52. " attacking the werewolves "

921 72 4
By kraii15

Waking up the next more, kongpob scanned his room finding no trace of arthit made him felt that what had happened yesterday was all just a dream, his hopeful thinking, however feeling the pain in his back confirmed it's reality. Sighing, he stands up, grab a bottle of water before finally going in the bathroom to take a shower before having breakfast. After mindlessly doing his morning routine he heads out for school.

Meanwhile, Inue still finding the right time to tell kongpob about what arthit said last night before going...

Harvey and phun on other hand was busy, preparing everything for their attack later on the werewolves. They decided to attack when the night comes they prepared the weapons that they will be using later, and planned how they will going in in the prachaya's territory.


Afternoon came, kongpob was having his meal when he notice a woman and a man from afar looking at him, recognizing the woman, kongpob unhesitatingly went towards the two. " why are here? " kongpob ask, as he glare intensely at the two vampires in front of him. " uh... You don't have to be so alert, we didn't came here to fight we just want to talk to you, right tama? . " earth speak trying to lessen the tension as he nudge the woman beside him.

Kongpob raises an eyebrow as he saw Tama nodding her head. " yes, i want to talk to you about arthit... " kongpob sigh softly, he's really exhausted from everything." what's is it?"

" stop arthit, my father is a greedy man he wouldn't stop even if he killed all werewolves there is and arthit already knew that but he still wants his revenge... And it's only you who could stop him"

" ... I already tried persuading him but, he's still Dead on his goal and i don't know what i can do anymore... "

" but-"

" you better leave now, for my people you guys still are our enemies and don't come looking for me again. "

Kongpob turn his back from the two and started walking back to the food court, Tama still wants to say something when earth stop her as he shakes his head making her to sigh in defeat." sigh... What will we do then? If Even him already gave up on arthit..."

" then, we'll have to just di what ever we can to stop what he and your father planned to the best of our ability. " tama gives him an uncertain look which Earth return with a smile.


Night falls come. The Vampires departs from their base and march towards the prachaya's territory where they all scattered around, turned off the electricity in there and start their moves to the unaware werewolves. Meanwhile, kongpob still remains oblivious to the happenings in their own territory. And for arthit that's for the best, for him it's better that kongpob doesn't know anything.

That way, they don't have to fight each other, that way kongpob will be far from danger which the only thing he wants after all however what he didn't expect was, his friends and onii-chan would be in that place and that he will sooner encounter them that will soon would reach kongpob's ears.

Arthit search the vicinity, looking for the elders of his own clan finally... The justice for his mother with be in his hands soon meanwhile the Vampires that came with him started striking, the once peaceful place turned into a battlefield, sounds of pains could be heard as some lose their lives, howls of angry werewolves Echo through out the darkness, blood gushing out like a rain as it paints the ground red.

And finally arthit found the elders hiding in one of the houses while their peoples are fighting to protect them this elders has the balls to hide themselves out of fear just thinking about their own safety which makes arthit to find them more disgusting.

" it's time to finish our business, esteem elders. " arthit say as soon as he lands in front of the elders who are taken a back. " you! "They pick up their composure right away and transform into their werewolves. While arthit didn't waste time and start his assault, he start slashing to anyone his hands gets on as while enjoying his Time hearing winces, grunts from the elders his cutting.

His just toying with them, nothing of their attacks ever land on arthit while arthit on other hand looks like just giving them scratches... He hasn't given them mortal attack... And when he finally had enough and got bored playing with his enemies. He pierce the 5th elder's heart, one by one he started killing them seriously. Slit, slash, stab...

Until it's only Alfonso who he chopped off his head without a second thought. He laughs as Alfonso's head splay away from his body along with the bodies of the others prone in the floor, he's body covered with bloods from his enemies. " i finally avenge you mother... All that's left is harvey. "

Arthit snap his neck when he heard footsteps coming towards his location.
His eyes widen, recognizing the people going towards him. Forth and others, came in the house where the elders staying on the order of karl, to check how are they doing however, forth and his friends didn't imagine that what they'll come too was a bloody room and arthit standing in the center of it.

" arthit?! " they all say in surprise. Arthit swallows nervously. " you guys... " he mutters and turn his heels as he leaps away from that place as his friends call out to him and tries to follow him. " arthit wait...! " but arthit didn't even look back as he blocked every sounds on his surroundings.

" what's the hell is going on? Arthit... He... He was alive? "

" i also don't know, but why is he hear? And those eyes... "

" don't tell me he's one of the enemies?"

"... That's seems to me the way... Wait ming, you told kongpob our situation right? "

" yeah... Tsk, if i know, i wouldn't have."


While looking for harvey and phun arthit come across of a families of werewolves that's being attacked by a horde of vampires what caught his attention was the screams and cries of little children that's when it really hits arthit hard, because of his selfishness and hatred innocent children are being wrapped up in this danger. Because of his choices this kids will end up alone just like him.

his revenge, will only gathered more hatred in return... However, even though he come into this realization he knows very well, it's no use regretting it, it's no use fretting about It and before he knew it he was already putting a hole on one of the vampires. This is the only he can do, save as many innocent ones as he can.

Anyway, he already planned to fight with the vampires after he's done with the elders, he just used the vampires power and man power to come this far with his revenge and know that he's done they're of no use to him now especially Harvey who arthit still think that is a threat for kongpob that's why he must eliminate him at all costs.


Kongpob tried his best to arrive at their turf as soon as he received a phone call from ming, he's currently a n uneasy mess, worried for his people, for his friends, for his family and lastly he's worried about arthit meeting and clashing with the people he loves... Especially when he came to know what arthit plan after he has killed the ones who wrong him.

Inue had told kongpob what he heard from arthit last night on their way on their turf and needless to say his highly pissed off at his mutt who didn't told him everything earlier than he did like why the heck he has to be the last to know? And he sure as heck that if ming hadn't called him before this alpha of his wouldn't open his damn mouth.

When he passed in the boarder of their territory, as he goes in the strench of blood filled the air which he certainly caught on right away. Kongpob bang on his car in the vampires that's attacking his fellow werewolf, the vampires flew away as his body made contact on the windshield leaving it broken.

Kongpob immediately got out of his car, shifted and ran towards his wounded kind. " are you okay? "

" yes, thank you for helping me. " kongpob shakes his head before look around at their surroundings." it's better if you hide in somewhere safe first. " the other nods it's head and ran in the forest direction. He watched his kind to leave before he himself proceed with his journey and help people along the way.


Kongpob and other werewolves got surrounded by many vampires, kongpob growls and gnash his teeth in front of the enemies trying to intimidate them, they're clearly in the disadvantage all the people with him was already wounded when he has found them and it's also certain it's not healing fast because some of it are from the silver weapons that the vampires are wielding.

Meanwhile, as arthit still searching for harvey that he doesn't know where on earth gone too. The sight of a black wolf with dust of grey coverings it fur stop his heart and brain on functioning. He immediately recognized the owner of that fur, that aura that he knows very well.

Why did you come phi?

Arthit instantly compose his self when he notice someone's about to attack kongpob. He went besides that person, grab his hand that's wielding a whip chain and flung him away. Taking everybody aback, the vampires, the werewolves, especially kongpob as his eyes widen in surprise.


Sorry for typo error and all of errors there is...

Just enjoy as the end is nearing....

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