Fine line. KRYBER

By hababreyk

6.3K 42 5


Fine line. KRYBER

6.3K 42 5
By hababreyk

Cr. deathbyeyesmile

Kryber fanfic. R18 and again you kiddo go sleep early!!!

Krystal POV

It’s been a week and I still can’t find anything that’s different about this girl. I’ve watched her every day in the two classes that we share together, yet she does the same thing every time. She walks in, sits down and starts drawing in her notebook. Sometimes she’ll take notes, other times, she’ll just bite her pen and stare blankly at nothing in particular. I wonder what she thinks about. I guess what I’m doing is pointless, it’s not like I’m going to figure anything out about her like this. I should probably approach her.

            So today when she sat down, I got up. I walked in her direction, stopping just beside her desk. I clear my throat, waiting for her to look up. But she doesn’t, she continues to pretend I don’t exist. Getting angry, I balled my hand up into a fist and slammed it onto the desk. A few of my fans turn to look at me, but I flash them a quick smile.

            “Yes?” She asks expectantly.

            “What is it about you?”

            She scoffs. “What is it about me? What’s that supposed to mean?”

            “I mean you’re different to the others. It’s like I’m nothing to you, and I want to know why that is.”

            “I know I’m different, it’s called being myself. Not being one of your stupid followers.”

            “Stupid followers?”

            “Yeah, stupid followers. Look, princess, you may have everyone else here fooled. But not me. I know you’re nothing more than a shallow girl with a heart of ice, and I know nothing will melt that.” She said bitterly. Maybe she was right, I am pretty bitchy.

            “You don’t know me.” Was all I could say, my throat beginning to go dry.

            “I don’t want to know you, Krystal Jung.” And with that, she furrowed her brows and continues her drawing. I huff, and start walking back to my seat. As my hand touches my chair, she turns around. “Krystal,”

            “What?” I snapped.

            “Just for the record, you are nothing to me. And you will never be anything more than that.”

That was when I vowed to never talk to the spiteful tomboy again.

            But there is a voice in the back of my mind that’s begging me to talk to her.

            Begging me to prove her wrong.


I don’t know why I was so rude to her, maybe because I was just having a bad day. Then again, that’s just an excuse. I know it’s really because girls like her have everything they could ever want, while people like me . . . Well, we have to work for what we want.

            Once, I even wanted a girl like her. She was just as popular, smart and beautiful as Krystal. I even got her, too. But when girls like her get something they want, they get bored. I just wish Krystal wasn’t like that, but being a Jung, of course she was. Jessica is the same; the same I-don’t-care attitude, the same porcelain skin, same flawless features. Even the same cold and heartless personality.

            It’s just the curse of being popular, I suppose.

            But I can’t help but find her incredibly intriguing, as if there’s something different about her. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking.

            But I want her to prove me wrong.


I toss and turn from left to right, bed shaking slightly at my sudden movements. It’s been like this for what feels like hours now. If only my brain would shut up, then I’d be able to catch some z’s. But that would be way too simple, wouldn’t it, Brain? Of course you won’t stop thinking about the girl who wants to know why you’re different.

            Yes, I’ll admit it. I can’t sleep because I’m thinking of Krystal. No, I’m not being a pervert; I just want to know why she’s so interested in me. I told her she is nothing to me, yet I still catch her stealing glances at me. Can’t she just look at someone else? Preferably, someone who actually wants something to do with her.

            Giving up on sleep, I drag my body out from the covers and retreat to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I wait for the water to get warm. I pace over to the small mirror, looking at my reflection. What was so different about me? The more I think about it, the more flaws I seem to find. My nose is too bulbous, my hair is incredibly shaggy, and I look like I belong in a morgue. I stare into my own eyes, searching for answers within the chocolate orbs.

            Maybe you’re just too broken. My mind whispers. Shaking off the memories, I peel off my clothing and hop into the humid stream.

I tried not to stare at her, I really did. But my drawing wasn’t working out the way I wanted it to, and the lecturer was just droning on and on. It’s not like I could do anything else, it was either think about her or look at her, so I chose the simpler of the two options.

            She was listening diligently to the lecturer and taking notes, which is a first. The way her face would scrunch up as she scribbled out a word was mildly entertaining, with her crinkled brow and pursed lips. I wonder if she’s this determined with everything else she does, I’d like to think she is. She tilted her head away from her notebook, noticing me staring at her. To my surprise, she didn’t yell at me. She didn’t even get mad.

            She smiled.

            I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, turning and looking back at my drawing. The lines were wonky and the shading was off, it was pretty crappy. Scrunching my nose, I ripped the page out and rolled it into a ball. I threw it behind my shoulder, not caring about its final destination. Biting into my pen, I stared off into the distance, wondering what is so different about me.


I honestly wish I could explain the reasoning behind my hatred for Amber Liu, I really do. But it all just boils down to one simple fact, I just don’t like her. I didn’t know it was possible to hold so much disdain for one human being until she came into my life. I can’t quite put my finger on when it actually happened, but I do know every little thing about her ticks me off. From the way she rakes her hand through those blonde locks to the way she bites her lip when she concentrates, every single thing irks me. 

            The worst part of all this though, is the fact that I still want to prove her wrong. I want to prove that she’s exactly like the rest.

I reach into my pocket and grab out my phone, immediately dialling the first number that comes to mind.


“Hey, Ssul. Meet me at the cafe at lunch break, I have an idea.” I hung up before she could say anything else. Looking at the clock, I snatch my backpack off my bed and leave for class, locking the door behind me.

For the first time all semester, I payed no mind to my fan club. Instead, I listened and took notes. It really has been a while since I payed attention in this class, I can’t seem to spell anything right. Scribbling out the word, I try again.

            I feel someone’s eyes boring into me, someone other than the usual culprits. I tilt my head upward, seeing Amber. Her eyes widen, her mouth turning into a thin slit. She knows I caught her staring, but if I’m going to prove anything, I have to start now. So I do the only thing I can think of.

            I flash the biggest smile I can muster at her. She turns away, trying to hide her embarrassed blush. I laugh softly, getting back to my notes.

            Feeling something hit my head, I notice a paper ball resting on my desktop. I look around; searching for who did it, but no one looks remotely suspicious. Letting my fingers peel it open, I see what’s hidden inside the crumples.

It’s a beautiful drawing of a girl; her hair is glossy and flows past her shoulders, her hands jammed into her short pockets, legs slightly leaning into each other. She stands alone in a field with only one blooming flower; it’s almost as if you can feel how lonely she is with each stroke of the pen. Only problem is, she doesn’t have a face, yet that makes it even more beautiful. To be able to know what it’s about, without actually seeing an expression shows how talented the person who drew this is.

            I straighten the drawing out, and slide it into my notebook. I wonder who drew something this breathtaking.

The bell rings, signalling for us to leave. I gather my things quickly and punch in a text to Sulli, reminding her where to meet.

I walk into the cafe, not minding the stares. I spot Sulli; she smiles brightly and waves me over. She gets out of her chair and hugs me tightly, then sits back down.

            “So what’s this idea you’re thinking of?” She asks impatiently.

            “Well, it’s complicated, and I’ll need your help.”

