What Keeps You Alive (Walking...

By TheWalkingDaryl

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The zombie apocalypse. Sounds ridiculous to most people...until it actually happens. They were all on tour wh... More

Chapter 1: Getting out of Town
Chapter 2: Checking the Exits
Chapter 3: Moving Out
Chapter 4: Finding Others
Chapter 5: Splitting Groups
Chapter 7: Rick
Chapter 8: Doubt
Chapter 9: Surrounding Problems
Chapter 10: The Thought of Moving
Chapter 11: Complications
Chapter 12: Are They A Threat?
Chapter 13: The Things That Can't Be Avoided
Chapter 14: Arising Threats
Chapter 15: Another Incident
Chapter 16: Loss
Chapter 17: Finding the Lost
Chapter 18: Strategy
Chapter 19: Concerns
Chapter 20: Re-Joining Groups
Chapter 21: What Happened?
Chapter 22: The Truth
Chapter 23: Outside The Fence Line
Chapter 24: Continued Leave
Chapter 25: Sanctuary For Some
Chapter 26: Moving On
Chapter 27: The Past Always Catches Up
Chapter 28: To Make It Up
Chapter 29: Coming to an Agreement
Chapter 30: Inevitable

Chapter 6: Lost

208 13 2
By TheWalkingDaryl

--------Chapter 6: Lost----

"You've gotta be kidding," Ashley said as he looked around at the landscape in front of him and the other two. He looked back to them as the woods stretched on for miles. "Any idea when we lost 'em?"

Both Jake and Jinxx shook their heads. It was still dark, but there was a bit of light coming through the trees that surrounded the three. Ashley looked around again, cursing to himself.

They had no idea where abouts they were right now, and they'd lost the other three sometime during the night. The three of them had no idea about the last time they'd seen Andy, CC and Johnny, and now Ashley was becoming frustrated.

"I can't believe we lost them; I can't believe it," he repeated to himself, still looking around.

"Alright Ash, keep it calm," Jinxx said, Ashley looking at him. "We may as well head back the way we came and see if we can find 'em. We'll go back to the road and follow it as far as we can. We'll find 'em; just gotta backtrack a bit."

Ashley seemed unconvinced, but he didn't have much of a choice, as the other two were already heading away from where he was currently standing. He sighed to himself and began walking after them, not wanting to be left behind to fend for himself.


"Y'think the others're ok?" Arin asked as he caught up to Gates, Juliet making sure she kept them both in sight.

"Sure," Gates said, his focus in front of him as he didn't slow his pace. "Why not."

Arin could tell Gates wasn't in the mood for small talk right now, so he just slowed his pace and walked alongside Juliet, letting Gates take the lead for them. Gates had taken charge of their small convoy, and Arin was kind of glad for it. There was no way he'd be able to be a leader. He was just some kid from a town that somehow ended up with a rather successful band. Who was he to take charge?

It was early morning, and they'd set off at least an hour ago. After spending the night in one of the abandoned cars they'd come across, Arin was a bit sore, as he'd had to sleep in the back with Gates. They'd both decided that Juliet shouldn't have to sleep next to either of them, as it would make them all feel uncomfortable, and anyway, Gates and Arin knew each other, so it wasn't as awkward.

Juliet hadn't said much over the past day that they'd been travelling, and Arin was just hoping she was ok. He figured that she was probably just worried about what's-his-name; her boyfriend. Arin didn't really know anyone in that band; Black Veil Brides? He couldn't even remember the name.

He knew they were nice guys; he just didn't know who they actually were. Arin tried to think back to the last time he'd actually spoken to any of the guys in that band, just letting his mind wander a bit. He came up short though; unable to think of when he spoke to anyone in any of the bands that were on the tour with them. What were the names of the other few bands? Falling Forwards? Slipping Backwards? He honestly couldn't remember.

"You two're awfully quiet back there," Gates said, his focus still on the road that stretched out in front of them.

"Huh?" Arin said, having to snap back into reality as Gates spoke.

