[MAKRHYUCK] •I'll always choo...

By 3yoonyoon3

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! Adult contents ! If your mind has already been corrupted and perverted, then you can read. Otherwise go rea... More

- CHAPTER ONE : First frolics -
- CHAPTER THREE: Embarrassed -
- CHAPTER FOUR: What's happening? -
- CHAPTER FIVE (part one): Flirt -
- CHAPTER FIVE (part two): Lovers -
- CHAPTER SIX: Idiot -
- CHAPTER EIGHT: Little sun -
- CHAPTER NINE: Friends -
- CHAPTER TEN: Playing with me. -

- CHAPTER TWO : Eating with you -

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By 3yoonyoon3

Haechan let the hot water run off the shower. Mark went to bed in his room and fell asleep quickly. Tiredness had finally win over him.

The youngest was as tired as the latter and still a little drunk, but he couldn't sleep without showering, he had too much semen in his ass and started to feel uncomfortable. He was struggling to stand as his legs was still shaking.

"Fuck ! That dumbass..." he mumbled while crouching down to let the cum running out of his ass with the help of his fingers.

"There's too much..." he said in a tired sigh, then he thought about what they had done on the living room couch.

"What have we done..." he said sighing again, feeling his head become heavier. Honestly Haechan would never have thought that day with Mark would end like this. He wondered how everything had started.


It was one of the few days of rest for the two youngest of the 127, they were really happy to finally enjoy one of these days because they rarely happened. They were just the two of them because their hyung had different schedules that end late. They decided to spend the day together in the 127's dorm, watching movies, singing, playing guitar or playing video games as usual.

It was around 5:00 pm when Mark's belly made a sound that made the youngest smile. They were both on the couch in comfortable positions watching an anime on TV. They first try to ignore the belly noise of Mark, but failed when Haechan's one started complaining too.

"We have animals starving in our bellies, what do we have to do?" Mark said he said looking at Haechan with puppy eyes making the latter chuckling.

"Haha okay but you have to help me this time otherwise you won't eat anything but a pity snack." he said while getting up taking the direction of the kitchen followed by Mark.

"Ya! I would really like to help you but every time I end up staying in a corner of the kitchen doing nothing." he complained with pouting lips as he sat down on a kitchen chair trying to act cute.

"How do you think I learned to cook properly? While looking at my mother cooking, you idiot !" he said thinking about what he could cook as he looked in the fridge and the kitchen cupboards.

"you still have hope after all these years ..." the older thought aloud while scrolling the screen of his phone.
Haechan made no comment, in truth it was a long time since he had lost all hope on Mark's cooking skills, it was an excuse to make the latter stay with him. So what? He wasn't disabled, he could still help him for little chores (like cracking eggs) even if he always had to make sure that Mark was doing the right.

"I think we will have to do something with the rest, we haven't been to the grocery store yet." he said with a sigh.

"Okay." the black-haired said as he started to put some music.

Then they started to cook their dinner while bouncing to the music, laughing at jokes and singing loud especially Haechan as they were alone for a little more than 6 hours. Sometimes Mark scrunched his face when Haechan did high and powerful long notes with his voice still amazed by his beautiful voice.

After they finished cooking Haechan asked if Mark wanted to eat while watching the TV but the latter proposed instead to eat on the dining table, which did not displease Haechan who found this idea more romantic.

The older took out the remaining Soju bottles then he sat down near Heachan. Haechan was now 19 and Mark 20, they were both allowed to drink and used to drink a lot with their hyungs time to time. Mark was good at drinking, but the youngest had a little trouble since he had not been drinking for a very long time but he was very funny and cute when he was drunk so they liked to drink all together.

Time passed and their dinner became more and more animated, they talked about this and that, burst out laughing with jokes and funny memories as they chained the bottles of Soju without noticing. As expected Haechan's dish was delicious while it was basically leftovers, this proved once again his cooking skills to the great delight of Mark. The music gradually became calm, soft and jazzy as the atmosphere became heavy and hot as they slowly got drunk with joy and laughter.

After finishing their dishes and almost all the bottles of Soju, they began to glance at each other with loving stares, staying in their chairs with affectionate smiles stuck in their faces, not knowing what to talk about.

"I likee to eeeat with youu Mark" Haechan said tilting his head to the side, still smiling making the oldest laugh. If their hyungs saw how cute he was right now but this tender spectacle was only for him, how lucky.