            “Okay, now tell me!”

            “I’m guessing you’ve noticed I’m quite popular, and that everyone kind of . . . Loves me?”

            She shoots me an unimpressed glare. “Bragging isn’t getting you anywhere, Krys.”

            “No no, that’s not what I mean. There’s this one girl, and she’s not like the rest, she’s different.”


            “Yeah, I’m literally nothing to her. She even said so herself, and I want to prove her wrong.”

            “And how, exactly, are you going to do that?”

            I let a sly smile creep upwards. “I’m going to make her like the rest. I’m going to make her fall hopelessly in love with Krystal Jung.”

Krystal POV

“You’re going to make Amber Liu fall for you?” Sulli asked in disbelief.

            “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. But I’ll need your help, because I don’t know how to make people fall for me.”

            “But you do it every day. Seriously, every guy drools over you.”

            “That’s only because of my ‘Jung Status’, not me personally.”

            She bit her lip, thinking. “Okay, so do you want her to fall for the real you or a persona that we’re going to think of now?”

            “I think this should be as authentic as possible, just so she doesn’t get suspicious.” She nodded, agreeing with me.

            “Do you actually know anything about her?”

            I pondered on that for a moment, brows furrowing in thought. “She likes . . . She likes to draw, I’ve seen her doing it a lot in class. She also really likes American stuff, I think she’s from there, she has the same accent as me.”

            “So, she’s American and she likes to draw? That really isn’t giving us much to work with. You’re going to have to get to know her for this to work.”

            “What do you propose?”

            “I think I have a plan.”


            “Okay, I know I have a plan.” I nodded and leaned forward slightly, hoping she’ll continue her sentence. “We are probably going to need a few phases for this to work.”


            “Yeah, phases. Phase One; you will have to intrigue her. You know, make her think about you for reasons beyond her belief. Phase Two, you will have to begin to frustrate her.”

            I snorted. “I do that a lot already, Ssul.”

            “Let me finish. I mean now that you’ve intrigued her, she’ll want to know more. But every time you start to open up, you’ll pull away or be harsh. Trust me; this will anger her so much that she’ll practically be begging to figure you out. Now, Phase Three . . . You might not like it.”

            “Why won’t I like Phase Three?” I said unsurely.

            “Because Phase Three, you’ll have to seduce her.”

            “What!?” I exclaimed. Several people turned their attention to us; I tried to smile it off.

            “Shh! Don’t get us thrown out. Look, for Phase Three, you have to pretend to be just as interested in her as she is for you. It won’t work otherwise, this is completely necessary.”

            “How is this necessary?”

            “Because if you don’t act interested, then we’re stuck at Phase Two. This means she’ll never fall for you, which means you won’t be satisfied, which means you won’t be right.”

            “I hate when I’m not right.” I muttered under my breath.

            “Exactly. Maybe we just leave it to Phase One and Two for now; we can always get to the seducing later.”


            “But Krys, you’ve never dated any of the guys here or anywhere for all I know, and I’m your best friend. So you wanting to make a girl fall for you has made me a little suspicious, are you sure you don’t swing the other way?”

            I laughed. “No, I don’t think so. Anyway, even if I did, it’s Amber.”


            “And Amber is far from what I want in a partner.” I picked up my bag, heading for the door. Just as I started to walk out, I heard Sulli.

            “We’ll see.”

Krystal POV

My footsteps were heavy as I trudged unwillingly towards the classroom. I really didn’t want to spend another minute in the presence of Amber, but if I’m going to prove anything, I have to. After I had planned things out with Sulli, we agreed on initiating Phase One as soon as possible. So, today is the day I begin to intrigue Amber Liu.

            And I can honestly say I have no idea how I’m actually going to do that.

            Apparently, I’ve intrigued people before. But that was probably because I’m popular. To do it with my own charm and personality may take some time, I don’t even know what my true personality is anymore. Do I even have one? It seems like it’s just been sucked away and replaced with a bratty, I’m-a-princess attitude. I wonder what the real Krystal Jung is like.

Amber POV

I wonder what the real Krystal Jung is like. I wonder if she’s actually what everyone plays her out to be, or if there’s more than just a popular girl persona there. I wonder if she’s actually caring in any way, or smart, or funny. Maybe she could actually be the type of person people earnestly fall for.

            Aish, there I go thinking about her again. I really wish this would stop happening to me. It’s as if every time I think I’m not interested, she’ll pop back into my mind, reminding me that she’s incredibly mysterious. I don’t mean mysterious in a dark and gloomy way, I mean she’s genuinely a mystery to me. I can’t help but want to be the person to put all the puzzle pieces together and solve the case of who she really is.

            Shaking my head from the thoughts of her, I focus on anything in the room. There’s a whiteboard marker sitting on the teacher’s desk, some students not-so-secretly passing notes to each other, and a girl coming in late through the doors. Her face is hidden behind locks of brown hair, the sun glistening and making the curtains of strands shine. Her footsteps are heavy, making her red heels stomp into the ground. My eyes make their way up her figure, taking in her milky thighs and beautiful hourglass figure. I unconsciously lick my lips, waiting for the gorgeous girl to move her hair. Her slender hand makes its way up, dragging her hair to the side of neck. She turns her head sideways, making it difficult to catch her face. Once she turns around, she shoots me a wink and devilishly seductive smile. My jaw dropped, my cheeks already flaring.

            I did not just check out Krystal Jung.

Krystal POV

I think I just gave Amber the shock of her life. Was a wink too much, or was it the smile that sent her off the edge? Either way, she’s bright red and shuffling through her drawings, trying to act cool. I giggled at her reaction; this side of her was kind of cute.

            I didn’t just think that.

            Sitting in my seat, I bowed and apologized to the teacher from afar. He mumbled angrily under his breath, getting back to the lecture. Looking around the room, I glanced at what other people were using so I could get the same. Opening my bag, I retrieve my pencil case and exercise book. I nudged the guy next to me, asking if I could copy his notes so far. He nodded, giving me a friendly smile.

            “Jung, what are you doing?” The teacher barked. I raised my head slowly, wondering if I actually just got yelled at.

            “Just copying his notes so far, sir.”

            “Ah, so you’re cheating off him. Wasn’t it bad enough that you were late?”

            “What? No, I mean−”

            “And you’re talking back to a teacher; that’s a detention for you. After school, four pm, don’t be late.” He said with finality. I can’t believe I just got my first detention. Students sniggered, even the ones in my fan club. I looked over at Amber, who was the loudest of them all. She was having trouble keeping in her laughter, her cheeks aflame and hands holding her stomach. I shot her my icy glare, but she barely responded; only laughing into her hand instead of thin air.

I turned the doorknob of the detention room, already dreading the next hour. I opened the door, awkwardly walking inside. There was no one in here; surely I’m not the only person with a detention today.

            I started walking to what seemed like the safest position in the room to sit. Taking a seat, I hear the door crash open.

            “Oh, jeez. Don’t tell me you’re the only other person with detention today?”

