Seeking the Heiress

By laughterzwolf_323

273 0 0

One girl who will never be mine.... or perhaps destiny will allow it? More

↔Chapter 1↔
↔Chapter 2↔
↔Chapter 3↔
↔Chapter 5↔
↔Chapter 6↔
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10

↔Chapter 4↔

22 0 0
By laughterzwolf_323

The day for Abrielle's party came, and like we had all promise we dressed according to the occasion and made our way to the event. My mother was wearing a dark purple dress that made her look really beautiful. I bet father would have a hard time keeping off the male attention of her tonight. As for us three we sported black and white tuxes, but our hair was styled differently according to the way we each liked. Our parents had managed to wrap their present in a small envelope, my brother had purchased a custom charm bracelet that had different charms representing her likes. I had managed to purchase the piano she wanted with the help of her mother, which none of the family knew I had done. Getting into the family car, with father driving we made our way not that far from home just a little bit further south. Where the open land of Texas could be seen for miles except the few houses that were built on some of the properties.

We arrived at what seemed one of the biggest houses out here, because it ran for miles well I might have been exaggerating but it was a pretty huge house. Father parked the car in front of the door so valet could take the car, and we could make a quick entrance inside. Passing through mahogany doors that had intricate designs on them we came across a table were a girl sat behind a table looking beyond bored. I cleared my throat to get her attention, when she finally noticed us she blushed a deep shade of red making me smirk quickly.

"S..sorry welcome, may I have your names  please so I can mark you off the list?" I think I will get to know her, she resembled my brother's girlfriend a lot maybe they were family? who knows but seeing as I couldn't have the real thing might as well try to forget.... "Are you related to Abrielle?" My questioned confused her a bit, but I'm guessing she didn't mind because she answered me anyway "Uh yes were cousins"

"Ah I see the resemblance now, anyways excuse me for distracting you away from your question, but we are the Christopoulos family

Something flashed through her eyes instantly that I didn't get to decipher because she quickly turned her eyes to the list in search for our last name. When finding it she crossed it off and turned towards us again "You guys will be seated in the blue table, enjoy my cousin's party." As we nodded our heads, I had to do something before I followed the rest of my family through the doors behind her.

"Hopefully you aren't busy later to save me a dance kou-kla(doll)" I didn't get to see her reaction, because I had turned around and made my way behind the doors my family had gone through seconds ago. The place looked nice, with little lights hanging from the ceiling, along with other things like pictures, and pieces of papers with stuff written on it that you couldn't really notice. People were sitting all around surrounding the center where I'm guessing the dance floor was placed at. Looking around for my family, I caught sight of them at the very front of the tables leaving me confused a bit, but I shrugged it off. Getting to our table and sitting down I saw we were joined by other people I was not familiar with. One of them at least I had already gotten to meet seeing she helped me with Abrielle's present, the others however were still strangers to me.

"Excuse me, I didn't mean to interrupt I needed to tie my shoes that's why I didn't get to tell you guys to wait for me" Father simply nodded and mother immediately took up conversation "Look Orion this is Abrielle's mother Clariee, her sister Annalise,  her brothers Paolo, DeAngelo, and Carlo.

"Its a pleasure to meet you.... thank you for having us for this special night.

Abrielle's aunt spoke "Sorella mi piace meglio(Sister I like him better)" No one from my family had the slightest clue to what she had said, but it must have displeased Abrielle's mother a bit "Lets not be rude and speak English when our guest are present so they can understand sister, but I do agree with you." Her brothers simply laughed at the victory smile Abrielle's aunt was showing after her mother said that, I think I'll have to look up the words she said later. Soon after the adults began small chatter of whatever it is they talk about, and that left Lynx and myself to talk amongst ourselves.

"Why haven't you gone and looked for Abrielle?"

"I would have a long time ago, but she needs to perform some dance before she can mingle with anyone else"

"Ha ha you just got cock blocked by tradition, sucks to be you mikro adelfo(little brother)" Out of nowhere this older guy who looked a lot like Abrielle came and approached our table, bending down to whisper something into her mother's ear. It probably wasn't good news because she started frowning and shaking her head side ways. She suggested a reply back, but the guy frowned and whispered something back making her sigh out loud. She then turned towards us and said "Excuse me it seems their are some complications that need my attention, could you come with me Lynx?"

