Batman: Back Again

By nerdsofbooks

12.8K 302 50


Cast List
Promise Me
Shot Down
It's Time
Back Again
Dancing With The Devil
Happily Ever After
Into The Night
Too Fight Or Not To Fight, That Is The Question
One Year Flys By
Stopping The Plan
You Will Never Understand
The Death
It's Over
Together Forever


442 15 1
By nerdsofbooks

"So what's our plan?" I ask Bruce as we stand in the batcave. He's still all dressed as Batman.

"I'm not sure." He says.

"Miss Wayne." Alfred says walking towards us with a small box.

"Yes Alfred." I say turning towards him, taking off my suit. I get chills as I'm left with just my a tank top and shorts.

"This box came for you while you were out." He says handing it to me.

I look at the small box, "How's it from?"

"I'm not sure." Alfred says.

I break the box open and see a note at the bottom, I pick it up and I'm suddenly sprayed with a mist that causes me to cough. I drop the box as the note flys out.


"Chrissy." I hear Bruce say.

I stumble back as my vision starts to change. It feels like the room is getting darker and everything is crashing around me. I look towards Bruce and it's like he's the devil. It's hard to explain. But he's changing. Into my worst nightmare. Batman, it's batman who's changing.

I starts to scream as he comes closer.

"cHrIsSy." His voice is horrid.

I back up and scream more. I fall to the ground, in fear. I can't control my fear.

Bruce's POV

Chrissy opened that box and just started screaming.

"Alfred who dropped that box off." I demand.

"I'm not sure!" Alfred snaps back.

I look over at my wife who is screaming at the ground. I glance at the ground and see the note.

"It was the Scarecrow!" I say, "It's the same thing, I need-"

"The antidote." Alfred says. He reached towards a desk as I try and watch for Chrissy.

She starts to cry and scream even more. Her voice echoes in the cave. My heart stings as she pushes herself away from me. I take off my mask and she hides her face. Alfred walks over and hands my a syringe with the antidote. I take her arm, as she tries to push away from me, and stab the cure into her arm. After a moment, she sits there in the ground, heavy breathing.

"Chrissy." I say getting down on her level.

She looks up at me, tears staining her red cheeks. She shivers in the cold and holds herself close to the ground, her arms wrapped around her. I reach down and run my hand against my arm, she shivers and looks like she's not there.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

Her eyes snap towards me and she gasps for air. It feels like years have gone by, before she speaks.

"It was horrible." Her voice is small and cracks with anxiety.

She looks lost. "I saw-" she gasps, "I can't." She looks away and I glance up at Alfred.

"It was the Scarecrow." I tell her.

I explain to her what happened durning my early years of Batman. The fear she expressed, it must be the same thing.

"Why didn't it affect you guys?" She asks, standing up slowly. I hold her up as she her skin is cold to the touch.

"Because we've had the antidote." Alfred says.

"We just injected you with it, your immune now." I say.

Chrissy nods and starts to walk out of the cave, she turns and looks at me.

"I need some sleep." She says in a giant whisper. I nod as she walks away.

"That poor girl." Alfred says.

I sigh and watch her disappear.

"I hope she's alright."

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