I'm lucky that I met you

By Huntress_of_fairies

7.8K 395 153

18 years old Weiss Schnee was bullied her entire high school and last half of middle school because of her at... More

Chapter one: When it begans
Chapter 2: Remnant and new friends
Chapter 3: First day.
Chapter 4: The dungeon
Chapter 5: Fight with the past
Chapter 6: Fight with the past
Chapter 7: Demon of despear
Chapter 8: Myrtenaster
Chapter 9: Out of the dungeon
Chapter 10: Dead or alive?
Christmas special!!
Chapter 11: Alone in the dorm room
Chapter 12: Learning with Ruby
Chapter 14: The events of the second year
Chapter 15: The Patch
Chapter 16: Unexpected mission
Chapter 17: To Ezel!!
Chapter 18: 100 years ago
Chapter 19: A monster that I no longer am
Chapter 20: Frea and the test
Chapter 21: Escape
Chapter 22: The calm before the storm
Not a real chapter
Chapter 23: Attack on Ezel
Chapter 24: Beginning of the end (part 1)
Chapter 25: Beginning of the end (part 2)
Chapter 26: The cat and the bull
Chapter 27: Fire and Ice
Chapter 28: Light and dark
Chapter 29: After the battle

Chapter 13: The stray cat

217 13 7
By Huntress_of_fairies

A/N Can't believe that I actually forgot to post it 😅. Also, oh my god! 400 views already?! Thank you guys! 😁
"It was you, wasn't it?" asked Yang, narrowing her eyes.

"Yang, I'm not a White Fang member!" defended herself Blake, trying to sound sure but her voice betrayed her.

"Perhaps. But you always defended them. Remember that time?"


Team RBY was walking in the town one sunny Saturday, when they heard some folks' small talk.

"Have you heard? It seems like one of the villages in the northern part of the kingdom was destroyed by White Fang" said one of them.

"Yeah" answered the other one. "They got more active after the assassination of Rose's Thorn. She was truly something else."

Yang looked away, gritting her teeth while Ruby lifted her saddened gaze to the blue sky and mumbled to herself. "Yes. Yes she was."

"White Fang is a bunch of thieves, terrorists and criminals, nothing more" Yang threw through her teeth.

"That's not true Yang" spoke up Blake, drawing blonde's full attention. "White Fang was created to bring peace and equality to Shifters!"

"Are you ok with them killing innocent people then?!!" snapped Yang, getting more furious.

"No. I'm just saying that while their intentions are good, methods are not!!" raised her voice black haired.

"Guuuyysss. Stop fighting in the middle of the street" tried to calm her fiends down Ruby but with no result. Those two were too deep into their argument to even listen to her.

"The intentions don't matter while they steal and kill!!"

"Well White Fang was created because of the humans in the first place!!" shouted Blake. For a second both Ruby and Yang looked at her wide eyed, not every day you see her so upset or angry about something. Without saying a single word Blake dashed off, Yang, being too angry at the moment, decided to go back to Beacon. Fully aware of what frustrated Yang can do, the best option left for Ruby was to fallow her sister.

End of the flashback

"After that you were gone for a day" continued Yang, while Ruby and Weiss were looking at them silently. "Where were you? Out with your friends from the White fang?"

"Yang, I told you, I'm not a part of the White fang!!" Blake stood up, not breaking the eye contact with the blonde.

"Don't lie to me!! You were leaving at nights pretty often, coming back only by morning. Give me at least ONE reason for me not to suspect that you are a member!! Were you the one who killed Summer?!!"

The game of looking in the eyes was won by Yang. The cat girl stood in front of her, still, eyes closed, head a bit low and fists clinched. At some point Weiss noticed that she was trembling, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Tell me, Blake!!" shouted Yang, losing her temper.

"I admired White Fang as a child. But after the first leader, the king of the Shifters, left his post, it all changed SO I QUIT!!!" cried Blake, quickly regretting what she said. Taking small steps back black haired looked at her friends, who all were shocked. "I...I...uhh..."

In a split second Blake turned into a cat and jumped out of the window, leaving behind only her ribbon and still shocked teammates.

Time skip: 4 days later.

It's been four days since Blake admitted once being a member of White fang and running away. She was still missing and no one knew where she was or what she was doing. "She'll come back, eventually" kept saying Yang. She didn't react at all to Blake's disappearance. At first she was perhaps even glad not to have her around and cool down a bit. But as the days kept passing by she got more warried. Where was she? Was she alright? Could it be that she's in trouble? Attacked? Wounded? Dead? Those types of questions Yang was asking herself after one and half day of Blake missing.

"We need to look for her!!" roared Yang on the peaceful morning of the forth day which was Saturday.

"Can't believe that you was the one arguing with her" mumbled Weiss, brushing her hair.

