10 Are You Joining?

10.4K 380 132
By melantha123

POV Elsa

After I entered the living room of the mansion where Jack Frost, the Snowflake Burglar, lives I saw his sister there. I heard some sounds already from the outside door, I promised to hide his sister.

"Are you Jack's girlfriend?" His sister asked and turned around with her wheelchair. She stared in to nothingness, "hey, I know you are there." She said and giggled.

"No, I am not his girlfriend.. we just.. know each other," I mumbled as I walked behind of her. "I would like to chat you a bit more private," I whispered while pushing her wheelchair tto another door. We arrived at the kitchen and I see a big looking closet. After opening it I see that it is used for dry foods and big enough for us both. I push her inside and I go with her.

"Where did you take me and why?" Her hand touches mine.

"I am here to check.. umm.. your dry food supply amount," I laugh nervously.

"Well, I can't help you with that can I? I am blind if you didn't notice," she chuckles and I look at her. She really is blind.

"Ummm.. " I say while feeling stupid. What should we discuss while waiting? "

Are you dating?" His sister asks and I gulped.

"Sort of.. I mean. I kind of am?" I mumble again when image of Pitch, my boyfriend, comes to my mind and tell her to hush. I heard the sound of van driving away.

"Sounds like Jack left with Hiccup somewhere," she said and pushes the closet door open. Easily she rolls out with the wheelchair.

I follow her, "Why would you assume that?" I ask from her and she laughs.

"I can hear you know, I know the sound of their van anytime," she went to living room and turned on the music.

"I must get going," I whispered and we said goodbyes.

The entry way showed the signs of struggle. They actually must have taken him, driving with his van. I peek outside and it seems like it since there are tire tracks coming from garage. I immediately run to inside and go to his sister.

"Umm.. hey, do you have anyone who could come? Jack had left a note that he left alone for business this weekend," I lied to her.

She nodded, "Yes. I will call to Hiccup if I need him."

I sighed, "Good. Yeah, bye." I said quickly and left. I run behind of some decorative bushes on the outside. I drove Punzies car there to hide. I am breathing hallow when I sit behind the wheel. For a moment I just stay there, burying my head on my arms and breathing.

"What have I done?" I whisper when image of his sister comes in my mind. Now she is alone.

I take out my phone. I need someone to talk to. I text to ArtOfFun. Few minutes later I haven't still get any respond. Usually he responds soon. I tap the wheel nervously with my fingers. Trying to reach a decision is hard. I groan and I turn the car on. Maybe I could do something? Stop him getting hurt so much if I manage to reason with him. Maybe he will agree sooner, join the Nightmares and avoid most of the pain and misery that they do to people.

I drove to the facility area and I almost run inside, Punz stops me. "They actually got him," she gasps and seems scared. "Where is he?" I try to break free but she shakes her head. "It is not safe Elsa, they are trying to make him join us.. by force," Punz squeezes my arm. "I asked you.. WHERE IS HE?" I almost scream and some gang members outside lifted their heads.

Punz looks at me and then points at the yard. There is a storage unit and I start to pace towards it. I stare at the door on the storage unit when I reach it. I inhale deeply, I can do it. "WILL YOU JOIN?" I hear Pitch yelling and I froze. He is there.

"NEVER!" I heard Jack yelling which woke me up from my daze. I hear a sound like someone has been slammed against the metallic door. I frown and open the door. I see how Pitch throws Jack to ground and Drago kicks him to stomach few times. I gasp when I see Jack coughing blood on the metal floor of the unit. His arms are tied behind of his back.

I see how Drago grabs Jack's hair and takes him to a large pool filled with water. He forces Jack to kneel on ground and even though when Jack held from the edges, he couldn't stop his head being pushed under the water. The sight is terrible, when Drago lets go Jack's head comes to surface and he is gasping for air and coughing. "Yes, he is the Snowflake Burglar," Pitch laughs and kicks Jack back to ground. The pool had the water stained by the brown hair color which left from Jack's hair which now is back to white and silver.

"T-told you.. I never w-will.. j-join," Jack is panting and glaring at Pitch who takes a crowbar from table. He readies himself to hit Jack and I run inside and in front of him. "DON'T!" I yelled to Pitch who seems furious. "What are you doing?" Pitch hisses to me.

Think of a plan. Think of a plan, Elsa.

I kneel in front of Jack and I grab a hold of his hoodies edge which I start to lift. "Let go!" Jack yells and shakes my hand off. He is glaring me and leans his body away.

"Work with me here," I whisper to his ear and he gives me a questioning look.