My brother shook his head yes and stood up and followed the two host to wherever is he might be needed. To break the silence from the table one of Abrielle's uncle I think it was DeAngelo said "I bet you little Bella's dance partner bailed since our dear nephews were very welcoming when they were practicing earlier." That immediately caught the attention of my mother who was looking out for one of her cubs, "What is my son Lynx needed for then?"

"My sister probably thinks he might make our niece feel better about the dance if he agrees to help her" Annalise responded. That mere response sent father and me laughing because Lynx didn't know one thing about dancing; he was born with two left feet! Oh this was going to be good.

Her uncle's looked at me and father silently asking what was funny, when we were finally able to control ourselves father replied "Its just that my son has two left feet, the poor boy has no sense of rhythm when it comes to dancing" upon realizing what we said Annalise took off to wherever the others had gone. I'm sure to probably stop the disaster from happening especially when this party was important to the family. Continuing conversation with Paolo, Carlo, and DeAngelo we forgot everyone else around us that is until my brother was standing by the table looking slightly flushed I'm guessing from the thought of having to dance.

"Orion could you please come help me with something?" Bewildered I shake my head yes and stood up to follow my twin to some back doors that apparently led into a parlor. Behind these doors I saw couples dressed alike sitting down looking mentally and physically exhausted. I found Abrielle and her mother Clariee standing in the middle of the room discussing something which was giving  Abrielle a panic attack. 

My brother cleared his throat "Babe I think I found a solution to your problem" she looked up and I couldn't help but let the gasp escape my throat when I saw her. Was she even real at this moment? She had on a royal blue dress making her curves stand out in a good way and her hair was pinned to the side curls falling down like a waterfall making me want to run my hands through it. On the top of her head was a diamond tiara giving the ideal of a princess and as for her make up it looked like she didn't have none, but overall she looked beyond amazing.

"My brother Orion knows the dance your doing" Snapping me out of my daze I looked at him perplexed, because I didn't have the slightest clue as to what dance they could possibly be doing.  I mean yes I had taken dance lessons as a kid to please my mother, but I certainly didn't want to look like an idiot in front of her family or especially her. Abrielle turned her light brown eyes towards me with hope "I don't think you might know the dance because its from like the stone age, but do you think you could learn in the next twenty minutes?"

I couldn't refuse her "Just call me twinkle toes then" she laughed at my dorkiness, but quickly handed me to the dance instructor who thankfully was a girl. She showed me the necessary steps for the dance, and after learning the step count I got the hang of it which pleased Abrielle and her mother.

"You see Bella not everything is lost tonight, maybe Orion here can be your new Superman obsession"

"Momma hush! Now can you please go back out there and announce us before our guest start to get bored" Her mother sent me a grateful smile and walked back out through the doors.

"You'll be amazing out there, ok doll?" My brother kissed her lips quickly and left throughout the same doors. Everyone started to get into positions, and Abrielle led me to the end of the line were we waited our turn to walk through the doors. As the line kept getting shorter, I decided to break the tension "Did you like my present?

"Which present?"

"The present sitting in your room with a bow this morning"

I think I caught her off guard because she choked up a bit while blushing, leaving me confused if she had found my present to her liking or not "That was from you?"

"Uuu...Uh yeah your mom helped me with it, telling me it would be best if I placed it inside your room"

Before she could answer we finally walked out and made our way to the middle of the line that was horizontal (PLAY THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!) as the music began we started the dance forgetting about everyone else that was watching us. 

"You didn't have to get me a present... I usually just give back on my birthday. I don't expect to receive things since its just another day for me nothing new."

"I wanted too agapi(love). I know the feeling of wanting to have time for something so bad but not being able to have it. Which is why I got you the piano because I noticed your love for it when you played at my home that night. It made my decision easier if I should have given you the piano as a present which I'm glad I did. You need to give into your wants more because their the one thing that make life bearable and to put it simple we only live once enjoy the things you desire without anything holding you back."

We finished the dance, bringing us back to reality were everyone was clapping as I brought her forward so she could bathe in the spotlight. She curtsied and made me step forward as well because she was just that humbled. Before her family could come and congratulate her I took her hand kissed it and said:

"Sas efcharisto omorfi gia to choro(thank you beautiful for the dance)"

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