Bloodstained Love Bite

By Misguided

5.3M 106K 8.6K

She was intelligent, obliging and downright gorgeous. Unfortunately, she was too shy and completely oblivious... More

Bloodstained Love Bite
1: Hello Again
2: Walmart in Distress
3: Cold Shoulder
4: Forgive Me
5: The Green Monster
6: Babbling
7: Fun
9: Sleeping Alone
10: The Proposition
11: New Tactic
12: Distracting
13: Nocturnal
14: Scenarios
15: "Confess Yourself to Heaven..."
16: Missing
17: Best Friends
18: Uneventful Halloween
19: Slow Confession
20: Family
21: Head Over Heels
22: Exhausted
23: Liar
24: Nine Hours
25: "Curtis."
26: Transatlanticism
27: Season of the Witch
28: Human After All
29: Sight
30: The Gene
31: Revelation
32: Scared
33: Bloodstained Love Bite
34: Are You Okay?

8: One-on-One

163K 2.8K 170
By Misguided

Howlin' For You - The Black Keys <3

I apologise for any mistakes, shall check in the morning <3


"Hello, Amy."

She looked up from her laptop and smiled. "Hey Gerry."

"Are you busy?" The older woman glanced at Lewis working away at his desk and back to Amy. 

"Not at all, I was just browsing."

"Oh, good. There is something I need you to look into with Lewis starting Monday. When you were with NASA, did you read about the EUVE Mission from the 90's?"

Amy's mind perked at the memory. "The Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer? Yes. That was one of my favourites to research."

"What is that again?" Lewis interjected.

Before Gerry could speak Amy explained, "EUVE was a part of NASA's Explorer spacecraft series, and was designed to operate in the extreme ultraviolet range of the spectrum. Its objective was to carry out a full-sky survey and a deep-survey and pointed observations."

"Oh, now I remember!" He grinned. "They terminated the mission in 2000."

"Good, you both know what it is." Gerry tilted her head back and laughed. "Monday. I want the kids to know about it. It'll rope in with their projects. By the way, you are free to go home Amy it's almost five."

She knew that. She was just afraid to call John and ask him where he was.

"I know." She sighed. "I was just finishing up."

"Okay. See you two Monday."

Lewis waved at her before she left and smiled at Amy. "Are you going now?"

She grimaced. She couldn't very well stay here all night could she? "Yes." Amy stood and picked up her satchel, placing her laptop and her homework inside. She stared at her phone scornfully. "I'll see you Monday."

"Have a good weekend."

Her hand curled around the phone. "And you." 

Amy exited her office with a sigh and started scrolling through her contacts. Here goes nothing. As she walked she listened to the dial tones for just over twenty seconds before his voice coursed through her, "Hello?"

"Hey John its Amy." She silently cursed herself when her voice cracked at the end.

"Hello, Amy. Is everything alright?"

"Um, yes. I, well, I was calling to see where you were because... Um... You're... Supposed to..."

He started laughing and she stopped walking to hold a hand to her burning cheeks. 

"I know I am. I'm in the Fitness Centre at the moment and I'm sorry to say but there is a huge mess in here and I'm half done."

A breath she didn't realise she was holding escaped her lungs and she started to nod. "Okay, so should I get a ride with someone else?"

"No, it's fine. You can come in here whilst I finish. Do you know where the gym is?"

"Not exactly." She finally moved her feet. 

"Go to through the Fitness Centre and turn to your immediate left." 

She walked outside into the biting cold and walked down the walkway toward the sports centre. "Okay"

"Then go down to the end of the hall and through double doors and you'll be outside again. You'll see a building in front of you and I'll be in there."

"Am I allowed..?"

"You'll be fine." She could imagine him waving her uncertainty away. 

"Alright, see you in a minute." She sighed and hung up before walking into the building. The gym was directly in front of her with a large wall of windows. Only a few were in but even at this time it still looked slightly packed for half five.  

A large older man behind a counter smiled at her. "Need something, sweetheart?"

