Forbidden Love [BWWM]

By NadineJoyBrown

412K 18.2K 4.3K

Katherine never pictured her life would be this way, being 'sold off' to some uncaring, misogynistic pig who'... More

I. Metting Katherine
II. Be Mine
III. Be Mine Part II
IV. Mrs. Andolini
V. Newlyweds
VI. Honeymoon
VII. Ruthless Man
VIII. Family Man
IX. Dominic
X. 1942
XI. The War Begins
XII. The Meet Up
XIII. Betrayal
XIV. Dinner Party
XV. House Guest
XVI. Christian Andolini
XVII. Big Brother
XVIII. Vacation
XIX. The Start of Something
XX. Puppy Love
XXI. Vengeance
XXII. Thirst for Blood
XXIII. Ghosts
XXIV. Fight of Your Life
XXV. Italian Vacation
XXVI. Bombs Away
XXVII. Reconcilliation
XXVIII. Welcome Home
XXIX. Four Million Richer
XXX. Sunday Morning
XXXI. Trip
XXXII. Night Out on the Town
XXXIII. Wasted
XXXIV. 1959
XXXV. Camping Trip
XXXVI. The Pink Swan
XXXVII. Date Night
XXXVIII. Calm Before The Storm
XXXIX. The Godfather
XL. Say Goodbye
XLI. 1966
XLII. Forbidden Girl
XLIII. Library Trip
XLIV. Not As Expected
XLV. We're Cool
XLVI: Shake & Chill
XLVII: The Other Side
XLVIII: Now or Never
XLIX: Karma
L: Night to Remember
LI: Going Steady
LII: The Calvin Charm
LIII: My Girl
LIV: Game On
LV: We Belong Together
LVI: New Management
LVII: Old School
LVIII: Revelation
LIX: Home Alone in Vegas
LX: Movie Date
LXII: Don't Eff With Me
LXIII: Here to Help
LXIV: My Girlfriend
LXV: Filthy Mouth
LXVI: Dilemma
LXVII: Like a Virgin
LXVIII: Best Man
LXIX: Insanity
LXX: Graduation Party
LXXI: Tour
LXXII: High Life
LXXIII: All Mine
LXXIV: Macho Man
LXXV: Hot Girlfriend
LXXVI: What's The Issue?
LXXVII: She The One?
LXXVIII: Great Aspiration
LXXIX: My Enemy Part I
LXXX: My Enemy Part II
LXXXI: My Older Brother
LXXXII: Budding Relations
LXXXIII: Intervention
LXXXIV: Something to Remember
LXXXV: Moving Out
LXXXVI: Shocking Revelation
LXXXVII: Big Mistake
LXXXVIII: Retribution
LXXXIX: Italian Thanksgiving Part I
XC: Italian Thanksgiving Part II
XCI: My Blessing
XCII: Respect to the Don
XCIII: Wedding Planner
XCIV: Welcome to Harvard
XCV: Last Chance
XCVI: Changes
XCVII: Finalized
XCVIII: I'm Sorry
XCIX: Locked Up
C: Family Matters
CI: Forever Andolini
CII: Dynasty
CIII: Appointment
CIV: Losing You
CV: Not Ready to Leave
CVI: Success
CVII: Recovery
CVIII: Honest Uncle
CVIX: All Good Must End
CX: Depressed
CXI: Final

LXI: Meet My Parents

1.5K 86 10
By NadineJoyBrown

"Hey Rebecca, you nervous?" Christian asked as this was amusing to him

"A little, but I'm hoping everything goes well."

"I just hope you don't end up like Bella's boyfriend, the second time he came over for dinner he fainted." Christian chuckled

"Oh my goodness, was he alright?"

"Yeah he was fine."

"Well what happened? How did he end up fainting?" She asked as Christian grinned

"Well, this is how it happened..."

~Three months ago~

"You came over on a good night, we're having lamb chops." Isabella said to Ronnie as they were just finishing up their homework

"Ooh sounds delicious, I've never had lamb before. I know it'll be good if your mom is cooking."