            “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Amber POV

“Well, this will be fun.” I said sarcastically, taking my usual seat. She looked at me uneasily, eyes shifting awkwardly. I propped my feet up on the desk, ignoring the disgusted face she pulled. I watched her for several seconds; taking in the way she nervously bit her lip, the way her hand would sift through her silky hair, the way her nose crinkled in frustration.

            “So, what do we do in here?” She asked.

            “Don’t tell me this is your first detention, Jung.” She nodded embarrassedly, eyes drifting to the floor. I scoffed; of course this is her first one.

            “Well, how many have you had?”

            “To be honest, I lost count.”

            “But all you do in class is draw or look deep in thought, how does that get you a detention?”

            “Because I’m a smartass in all my other classes. How do you know what I do in class, anyway? Do you watch me?” She looked away, staring at her hands. She does watch me. I ignored the way my heartbeat picked up.

            “I-it’s only because . . . I want to know if you’re the person who drew this.” She dug into her bag and pulled out a rumpled piece of paper, throwing it onto my desk. I unravelled it, inspecting the drawing.

            “Yeah, it’s mine. Why do you have it?”

            “It hit my head yesterday in class, thinking it was a note, I opened it.” She looked down, her forehead crinkling in thought. “I didn’t think someone like you could draw something like this.”

            “Someone like me?” I said angrily, getting out of my seat and stomping my way towards her. I slammed a fist onto her desk, staring at her in fury. She looked up at me coolly, expressions unchanged.

            “Yes, someone like you. You don’t seem to be the type to have patience, clearly. Most people who draw well have a lot of patience,” She looked directly into my eyes, challenging me. “And littler anger issues.”

            “For your information, princess, I do have a lot of patience. Just not with people like you.”

            “I’ve already told you, Amber, you don’t know me.”

            “Then enlighten me, will you? We’ve still got fifty minutes in this detention, may as well pass the time this way.”

            “Hmph, fine.”

Krystal POV

This situation could actually work out very well for me. I could tell her some fake sob story of what my life really is, and she'll become putty in my hands for the rest of this experiment. But Sulli and I had agreed to make it as close to the real me as possible, damn. I could still make this work; I could just tell her the honest truth.

            “Well, as you know I’m a Jung; which means popularity was practically thrust upon me when Jessica went back to America and pursued her career. I inherited everything from her, including the fame I never wanted.” Amber scoffed. “No, seriously, I never wanted this. I want to just earn my degree and make a happy life for myself, I never wanted this status.”

            “Why wouldn’t you want the status you have? You seem pretty happy about it.”

            “Yeah, I seem it. Honestly though, most nights I’ll get home and hear my parents fight about my education. My dad wants me to buckle down and study, but I have to keep up this image at the same time as being smart, it’s incredibly difficult. So normally, I’ll sit in my room and study, hoping the popularity will just blow over my head and the next day I’ll be a nobody.”

            “Okay, enough about the popularity stuff. I want to know the real Krystal, before all this happened to you.”

            “Why do you want to know that?”

            “Because I already know about all you popular types and your ‘hardships’, I want to know what happened before this, I want to know who you people really are on the inside.” She laughed at the last part of her sentence. “Sorry, couldn’t say that with a straight face. Seriously, I want to know because I’m bored and you’re the newest person to get a detention. Normally, I’m just here by myself.”

            “Okay, well, before I was popular I was just her little sister. I always lived in Jessica’s shadow, making all the same choices she did, wearing all the same clothes she did, even acting the same way she did. It made my parents happy to know that they didn’t have a problem child or someone who went out of their way to get out of their sibling’s shadow. Which made me happy because all they would do is fight, it’s all they still do.”

            “Well, are you still in her shadow?”

            “I don’t want to be anymore.”

            “Why not?” She asked with a raised brow.

            “Because this sucks. I want to make something of myself, but I don’t want to be popular. I don’t want to be the ‘sexy’ and ‘godlike’ Krystal anymore; I want to be the dorky and childish Soojung that I really am.”


            “It's my Korean name. Krystal is my English one, everyone prefers to use that because it sounds more exotic than a name you can just hear on the street.”

            “It seems like I’ve been asking the wrong question the whole time then.”


            “I don’t want to know about Krystal. What’s Soojung like?”

            “Soojung is someone who never comes out to play. She’s a total dork who loves watching scary movies in the pitch black dark, and then gets scared when she hears a noise five minutes later. She listens to music and dances around like she doesn’t give a crap who’s watching, and she sings at the top of her lungs like no one is listening.” Amber giggled slightly at that, the corners of her mouth tugging upwards. “She doesn’t care about other people’s opinions of her because she’s completely happy with who she is. She wishes she could have this great love story that she can tell to her kids one day. But, she knows she’ll never have it.”

            “Why not?”

            “Because no one wants Soojung, everyone wants Krystal.” I look down at my hands, wondering why I just poured all that out to her. The alarm on Amber’s phone went off; she picked it up, swiping at the screen.

            “Detentions over, see you in class.” She said with her usual tone. She picked up her bag, leaving the room. The door shut, yet I still sat there. Shaking my head, I got up. I noticed she left behind something on her desk; it was a piece of paper. Thinking it was another one of her drawings she leaves behind everywhere, I unfolded it.

Just for the record, Soojung sounds a lot cooler than Krystal.

Amber POV

I had just finished dinner when I got a text from my friend, Luna. I swiped the screen and checked the text.

From: Luna

Saw you walking around after your detention, you ok?

No, I’m not okay; my brain just got minesweeped by someone I thought I knew. I thought I had Krystal all figured out, but then she came in with her sob story and threw me off my game. I wish she hadn’t, because the more I think about her, the more I want to know what Soojung is like. The part of her that craves normalcy is the part I wish she’d show more often, it’s the part I want to get to know.

Maybe if I ask her to hang out with me, but not as Krystal, she’d agree?

Now I’m just being stupid. She wouldn’t want to hang out with me, whether that be as Soojung or Krystal. I looked at my phone again, punching in a text.

To: Luna

Yeah, I’m fine I guess. But I’m bored, come around a watch a movie with me.

I waited maybe thirty seconds before I got a reply. Smiling to myself, I left my phone on the table and started heating up some popcorn.

I jumped off the couch, hearing a knock on the door. I didn’t bother looking through the peephole, knowing its Luna. I turned the knob, the door opening onto my face.


            “Oh my God, Amber, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” Luna is always quick to apologize, already hugging me and kissing my forehead better.

            “Yeah, I’m alright.” I said, hugging her back. Once I let go awkwardly, I pointed towards the lounge. “Couch, TV and popcorn are ready to go. All you have to do is choose a movie.” She smiled brightly, practically running to the DVD pile. I groaned when I saw what she picked out.

            “The Notebook, again?”

            “It's amazing, though.”

            “But we watched it the last three times you came over.” I whined. I love Luna, she’s a great friend, but her taste in DVDs is atrocious. I knelt beside the pile, picking one up.

            “What about this?”

            “Ugh, we are not watching some stupid car movie.”

            “Well, we’re not watching The Notebook, either.”

            “That’s it, I’m calling Victoria.” She said irritably. She pulled out her phone, threatening me. If there’s one thing I’m scared of, it’s Victoria. She was like a mother to Luna and I, seeing as we all grew up without one and she was the oldest.

