe. Wake up, Harry Potter!"

I open my eyes and look at Dobby. I realize that the task is today and I panic. I get up, grab the gillyweed, thank Dobby, and head to the lake. I go on this boat to get to the platforms where the other champions are. I look around for Ron and Hermione but they are nowhere to be seen. I see Draco and I wave at him. He smiles and waves back.

"Can the champions please get ready?"

{Draco's POV:}

The champions get ready for the task and I'm nervous for Harry. Bang. And the champions were off. Harry was sitting there dumbstruck chewing something and behind him, Professor Moody pushes him in. I worry because Harry isn't moving. But then he jumps up out of the water with gills and webbed feet and hands. I sit there and wait. There is an hour until the task is over and I can see Harry. Pansy and Blaise walk up to me.

"Hey Draco, I'm sorry about the pins I didn't know they would upset you."

"Yeah yeah, it's alright."

Her and Blaise stand next to me and start talking. I nudge Pansy a little and she looks at me.

"When is the task over?"

"They just started Draco, about 45 minutes."

Almost every 10 minutes I would ask Pansy when the task was over before she just told me to shut up and wait for them to announce that an hour was up. I waited patiently for the rest of the time.

"Fleur Delacour is disqualified from this task because she couldn't complete it." Was it really that hard? I start to worry again but decide not to bother Pansy.

About 20 minutes later Cedric Diggory came out of the water with Cho Chang. They're using people for this task? That's absurd. Soon after Victor Krum followed with Granger. They announced that an hour was up and I was really worried for Harry. He still hasn't come up. After about 10 minutes of agonizing waiting, he came up with Weasley and a blonde haired girl. Fleur was crying and came up to Harry hugging him than the girl. That must be her sister I thought.

"Cedric Diggory has received first place for retrieving the closest person to him." Everyone cheered. "Harry Potter has received second place because of his bravery and his concern for every person under the water. He has received second because he was behind the given time to get his person. " Some small cheers. "Victor Krum has received third for coming up second with his person. And Fleur Delacour has received fourth because she couldn't continue the task." There was clapping and people started to exit the lake. I took a boat and decided to wait for Harry by the area. After a couple of minutes I saw him and tried to get his attention. After a while he realized that someone was trying to get his attention and he turned.

"Harry. Over here!" He walked over to the bush I was in and I pulled him into it. He stumbled a little bit but then I hugged him. "Never scare me like that again. I thought you were dead!"

"Alright alright," he said laughing. We hugged for a while, and it felt nice.

"Great job Harry. You should probably get out of this bush before your friends worry about you. I'll see you after dinner." He nodded and left.


It was after dinner and I really wanted to see Harry again. I went to the bathroom early and Moaning Myrtle was doing whatever she was doing.

"Hello, Draco!" She said.

"Hello, Myrtle."

"Is your lover boy coming tonight?"

I blushed, "He's not my 'lover boy'"

"Yeah sure. I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. You two are in love and you just don't know it." She laughed. She put her ear to the wall "And here comes your lover boy now! I'll leave you two while I sorrow in my stall. Boo-hoo!" She left and Harry entered. I was very flustered and red.

"Hey, Draco. What's wrong? Why are you so... red?"

"M-Myrtle" I barely chocked out.

"Oh. She can be a burden sometimes, can't she?"

"Y-yes." He came over and sat beside me. I got redder and became silent. He placed his hand on mine and smiled. I smiled back. "Oh! Congratulations on your task. You did amazing with that big heart of yours. You could have died!"

He chuckled "I guess so." We talked for the rest of the night before we realized it was almost past curfew. He left and I left soon after. I went to my dorm and was thinking about what Myrtle said. Maybe we do like each other. I mean, I did try to kiss him.. I decided to leave it alone for the night and go to bed.

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