"You want something to drink or snack on before we watch some TV?"

"Sure, I'll have whatever you're having and I'll find us something to watch." He said going over to the TV to find a show while Isabella went in the kitchen

"Your aim is getting rusty." Michael said as Ronnie heard the back door open

"I'm not a distance shooter like you, I like to get up close and personal." Dominic said

"Which is the reason why he kept getting away from us."

"But you gotta give me credit, when he wasn't looking I splattered his brains everywhere."

"Yes I was very impressed, he ran for a long time, but he was no match against your 7mm." Michael chuckled as Ronnie overheard the entire conversation and felt that he shouldn't have.

He wasn't naive to the fact of who Isabella's father is and what he's about, but now he's freaking out because he may have heard something that he wasn't supposed to hear

"Ronnie, glad to see you again. I hope you like lamb, I marinated it in my secret sauce for about two days now and it should be perfect tonight." Michael said as he was wiping his bloody hands off with a hand towel

Ronnie was frozen stiff as he looked at the two with blood stained shirts and droplets splashed on their faces. "What should I do with his head?" Dominic asked

"I don't know, give it to the dog I guess." Michael shrugged as Dominic pulled out a bloody hatchet knife from his side holster

"Nah, I think I'd rather throw it in the neighbors backyard."

"Suit yourself, well Ronnie in the meantime would you like something to eat?" Michael asked but Ronnie didn't respond as he continued to stare off into space

"Hey Ronnie you're looking a little flushed, you alright?" Dominic asked as Ronnie started sweating and hyperventilating then soon he passed out on the couch

Ronnie soon opened his eyes as he was on the couch with Christian and Isabella by his side. "Oh good you're up, are you alright?" She asked with concern as he slowly looked around the room

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure, I was coming back with our snacks and dad said you had passed out, why didn't you tell me you were that hungry, I wouldn't have taken my time."

"Because I didn't know that would happen."

"Well we're glad that you're better, I'm gonna let dad know." Christian said getting up from the sofa as the thought came back to Ronnie

"Your dad." He said as Isabella shook her head

"Yeah, he was the one that caught you before you hit the ground, you remember that?"

"No, but before I passed out something else happened that may have caused me to pass out."

"What is it?" She asked as he was a little hesitant to tell her, but he felt she was the only one he could trust with this kind of information

"Listen, I just wanna say that in no way was I meaning to hear any of this, I was waiting on you to get back and that's it."

"What are you talking about? Whatever it is you have to tell me just say it." She said as he heavily sighed

"I heard your dad and uncle talking about what they did to this guy."

"What guy?"

"I don't know, a guy that pissed them off apparently."

"Well what happened to him?"

"They killed him." He whispered as she slowly nodded her head
"I know he's your dad and you'll defend him till the end but that's what I heard."

"I'm not saying that you're lying, but I find it a little strange knowing my dad the way I do, he doesn't talk about that kind of stuff at home."

"He said that the guy put up a good fight and he ran away but he was no match for a 7mm and your uncle asked what to do with his head." He said as Michael came back with Christian

"Ronnie, I'm glad you're okay. Do you remember what happened or why this happened?" Michael asked as Isabella started laughing

"Sta bene, pensava che stavi parlando di uccidere qualcuno prima."
(He's fine, he thought you were talking about killing someone earlier.)

"Oh, bene cosa ho detto?"
(Oh, well what did I say?)

"Un sacco di cose, papà, ma sta bene."
(A lot of stuff dad, but he's fine.)

"Alright, if you need me I'll be out back." He said as Michael walked away and Christian was still standing there holding in his laughter

"Go ahead and laugh, you know you want to." Isabella said to him

"No, no, I don't want to make Ronnie feel any worse than he already does."