Amy smiled politely. "No, thanks. I'm just looking for John Harris."

"Okay. He's on the court. Need me to show ya?"

"I'll be alright, thank you."

"Alright. Well, watch yourself now. Dressed like that, you'll have the men in my gym hurting themselves."

She blushed and looked down at her half cream half beige sleeveless dress. The top half was a smooth material, there wasn't even low neckline! And she had a coat on, it wasn't even that bad.

The older man grinned at her and leaned back. "Go right through sweetheart."

She mumbled her thanks and followed John's exact instructions to the building located out back. As soon as she stepped into the building, a wall of heat hit her straight in the face. Her glasses steamed at the lenses almost immediately so she whipped them off. The basketball court wasn't that much of a mess. There were balls everywhere and red and white jersey's piled horrible on the side of the bleachers. 

John emerged from a room on the side of the court. He flattened his blonde hair to his forehead and sent her a grin. Good lord, he was only in a black vest and shorts. He looked... Well, for lack of a better word, stunning. A silver chain with a small circular pendant hung from his neck but she couldn't make it out.

"Hi. Take a seat, I'll be done soon. Find the court okay?"

"Yes," She answered as she stepped up to the bottom seat of the bleachers. She sat next to one of the stray balls and picked it up. "Although your colourful colleague offered to show me."

John walked over to an empty rack and chuckled. "Jeb? Don't mind him. He wouldn't hurt a fly."

"A man of his size, I would completely disagree with that." She muttered and his chuckle turned into a full out laugh. 

"What's wrong with the heat in here? It's boiling," She shrugged off her coat and tightened the bun on her head. 

Something flashed within his eyes but it disappeared before she could distinguish what it was. "The heating is a bit screwed up. It should be ventilating out instead of in."

"Oh, okay." Amy sighed and stared at him when he bent over to pick up a ball. 

A smirk played on her lips. Never ever has she looked at a man's butt, not once. But, she thought as he stood up right, this was a man designed to lure nun's away from their convents. He was made so women could stare at him. It'd be a waste not stare upon such a... She didn't want to say Adonis it was too clichéd now. 

Who was beautiful...? Models? Meh, he could be a model but she could do better than that. That actor back in the day, James Dean! He was beautiful. James Dean and he were a good comparison... 

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

She blinked back into reality. Her cheeks flushed crimson. "What?"

"Bouncing that ball." He smirked leaning against the wall.

Amy looked around the gym surprised it was clear. Oh, she must have been really deep in thought. "Actually, yes I am. I was just thinking."

"About what?"

She stood. "A lot of things."

His hazel eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Like...?"

Wouldn't you like to know? "Work, friends, family." 

"Come on Amy; give me something to go on. Talk to me."

She licked her dry bottom lip and started to bounce the ball again. "Um... Well, how I miss my family." Easy half lie. She did miss her family but that was far from her mind.

"Okay, your family. Tell me about them."

Her hands gripped the ball tightly. "Why?"

He smiled but frowned at the same time and he looked absolutely adorable... Dammit. "Because, Amy, I'm trying to know you. You asked me why I wasn't teasing you anymore and it's because I want to be your friend. So siblings, have you got any?"

"Um..." She wasn't particularly surprised but to hear him say it made her stomach flutter. "One. A sister, Morgan."

He pushed off the wall. "How old is she?"


"Is she like you?"

Amy laughed quietly. "Not at all. She received more of the confidence in the family. She works with my dad at his PR Company in Manhattan."

"And your mom?"

"She does this and that. She used to be a chef but quit when she realised it wasn't for her. Then she started tweaking cookbooks but for some reason she never decided to make one of her own."

A smile lit his face as he slowly, very slyly, walked closer to her. "Why's that?"

She saw him drawing close and started bouncing the ball again, strolling as she did so. He smirked crookedly at her and continued to follow. "I don't know, she just said she didn't want to go through the hassle of making one."

"She seems accomplished and so does your father and sister."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm the odd one out."

"I wouldn't say that at all. If anything you're more successful. You're extremely smart."

