Forgotten (sequel to tgc)

By Matt_Taylor

267K 6.1K 1.5K

Sequel to the game changer More

Birthday wishes-1
That time-3
Jail Cell-10
Proposal -12
Solving Problems-14
The Wedding-15
The Miracle Of Child Birth-16
Not the father-17
The Truth-18
Chapter 20
10 years later?!-21
Chapter 22
WHAT?! 26
Revenge -28
It Comes Down -Hard- •30•
You idiot!-31
Phone Call-32
Happy Family-34
And its...-35
A New Story-36
See what you did-37
Back to The Past -40
2nd chance-41
Investigator -42
What the...-43
Lies -44
Cal-Pal To The Rescue!-46
My Hero?-50
Why are we married?-51
Cal-Pal JR.-52
Break down-53
Happy little family-55
No mother -57
Photo albums-59
Secrets Revealed
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77 (filler)
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Run away with me

Would you wanna run away too?-33

3.7K 90 17
By Matt_Taylor

Katy P.O.V.

"Augustus,Isaac. Stay close okay. I'll explain everything later." Lexi said as her Luke and Carter went in the car to find where Alexa is hiding.

I sighed and sat down on the couch as Mikey walked up and sat next to me.

"I-I'm sorry." He choked out.

I shook my head.

"Syd always liked her father better. That's not your fault." I said.

"She's probably with Cam." Michael told me.

I sighed and took out my phone.

Katy; do you have Syd?

Cam; oh now you care about our family.

Katy; look Cam I'm sorry okay. Do you have Sydney or not?

Cam; I do. But I'm still mad at you

Katy; look it's not my fault that I wasn't happy. That I felt like a slave okay. And you treated my son badly. That's a major turn off bro.

Cam; he was never mine

Katy; you never got it cam,you never got it

I clicked off my phone and tossed it angrily.

"I'm gonna go." Michael sighed getting up as I sobbed into a pillow.

There was a knock at the door and I walked over and opened it.

"Hey Nash." I said letting him in.

"Is lexi here?" He asked and I said no as I sat on the couch.

"What's wrong?" He frowned.

"I'm pregnant again." I sighed.

"Yay! Another niece or nephew. " nash said,I could sense the sarcasm in his tone.

"Is Cam happy about that?" Nash asked.

"Cam doesn't know." I said drawing one finger to my lips.

"Then who's the father?" He asked.


Connor P.O.V.

"Hey Lex Lex." I went up to my girlfriend Alexa and kissed her passionately.

"EW STOP MAKING A PORNO IN THE BACKGROUND OF MY VIDEO(the funny thing is i could see her saying this lol)" miranda said.

"Sorry." I said as I heard talking.

"I'll be back okay hun?" I asked.

"K." Alexa said as I walked down the hall and opened a door.

"Ashton? Matt? Random children?" I asked.

"THANK THE LORD!" Matt ran out of the room.

Ashton lifted the little girl up on his back and ran out with the little boy following.

They both looked like Katy and Calum.

Matthew P.O.V.

"RUN! RUN! RUN!" I yelled as we made it outside.

"How are we gonna get home?" Ashton asked.

"Where are we anyway?" Alexis panted.

Thomas sighed and took something out of his pocket.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's a quarter. There's a payphone over there." I said as we all jogged over.

"Matt call Lexi." Ashton said.

I took the quarter in my hand and smiled as i dialed the number.

Calum P.O.V.

I had everything in place. I stepped outside of the house as it started pouring,shoot.

"Cal?" Katy yelled as she walked onto the porch.

"Cal come inside!" She yelled.

"Come over here." I said.


"Come over here." I repeated.

"She sighed and walked towards me as I picked up my bass and started strumming.

"If I showed up with a plane ticket and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it would you wanna run away too? Cause all i really want is you!" I sang as I dropped it and got on one knee pulling out a ring.

"Katherine. Will you marry me? We can finally be a family again." I said looking up at her.


Hello Maylor nation >~<

I finished part of my summer homework so i was able to update whoop whoop lol this is probably bad but yeah.

I'm obsessed with the song "fall for you" by second hand serenade. You should all check it out. My old crush recommended it to me lol. :)


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