~End of Flashback~

"Wow, did anyone eventually tell him what really happened?" Rebecca asked

"Yeah Bella did, and even then he still didn't believe her until she took him outside to show him the buck my dad and uncle had killed, but luckily for you hunting season is over." Christian said as they had pulled up to the house and got out of the car

Rebecca continued to straighten out her skirt and pick at the non existent fuzz on her shirt until Alex grabbed her fidgety hands. "Would you stop you're making me dizzy."

She blushed, "Sorry, I'm just making sure I look okay. I hate I wore this shirt because it's nothing but a dust magnet and my skirt is so wrinkly."

"I think that's your nerves. You look fine and my parents will like you, promise." He said as he grabbed her hand and lead her inside

"Hey mom what's for dinner?" Christian asked Katherine as she walked out of the kitchen

"Well good afternoon to you too, my day was fine thanks for asking."

"I know you had a good day because you always have a good day."

"Not always, but I manage."

"So are you gonna tell me what we're having?"

"No, you'll find out when it's ready."

"Alright, oh yeah Alex bought his girlfriend by to meet you and dad." He chuckled as Alex gave him a smug look but Christian didn't care

"We're not a real couple or anything, we're just good friends." Alex spoke

"You're the one he took to homecoming, I knew you looked familiar, it's nice to finally meet you."

"You too."

"She's a sweet girl Alex, you should keep her." Katherine said

"Yeah Alex, forget about the other ones." Christian said with a grin as Alex lightly shoved him away

"Oh shut up Christian."

"Alessandro!" Michael's voice called out.

"Uh oh someone must be in trouble." Christian said as Alex shrugged it off

"Doubt it, but this could be the perfect time for you to meet my dad." He said as he grabbed ahold of Rebecca's hand and walked down the hallway

"You called?"

"Yes I need to talk to you about something."

"So I'm not in trouble?"


"Then why use my full name?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't hear me but anyway I wanted to talk to you about your college that you'll be going to. I made some phone calls and pulled a few strings for you to go to Columbia University in New York, if you manage to keep your grades up and don't have any mishaps you should be fine."

"Thanks dad, but I kinda already had another school in mind, I thought I'd be better off maybe in Jersey somewhere." He said as Michael scoffed while he stood up

"You're much better than any school in Jersey can offer you, I think you'll have everything you need and more in Manhattan. After all, my son deserves the best education money can afford I will spare no expense."

"Yes sir." He said as Michael smiled and patted Alex on the shoulder while he noticed Rebecca standing in the doorway behind the wall

"Who is that hiding behind the wall?"

"That's Rebecca." Alex said as he went to grab her hand and lead her to Michael "She's the one I took to homecoming, I invited her over to meet you and mom."

"Hello Mr. Andolini, I'm Rebecca." She introduced as she nervously rose her shaky hand

"Hello young lady, it's nice to finally meet you." He said shaking her hand

"I just wanted to let you know that the reason I was hiding behind the wall was because I didn't want it to seem like I was listening to what you were saying, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop or anything."

"Well I appreciate it and I like your honesty. We'll talk more about this later, but you go on and enjoy your friend." Michael said to Alex as he nodded his head and left out of the room with Rebecca

"I'm sorry but your dad is very intimidating and scary looking, he doesn't seem like the type to mess around." Rebecca whispered to Alex as he chuckled

"He's not, but he's a good man, and very friendly, like me." He grinned

"Yeah, but at least you don't scare me like he does."

"So I'm not scary or intimidating to you in the slightest bit?"

"Well you can be to some but I've known you for a long time. I doubt you'll ever do anything to frighten or intimidate me, right?" She asked as he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear

"Never, I care too much about you." He said and kissed her cheek as she blushed. "Let's go back in here before big mouth Christian starts looking for us." He said as she laughed

Do you think Alex and Rebecca's 'friendship' will blossom into something else?

•Let me know what you think•

I appreciate y'all for coming back and enjoying the chapters, it really means a lot to me.

I hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday with your friends and family ⭐️

‼️Also, I'll be going on vacation so I won't be posting next week but the next Friday‼️

Until next Friday in the new year, be breezy.

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