It was too hot in there for her to blame her red cheeks on a blush so maybe he wouldn't notice. "Thanks..."

They remained silent for a moment as she stepped toward the hoop and stopped at the three-pointer line. She glared at the hoop for a moment before throwing the ball and grinning when it went straight through the net.

"That's three points. Good aim... considering you don't have your glasses on. Did you play back in high school?"

"Ha!" She collected the ball and snorted. "I hated P.E but I loved swimming."

She noticed his eyes flicker to her legs. "A swimmer. Okay. Are you going to sign up to the pool?"

She thought about her unattractive one piece and cringed. If he saw her in that... "Maybe later in the year."

"Don't wait too long." He smirked. 

She bounced the ball again and threw the ball to the hoop; this time, she smirked smugly when it went through.

"Your posture is all wrong." He commented from behind her.

"I couldn't care less, John." The ball rolled back to her and she spun around. "I bet I could get it through a third time even with my 'bad posture.'"

He laughed at her admittedly poor impersonation of him. "Go ahead."

She threw the ball and grinned when it bounced off the back board and went through the net again. 

"Lucky shot." John grabbed the ball before she could. "One more."

It'd have to take a miracle for it to go through again. And miracle it was when it did. "I'm on a role."

"Fine. Let's see how you do with a little pressure."

Her brow rose. "Like one-on-one? I don't know the rules for basketball. You know, I did just tell you I hated P.E didn't I?"

"Yes you did but I'm sure you know the basics. Bounce the ball. Get it in the hoop. Easy?"

She rolled her eyes and snatched the ball from his hands. "How patronising. Okay, fine."

She didn't have a clue what possessed her to agree to this but... This was sure to be interesting. She followed him to the middle of the court. "Right. So should I start?"

"Maybe you should take your heels off."

As soon as she stepped out of them, she frowned at the sudden height change between them. He stood directly above her and grinned. "Well, I didn't notice how short you were. How's the weather down there?" He shocked her by flicking her nose.

She gasped with a small smile and lightly smacked his stomach. "Quite mild actually. Now tell me which is my hoop."

"We have the same hoop; this isn't a full game and I'm on defence so it doesn't matter."

Once again, her brow rose in confusion.

"The one behind me. Go."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. Now go." 

She stood there staring at the ball for a moment before bouncing it. 

And in a flash, the ball disappeared; she frowned. "Give me a chance."

"Alright, alright. " He held the ball out at arm's length and watched her carefully.

As she reached out with narrowed eyes, he pulled the ball closer to him.

"Come now, Jonathan you're being a child."

At the sound of his name he smiled wider. "Okay here. I'll give you a three second head start starting from when you take this ball."

As soon as she took the ball from his hands, she speed walked to the three pointer line and lined up for a shot. But as soon as the ball left her hands, he popped up in front of her and plucked the ball from the air.

"Try harder, Ames." He laughed. "Run or something."

"I can't run in this dress!" She complained. "And I'm not ripping it."

"Take it off." He suggested with a mischievous glint to his eyes.

"It's hot in here John, but it's not that hot. Again."

They did the same play again but once again he grabbed the ball when she tried to shoot. The third time, she actually did run and make it to the net to try and score but just as it soared up to the net, he jumped up and knocked it away.

"Asshole," She muttered so he could hear.

"Want me to go easy on you?"

"No. I like the challenge. "

A very slow smile graced his lips as he handed her the ball again. "Okay. But this time, I'm not waiting three seconds."

As she made it back to the centre and started bouncing the ball again he started to step closer to her. 

"What're you doing?" She asked as she backed up. 

"Playing the game," He replied as he tried to swipe the ball but she spun around and ran around him. He followed her and she inhaled sharply when his shoulder nudged hers. 

Once again, she ran around him toward the hoop but his quiet footsteps followed her and she stopped. "You're cheating."

"No I'm not; this is how the game is played." His large hand suddenly curled around her waist to try and get around her. 