"I alsoo like to eat with you, we should do this moore often." Mark said.

"By the way, last time whyy you didn't have lunch with uus huh?" the older asked

"Oh laast time? It waas becausee Hanjae hyung had invited meee to eat at the restauraaant, you know the one we discovered?" Haechan answered then Mark's smile fell suddenly.

"Again this hyung?!!" he asked as he started to get angry and the alcohol didn't help him to calm down. Haechan noticed it and tried to avoid the subject.

"So this restauraant is very good Doyoung hyung has also brought meee there sometimes." he said, but that irritated Mark more.

Hanjae was a 26 old year guy and a composer, singer and songwriter who had worked with the 127 and the Dream for many of their comebacks. He became interested in Haechan the first time he heard him singing in the recording room, he found his voice beautiful.

At first Hanjae was very shy with Haechan, what the latter quickly noticed. Haechan had found cute the way Hanjae reacted to him, the way he avoided his eyes after he was caught looking at him, how he stuttered when he wanted to tell him something. So he decided to put him more comfortable with him, they started talking and laughing more and more together even outside of work and started eating together.

Haechan suspected that Hanjae had caught feelings for him but he did not approach the subject with him. Mark noticed that too, and he didn't like that, he didn't know why but stood silent about it, until this dinner.

Haechan tried many time but unsuccessfully to avoid the subject and Mark became more and more irritated.

"Whyy are you like that? theeere is nothing we are just friends. And why do you caaare?" he complained while clearing the table with Mark.

"why not ? it's you who reacts badly, it was just a question! why would not I have the right to know what's going on with this guy?" the black-haired said looking at the younger expecting an answer but Haechan did not feel like arguing with Mark, as he felt his head aching.

"Listen ... let's stop heere okay? Theeere is noothing to say but you are stubborn as fuck and you won't listen to meee so speak alone, you dumbass !" he said getting angry too heading to his room.

"Ya! Who do you think you're talking to? don't fucking leave like that!" he yelled walking toward the younger, grabbing his wrist and turning him to face him which startled Haechan. The older was too close for Haechan he tried to push him back but failed.

"Y-yaa let me gooo it's huurt and you're too close!" he whined still trying to free his wrist.

"Why? Only he can be so close I guess? Do you let him be so close to you?" Mark whispered in the younger's ear, making the latter blush. Mark noticed it and pinned him down harshly on the couch.

"You... you can't be serious" he whispered in an angry voice, Haechan still blushing was about to say something when he felt lips pressed against his.

"mmfh... Mar-mmf... wai-mmfh..." Haechan could not say a word as Mark visited the corners of his mouth with his tongue. He tried to free himself, but Mark pinned strongly his wrists above his head.

When he felt breathless he started to groan and struggle harder. Then Mark began to kiss and bite his neck as Haechan was trying to catch his breath.

"aaah.. nngh... ah! I-it hurt stop!!" the younger whined in vain.

"You deserve it." Mark said.

"Whyyy?!!" Heachan yelled.

"For being a slut." he said sharply as he started to undo his belt making the one underneath him scared. When Haechan saw the member hard of Mark he wanted to cry.

"Mark! you are not serious, are you?" he almost cried out with a frightened face.

"Yes I'm fucking serious, now shut the fuck up." he said taking off the jogging pants of the youngest who tried to stop him but failed obviously.

"No! Stop! You can't!" the younger said in a cry, when Mark pressed the thighs of the youngest one against the other on one side. he put his member between the thighs of the younger tight against each other and began masturbating with hip movements under Haechan's astonished look.

At first it was pretty disturbing for Haechan but it became exciting, he could feel the hard and hot member of Mark slipping between his thighs.

"Aah.. fuck.." Mark let out a heavy grunt as he ejaculated between the younger's thighs still clutching each other.

As he panted slowly, he opened his eyes, gazing at Haechan.
The latter who looked at Mark before with a frightened face was now looking at him blushing, finding him sexy and couldn't stop his body from reacting to the hot and erotic atmosphere that was settling.
Noticing that the older one smiled, finding Heachan cute. He looked down and smiled more at what he was seeing.

"Well, it looks like your body does not agree with your complaints. " he chuckled and then looked at the younger with that seductive smile making him blush violently.

Hello guys and Happy New Year !!!🥳
I hope you enjoyed it 💛
I'm still learning English so sorry for the mistakes.
That was a long chapter...
What did you guys think of it?
Please comment 💛

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