Juliet just shook her head, slightly amused that Arin had zoned out. Gates didn't say anything back, and Arin frowned. What'd gotten him in such a bad mood today? Maybe it was because they'd had to leave, as Matt and Zacky hadn't shown up. Maybe it was some other reason? Arin didn't know.

"So..." he began, looking at Juliet as they wandered along behind Gates who seemed to have picked up his pace a slight bit. Juliet looked back at him. "How's uh...how's everything...?"

Juliet looked at him, a 'really?' expression displayed on her face. He just shrugged at her, getting a smile in return.

"It's going ok I guess," she said back quietly, looking down. "Could be better I s'pose."

"Y'miss him, don't 'cha?" Arin asked, a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Who?" Juliet said back, though she knew full well he'd meant Andy.

"What's-his-name," Arin said in return, making Juliet laugh. "Your boyfriend?"

Juliet kept smiling, glad Arin had made her feel a slight bit better without meaning to.

"Andy," she said, glancing at him with that smile. "His name's Andy."

"Y'should've known that kid," Gates called back, getting Arin's attention. "Y'spoke to 'im a few days ago."

Arin just shrugged and looked to Juliet with a guilty smile, making her laugh again. She'd never spoken to Arin before, but she was glad he was here. Even though she missed Andy, she knew Arin was someone she was going to be able to count on if things went wrong. He was loyal, that was for sure.


"Well I know as much as you lot, now don't I?" Ronnie snapped as he crossed his arms and came to a sudden halt, though it didn't make much difference to the others, as they were a few paces behind anyway.

Ronnie was clearly pissed off this morning; Vic's theory was that he hadn't slept as much as he needed to, which was why he was in a bad mood. The rest of them came to a halt, Ronnie keeping his distance.

"We were just wondering; geesh," Zacky said, also seeming to be in a bad mood today.

Matt sighed and just shook his head. Ronnie shot him a glare.

"Whatcha sighin' at Sanders?" he asked with irritation. "Got somethin' to say?"

Matt shook his head, not saying anything. He was clearly not intimidated by the singer, as he stood his ground, getting another glare in his direction.

"You guys are all very welcome to lead," Ronnie continued. "I don't have to do everything around here!"

When no-one spoke, Ronnie just grunted, muttering something to himself as he continued to walk. He continued mumbling to himself as the others started walking again. Matt slowed his pace to walk alongside Vic who was trailing along behind the others, his other three band members talking amongst themselves.

"We're lost, aren't we Matt?" Vic asked quietly, not wanting Ronnie to snap at him.

Matt nodded, clearly seeing the current situation from the same view as the Mexican. Vic sighed, but didn't say anything more. When Ronnie came to another sudden halt, the others all sighed. Ronnie held his hand up to tell them to shut up, though none of them had been speaking in the first place.

They watched as Ronnie went over to the side of the road, looking down into the woods, a thinking expression on his face.

"If you're thinking that going into the woods is a great idea, it's not," Mike called, Ronnie just ignoring him. "Bad things happen in the woods man."

"We're lost as it is," Vic spoke up, Ronnie ignoring him too. "Let's just follow the road and see where it takes us."

Ronnie turned to look at him.

"Really Mr. Fuentes? Follow the yellow-brick road?" he said. He gave an unamused laugh. "This road leads to another fucking town. We keep outta towns; I thought we'd agreed on that?"

"He's right Vic," Matt spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "This road'll just lead us into another town. We're gonna have to veer off soon or we're gonna have to go through a town which'll be infected like every other Goddamn place."

Ronnie looked around at everyone, giving them a shrug to let them decide. Tony looked back at Vic and Matt.

"You guys make the choice," he said.

Ryan looked to Matt.

"We're gonna have to find somewhere to stay though; we can't keep in the open long."

Seeing now that he seemed to be in charge, Matt thought, looking around at the seven members of their small group. They all watched him think, and after a bit, Matt spoke up with his executive decision.

"Ok, whatever," he said with a sigh. "We'll go via the woods; avoid the road as long as we can. We'll have to find somewhere once we get out of the woods though, got it?"

Everyone nodded and Ronnie smiled in agreement.

"Shot going down the hill first."

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