Bleeding Out

By The100Fanfiction

2.9K 65 62

You tell me to hold on Oh you tell me to hold on But innocence is gone And what was right is wrong 'Cause I'm... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Fourteen

110 2 9
By The100Fanfiction

"Is it done yet?" I yell out the open window, resting my head in my hand with my elbow against the door. Bellamy's face is suddenly in my view. "Almost." I sigh. "You said almost half an hour ago."

Bellamy rolls his eyes before looking past me out the other open window on the passenger side, probably at Clarke who's been pacing back and forth since we stopped an hour ago. Octavia is sitting by the back tire, sharpening her sword, and Jasper is sitting on the hood, staring off into the distance.

"We need to pack up. We'll be home soon." Bellamy says, talking loud enough for our group to hear. "Then what? Run away?" Clarke asks, and I lean my head out the window to glare at her. "We're not running away, Clarke, so get your ass in the Rover."

"We need to regroup with the others and find another way to defeat her." Bellamy says, grabbing my wrist from under my head, causing my head to fall slightly. "There's no other way. We need to find a Nightblood." Clarke says as Octavia makes her way past me to stand next to her brother. "We need to unlock the Flame. It's the only way to stop Alie."

"What do you expect us to do, Clarke? Walk into random villages asking for their Nightbloods?" Jasper asks, lazily turning his head towards the blonde. "If that's what it takes." Clarke says, and I jump out of the Rover and lean against the hood next to Jasper. "That is not how we're doing it." I say, my voice coming out harsher than I intended. "If Alie can find us on Luna's rig, then she can find us anywhere. I won't help you destroy another innocent Grounder village." Octavia says, and Clarke takes a step towards her. "If we don't find a Nightblood, there won't be any Grounder villages, or a home for us to go back to."

I push off Rhodey, glaring fully at my sister. "If we keep going at the rate we were when you were making the decisions, there won't be any Grounder villages anyway, and all the more reason we go home to make sure our friends are okay." I say, and Clarke seems to completely deflate as she glances towards everyone else. She lets out a sigh before walking past all of us and into the forest.

I let out a sigh as Bellamy lays a hand on my shoulder. "Why does she always run into the forest?" I mutter, causing Bellamy let out a small chuckle. "She'll be fine. Just let her cool off." Jasper says, and I pull away from Bellamy, walk to the back of the Rover, grab my bow and arrow, and set off after Clarke.

The last time she walked into a forest away from me, it took three months until I saw her again. We might not agree on what to do next, but she's still my sister.

I follow Clarke from a distance, walking silently through the forest behind her, as she seems to try to keep herself together.

A twig snaps from Clarke's left, and we both turn to look to see a familiar face from Arkadia running towards her with a rifle in his hands. I quickly notch an arrow and get ready to shoot the guy, but somebody else's arrow lodges itself in the guys chest before I can even pull my bow string back.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's been following your tacks." Roan says, walking up to Clarke with his bow in his hands. I take aim at Roan as he grabs onto Clarke's wrist. "Because of you, Ontari never ascended. Now where is the Flame, Wanheda?" Roan asks, spitting out the name.

"She doesn't have it." I say, causing Roan to spin around. "Hands where I can see them, Roan. This doesn't have to be messy." I glance quickly at Clarke. "You alright?" She nods, and I turn back to Roan. "Let's go. You're coming with us."

"The hell he is!"

I roll my eyes as Bellamy is suddenly standing next to me with a gun pointed at Roan's chest. "You couldn't let me handle this?" I whisper, but Bellamy just sends me a 'not now' look. "He isn't coming with us." He whispers back, and I roll my eyes. "Yes he is." I say, louder this time, causing Roan to speak up.

"Why would I do that?" He asks, and I look back to him. "Because we both want the same thing, to put the Flame in Ontari."

There's a few moments of silence as everyone processes. Roan looks confused, Bellamy's analyzing what I said, and Clarke looks like she constipated from the effort of not arguing.

"How do you know he's not chipped?" Bellamy asks, and I nod towards Clarke. "If he were, do you think he would've saved Clarke?" I ask, and Bellamy nods. "Still, we need to be sure."

A gunshot sounds, causing me to flinch, and Roan groans and clutches his right bicep. I sigh and lower my bow, and Bellamy walks towards Roan and pistol whips him unconscious. "Now we're sure." Bellamy says, and I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I'm not helping you drag his ass back to the Rover."