            “Alright, we’ll watch The Notebook. Just don’t ring Victoria.” She smiled evilly.

            “I make no promises.”

Luna was crying like a baby, huddled up on the couch with tissues and a blanket. I just stared uncomfortably, not knowing how to console her. I was about to get up when she grabbed my hand, twining our fingers.

            “Luna, what are you doing?”

            “It's just so sad, she doesn’t even remember him but he fights for her each day.” She looked into my eyes, her gaze wandering downwards. Was there something in my teeth?

            “Yeah, but it’s just a movie.” I tried letting go of her hand, but she wouldn’t let me.

            “Can you imagine that kind of love, Amber?” She kept staring at my mouth or chin or something, why was she doing that? She inched closer to me, face coming closer to mine.

            “Honestly, no, I can’t. I’ve never experienced love like that, don’t think I ever will.”

            “Do you want to?” She said quietly, coming even closer. I shifted in my seat, now I could see where this was going.

            “Yeah, I mean, doesn’t everyone?” I kept backing up, but there was nowhere to go now.

            “Who with?” She asked. I know she wants me to say her, but I couldn’t. I thought of Luna as a sister, and that’s all. I could never take advantage of how close we are, even as she’s about to kiss me.

            “A girl.” I said vaguely, a flash of brown hair forming in my mind. Her mouth was now so close to mine, I could feel her breath.

            “Which girl?” I couldn’t move, I was planted to the couch, her body becoming heavier on mine.

            “I don’t know, I girl I love.”

            “Who do you love?”

            “No one.” A thought of a porcelain face entered, meeting up with the brown hair.

            “Do you think you could ever love someone, Amber?”

            “I’ve tried before, it didn’t work. Maybe one day I could,” Dark, onyx eyes flashed past, sticking onto the face. Before I could figure out who it belonged to, the doorbell rang. I practically threw Luna off me, racing to the door.

Krystal POV

I couldn’t stand this any longer, I had to see Amber and ask about the note. I paced outside her dorm, wondering whether I should ring the bell or leave. I didn’t even know if she was home, maybe I should check. I looked into the nearest window, to see her with some girl. She was lying on top of Amber, inching closer. They were talking, Amber’s expression clearly showing she wanted to get away. Thinking I could help two people at once, I rang the bell.

            She answered, eyes widening as she took in the scenario.

            “What are you doing here?”

            “Asking about this.” I held up the note.

            “Amber, who is it?” Her friend asked, already at the door.

            “Luna, meet Krystal. Krystal, this is Luna.” Luna stuck out her palm politely, though her face told a different story.

            “Nice to meet you.” I said awkwardly, hiding the note behind my back.

            “Yeah, you too.” She turned towards Amber. “Am, how long are you going to be? Should I pause the movie?” I took delight in seeing the way Amber shuddered at the nickname.

            “I’ll only be a few minutes, go on without me.”

            “Okay, see you then.” She kissed Amber on the cheek, darting back to the couch. Amber closed the door behind her, grabbing me and pulling us out of the view of any windows Luna could look through.

            “So, about the note . . .” She started.

            “Yeah, the note. The note that has been confusing me since I got it. Why did you give it to me, Amber? Seriously, I don’t even know what it means, or why you wrote it−”

            “I wrote it because I like Soojung more.” She cut me off.


            “I actually like Soojung; she sounds a lot more interesting than Krystal. I want to actually get to know Soojung.”

            “Why do you want to get to know Soojung?”

            “Because,” She started, raking a hand through her hair. “Because on some level, I find you to be a manipulative bitch. But then there’s the part of you that you just told me about yesterday, which sounds like someone I could actually enjoy the company of.”


            “So, I want to know Soojung, because I don’t think anyone else does.” And with that, she left me standing there. I heard her door close; I heard a high pitched giggle that surely belonged to Luna. I walked over to the window once more, seeing Luna already making advances again. Amber tried getting away as respectfully as possible, but she was no match for the girl on top of her. She had trapped her, holding her arms down and kissing her. I turned away, wondering why it angered me to see that, wondering why I had the sudden urge to punch her.

            What is happening to me?

Amber POV

I woke up, still angry and disappointed. Last night no matter how hard I tried, Luna still kissed me; I ended up kicking her out and receiving one of the angriest phone calls I ever had in my life. Victoria wasn’t happy when her little Luna was rejected by mean old Amber. The thing is though, even growing up, Victoria had never once heard my side of the story. Just because Luna was the youngest doesn’t mean she’s always right, doesn’t mean she’s the most innocent, doesn’t mean I should get yelled at for not feeling the same towards her.

            Kicking off my covers, I hoped that the shower would wash away my fury.

I sat in class, wondering how I would get my detention today. I was too angry to wait until the classes I don’t like, I might as well vent now. The teacher asked me for an answer, but I didn’t give one.

            “Amber, please answer the question.”

            “No.” I looked nonchalantly around the room, my eyes finding Krystal’s. She wore a confused expression, I just smirked back.

            “Answer the question.”

            “Why should I?”

            “Because I told you to, and as a student, you should follow teacher’s instructions.”

            “No, thanks.”

            “Are you asking for a detention? Because you’re going the right way about it.”

            “As a matter of fact, yes, I am. Can I please have one?” A few of the students laughed, but I wasn’t joking. I wanted a detention, they were more entertaining than home. The teacher fumed at me, face red and a vein forming on his forehead. He furiously pointed a finger at me.

            “That’s it, detention for you. After school, your usual time and seat.” I smiled, nodding my appreciation at him. He blinked rapidly, challenging anyone else in the room. I dug into my pencil case, pulled out a pen and started sketching, already feeling calmer.

Krystal POV

I don’t understand, this is one of the only classes she likes. Why was she like this?

            I tore a sheet out of my exercise book, already scribbling across the page.

Are you insane? Why did you just beg for a detention?

            I rolled it into a ball, checking no one was watching and threw it at her. It bounced off her cap, landing on her drawing. She knew who it was from straight away, she wrote back, throwing it at me.

Why do you care?

            I couldn’t answer that, so I kept writing.

Is it something to do with Luna?

            Before I could throw it back to her, I noticed the teacher’s eyes boring into me. Crap.

            “Ms Jung, if you and Ms Liu are quite finished with your notes. Anything you want to share with the class?”

            “No, sir.” I said, looking down.

            “Anything else you want to share with Ms Liu?” I started to shake my head, but he already had other plans. “Well, you can share it with her in detention. After school, Amber will tell you what time, the detention room is practically her second home.” I bowed my head, staring at my notes.

            The rest of the class was a blur; all I could do was think about how my parents would feel about two detentions in two days. The bell rang, signalling the end of the day. I was about to approach Amber and ask her what time the detention was, but she was already gone. I threw my bag over my shoulder, a piece of paper falling off it. What is it with this girl and notes?

Detention is at 4:30, don’t be late.

Amber POV

I don’t know why I keep giving her notes, maybe it’s because every time I talk to her my mind wanders off onto thoughts of her mouth. Or maybe it’s because my body overheats and I blush furiously. Or maybe it’s because Soojung is much more intriguing, and I want to talk to her again instead of Krystal.