Again I take a hold of Jack's hoodie, now he is not resisting. It is hard not to gulp when I see his chest covered in bruising. I turn my head towards Pitch, "If you continue like this he isn't in the condition for working for us."

Pitch rolled his eyes and groaned, " Trying to take our amusement away?" Pitch sounded angry.

"You can continue later if I am not able to convince him. He can sleep at my place and I will keep watch. He needs to be treated," I said while standing in front of Pitch.

"Can you handle it sweetie?" Pitch said and his hand brushed my cheek. I heard Jack gasping when he saw Pitch kissing me.

After Pitch left I wiped my mouth to my sleeve while I kneeled next to Jack. "W-whoa. you've got yourself a prince Charming," he chuckled and breathed heavily from pain shortly after.

"Put your right hand over my shoulders," I ordered him and he sighed.

He limbed to car while taking support from me. He grunted when he went to Punzie's cars backseat. When I go to sit on driver's seat I turn the rear mirror so I can see him. I see how he gritted his teeth and held his stomach when he layed down carefully. Watching him made me gulp and he glanced towards me before turning his head back to watch at cars sealing.

He covered his face with his arm. "Why are you doing this anyway? Where is my sister?" He whispered with dry voice.

"I might belong to them but I am not evil.. I hope. Your sister is safe," I whisper and start the car. We stayed silent the whole way. Did he fell asleep? I glance to rear mirror and I see that his arm is hanging now instead of covering his face. He layes there with his eyes closed and mouth slightly open. He can't be dead? Can he?

Gladly we were two blocks away from mine and Anna's apartment building. I drove in front of the building at parking space and I unclip my belt fast while my hands are shaking. Did I just cause someone's death by being scared myself? I go to back seat and lean over his body. I place my hand over his mouth and my ear against his chest. A heartbeat. Thank god.

"Why are you on me?" He says and I look at him when I slowly back up. I grab his hand and I pull him up. "Just helping you out," I say and roll my eyes.

"Mmmh.. wait," Jack grunts when I am few steps away from the car.

He gives his hand out, "I.. I can't walk by myself." He says and turns his head away angrily. I inhale deeply and go to him, I help him to stand and he places his arm around my shoulder. I feel his bodyweight taking support from me and his tight grip on my shoulder.

"Thanks," he whispers as we go inside. We took the elevator and I help him inside my apartment and to our couch.

He sits on the couch and stays silent, just staring forward. "Stay there!" I snap at him when I go to bathroom. I sigh before washing my face with cold water and when I dry my face to towel I see my shirt. There is blood. Quickly I go to medical cabinet and run to living room.

"You are wounded! Why didn't you tell me?" I yell to him when I point at my shirt. He glares at me furiously and seems bitter, he shrugs his shoulders.

I roll my eyes, "Childish to stay mute!" I tell him as I forcefully lift his shirt. He tries to stop me, "Hey.." He said and I cover his mouth.

"I have seen you without shirt before," I say while my cheeks blush.

"Huh?" He whispered and now let me check his damage. Lots of bruises and on his left there was a cut. "Did they cut you?" I whisper when I disinfected the cut which gladly wasn't deep. "Yeah," he whispers.

After treating him I am still kneeling on the ground and I look him into his eyes. "Join to Nightmares and they won't hurt you?" I whisper and wish that he would listen to me.

He shakes his head, "Never. They are bad..." He looks at me and blushed, "But you seem alright even though you are pissing me off."

I chuckle, "Yeah you are annoying me too."

He smirks, "Really, huh? Good since I will be better!" He winks his eye and I blush, quickly I turn my eyes away from him. I sit next to him on the couch, "You can't leave before you decide to join." I glance at him and I see how he sighs, I turn on the television.

Nature show. How interesting. "So.. you have a sister," I broke the awkward silence. "Yeah, I do," Jack whispered and seemed a bit too concentrated looking to look at the life of lions at zoo. There was a lion called Simba. Interesting.

"How about you?" Jack said while he grunted when he adjusted his sitting position.

"I have one, she is dear to me... Please Jack, join for your sister's sake. The Nightmares will eventually kill you if you don't do how they want," I whispered. "Then it is your sin," Jack said.

My sin? Yeah, he is right. I gave them his information but.. how would I have known that a jerk like him has a nice sister?

After two hours of watching the life of lions I felt sleepy. I tried my best to not show it to him. I can't fall asleep, he might escape. My job is to watch after him, make him join the Nightmares. I can't...

POV Jack

I startle when I suddenly feel something hitting my shoulder and then I see how White Blizzard's head rests on it. "Uh," I grunted and I try to pull myself away. Instead of getting away from her, her body was soon laying on the couch, her head ended up in my lap. She was sleeping.

