That Redhead - Ron Weasley

By xpialidoxy

378K 12.9K 16K

Demetria Ainsworth never really cared about other people, except her friends. It was hard enough to get her a... More

That Redhead
My Redhead


12.2K 411 808
By xpialidoxy


        It was dinner on the Great Hall and everyone were excited for tomorrow. They were going to Hogsmeade and some guys has invited the girls they like to come with them.

        "Is Hogsmeade a famous dating spot here?" Flint asked.

         "Sorta," Harry said, "did you ask someone you like?"

         Flint placed his arm around Demi, "I'll just go with Demi,"

         Demi shook her head, "I'm not going," Flint frowned at this.

        "Why not?" All four of them said in sync.

         "Aeacus invited me to study with him for the upcoming O.W.L.s,"

        "What? Come on you need to tour me around Hogsmeade!"

        "I'm not your tour guide, go ask Aster or Kris."

        "Aster will surely bring a girl and Kris will be out with his Hufflepuff friends."

        "Demi we have a lot of Saturdays to study for the O.W.L.s, can't you really go?" Hermione asked.

        "Yeah and we wanted to ask you guys to come with us," Ron said while he has a mouthful of food

        Demi rolled her eyes at him but with a smile. "Weasley, can you not talk when your mouth is full?"

        Ron smiled and shrugged,

        "Well, if you ever change your mind. We'll be at Hog's Head tomorrow." Harry said before standing up.

         Hermione followed, Ron quickly ate all of his remaining food before following them. He stood up but stopped to look at Demi. "See you tomorrow Ainsworth," then he ran after his best friends.

         "You know, I'm still not used to it. Seeing how you and Ron suddenly became friendly to each other." Flint said while watching Ron go and sighed, "but who cares? I want to go to Hogsmeade with you!"

        "I'm not going Flint, just go with the trio!"


         The next day, after everyone had gone to Hogsmeade, Aeacus came knocking on the Gryffindor's common room. Saying that he has more important things to do and then left immediately before Demi can say anything.

        It was unusual, knowing that there were no other things more important than studying for Aeacus. It makes her wonder what it was.

        Demi soon changed into her casual clothes and went on her way to Hogsmeade. She felt bad for Flint, knowing that he must've been on his own because he didn't want to feel left behind by the Golden Trio. She scanned the area looking for her friend but he was nowhere to be found.


        She looked behind her and saw a red-haired boy running to her.

       "It's weird seeing you without your best friends."

         He smiled, "well, same to you." he looked at her through his hair, it was blocking his eyes. "So, what changed your mind?"

         "Aeacus said he had something more important to do," then she looked right and left. "So I thought I'll just go here and accompany Flint but he's nowhere to be found. Have you seen him?"

         Ron pursed his lips, dug his hands on his pockets and shook his head.

          Demetria chuckled, "how can you see him?" She walked closer to him, "this thing is covering your eyes." Then she brushed his hair a little to the side. "I wouldn't hide my eyes if they're that beautiful."

            Ron froze in his spot and in an instant... his face had the same color of his hair. Did Demetria Ainsworth just complimented him? "U-uh th-thanks, y-yours are beautiful too."

          Demi grinned, "I know." then she scanned Hogsmeade again.

           Ron gulped and breathed in, he didn't even know that he was holding his breath. He just stood there while staring at her.

           Are you kidding me? She wasn't even affected at all! How dare she touch my hair!

          "Where's that idiot?" She said looking over Ron's shoulder.

          "M-maybe he went to the three br——" suddenly, Demi's eyes widened. "What's wrong?"

          He was about to turn and check what she was looking at when he felt his face being held by two delicate hands as they pulled him down.

           And suddenly, he felt Demi's lips on his own.

           His eyes widened in shock.

          His heart was racing. In horror? Shock? He didn't know.

          His hands remained frozen on his sides as he stared at Demi's face that was very close to him.

        She then pulled away and looked back to the direction where she was looking earlier and relief washed over her face.

         Ron touched his lips and turned to look at the same direction.

         It was Mrs. Birkenhead, Aster's mother, she was now walking away.

         Demi finally looked at him and he instantly removed his hand on his lips. "Are you mental?!" He felt used and he hated how the kiss affect him.

        Demi stepped back being slightly shocked at his reaction. Then she saw how Ron Weasley was as red as a tomato.

        "Y-you used me! You kissed me!"

        Some looked at their direction and Demi put her left hand up to hide from them. "Lower your voice!" She pulled him by his wrist and dragged Ron somewhere.

        "And now you're embarrassed?! You just kissed me without my consent! Don't you feel any remorse at all?"

         She almost laughed at what he's saying. Demi narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, "Come on Weasley, it's just a kiss. Stop making a fuss, you're acting like it's your first time to be k—"

         "It's not my first kiss!" Ron was quick to deny.

          Demi tilted to the side, she examined Ron's face. He was blushing furiously, she didn't know why at first but she soon realized something and an amused smile appeared on her face "wait, it was your first kiss?" she laughed.

         Ron looked down. His ears were so red and so is his face. This reaction was enough to confirm it.

        "Weasley you're already in your fifth year and..." she can't even continue her sentence anymore because of her laughter, her eyes were a bit teary from laughing. "oh my godric.."

        Ron turned his back at her and walked away. That's when she realized that she had offended him.

         "Wait Weasley come back!" Great. Now he's mad at me. She thought.