            I turn the knob, casually walking into the room that’s become a home away from home. I take the same seat I always do, to find her sitting in the one next to it.

            “Why are you sitting there?”

            “Because you’re fifteen minutes late, and no one else has turned up. So obviously, you’re the only one I can talk to.”

            “Why would I want to talk to you?” I said, turning my nose up dramatically.

            “Because I told you all about me, now it’s your turn.”

            “And what made you think this was a two way deal? I was bored, so I asked.”

            “Now I’m bored, so tell me.”

            “Make me.” I said, crossing my arms over my body. She got out of her chair, hips swinging hypnotically as she walked over. I watched her pull my chair out, coaxing me towards her. My body now angled toward hers, my eyes glued to the sultry expression that played upon her face. She threw her right leg over the side of the chair, the left moving to my other side. Now straddling me, her fingers danced along my skin. Once they reach my cap, she took it off slowly, giving me a view of her cleavage. She put my cap down on the desk, her hands now tangling in my hair. I was frozen to the spot when I saw her eyes; the usual icy look had now melted and turned to fire. I gulped dramatically, my eyes stuck onto the sight of her mouth inching closer to me. She planted her lips on my tendon, licking along it. I tried to control the animalistic sound that itched to come out. She reached my ear, nibbling on the lobe.

            “Tell me, or else I do this until you can find a way to get up.” She purred. I know I shouldn’t want her to do it again, but she’s right, I can’t figure out how to get up. She knows what that did to me, and I don’t know how to feel about that. I took a deep breath, trying to control my ragged breathing.

            “Alright, I’ll tell you.” She retracted from me, sitting back down across from me. For some reason, I didn’t want her to get off. When she indicated she was listening, I started. “So, what do you wanna know?”

            “All about Amber Liu, come on, just tell me everything.”

            “Alright, well, my father was a drunk who went out every night, my mother died in a shootout when I was three, I never had any siblings. I was pretty much raised by Victoria, a girl who lived across the road. I would go there every day after school and stay most nights. One day, we met Luna, and the three of us became an inseparable trio. Victoria was the mother, I was the problem child and Luna was the little angel.”

            “But it didn’t seem like Luna thinks of you as a sister.” She added.

            “Yeah, I never noticed until last night. But I feel like I’ve lost both of them,” Krystal raised her brow. “Well, you see, Victoria always favoured her. And last night when Luna kissed me, I resisted, saying I don’t want her in that way. She span the story to make me seem like the bad guy, so Victoria yelled at me over the phone.” I started to tear up, looking at my palms. “So, yeah, I just lost two of my best friends all because I want someone else.”

            “Who do you want?”

            “You.” I answered without thinking. I covered my mouth with my hands, mind racing. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I absolutely despise her, but I want her to touch me like she did minutes ago and never stop.

            “Me? Oh please, as if I could make you want that.”

            “You don’t know what you make me want, Krys.”

            “Then explain it to me.”

Krystal POV

She stared down at her hands, feet tapping the floor nervously. Her hand raked through her hair, anxiety prominent in her expression.

“Look at me, Krystal,” She signalled to herself, hands jabbing at her body. “Look at what you’ve done to me.” Her eyes were heated, the chocolate colour melting. Her hair was a mess, probably because she’s run her hand through it so many times. Her skin was covered in goose bumps, hairs raised. But when I reached out and touched the skin, it wasn’t cold. In fact, it was incredibly hot; as if she’d been standing in front of a fire for too long. What shocked me most though, was when her hands reached out, grasping my shoulders and pulling me up.

            “Amber, what are you doing?” She pushed me against the nearest wall, hands still resting on my shoulders.

            “I hate you. You know that, right?” I nodded. She licked her lips, tongue teasing me. In one swift move, I tilted my head upwards, softly placing my lips on hers. I pulled back almost straight away, wondering why I did it. I don’t have feelings for her. So why did I kiss her, and why am I not objecting now as her lips plunder mine?

            It’s only a soft kiss, her lips curiously moving against mine. Once we found a good rhythm, she became more confident. Her hands moved from my shoulders, now resting on my hips. My arms found their way around her neck, hands interlocking behind her. There was too much space between us, my body craved more. Using my clasped hands to my advantage, I pulled her closer to me. With her chest now flush against mine, I let myself lose control. I sucked on her bottom lip roughly, biting it. She gasped, which gave me the perfect chance to slip my tongue inside. She was nervous, I could tell that by the small movements she was making. I pulled away, panting. Her forehead rested on mine, her blonde hair getting in the way of her eyes.

            “Why are you so nervous?” I asked. Her hand moved from my waist, rubbing the back of her neck.

            “Because I’ve never kissed a girl before, I don’t know what to do.”

            “You’ve kissed a guy though, right?” I was shocked when she shook her head, no way did I steal her first real kiss. I actually felt bad, knowing that it should belong to someone who cares about her. I may hate her, but everyone deserves a meaningful first kiss. My hands removed themselves from around her neck. “I’m sorry.”

            Before I could even think of walking away, she grabbed my wrist. I tore my eyes away from the wooden flooring, my eyes meeting hers. They were still like melted chocolate, but the gaze was more heated now. As if there was more than just pure curiosity in them.

            “Why are you sorry? I know it was my first real kiss, but I could tell that it was a great one.” I smiled at that, she can be too honest sometimes.

            “Because everyone’s first kiss should be special.”

            “Was yours?” She asked. My head dropped again, the memories coming back. I shook my head, eyes still staring a hole into the floorboards. Her finger rested underneath my chin, tilting my face so my face so my eyes will meet hers. “Wanna talk about it?”

            I turned my head away from her gaze and yanked my wrist out of her grip, angrily walking towards the door. I gripped the handle, only to have my hand grabbed once more. She pinned both hands above my head, my body now against the door. Her face was so close that I could feel her breath crashing onto my lips.

            “Now, did it really have to come to this, princess? I was only being nice so that you’d kiss me again.” I turned my head to the side, avoiding her mouth.

            “Maybe I don’t want you to kiss me again.” She moved her mouth to my neck, placing a soft peck there. I had to constrict the moan that writhed in my chest.

            “We both know that’s a lie,” She said huskily, planting more kisses on my neck. “Because I can feel you shuddering right now.”

            My hands jostled against her hold, but it was no use. I tried again, thrusting myself forward. My hands barely moved, she just held them there tighter. My hips had accidentally slammed into hers; a groan escaping both our mouths. I turned my head nervously to meet her gaze, the once melted chocolate was now a shining black, I could practically see the hunger in those orbs. My breath hitched when one of her hands released its vice grip and moved towards my face. She brushed a stray hair from my face, allowing it to rest on my cheek. I shyly leaned myself into her touch, savouring the way it shot tingles down my spine. Her lips brushed mine teasingly, as if she was waiting for me to make the next move. I pulled my face back every time she went in, making her frustrated.

            “You know what; you’re making me hate you even more.” She mumbled against my lips.

            “If you hate me so much, why do you want me this badly?”

            “Because as much as I hate you, there’s something about you that makes me wonder what it would be like to see you squirming under my touch.” She let her hand drop from my cheek, moving its way toward the spot I’m most sensitive. My body shuddered involuntarily at the way her fingers grazed across my collarbone, blood flowing loudly in my ears.