She sleeps peacefully, finally. My chance to leave has arrived. I lift her body a bit and I slide away from under her. I limb towards the door and I hold my aching side where I was cut before. I will never join a group, never.


I see her phone getting a message on a table. She placed her phone to hallways table when we got to apartment. I glance over my shoulder and I see her still sleeping on the living room. I take the phone and I see that it is from the leader who is called Pitch. I decide to read it, if she has told them about Emma.

'You've got tonight. Make him join or we will get your sister Anna and she will suffer.' They are threatening her sister? Bastards! I look to my right and I see a picture hanging on the wall where White Blizzard is hugging her sister and they are having fun. I sigh and take a few steps towards the door.

I just can't, I can't let her suffer. I delete the message from the phone and I walk back while groaning, I cross my arms as I glare at White Blizzard. I look for a bedroom and then I found a room that seemed like hers. I go back to living room and I go to couch, I kneel down and I place her arms around my neck. I dig my arms under her body and I lift her up. She is not that heavy.

I carry her to bed and when I am placing her down I feel her arms tightening around my neck. "Going somewhere? " I see her glaring at me, she woke up just now.

"No," I whisper. She pulls me next to her.

"You sleep here, so I can watch you," she snaps at me and I sighed. I placed myself to lay next to her on my back. She turned off the lights, we both were laying there with our clothes on.

"So.. you live with your sister?" I tried to start a conversation.

"Yes but she is at work and goes to her boyfriend tonight," White Blizzard whispered.

"Uh.. I will join," I managed to spit out.

"What made you change your mind?" She gasped and turned around.

"I don't know," I lie and shrug my shoulders. She looks at me in misbelieve and I turn my back to her. "Sleep well," I tell her and she sighs. I couldn't live with myself if I let them hurt her sister. She helped mine so, favor for favor. Then I would split up from that gang.

Next morning I noticed that White Blizzard was already up. I start to sit and then I hear someone speaking with her. I quickly take my emergency hair dye and contact lenses from my hoodie's pocket and change my looks. Then I go outside from the door.

There is White Blizzard and her sister who I know from the picture. They both stare at me and I ruffle my hair, "Morning. I must get going." I smirk to them and I go and give White Blizzard a quick cheek kiss. Both of them are speechless.

"Anna.. I can explain," White Blizzard gasps.

"YOU ARE DATING JACKSON OVERLAND! And I was just speaking you about new chocolate flavours when you had something important going on," Anna was screaming from excitement and I chuckled.

"We.. we.." White Blizzard mumbled.

"Sure I am dating um.. Blizz," I wrapped my arm around White Blizzard and flashed a smile. "I will kill you for this," she snapped at me while whispering.

"See you later.. contact me when the Nightmares need me," I whispered before I walked towards the door.

I laughed and left them chatting. "HE WAS IN YOUR BEDROOM! OH MY!!" I heard Anna still yelling after I closed the door. I took busses to home and I gave Emma a hug when I saw her being safe.

"Jack, someone sended you messages last evening," she giggled and I took my phone from table.

I read a message from Iceheart93 ' I have done something horrible. What should I do? I feel so guilty ' She sounded really worried and there was couple more similar messages. Quickly I typed a lie for response, 'Sorry for my reply taking for so long. You should correct the mistake and apologize? I was out of town, sorry.' Yeah , I couldn't see my messages since I was a bit occupied by Nightmares and White Blizzard.

I wonder what my life soon will be. The idea of belonging to vicious crime gang wasn't my thing. I just have to keep my promise, I never break my promises.

Iceheart93 sent me a response. 'Thank you. You are always there and kind. Where were you?' I sigh and type, 'Business tip. Cheer up already! Nothing can be that bad! BTW I am going to thaw that ice heart of yours. *grins*.'

She responded again. 'No one can do that but thanks for offer!' I give a mischievous grin and type, 'You're funnier than speaking to ice wall." I see her typing, 'Haha! Thanks! : )'

I chuckle and write one more response, 'See, you're laughing already! Soon your heart will be melted together with mine. Oops.. haha! Meant that thawed and open.. umm.. Actually I have no idea what I am writing! I need to go now, talk to you later?' Then I go to living room with Emma and I get one more message from Iceheart93. 'Of course, see you!' I smile after reading the message. Somehow getting them from her cheers me up.


Jack will join and the reason? He doesn't wish that Anna would get hurt!

My Criminal Snow Storm.. Any thoughts?

The Art of Jack is my doing this time

ps. Art is always welcome!

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