Queen of all Kings

By cakewriter18

123K 4.1K 979

Iris Sarah Pantone. Abandoned and adopted as a baby, she's been through a lot, but then try and add in a craz... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Banquet
Chapter 3: Mate
Chapter 4: A Grocery Store Run In
Chapter 6: Midnight Talks
Chapter 7: Pack Meeting
Chapter 8: Announcement
Chapter 9: Leaving
Chapter 10: Breakfast and Introductions
Chapter 11: A Tour
Chapter 12: Shopping
Chapter 13: Who's Frank?
Chapter 14: The Bird
Chapter 15: Journal
Chapter 16: Moving In
Chapter 17: A Warning
Chapter 18: Questions
Chapter 19: Communication
Author's Note
Chapter 20: Disruptions and Bad Ideas
Chapter 21: Unexpected Things
Chapter 22: Battle
Chapter 23: A Kiss
Chapter 24: Finding Out
Chapter 25: Heat
Chapter 26: Stuck
Chapter 27: Story Telling
Chapter 28: Trouble
Chapter 29: Plane
Chapter 30: Russia
Chapter 31: Reunion
Chapter 32: Makeup and Thoughts
Chapter 33: Jenna?!
Chapter 34: Who Packed This?
Chapter 35: I Love You
Chapter 36: Just A Talk
Chapter 37: The Prophecy
Chapter 38: Half the Plan

Chapter 5: Daycare Visitors

3.8K 148 20
By cakewriter18


Hey! Yeah your still here!


Since it's summer, my Mother has forced me to get a job.

It's not as bad as it seems, I work with children which I love. They are the kids of working warriors, servants, etc.

I work at the daycare every Wednesdays. It keeps me distracted and is a way out of dealing with my mother, kind of like an escape.

As I get up in the morning I turn on the speaker in my room to play my newest playlist on Spotify. With that, I put on minimal makeup and put on my outfit for the day.

People at the daycare are forced to wear their colors. The colors are blue and white, which isn't bad, but I barely have any of the colors in my closet.

I pick out a blue tank top and a blue and white flannel with white shorts.

Looking at my appearance, I fluff up my hair slightly to create volume in my hair that is much needed.

It's around seven in the morning, so my parents aren't awake.

My stomach growls lowly when I enter the kitchen. Last night I did not dinner so I was starving. I grab a protein drink and an apple.

That's healthy enough, right?

Hopping into my gray Lexus, I drive all the way to the daycare.

When I arrive at the building, I sign in at the front desk. The receptionist there and I are good friends.

"How's it going, Iris?" Says Autumn, the receptionist.

"Good. You?"

"It's going great!" Her hazel eyes light up. It's like she was dying for someone to ask. "I found my mate yesterday!"

Now that I've taken the time to look at her, I can tell that there is a unique ink print on her neck. Her brown hair was covering it before so I couldn't see it.

But she and her mate, did it fast.

"Who is it?" I ask.

She turns red. "You know Turner?" I nod. He was a nice why guy, very smart, but also very modest.

"Well, he's my mate, and he's the sweetest thing ever!" Her face is lit up like a christmas tree. I'm happy for her.

But also kind of jealous...

"I'm happy for you Autumn! I can't wait to see him!" She nods enthusiastically. "I have to go, bye!"

She waved at me and I take a right. The first room all the way at the end of the hallway is where I would be working with another girl, named Kayla.

Suddenly I heard screaming. It must be Max, a small kid that had emotions all over the place.

As soon as I open the door I see Kayla scowling none other, than Max.

"You can't hit other kids. You have to be nice." Kayla is African American and in her arms is a small child that is no older than four.

The little girl is crying in her arms and Max is wailing on the floor. I guess today is not a good day.

"Here." I say once I reach her. "Let me take her from you."

I take the raven hair girl from her arms and bring her to the corner where some of the other kids were.

Today we had a small bunch. Only five kids which was a surprise because we usually get ten to fifteen children. Maybe the Alpha was giving off days to some people.

The room that I was working in was white with paintings all around. There was a picture of a big on a swing set and another of kids sliding on a rainbow.

It was very colorful in here.

"Do you want to read?" I ask the little girl. She's beautiful. Her tan skin is a great contrast to her black hair. She has a dimple on her left cheek and I think it really brings out her baby face.

The little girl's name is Mia.

"Yes." Comes her small voice from my neck. I walk over to the rocking chair and pick the book Cat and the Hat. It use to be my favorite book as a small child and I think Mia would like it too.

Some of the other children come and gather around me at my feet. There's a six mouth old in the crib not that far away that I currently have my eye on.

She so cute.

In the background I hear Max still throwing a tantrum. If he doesn't stop, we're going to have to call his parents and get the owner of the daycare.

An hour later. All of the kids are sitting in front of the tv and watching the Incredibles movie.

The infant who's name is Jade, is now screaming so I had to pick her up and try and feed her a bottle.

"They're coming." Whispers Kayla in my ear.

"Who?" I say suddenly panicking. It better not be who I think it is.

"Alpha James and the Luna is showing Alpha Grayson around and they're coming here any minute now!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" I tell at her.

She's suddenly angry. "I didn't know until a few minutes ago when Autumn came in here to tell me!"

I sigh. "Okay."

Still clutching the Jade in my arms I walk over to the chair and sit down. There I burp and feed her again. Maybe she'll go down now.

It was thirty minutes until the Alpha came.

I smell my mate before he walks in.

"Here." I hear the Alpha day from the other side of the door. "Is the daycare for pack member's children."

Suddenly the door opens and in comes in the Alpha, Luna, and my mate.

Immediately our eyes meet and stay there for a few moments, until he looks away again.

His intoxicating scent fills my senses and I take in a deep breath. Goddess he smells so good.

He looks even better than he did yesterday. Today he had on tan joggers and a tight fitted black shirt. He look amazing with all his glory.

"Working here is Kayla." The Luna says pointing over to Kayla hold sleeping Max in her arms. She's staring at my mate like his a snack just for her.

"And over here is Iris." She point a over to me and I give her a small smile. The Luna returns it and Grayson yet again looks at me.

His beautiful blue eyes rake my figure up and down that kind of makes me feel uncomfortable.

Since our last encounter, I can't stop thinking about him. He's always on my mind and I never get a no it's of peace without him haunting my mind.

Grayson comes over to me while the Alpha and Luna go to speak to Kayla.

"Hello my love." He says huskily. His voice sends a shiver down my spine that is so violent that it shakes the baby.

"Hi." I squeak out.

Seriously Iris? That's all you had to say?

"I didn't know you work here." He adds.

"Yeah. I'm only here in Wednesdays." Why was I blabbing?

Then Jade starts crying. So I'm instinct, I start rocking and shushing her. I pull her tighter into my neck and she slowly starts to stop crying.

What I didn't realize was that Grayson was watching me the whole time.

"How did you do that?" His fingers twitch and he has a frown on his face.

I shrug. "Women's instinct."

He mutters something under his breath and walks away in the multi color carpet to my leader.

The Alpha says something quietly to Grayson and he nods then walks out of the room. His smell still lingers and I take in a deep breath now that he's gone.

"What was that about?" Kayla says from the other side. I shrug and continue rocking Jade.

The other children didn't even notice that anyone was in here because they were so focused on the TV.

They were so cute.

The rest of the day is a blur and Grayson is on my mind the whole time.

But that wouldn't be the last time I saw him that day.


Hello my lovies!

I hope your having a great day.

Did you like this chapter? Please comment if you did.

As you know the next chapter will be next Wednesday.

Love you guys!


*Make sure to vote and share*

Word count: 1412 words. Sorry it's so short!

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