            “How did you know?” Her mouth moved closer to mine, inching its way over until it was just shy of reaching its destination.

            “Magic.” She replied, her mouth already capturing mine. I still struggled slightly against the grip of her hand, but maybe that was just an excuse to grind my lower half into hers again. She bit my bottom lip when my core grazed against hers, teeth dragging along the sensitive skin. I traced my tongue along her cupid’s bow, begging for entrance. She gladly complied, opening her mouth wider, tongue already probing against mine. She tasted sweet, a taste I could get used to easily. She finally let my captured hands free, allowing both of hers to now roam my body. She removed the one resting on my collarbone, making its way lower. Once both hands reached my thighs, she pulled, wrapping my legs around her waist. I marvelled at how strong she was, only needing one arm to support me while the other danced along my back. She removed her mouth from mine, allowing it to travel. She nervously kissed my jaw, then along the length of my neck. She reached the base of it, leaving a mark. Her tongue escaped her mouth, licking along my collarbone. I gave her what she wanted; my body squirmed underneath her touch, my throat letting out a guttural moan. I felt her smile against my skin, taking pride in what she’d done. I pulled away, heavily dropping my legs out of her grasp. I had to follow along with the plan, I had to frustrate her. I picked up my bag, throwing the strap over my shoulder. She looked wounded; her eyes now back to the usual chocolate brown.

            “What?” I asked.       

            “You’re really going to leave, just like that?”

            “Yes.” I said bluntly. “Relax, you did nothing wrong.”

 “But detention isn’t even over.”

“So? I’ll get another one tomorrow.” I opened the door slowly, knowing she’s watching my every move. I turn my head, staring directly at her. I winked at her, not even looking at her long enough to get a reaction. Swinging my hips more than usual, I exit the room.

Once I was out of the school grounds, I pulled out my phone. I sent a text to Sulli, telling her it was urgent and she needed to come over. I wasn’t lying; this was honestly the last thing I wanted to happen.

I never wanted to snap.

Krystal POV

I sat alone in my room, waiting for Sulli to tell me she’s here. It was pretty late, my parents already moving into their bedroom to argue. I heard a beep, checking my phone, it was Sulli.

            I ran down the stairs and opened the door, already engulfed in one of her signature hugs.

            “What’s so urgent that you had to get me over at 9:30 at night?”

            “I didn’t choose the time. You were out, not my fault you’re only free now.” I grabbed her hand, guiding her up the narrow staircase. “Besides, we need to be in my room for this. My parents can’t hear anything in there.”

            “My my, this is starting to get risqué, Krystal.” She said in a mocking tone, I poked my tongue out at her.


Once we were in my room, she leant against the wall while I made my way to my bed. I jumped on it, already in a sitting position. I patted the spot next to me.

            “You might need to sit down for this.” I offered.

            “No, I’ll be fine.”

            “If you say so.” I rolled my eyes at her. She adjusted her position on the wall, crossing her arms and leaning her head on the wall.

            “So, what’s so urgent?”

            “Well,” How was I meant to tell her I snapped and kissed Amber? How am I meant to explain that even though I detest her with every fibre of my being, I want her to touch me until I can’t take any more?

            “Something happened with you and Amber.” She smirked.


            “Something happened between you two. You have this guilty look on your face, but at the same time you’re incredibly pleased.”

            “Why does that mean its Amber, though?”

            “Because, this is the only time you’ve denied something so strongly.” I hid my face in my hands, I walked right into it. Damn, she’s good. “Ah, so something did happen.”

            “Yeah, okay, something happened.”

            “Wait, did you guys kiss?” I’m pretty sure my face was bright red. “Omo! You did kiss! How was it? Wait, no, tell me the story first.”

            “Are you going to butt in every time I talk, or can I actually tell a full story this time?”

            “Aish, just tell the story.” She pleaded.

            “Alright, well, yesterday I got a detention.”

            “You got a detention?” She asked, eyes wide. I nodded.

            “Anyway, turns out she had a detention too. We ended up talking and I spilled my life story to her, she found out about the side of me that never comes out.”

            “She knows about the whole Soojung-verses-Krystal-public-personality thing?”

            “What did I tell you about butting in?”

            “Right, sorry.” She bowed her head.

            “So she snaps at a teacher today, earning her another detention. Because it’s a class she actually enjoys, I threw her a note asking why she was acting like that. I got caught, we both ended up in detention today. Here’s the catch, today in the detention I found out all about her.”

            “Okay, and?”

            “It ended up with her saying she wanted me, her pushing me up against the wall and well . . . Let’s just say I might have skipped a couple of phases.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “I mean we kissed.”

            “Who kissed who?”

            “I kissed her first. Then she kissed me. After that, it’s kind of a blur, because we made out.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sulli so quiet and reserved, it was scary. She stood up straight, no longer leaning on the wall. Her face was one of pure shock, her eyes vacant but sparked with curiosity. In one movement, she was sitting on the bed next to me, shaking me by the shoulders.

            “Tell me everything! I have to know.”

            “I just told you.”

            “Come on, you know me, I want all the details.”

            “Well, we were kissing. Then she kind of lifted me up, supporting me with only one arm.” I hid my red face. “It was really hot.” Sulli squealed through her hands, her eyes becoming crescent moons.

            “She sounds like she knew what she was doing.” She said with a wink.

            “Actually, it was her first kiss.”

            “You stole her first kiss?”

            “I didn’t steal it. I mean,” I tried to think of another word for it, but nothing came to mind. “Okay, yeah, I feel bad about it. But that doesn’t matter, because she didn’t mind.”

            “So what happens now?”

            “I was hoping you would come up with something. It’s not like I planned for any of this to happen, I kind of just snapped.”

            “Yeah, this wasn’t in the plan. You skipped right past Phase Three; I didn’t even have a Phase Four or anything yet.” She tapped her chin, pouting in thought. “What about this, become friends with benefits.”

            “Friends with benefits?”

            “You know, when there’s no emotional attachment, but you hook up anyway?”

            “Wait, are you telling me to become Amber’s ‘fuck buddy’?” I asked, brows raised.

            “Well, you don’t have to sleep with her. It’s just that, well, sex is the most powerful weapon. If you want her to fall for you, play hard to get, become friends with benefits, and she’ll fall hard and fast.”

            “How do you know that?”

            “I watch enough movies to know at least one person falls.” She smirked.

            “At least?”

            “Usually both of them end up falling for each other.” I shook my head, laughing.

            “You watch too many movies, Ssul.”

            “Tell me that six months from now when you and Amber love each other.” She teased.

            “Oh, please. That won’t ever happen. I couldn’t fall for her.”

            “Why not?”

            “Because, well, she’s Amber.” I said, not being able to think of a better reason.

            “Maybe that’s the reason you will fall for her.”

            “Okay, that’s enough. Time for you to go home.” I started walking her to the front door.

            “Alright, alright. Sleep well, have fun dreaming about Amber.” She mused, winking at me.

            “Trust me, I’m not going to.”

            “Who are you trying to convince Krystal, me or yourself?” She asked, already waltzing down my driveway and into her car. I shut the door behind me, making my way to my room.

