I'm Mr. Badass

By Rockout102

1.7K 200 74

Kellin Quinn Bostwick. Kellin used to be a shy, misunderstood, mistreated boy. But when he was 13 he found a... More



83 8 0
By Rockout102

Vic's Pov*

Kellin rode over to a group of people. Damn... That's a lot of people.. They all look pretty cool, though.

"Okay sinners, these are people from my school. Jaime, Vic and Mike, Vic's younger brother. Guys these are my friends plus, Austin." Kellin smiled to the tallest one who was covered in tattoos. Well, most were covered in them too. Actually, maybe all of them.

"Yeah, I'm your daddy not your friend." The guy blew a kiss.

"That's gay." A red head laughed.

"Very." Jaime added.

"Yeah, that gay pedophile is Austin. Then we have Tony, Justin, Gabe, Alan, Taylor, Hayley, Justin, and Remington." He informed, pointing to everyone. There was no way I would remember all these names.

But everyone got along great.

"Holy shit! Is that Andrew?!?!" Gabe questioned.

All of our heads turn to where he was facing. My eyes went wide as Andy Biersack, Ronnie Radke and Brendon Urie were here.

"Holy shit! What is he doing here?" Kellin asked shocked.

"How about we all just leave before this gets out of hand." Hayley suggested.

"Hell no. As long as he stays over there it's fine. I wanna see what happens." Kellin said.

"Does he go to your school?" Tony asked Hime.

"Yeah, all three. Kellin threw the one with the big forehead to the ground in 2nd hour." Jaime replied.

"Aye that's my boy!" Kellin started to get slapped in the back of the head by everyone and praise.

"Everyone off of Kellin, please." Gerard laughed.

"You're no fun." Alan pouted.

"I need more cigs." Justin complained. "Where is the nearest gas station, Taylor?"

"There is one a half mile from here if you run it, should take you 10 minutes. Maybe 13 if you're unsure of which brand you want or forget how to get there after I tell you." Taylor pulls out another cigerrate.

"How the fuck do you know that?" Mike asked her.

"I like to know were everything is. It's one of my specialities, as you say." Everyone else laughs. But I think Hime just laughed to laugh.

After a while I saw Kellin look back over at Andy and them. Him and Andy made eye contact but Andy just gave him a small smile.

"I'm going to the bathroom, be right back." Kellin started to get up, Hayley beginning to stand as well.

"By myself, Hay." Kellin warned.

Kellin's Pov

Hayley whispered in my ear, "I'm going since I know why you are."

Ugh! Hayley is the puzzle master of the group. I mean, we all have to be smart and stuff, but she does it faster and watches everyone, doesn't need anything to be explained to her.

Just like Taylor is our map and knows where everything is. It can be a old warehouse and she still knows where it is.

We all have something that makes our team powerful; we all have to have some things. Like we all have to know how to fight, have to know how to observe people and their actions.

And it sucks.

"Finneee." I groan. "Hayley will stalk me while I take a piss."

Hayley follows me to the bathroom, but with neither of us going inside I wait to see if Andy comes.

"Nice to see you again, Kellin." Andy popped out from around the conner. "And Hayley.."

"Hi asshole." Hayley says with a very sarcastic smile. "How have you been? Family doing well?

Andy looks at the ground and nods. "I was expecting that... So why are you guys here?"

"Drew you know we can't tell you. Shit, we shouldn't even be speaking to you right now." I forrow my brows. "Besides, let me guess. You are one of the 'cool kids' here?"

"Kels it's not like that-"


Andy sighs but starts over.

"Kellin, it's not like that."

"Then what is it?" I asked steping closer.

"What do they know?" Hayley asked Andy. But asking about his friends.

"Nothing, it's none of your business and just please stay out of it. Now I have to get going. Nice seeing you Kellin." He walks off clearly being a bitch baby.

"Let's go." Hayley started to head back to the gang.

"What are you thinking?" I caught up to her.

"He's hiding something. He has to be doing something here, we may need Tony to check it out to see if it involves our mission here or not. So you will need to keep a watch at your school. Including the people Andrew's friends. Wait, do you think your friend's know anything about this?"

"I can ask, if so I can probably get Tone or Tay to hack into the school system and check out the records to see all the trouble makers and see what they are doing. We will have to talk about this later though. It could help us out a lot."

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