Everything inside of her stopped for that split second for her to realise that he was touching her. She still managed to bounce the ball but her eyes were glued to the large pale hand curled around her entire waist. "Really?" She asked quietly.

"Yes," His breath tickled the back of her neck as she slipped out of his grip to run to the three pointer line. 

She couldn't feel him behind her now and she exhaled as she tried to shoot. This time he didn't stop the ball as it sailed to the hoop but it didn't go through.

"Get the ball and come here." He said beside her.

She was stunned at his deep voiced command but she did as he said. She stood exactly where she was before and held the ball to her stomach.

He stood behind her, just like a moment ago and just like he did at the barbecue. She discreetly inhaled when his familiar manly scent drifted around her, the sweet smell of cinnamon and apples and a hint of something else. 

"You're doing it wrong and it's driving me crazy," He mumbled into her ear. Her eyes shut at the sound of his voice and the rumble of it against her back. "Here," The hand that was on her mere moments ago curled around her waist. Her breath caught only for a moment before she composed herself and forced her mind to think. 

Come on, think dammit don't get caught up in his warmth... Or his voice... Or his... Or the way his chest pressed against my back...

"Your right hand should go under the ball while your left hand holds it." With his free hand he arranged her hand properly and pointed to the net. "Your right hand is going to push up and then you follow through, okay?"

Her head nodded only a little bit, she was too afraid she'd start shaking. 

"Do it," 

Just as she pushed her right hand upwards, his grip on her waist tightened and her body heated overwhelmingly. The shock of it had her heart pounding against her chest, she was afraid he'd hear it.

The ball swished through the net and bounced onto the ground, creating an echo throughout the tension filled basketball court.

Suddenly, the tip of his nose lightly skimmed the side of her head making her shiver. Her body was a live shaking wire and she couldn't understand how he could make her react this way with barely a touch. 

Her slight shiver was enough to bring her back to reality. And thankfully, it was enough for the both of them because he sighed and dropped his hand. 

She stepped away from him. She was still reeling from his touch and all she wanted now was to feel him against her again. She wanted to grab him by the neck and devour his mouth right now. She could still smell him around her and it was driving her mad. 

So she did what she could do. She squared her shoulders, wiped the sweat from her brow and glanced over her shoulder at him to ask in a surprisingly strong voice, "Are we done?" 

There was no answer for a while as he watched her; his pupils, she noticed even without her glasses on, were slightly dilated. 

Amy didn't know what to do for a few moments; her mind was still completely scrambled. She mindlessly floated over to her shoes and stepped into them before picking up her coat, satchel and glasses. She didn't bother putting her coat on as she walked toward the exit. She glanced behind her briefly to see him shrugging into a white polo shirt. 

The fresh cool air slapped her right in the face as she stepped outside. What was she doing? Letting him do that was the worst possible brain fart she had ever had. John Harris was a distraction she didn't need in her life. Sure, he made her feel... Squirming, needy, achy with discomfort. A man in the past that had physically touched her, skin to skin, didn't make her feel this way and she didn't understand how John did it... But then it hit her.


This was what true desire felt like. She wanted him and she hated that it had to be him. The first time she had ever wanted a man to this extent and it had to be him. 

Could you blame yourself, Amy? A part of her said. 

Okay, she had to agree... With herself, good God she'd lost her mind.

She jumped when the door flashed open and John stormed past her. He didn't turn back as he walked right to the next building. A scowl marred her features. See, things like this changed her opinion of him. Now he was being childish. 

Amy followed him almost jogging as she ran through the gym, waving to Jeb on the way out and walking out front. She spun left to right and spotted him walking to his car in the parking lot. She caught up pretty fast and climbed into the passenger seat before he got into the driver's seat. For a few seconds she watched him shut his eyes and inhale before opening his door and getting in. Of course, the torturous drive back to the house was silent. That saying where it goes, "you could cut the tension with a knife"? No, a freaking chainsaw would do.

After what felt like a millennium, John parked out front and waited. Neither spoke, neither breathed, only the sound of the idling engine filled the car. Amy glanced at his still frame and his white knuckled hands gripping the steering wheel before opening the door. Except it was locked.

