《 letters to a runner ~ greec...

By nhcownmyheart

4.1K 280 162

dear reece, you've run away. everyone is losing hope, but i'm going to stay here until the end. i promise. (w... More

day 1
"my boyfriend has run away"
day 2
"galaxy of moons"
day 3
"how was your weekend?"
day 4
"Romeo and Julietting"
day 5
"have hope"
day 6
day 7
day 8
"i've lost hope"
day 9
"the funeral"
"i love you."

"vanished into thin air"

185 17 11
By nhcownmyheart

"George? George, wake up." I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder, but I don't take much notice of it. I groan, rolling over to try and remove the prying hands on my arm.

"George, baby, wake up." Suddenly, I recognise his voice. My eyes snap open, and I turn around hastily, coming face to face with a grinning Reece. I gasp loudly, covering my mouth in shock as I take in his appearance.

"R-Reece, you came back!" I sob, wrapping my arms around his neck. He feels cold against my touch, but he hugs back.

"Of course I did." He whispers into my hair.

"I've missed you. So so much." I breathe out. He sighs, hugging me tighter.

"Have you told anyone else yet?" I ask, pulling away to look his face. His face is a little blurry, presumably from the tears blocking my eye sight.

"Tell anyone? Why would I do that?" He asks, making my eyebrows furrow.

"Well... well, because everyone is worried about you Reece. You've been gone for like a week, we didn't even know if you were alive! They deserve to know." My voice breaks as I look at Reece in confusion, not understanding his question in the slightest.

"George... I didn't come back for that. In fact, I'm leaving in a few minutes." Reece words cause my eyes to widen and my mouth to fall ajar once again.

"W-What?" He doesn't repeat what he said, knowing that I had heard him perfectly well. "Then, why did you bother coming back at all?" I continue.

"I came to ask you if you want to come with me." He says with a quiet voice. I look at him in shock, my eyes widening.

"What? No, of course I don't." I say, shocked that he'd even think that. Reece stays silent for a few seconds before standing up slowly and beginning to walk towards the window.

"I'm sorry you think like that." He says quietly. I jump up and follow him to the window.

"Wait, but, you can't just leave!" I exclaim, tears already making themselves down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, George, but I can't stay. I love you." He says finally, before jumping out of the window. I scream out a sob, going to the window, but when I get there, there no sign of Reece anywhere; it was as though he had vanished into thin air. The tears roll down my cheeks rapidly as I crumble onto the ground.

I wake with a start, sweat soaking my body and tears wetting my cheeks. I look around at my empty room, and then at my closed window.

It was just a dream.

(Hey, I'm gonna publish a new Greece book soon that gonna be funnier, happier and greecier (?lol) than this one, I just need to figure out a name for it lmao. Thanks for all the love, you guys are amazing xxx)

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