We make it back to Arkadia just after the sun went down. I pull Rhodey into the garage, sending a wave to Miller and Bryan. We all hop out of the Rover, and Raven is the first one to pull me into a tight hug. She pulls away and looks towards the back of the Rover. "We were getting worried." She says with a big smile, but the smile fades when she looks inside the Rover. "Where's Luna?"

"Luna said no." Octavia says, sending everyone into a solemn silence. Bellamy pushes Roan out into the middle of the circle with his wrist bound and a gag in his mouth. "Who the hell is this?" Harper asks, walking next to Bellamy.

"He's Ice Nation."

Oh shit. I forgot about Bryan. I nod behind me, signaling Bellamy to take Roan to Lock Up. "King of the Ice Nation actually." I say, and Roan glares at me as Bellamy pushes him past. "And he's our way into Polis." Clarke adds, actually sounding on board with my plan.

I follow after Bellamy, but Raven grabs my arm, gently bringing me to a stop. "You want to use him to get to Ontari?" She asks, and I nod. "Yep."

"What happened to his arm?" Harper asks, and Jasper chuckles. "Bellamy shot him." He says, and Monty sighs. "Good luck getting him to cooperate."

"We're..." I start, trailing off to think of a word to describe Roan and I's relationship. "Acquaintances?"

Raven rolls her eyes and lets me go, and I jog off after Bellamy and Roan.

Bellamy is waiting for me in the hallway when I catch up. "What?" I ask, noticing the stern look on his face. "You're not going in there alone." He says, crossing his arms over his chest. I sigh. "Fine, but I'm taking the lead." I counter, crossing my arms over my own chest and raising an eyebrow. He sighs. "Fine."

I send him a smile, and we both walk into Lock Up side by side. Roan's sitting on the bench in the middle of the cell, and Bellamy reaches in front of me and pulls open the door, holding it open for me to walk in first.

Roan sits up straighter and glares at Bellamy as he stands next to me. I turn and send a raised eyebrow at Bellamy as the two guys seem to have s staring match. I clear my throat, gaining Bellamy's attention and causing him to sigh. "Sorry about your arm."

I give Bellamy and thumbs up and turn back to Roan with a pointed look, feeling like a mother scolding her two sons after they fought and hurt each other. Roan glances at me with an amused look on his face. "Makes us even."

"Good! Now that that's over, we can chit chat." I say, causing Roan to raise an eyebrow at me. "Like it or not, we need each other." I start, but Roan interrupts me. "Cut to the chase, Clarke. You said we wanted the same thing. I want an Ice Nation Commander." I nod at Roan's words. "And I can give you one, with this." I say, pulling out the Flame and holding it up for him to see.

"Why would you do that, when you know she's vowed to wipe you out?" Roan asks, causing me to sigh. "We don't have a choice. We gotta take one problem at a time, and right now, Ontari is the lesser of two evils. This isn't just our war. The enemy we're up against is after everyone, including Azgeda. The only way to stop Alie, is to get the information from the Flame, and the only way to do that is to put it in Ontari's head."

"The Ice Nation isn't afraid." Roan says, and Bellamy takes a step forward. "You should be. This thing doesn't care what clan you're from. It controls people. And it will take over the Ice Nation just like it took us over, one person at a time until there is no one left."

Roan stays silent, and I sigh. "According to Clarke, it already has Ontari." I say, and Roan nods. "I'm listening." He says, and I let out a sigh of relief. So far so good.

"We need to disconnect her before she gets the Flame, or we'll be giving Alie exactly what she wants. In order to do that, we have to abduct her from the center of a city filled with thousands of people whose minds are linked, all of them thinking as one. Whatever one see, they all see. Whatever one hears, they all hear." I say, and Roan nods again. "I get it."

Roan stands up, and I feel Bellamy's arm brush against mine.

"So when do we leave?" Roan asks, and I smirk. "As soon as we're ready."

Everyone sets to work packing up knock out gas, extra ama, grenades, and other odds and ends that we might need walking into the middle of Polis. Raven walks up to me as I shove my extra handgun into a spot in the Rover. "Because she's chipped, you have to EMP her like you did me before you give her the Flame." She says, handing me this big contraption. "And what the hell is this?" I ask, handing it off to Bellamy to put in the Rover.