So now she had to talk. "John, could you-?"

"Wait." He mumbled, interrupting her.

She held her breath and waited. He sat there obviously fighting with himself. His hazel gaze slid from the steering wheel to her legs, past her waist, pausing at her chest for a meagre second before settling on her face.

Sweet Lord, have mercy. The pit of her stomach heated at his invasive stare.

She swallowed thickly before opening her mouth to tell him to do something, anything. Open the door, reach over and kiss her, hell he could sing the national anthem for all she cared, she couldn't stand his stare. She couldn't stand it that day in the park; she couldn't stand it in Michael's kitchen, what makes him think that being in a locked idling car alone with him would change that?

Before words could begin to formulate, the car doors clicked signalling they'd been unlocked.

She blinked a few times and glanced at the door and then him. Was that all in her imagination? Did she imagine his penetrative stare?

"Goodnight, Amy." He said softly.

She mumbled her thanks before high-tailing it to her door and slipping inside to the comfort of her house. As soon as she shut the door she let out a loud groan.

"Amy! Dinner's in the oven!" Matty yelled from the living room.

She jumped a little. "Thanks,"

"You alright?"

"Brilliant." She mumbled before shouting. "How's that car search going?"

"I found one but Ames what am I going to do with it after you go in February?"

She started upstairs. "Sell it, keep it, I don't know. But please dear Lord get me that car as soon as you can." She drifted upstairs into her room and collapsed onto her bed with another long groan. She'd been here for a little over a month now. How will she live through five more months?

Her phone vibrating brought her out of her thoughts. She glanced at the caller ID and considered ignoring it. But when it stopped ringing and started again she knew her best friend wouldn't relent. Not today or any other day.


"So, I just got off the phone with Amy," Evie O'Shea walked into Michael's bedroom with a smirk.

"Yeah?" He smirked right back at her from his side of their bed. "What did she say?"

Evie was grinning from ear to ear. By the way Amy had sounded so flustered and the way she'd breathlessly described her journey home as, "uneventful", it had her intuition running wild. After a few coaxing minutes to get her to tell her, Amy finally revealed what had her so bothered. Not much happened but with the way she described it, it sounded better than she imagined.

"Amy and John had a little one-on-one time."

Michael chuckled and curled his finger toward her. "Tell me about it."

Even after these few years Michael still had the same affect on her. She straddled his hips and explained everything that Amy had told her. The basketball game, his few touches and, of course, the infamous stare she'd complained about many times in the past. Evie had a feeling Amy was holding out on her just a little bit but she couldn't push for any more.

"Amy's a strong woman." Michael commented after she finished.

Her arms rested on his shoulders. "Yes, but John's a persistent man. You of all people should know that."

"Both of them are trying so hard to stay away from one another but it's obviously impossible for John."

Evie bit down on her bottom lip in thought. "And Amy does try you know."

"That's fairly noticeable." He chuckled. "Now it's all in a matter of time really. John can't run away from himself forever and Amy is catching up fast."

"That's what I'm excited about," She grinned and pecked his lips. "How long would you give it?"

"Hmm... When is her birthday again?"

"October 12th."

"I give it until just after her birthday."

"That's a month."

His playful smirk said it all. "Exactly."

"I agree completely." She ran her hands through his velvet soft hair.

He watched his palms as they slid over her upper thighs. "They're such opposites."

"I know you're worried about him."

Michael slowly shook his head before looking her in the eye. "To be honest, Evie, I'm more worried about Amy."

Evie smiled at him before softly placing a kiss on his forehead. "Trust me when I say you have nothing to worry about. Amy... Well, she's a mystery to us all just like John. She can handle it. All of it."


WHOOOOP! Oh John Harris, you devil ;)

Amy can't keep resisting him for long... can she?

I wanted to add some of Mike's and Evie's opinions on this ;) PLUS I know some of you are missing them and I know it wasn't much but it wasn't much of a sexy time chapter for them HAHA!!


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