"Yang is right" said Ruby, jumping off of her bed. "We need to find her. But as our past experience shows, the city is too big for only us to search. It will take at least other 2-3 days and Blake can be anywhere!!"

"Maybe we can help?" the three heard Pyrrha's voice from behind. There in the doorway stood team JNPR.

"Yeah" smiled Weiss slightly, gathering her hair into a low ponytail. "A help will come in handy."

It was decided to split up, that way they could cover more ground. They divided into groups: Ruby and Weiss, Jaune and Pyrrha, Ren and Nora, Yang was left alone. They searched everywhere, starting from taverns and buildings, finished with the darkest alleys. Nothing.

"Lets go back already, Pyrrha" groaned Jaune, dragging his fit "I'm hungryyyyyy."

"Jaune, we still need to look over there" Pyrrha smiled slightly, pointing at the direction of a dark alley. "After that we can eat something in the nearby cafe and go back, ok?"

"Ugh~ Fine." The duo turned left and after walking for a bit saw that it was a dead end. "See? I told you, nothing here. Lets go ea---"

"Shh!!" interrupted him up Pyrrha. "Listen!"

"I...I didn't want to...I...I killed her...It's my fault...she hates me...I'm a...monster..." they heard someone talking to themselves. After walking bit closer Jaune noticed a familiar black haired girl sitting behind one of the many boxes trembling, head in her hands and rested on her knees.

"Blake?" asked Pyrrha, standing beside Jaune and looking at black haired concerned. "Is that you?"

"No!" she shouted suddenly, jumping to her feet and walking backwards slowly. "Stay away from me!! Please, don't come near me!!"

"Are those...cat ears?" asked Jaune surprised. "You...You are a shifter?"

Blake covered her ears with her hands and continued her slow retreat, until her back met the cold stone wall. Fear, depression and...guilt? Those emotions were easily read in her ember eyes." I...I uhhh..." she stuttered trying to find the right words to explain her situation.

"Others are worried sick 'cause you're missing. Yang is too, even more" said Pyrrha, taking small steps towards the black haired. It was like walking to a small, frightened kitten, trying not to scare it away. Only mentioning Yang's name made Blake to tear up. "Come on, let's get you to the others. I'm sure they are tired of looking for you."

Blake's ears perk up. "She...She's looking for me? After what I've done?"

"I don't know what happened between you two but she's out of her mind" exclaimed Jaune. "After the classes are over she's storming out of Beacon and don't comes back till late at night!!"

Blake was hesitant but after a brief moment of thinking she turned into a black cat and jumped into Pyrrha's arms, surprising red haired. "Lets go then" she said lowly.

It was nearly down when the three entered Beacon. They previously agreed to meet up in RW_Y's dorm room after the investigation. So Jaune and Pyrrha knocked the door and opened it. "Guess who we found~?" asked Jaune, walking in the first, Pyrrha came in shortly after him, letting black cat jump from her arms. She landed on her feet softly, surrounded by purple light and changed into human. Nora and Ren looked at Blake wide eyed while Yang jumped at her pulling into a warm embrace.

"I was sooo worried!" she whispered. "Don't ever do that again, ok?"

Blake pushed Yang away, tears in the corners of her eyes. "How?" black haired asked. "How can you be so kind to me?!!! Someone as horrible as I am!!"

"Blake, look. I'm sorry for snapping out on you like that. I was...a bit hot headed back then" blonde sight. "So what if you were once a member of a White Fang? You're not now. You're our teammate, friend. Besides, being a member doesn't automatically make you that person who killed my aunt. Don't worry o---"


Grave silence rose in the room. Ruby walked to Yang and stood beside her. "What have you just said?" she asked.

"I was the cloaked figure. One of the two. I was the one who thrust her katana into Summer's abdomen, wounded her badly. And after all of that I was too scared to finish what I've started so I paid the price!!" she took off her coat showing the old looking scars on her bare back. "I still have nightmares from those days spent in the White Fang. Those terrible things I've done! I should've died that day after Adam punished me!!"
'Slap!' The one who slapped Blake was none other than Ruby Rose herself. "Don't talk like that!" she growled. "After becoming my teammate you've done everything in your power to protect me and Yang during our missions. Heck! If it wasn't you taking most of the hits in the fight with the skeleton king I would've been dead! I'm not saying that I forgive you for what you've done but your past is in the past and you can't change it. Just move forward" Blake looked up to see Ruby smiling to her. "After all, you're note Blake Belladonna from the White Fang, but Blake from team RWBY!"

"Thank you" black haired chocked out ,jumped to hug her teammates. 'Blake from team RWBY, huh? That sounds really good.'

A/N Few! Another chapter guys 😁. This was interesting to write but I feel like Ruby's reaction was a bit unnatural. What do you think? Please let me know below in the comments. I'm also working on a small one shot, so next week most probably I'll post that one. Se 'ya next time and have a good day my fellow readers.

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