"I thought Jaha destroyed all the wristbands." Jasper suddenly states, and I give him a weird look. He's been acting strange since Luna's rig. "So did he. Then I came home." Raven says, causing me to smirk. "Anyway, the thing?" I ask, and Raven nods. "Right, there was only enough usable parts to rebuild one, so use it wisely. Made a few improvements, too." She says, and I purse my lips. She still didn't tell me how to use it.

"None of which is gonna matter if you can't get us access to Alie's code." Clarke says, stepping up next to me. "You worry about the Nightblood. I'll worry about Alie." Raven says, and I nod. "Let's do this."

"How can you access code that doesn't exist here anymore?" Jasper asks, and I share a look with Raven. "We've got a plan." Monty says, and I give him a smile. "What are we waiting for?" Octavia asks, and I nod. "You heard her, let move!"

I give Raven a hug first, then Monty, Harper, and Jasper. "Until we meet again."

I hop into the driver's seat, and Bellamy hops into the passenger seat. I put the Rover into drive and take a deep breath. This is my plan. If anything goes wrong, it's on me.

A squeez on my thigh makes me jump slightly, and I turn to see Bellamy with a gentle smile on his face. "This'll work, Carter." He says, and I nod as I begin pulling out of the garage. "It better."

Bellamy doesn't remove his hand from my thigh the entire drive. As much as I want to grab onto his hand and hold it as tight as possible, I clench my hands around the steering wheel, white knuckling it the entire way.

"You should stop here." Roan says once the fire at the top of Polis is visible. We all jump out of the car, and I walk out in front of it to gaze up at the tower. "All right, this is where we split up." Roan says, and I cast a glance at Bellamy. He is so not gonna like this part of my plan, especially since I didn't tell him about it. "The entrance to the tunnel is right over there." Roan says, and I can almost hear Bellamy roll his eyes. "We know where it is."

I stand in front of Roan. "I'm gonna need the Flame." He says, and I cast a glance to Clarke who looks on the verge of panicking. "Look, this only works if they send Ontari out to get it. If they don't see it, they won't do that. Not much of a trap without the bait."

I glance between Clarke and Bellamy, knowing he is gonna explode.

I pull the Flame from my pocket and hold it out for Roan. He grabs onto the one end of the container, but I keep ahold of it as I meet his gaze. "I'm coming with you."

"No way! That is not the plan!"

There it is.

"I made a promise that I wouldn't let this thing out of my sight, so if Roan needs the Flame, I'm going with him. So, it's the plan now." I say, letting go of the Flame and nodding towards Roan. "And, Roan doesn't know the passphrase. I do. So, you can tell them that without me, Ontari can't ascend."

"You'll need to look like my prisoner." Roan says, and I nod. "Wouldn't be the first time." I say, and Roan shows a small sign of a smile. "Wait a second. Give us a minute." Bellamy says, waving Roan off while staring at me with wide eyes.

I purse my lips as Roan gives me a pointed look to keep it quick, and Bellamy grabs onto my shoulders as he stands in front of me. "Have you lost your mind, Carter?" He asks, and I roll my eyes. "You're really willing to trust that guy with your life?" He asks, and I let out a chuckle. "I trust him, but not with my life. Not with my life. But you'll be covering us the entire time. And I trust you with my life."

Bellamy pulls me into a hug, squeezing me against his chest. I"m shocked into stillness for a moment, but I recover quickly and return the hug just as tightly. "You still trust me with your life even though I almost got you killed?" He whispers in my ear, and I squeeze Bellamy tighter. "I will always trust you with my life, Bell. I don't blame you for what Pike did." I whisper back and feel Bellamy press a kiss to my hair. "Thanks, Princess."

We pull out of our hug, and I smile up at him. I get up on my toes and press a kiss to his cheek. "Until we meet again."

We all go our separate ways, Clarke, Octavia, Miller, Bryan, and Bellamy going towards the tunnels, and Roan and I making our way towards the road leading straight to the city.

"You should've kissed him."

I choke at Roan's sudden declaration in the middle of our silence.