         "Demi!!!" Aster and Flint ran to her, they were running so fast. She weren't able to ran after him.

         "M-mom, mom was here!" Aster said almost out of breath.

         "Come on! Tell her that you don't want to marry Aster!" Flint dragged her,

         "Guys! I saw her okay?" Then the two guys stopped and looked at her "I think she got the message."

         They both looked at her confused, "what do you mean?" Aster asked.

         She rolled her eyes, "does anyone fancy some butterbeer?"

          Flint gave her a disgusted face, "butterbeer? What the bloody hell is that?"

         They entered the three broomsticks and they saw Aeacus and Kris sitting on the table, Kris waved at them. "Guys!"

          They went to sit with them and found five butterbeers on the table and as usual it was Kris' treat.

         "Is this why you weren't able to study with me?" Demi asked Aeacus who was sipping his butterbear.

         Kris placed a hand over his shoulders, "you see, Aeacus here went out with a girl from Hufflepuff."

         Aeacus rarely goes out with someone, they all know that.

         Aster, who looked amused, voiced out what they were thinking. "really? Woah she must've been so special, did you asked her?"

        Aeacus shook his head, "she kept on pestering me to come with her so I just said yes," then he shrugged.

         Aster leaned on the table. "Tell me, did you kiss her?" Aster asked again.

        "Well, I came here and saw them snogging so definitely yes." -  Kris

        The boys said 'ooooh!' in unison when Aeacus told them that the Hufflepuff kissed him first. Demi found herself rolling her eyes... boys.

         "Pretty wild huh? Care to introduce me to her friends?" - Aster

         "But you came here with some girl right? Where is she?" - Flint

           Aster shrugged his shoulders, "she's not for me," he looked back at Kris, "I like Hufflepuffs, can you introduce me to one?"

         Kris touched his chin and he looked like he was thinking, "Hmm, I may have one. I'll tell you if she agrees."

         Aster placed his left hand on Kris' right shoulder, "you're the best, how could I ever repay you?" his voice a little dramatic.

          The boys shared their laughters but not until Demi hit all of them and they were soon rubbing their heads while saying "ow!"

          "I can't believe you're having this conversation in front of me! You!" Then she hit Aster "stop toying with girls' feelings!"


          Then Kris, "stop setting up those poor girls with him!"


         Then Aeacus, "you! I expected more from you!" Aeacus shielded his face with his hands.

         She was about to hit Flint but he caught her arm, "hey! What did I do?"

         "I can't believe you four idiots!" Then she sat on her chair again but it looks like Aeacus has something to say.

         "Demi can you please stop calling us four idiots? Well for these three," he pointed to his friends, "it's the truth. But I find it very offensive and I mean very, that you consider me as an idiot, if other Ravenclaws have heard that they will be—"

         Demi glared at him so he placed both of his hands in the air and decided that it will be more peaceful if he shut his mouth. He knew better than to upset a Gryffindor, Demi most especially.

        Aster was looking outside the window, "hey, why are there so many students coming out from hog's head?"

         They all turned to look, "there's no way they're drinking butterbears there, that place is filthy!" Kris said.

         "Isn't it obvious? They're having a meeting," Aeacus commented and his four friends looked at him. "No one goes to the hog's head, so they're obviously talking about some big secrets in there."

       "What might it be?" Demi asked.

         Aeacus shrugged, Aster piped up. "Oh I hope they're planning something against Umbridge. Like, set her office on fire."

        Kris, being the kindest, elbowed him in his rib. "That's mean."

         Aster grimaced at him, "what? After what she had done with Demetria, I ought to set her eyebrows on fire!" Kris looked at Aeacus who was agreeing with Aster.

         Flint, who was too busy with butterbeer, reached for Aster's butterbeer, who just stared at him with hatred. "this is good,"

         Aster looked at him in horror, "you pig,"

        They decided that it was time to return to Hogwarts. They, once again, part ways to walk to their towers. Flint was walking with Demi, his arms was wrapped around her shoulder.

         He was staring at Demetria, she looked like she was thinking about something and he's patiently waiting for her to tell him about this.

         And as if she knew this, she sighed. "How old are you when you had your first kiss?"

         Though confused, Flint thought out loud. "I don't know maybe 9." Demi laughed at this, "what? I kissed a girl on the playground," he shook his head. "Why are you asking this?"

         "Remember Mrs. Birkenhead earlier?" Flint nodded. "II kissed Weasley in front of her."

         Flint stopped walking to stare at her in shock. "What? Are you mental? What did Weasley told you?"

         "I thought he would be cool about it, but he started blabbering things about me not asking for his consent. That I used him, I mean.. I didn't know it was his first ki"

         "It was? Woah, that's so late."

         "Yeah but that's not the problem. He's angry with me because I laughed at him."

        He sighed at this and flicked her forehead. "Ow!"

       "You've just been friends with him recently and you ruined it already? Demetria, you suck at making friends. You know that?" Then he placed his arm around her shoulders again.

       She groaned. "You think I don't?" She threw her head back. It's true. She always ruin her potential friendships with everyone. But this is different, she somehow cared that she might scare Ron away. A part of her wanted him to be her friend. Maybe it was because of the kindness he showed her that night.

        They were already at the common room where they saw Ron on the couch with his friends. Flint couldn't help but smile at Demi, who was giving him a death glare. When Ron saw them, he quickly said goodbye to his friends and went to their dormitory.

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