            In my bathroom, I stared at my reflection. Sighing heavily, I splash some water onto my face.

            “You can’t fall for Amber.” I said to myself, walking back towards my bed. I flopped down onto it, trying to sleep. “You can’t fall for her, because you’re not capable of love.”

Amber POV

I was running. I don’t know what from and I don’t know why, but I was running my heart out. M y heart was beating in my ears, the sound of blood pumping was rushing through me. There was no setting or scenery, just black. I was running in a sea of darkness, shadows washing over my body.

            “There’s no need to run.” A melodic voice said. My body stopped moving instantly, my eyes drawn to a door that just manifested. “Come inside.” The door opened, revealing more darkness. I wanted to inch away, I wanted to keep running. But I had no control over my own body; it was a prisoner to the soothing voice. My legs moved without me needing to initiate it, making their way through the door.

            The door slammed shut, encasing me in the darkness. Before my anxiety got the better of me, a room appeared. It was a living room of some sort, the walls painted lilac with wooden flooring. I was drawn towards a sound of someone humming; it came from the beige couch. I made my way to the couch, wanting to hear her hums more clearly. My arms wrapped themselves around her slender neck, hands resting above her heart.

            “Welcome home, I missed you.” The voice said. She continued humming while my lips planted a kiss on her rosy cheek. She giggled, it melted my heart. She began to stand up, her hair covering her face. Why don’t I get to see who this amazing woman is?

            She walked behind me, arms wrapping around my torso. I leaned into her touch, sighing contently. She starting raining kisses down my neck, making my breath hitch. Her tongue escaped her mouth and licked a trail back up my neck and around the shell of my ear. I shuddered when she blew on it, sending hot and cold shivers through my whole body.

            “Close your eyes.” She commanded. Normally, I would have had a smart reply towards such a thing, but I couldn’t disagree with the voice. I had no control over my own body anymore, my eyes closing against my will. I felt her arms trace around me, her breath now hot and crashing onto my face. Her hands danced up my chest and neck, arms draped around me. I felt her lean herself into my body, her heart beating just as quick as mine. I smirked, taking pleasure in knowing I can do to her what she does to me. Her lips moulded to mine, moving perfectly. My arms made their way around her waist, fingernails clutching onto her back. She moaned into the kiss as I traced her Cupid’s bow, allowing me to slip my tongue inside. My right hand left her back, making its way to her chest. I cautiously rubbed against one of her breasts before squeezing it, taking in its shape and size. Her hips bucked when I tweaked her nipple through the thin fabric of her shirt, sending shockwaves through me.

            “Amber . . .” She moaned.

“Amber! Answer the door; I know you can hear me!” A voice shouted through my window. I groggily opened my eyes, stretching my body. Throwing the covers off my body, I wondered who the person in my dream could be. The voice sounded extremely familiar, but I couldn’t place it. Remembering the visitor I had, I walked to the door.

Krystal POV

“Ugh . . .” I moaned. I was propped on a table, eyes half-lidded. A figure underneath me was kissing my thighs, her fingers rolling my left nipple. Her face was blocked from my view, my vision becoming hazy. I squeezed my eyes shut, pleasure consuming me as her mouth made its way towards my love bud. Her tongue traced over it, drawing a figure eight repeatedly. I moaned loudly, my fingers digging into her shaggy hair. She toyed with me, attacking it with her mouth and then pulling away. Her tongue traced my entrance, circling it.

            “P-please.” I begged.

            “My pleasure.” Her voice was husky and low. Her tongue slowly made its way inside, stretching my walls. I panted slightly as she wiggled it around, teasing me. I pushed her head in further, making her mouth slam into me. She drew away, her chocolate eyes boring into mine. “You know, it’d be really hot if you did this by yourself.” She said.

            I don’t know where the sudden courage sparked in me, but I buried both my hands in her hair, pushing her tongue inside. I rode her tongue, moving my hips in time with how she traced my walls. My left hand withdrew from her hair, making its way to my clit. I rubbed it, relishing in the way it made me shiver. The tug in my abdomen came back, threatening to send me into another orgasm with the mysterious girl. I kept rocking my hips in time with my finger, sparks of electricity shooting over me as the girl marvelled at the sight of me pleasuring myself. The feeling in my abdomen became stronger, I was so close.

“Krystal, wake up! It’s nearly time for class.” I heard my mother scream from the other side of my bedroom door. I rolled myself out of bed, the covers following close behind. I stretched my body out, hoping to get the tingling feeling out from it, but it remained with me. I felt a tug in my lower stomach as I scratched my itchy collarbone, had the dream really affected me this much?

            I don’t even know who it was, but it seemed so real, almost as if I knew the person who was doing it. I shook my head at the absurdity, how could I know them if I didn’t even see their face?

Amber POV

            I answered the door, a very angry brunette standing in its wake. She nearly bowled me over walking inside; she was always stronger when she was angry.

            “Look, Victoria, I don’t really have time right now. I have to go to class soon.” I pleaded.

            “Well you better make time.” She said, pointing towards a dining chair. “Sit.”

            “Alright, but make it quick.” I sat down, putting my feet up on the table.

            “Feet off.” I knew better than to argue with her right now, so I took my feet off, tapping them against the floor. I stopped that too when she gave me a look. I sighed, keeping my feet still and folding my hands in my lap.

            “Look, if this is about Luna I don’t want to hear−”

            “Be quiet, Amber. It is about Luna, but,”


            “But, I want to apologize for her.”

            “Huh?” This didn’t make any sense, Luna never admits she’s wrong.

            “Of course Luna isn’t actually saying she did anything wrong, she never does that. I’m going to say it on her behalf, because I thought about what happened and . . . What she did wasn’t wrong, but it wasn’t appropriate. You made yourself pretty clear, but she didn’t stop. I thought I raised her better, so she wouldn’t be so persistent with people who don’t want her.”

            “Yeah, I−”

            “And I would’ve thought I raised you better than to kick someone out instead of explaining the situation.”

            “Ah, there’s the catch.” I mumbled.

            “All I’m saying is that you both should have made better decisions, and that I’m done playing favourites. You’re both old enough now to know the difference between right and wrong, I will support you both, but no more favouritism.”

            “I’ll believe that when I see it.” I muttered under my breath.

            “I heard that.” She scolded. “Anyway, that’s all I have to say. I hope you enjoy your class, and I hope Luna will take a hint next time she tries something with you.” She pulled me up from the chair, enclosing me in one of her motherly hugs. “You be good, see you soon.”

            She kissed my forehead, letting herself out. I stood, planted to the spot. Does this mean we’re all cool now? I guess only time will tell. 

Krystal POV

Class was beginning to be fun, especially now that Amber and I tag-team the teacher so we’ll have another detention. Even though she won’t admit it, she’s starting to become fond of Soojung, yet she still hates Krystal. Although, I don’t know how I feel about that. Is Krystal really that bad?

            Today, we had both earned another detention. Usually, she’d tell me what time it is and vanish into thin air; but she didn’t today. She stayed back until everyone had left, including the teacher, I wonder why.