"Excuse me?" I ask, clearing my throat. "That might've been the last time you'll see him. You should've kissed him." Roan says, and I resist the urge to look behind me in the direction the others went. "We've been through a lot, and it's complicated right now." I say, and Roan scoffs. "Do you love him?" He asks, and I stare at him wide-eyed before nodding. "Then you should always tell him because you never know when it will be the last time."

Roan doesn't speak again until we are just outside the city. "It's time." He says, holding out the rope and a piece of fabric for a gag. I hold out my wrists for him to tie together with the rope and hold still for him to tie the gag around my head, noticing that both are not as tight as the first time.

Once I'm tied up, he leads the way into the city, and it seems to be completely deserted.

"Your friends better be in position." Roan says as we splash through another bloody puddle of water. I turn to look at him, "Fey are." I mumble around my gag, causing Roan to roll his eyes. "When this is over, Ontari will know you helped her. You have my word." Roan whispers, and I nod my head in silent thanks.

We continue to walk towards the big tower, and as we get closer, we start seeing people sitting with their legs crossed and eyes closed, tilting their heads up towards the sky. They barely look more than a statue. A flashing light to my right catches my eye, and I turn my head to see a flashlight and the barely noticeable structure of a rifle. I give the person who signaled, no doubt in my mind that it's Bellamy, a nod before looking forward again.

I am Roan, King of Azgeda." Roan yells out, holding up the Flame with the hand he isn't using to hold onto me. "And I have what the Commander seeks." He says, and the people around use suddenly open their eyes and get to their feet, scary in sync.

A Grounder carrying a gun walks up to us, and I have to tilt my head back slightly to look up at his face with how tall he is. "I don't like when I'm sentenced, so, if she wants it, she can come to me." Roan snarls at the Grounder as more and more people surround us. I swallow thickly as three new people walk out into the square, one of them causing anger to burn in my veins.

Of freaking course Jaha is here.

"Hello, Carter." Jaha says, and I glare at him as he stands in front of me. "We expected Clarke to be the one to come, but this is a great surprise. Your mother will be so pleased to see you." I resist the urge to kick Jaha in the shin as Roan speaks up. "Who are you? Where's Ontari?"

"Not coming out." Jaha answers, and I try to keep my expression neutral despite my shock and frustration. The plan won't work unless Ontari comes out. "But you can give me the Flame to me.I'll be sure she gets it." Jaha says, holding out his hand as if he really believes that Roan will just hand it over.

Roan encloses the Flame in his fist, and I glance over towards where I'm sure Bellamy is watching everything. I send him a worried look. "You're friends in the tunnel can't help you."

My head jerks back to Jaha, and I look at him with wide eyes. How the hell did he know?

"Now give me the Flame." Jaha says as the rest of the people begin closing in around us. The knife in my boot seems to weigh a ton as Roan and I begin to shuffle backwards. I hear Roan pull out his knife and go to reach for my own, but Roan pulls me back against his chest, holding his knife under my chin. "Back up or she dies."

"Save the theatrics. We know you're together. We know everything." Jaha says, and I feel the pressure of the knife disappear for a moment before it gets harder on my neck. "Then you know she's the only one here who can activate the Flame." Roan says, and I want to punch him in the head. You just made yourself absolutely useless.

"You're right." Jaha says, pointing at us. "We need her alive."

The knife drops from my throat. "Run." Roan whispers before he pulls me after him through the crowd of people who have surrounded us, and I pull the gag from my mouth. We break through the circle, and my eyes widen as I see Kane holding up a gun and aiming it at Roan's chest. "But we don't need you."

I gasp as he shoots Roan in the chest, and Roan falls to the ground. I stare at Kane a moment too long before trying to make a run for it, but someone grabs onto my hair and yanks me back while the others grab my arms and shoulders. "Get off of me!"

I'm lifted off my feet, and all I can do is scream and shout and hope that my friends can make it out. 

Hey guys! Got another chapter out, and it didn't take forever! I'm proud of myself... Anyway, I know this ends in the middle of the episode, which I don't usually do, but this was already like 9 pages long in word, and this was a good place to end it for this chapter.

Well anyway, I hope you guys liked it, please let me know in the comments! BTW, I always love reading your comments! I may not always respond to them because I don't see them until like weeks after because I'm not on here all the time, but I see them and they make me smile!! So please keep commenting!! Love you guys!!!

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