By hcIIands

3.7K 247 41

"you're it for me." βž΄β‹†βžΆ Thomas Stanley Holland lives nowhere near what's considered a normal lifesty... More



90 7 0
By hcIIands

Venus sat on the uncomfortable bleacher bench with a wide smile of pride as she intensely watched Evelyn steal the basketball right out from under the other team's nose.

"Yes, Evie!" she found herself shouting, jumping up from her seat. Tom turned his head, chuckling as he grabbed her arm and tugged her back down. Venus pouts in his direction.

"Don't look at me like that," he pleas in a whisper. "You're blocking the other parents' view."

"Sorry," she huffs, returning her eyes to the game.

"Thanks for coming with me by the way," he speaks, swiftly scooting closer to the young woman.

"Not a problem," she smiles, catching a glimpse of his loving stare. "Quit looking at me like that," she grumbles. Tom chuckles, resting his head on her shoulder. "I thought we were supposed to keep our relationship a secret?"

"Best friends don't do this?" he teasingly questions, not moving. Venus huffs, wrapping her arm around his waist.

"You're such a child," she giggles, tilting her head on top of his.

"When are you going back to work?" Tom asks, his eyes following Evelyn as she sprinted back down the court with the ball in her possession yet again.

"Tomorrow," Venus huffs. "I can't wait to be retired." Tom chuckles, moving to sit up straight so he could stare at her.

"I think some day before then you won't have to work anymore," he speaks, returning his eyes to the game. Venus snapped her eyes over to his side profile, eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"Are you insinuating-"

"I'm just thinking out loud," Tom interjects, smiling smugly.

"I hate you," Venus huffs, trying to hide her playful smile as she averted her attention back to the game.

"You can say that lie as many times as you want," Tom remarks softly, unable to wipe the shit-eating grin off of his face, "everyone knows it couldn't be farther from the truth."


The next morning, Venus woke up at six with the other two. There was no way she couldn't — Evelyn had bounded into her room right on the dot and shook her until her eyes were open fully.

"Don't go back to sleep now," Evelyn speaks as she jumps off the bed. "If I come back in here and find you asleep-"

"I promise I'm getting up," Venus groans, tossing the sheets off of her body. The warmth fled from her flesh, causing her to curl into a ball on the mattress. Once Evelyn left the room, Venus's eyes fell shut.

A moment later, she was greeted by a husky voice. "I don't think Evelyn would be happy if she found you like this." Venus's eyes open a second time, a soft smile gracing her features as Tom's face was bent close to hers. He brushed the hair out of her face before pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "C'mon," he chuckles quietly, outstretching a hand for Venus to take as he stood up straight. Venus groans, taking it.

"I don't wanna go back to work," Venus huffs.

"It's been two weeks, Vee," Tom spoke, pushing the stray strands of her hair behind her ear. She looked up at him, both of their eyes shimmering.

"Please don't make me go," she mumbles.

"Don't do that!" Tom scolds. "You know I want you to be here with me."

"You better come visit me once you've cleaned the house," Venus grumbles like a child, turning to head for the doorway. Tom had spoken of wanting to clean the house while it was vacant, feeling like he hadn't done it in months, which was probably true. He always had lacked his sense of time since moving to America and getting his new job.

Before Venus could move much further, Tom grabbed her waist and pulled her back toward him, spinning her around. He smiled, bending down to her face so their lips could connect once more in a sweet symphony.

"You're making this harder," Venus whimpers as Tom holds her close, his eyes shut contently as he takes in her presence spiritually, foreheads pressed against one another. Venus stares up at him, feeling her heart pick up pace. Those eight letters danced in her mind, aching to be spoken. Why were three words so hard to say out loud? "If you want me alive, I suggest you let me go shower and get ready for work." Tom opened his eyes, staring into hers with amusement.

"Evelyn won't-"

"What are you doing!?" the little girl shouted, as if knowing Venus hadn't moved far from her bed. She ran in between the two, splitting them apart. She glanced between the two adults, hunting for an answer. Good thing she didn't pay any mind to Venus's reddening cheeks.

"She had something in her eye-"

"Go get ready!" Evelyn orders, pushing Venus out of the room. Venus laughs, allowing the smaller girl to drag her into the bathroom. Evelyn stops them in front of the sink, grabbing the toothbrush Tom had given to Venus and the toothpaste out of the drawer. She applied a good amount, handing it over to the taller girl. "Brush," she orders.

"Thanks, Evie," Venus chuckles, taking it. "Where would I be without you?"

"Still in bed," Evelyn grins, skipping off to find an outfit for herself to wear to school. She was excited that Venus was dropping her off today, and she didn't want either of them to be late, so distractions were not acceptable.

"Eat faster," Evelyn demands with a smile as she watches Venus take her time, enjoying the meal Tom slaved over.


"Being late is un.... un-unresponsible," Evelyn remarks, not knowing how to properly pronounce the word — unaware the correct term she was trying to say was 'irresponsible'. Tom and Venus chuckled her way, surprised she had at least used the word correctly.

"You're so right," Venus grins, shoveling the breakfast into her mouth at a quicker pace.

"I'll grab my backpack and set our jackets and shoes by the door so we can slip them on and run," Evelyn shouts, sliding off the barstool and doing as she said. Venus laughed as Tom smiled, shaking his head. Their eyes met, the sparkles returning.

"We were almost caught," Venus mutters, turning her eyes down to her food.

"Almost," Tom repeats with a smirk. "I'll see you after work." He walks around the island counter and pecks her temple, walking off to find Evelyn to give her a hug before he hopped into the shower.

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