The Saiyan Wrestler

By lpsinsanity123

4.8K 111 7

Hi. My name is Son Karui. I'm the little sister of Son Goku. I'm 5 years younger than Goku cause we met when... More

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 10

199 4 0
By lpsinsanity123

Me and Daniel were messing around in the halls laughing, telling jokes, and other stuff. "You know, The Authority is gonna get us, right?" He said. "Pfft! Of course they are. The way I see it, all they want is their butts kicked". I said. He laughed agreeing with me. "Karui!" I heard someone say. I was suddenly hugged by a blond woman. It was Maryse. I chuckled and hugged back. "It's great to see you Maryse. I take it that Miz is here as well?" I said letting go. "Yep, He is". She said. "Great....". Daniel mumbled. I forgot that him and Miz don't get along well. But they try to get along. And when I mean try, I mean that I force them to get along. Maryse left and me and Daniel went to the catering. We got some food and continued to talk as we ate. That is until The Bella Twins came over and Brie was talking to Daniel. I rolled my eyes. "Hey Karui?" I heard Daniel say. "What?" I said. "Can I ask you something?" He asked as Brie and Nikki left. "What's up?" I said. "After my match against Randy. I got this idea. It might be crazy but..... I wanna fight Triple H". He said. I looked at him and stopped eating. "You serious? Is that what you want? He's not gonna let you". I said. "Yes that is what I want. I want to show them that I'm not a weakling". He said. "Well I'll support you on it but if you need backup, I'll always help you on it". I said taking a sip of my water. "Thanks Karui. You're the best". He said. I smirked softly. We finished eating and threw away our trash. We left the catering and I started to think of something to do. Something fun. "Hey Daniel?" I said. "Hm?" He said. "You wanna have some fun? Wanna get revenge for what Stephanie and Hunter call you?" I said. "Where are you getting at?" He said. I grabbed his arm and ran my locker room. I first got to my bag and found the spray paint cans and silky strings can I bought. I put them in a small bag and I pulled Daniel again and we ran towards Stephanie and Triple H's office. I leaned against the wall and made Daniel do the same thing. "What are we gonna do? I got a bad feeling about this". He said. "We're gonna have some fun but first we need to find a cameraman". I said. "Why?" He said. "Cause I heard that The whole Authority is gonna be in the ring doing a segment about talking trash about us again". I said. "What does that gotta do w- oh I see where this is going". He said with a smirk. I smirked back. I notice a cameraman walking by and we stopped him. "We want you to film this". I said and pulled both Daniel and the cameraman into Stephanie and Hunter's office. Oh hell yeah. Karma's a pain in the neck for them.

We were in the ring and Stephanie and Hunter were talking trash about Daniel Bryan and ShadowWolf. Some of the stuff were kinda funny. But it kinda gets me mad cause I don't know my own feelings about that girl. As they continued talking, we suddenly heard someone talking on the titantron. We all looked and saw ShadowWolf. "Aye, what's up Authority? I've hear you've been talking trash so we gonna get some revenge". She said. What does she mean by 'we'? "Recognize where I'm at?" She said and the camera moved around. It was Stephanie and Hunter's office. "What the hell are doing in there?! Get out now!" Hunter said. "Nah we're good. Aren't we Daniel?" She said and the camera pointed it at Daniel. Both of them was smirking evilly. ShadowWolf got out a bag and tossed Daniel a can. Spray Paint can. They started spray painting their walls as Stephanie and Hunter were yelling at them to stop and the crowd was cheering Daniel and ShadowWolf on. Then they stopped spray painting and ShadowWolf tossed Daniel another can. "SILLY STRING FIGHT!" She said and started spraying silly string at Daniel and he did the same thing but in the process they both were getting silly string at the walls and dropped and breaking things in their office. "BOTH OF YOU STOP! PLEASE!" Stephanie said. "Gosh darn it, I ran out of silly string!" ShadowWolf whined. "Same here!" Daniel said and they tossed the cans. "Well I'm bored might as well do this". ShadowWolf said and she punched the wall making a BIG hole. "Never. Ever. Mess with me and Daniel. Oh yeah and Shield. I'm coming for you mutts next and I'll do worse to your stuff". She said and the titantron went black. I gulped. She's after us? Now we're screwed. She scares the hell out of me now. But I still like her.

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