            She walked up to me nervously, hands stuffed in her pockets. She gave me a coy smile, only one corner of her mouth tugging up. She looked around the room, double checking that no one was in sight. Clearing her throat, she finally looked up at me.

            “Look, I’m sorry about the other day. I shouldn’t have done what I did; I shouldn’t have kissed you like that.”

            “Why are you sorry?” I asked curiously.

            “Because I feel like every kiss should mean something, but ours meant nothing.”

            “That’s okay, though.”

            “How is that okay?”

            “It's okay for you to hate me yet want to fuck me, Amber.”

Amber POV

She took a slow step towards me. Had I heard her right? Did she really just put words in my mouth? She wasn’t lying though. From looking at her today, I gathered that my dream was about her. The way she hums and the way her hair forms around her face is almost identical. Maybe it’s just my hormones talking, but I know that no matter how much I despise her, I want to feel her shudder underneath me again.

She smiles wickedly as I take a step back and feel my back hit the wall. “Hell, we could even do something about it. We’ll still hate each other, but we could be secretly dealing with the sexual frustration part of it as well.” She murmurs before she leans down and flicks her tongue over the love bite she gave me. I gasp, trying to control myself. “It’s not like it'd be the first time we do it . . . And I’m not afraid to admit that I want to hear you make that sound again, want to see that look on your face again as you lose control.”

She pushes herself away from the wall, beginning to ascend the stairs. She glances over her shoulder, hand resting on the door handle.

“Think about it, Amber. See you in detention.”

Krystal POV

Detention was the same as usual; we sat opposite each other and just talked.

            “So what’s your biggest trait?” I asked.

            “Probably honesty, I can’t stand it when someone lies right to my face.” I nodded, should I feel guilty? I’m going to be lying for a whole lot longer to her, just to prove a point. She’ll hate me even more. “What’s yours?”

            “Probably pride.”


            “Yeah, I have a lot of it. I know it sounds very Krystal-y, but I’ve always had a lot of pride. I hate being wrong, I hate it when people have the upper hand and I especially hate it when people think they’re better than me.”

            “Because no one is better than Princess Jung.” She rolled her eyes.

            “No, I don’t mean it like that. I mean I hate being condescended; I hate being looked down upon. I don’t like it when people think they’re better than me because everyone on this planet is equal in value, no matter what your status.” Her mouth hung wide, shocked at my answer.

            “Hmm, not bad, glad to see you finally let Soojung out instead of Krystal.” She smirked.


Amber POV

The questions continued. And of course; like any other young adult conversation, it turned sexual.

            “So would you rather be dominant or submissive?” She asked me. I flushed at the question, I’d never been asked that before.

            “I know it seems like I’m dominant, and I do like it. But there’s something that keeps drawing me back to being submissive, it’s nice not to have the power all the time, I guess.” I hid my face in my hands, embarrassed by my answer. “What about you?”

            She was writing something, pen scribbling furiously. I leaned upwards to try and read it, but she stood up, her right hand pushing me down in my seat. I stared up at her with curiosity, wondering where this was going. She straddled me, lips plundering my neck. I moaned loudly as she sucked over the mark she’d already left, my hands finding their way to her back. She nipped at my neck and collarbone, leading a burning trail towards my ear. She bit the lobe harshly, making my fingernails dig deep into her back.

            “Oh, I’m definitely dominant.” I felt her smirk. My alarm went off, Krystal had already raced out the room. I sat, absolutely dumbfounded. She really needs to stop doing that to me; otherwise I’m going to lose it. It’s not fair that she can be so sexy while I just sit here and get seduced like an idiot.

            Picking up my bag, I see a note left on her desk.

Meet me at the basketball courts at midnight.

            I smirked; I can still win this battle.

Amber POV

At midnight I wandered through the darkness and onto the basketball courts. I breathe in heavily, taking in the familiar scent of rubber and paint. I walk over the bleachers, taking a seat on the player’s bench. I lean casually against my knees, legs apart and arms folded. I look up to the roof, taking in the scuff marks and balls that have gotten stuck over the years.

            Krystal probably won’t even show up, tease that she is.

            I gasp in surprise when a lithe hand wraps around my face, covering my mouth as I’m dragged into the shadows. I notice I’m standing on the court now, the warm breath on my neck distracting me. My toes curl in my shoes as I feel someone bite down on my neck, hand making its way under the front of my shirt.

            I stand completely still until she stops biting my neck and sucks it softly. “I knew you’d be here, you can’t resist basketball. Or me.”

            I smirk. “No, you didn’t. But you hoped I would be.” I answered smartly. The hand underneath the fabric teased my stomach, sending flutters of excitement through me.

            “Maybe I did,” She whispers into my ear, teasing the shell with her hot breath. “But it doesn’t change the fact that I hate you.” She says harshly.

            “Oh don’t worry, Krystal; I’m sure that one day you’ll recover from the fact that I’m using you.” I say, sass practically dripping from my voice. I wrap my arm around her waist from behind.

            “As long as you can handle the fact that I’m going to be using you right back, then we won’t have any problems.” She growls softly, the tip of her tongue gently flicking my earlobe.

            “Hmm . . .” I’m not sure if that was a moan or a sigh. God, I’m pathetic. “I think I’ll live, Krystal.” She bit my neck again, a little harder this time, making my toes curl. Who knew my neck was so sensitive? Then again, I knew about her collarbone’s sensitivity off of instinct, maybe she did the same.

            “Yeah, sure, whatever you say . . .” She says sarcastically, turning my around to face her.

            “That’s what I like to hear.” I say, smiling encouragingly as if I were training a dog. Krystal rolls her eyes at me, puffing her cheeks. “This is purely physical, alright?”

            “Shut up and kiss me, Amber.” Her arms drape across my neck, hands toying with the nape of my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close. I smile down at her evilly before tugging her towards me. I give her a taste of her own medicine, pulling away as she goes in. She cups my face in her hands, glaring at me before slamming my mouth to hers. I can feel her smirk through the kiss, arms grappling at the back of my shirt. My hands drifted to her thighs, lifting her up and walking us to the nearest surface. She kisses me in a way that makes me feel irresistible, her teeth dragging across my bottom lip and licking it. I stumbled whist walking, my back sliding down the wall. We end up sitting down, my legs pointed forward and Krystal straddling my lap.

            Her small hands tangle into my hair, messing with the strands. She kisses me hungrily, and I have no choice but to kiss back with just as much desire. Her mouth moves away from mine, starting a devilish trail across my jaw and down the side of my neck. She pauses at the base of it, flicking her tongue teasingly across it. My heart hammers in my chest, a sigh leaving my mouth unwillingly. Thinking that I may as well go all out now, I impatiently undo the clasp of her bra underneath her shirt. She smiles at my reaction and gently sucks my flesh into her mouth, drawing a mark to the surface. I felt her shiver as I let out a loud groan. My hands grip at her ribcage, fingers gently caressing the skin on either side of her body. She slowly begins to rock her hips as her fingers play with my hair, her mouth still on my throat. She sucked a large bruise onto the surface of my skin, directly over the artery on my neck.

            “Krys . . .” I moan. Dammit, I moaned. Her hips continuing to rock, she brings her face back into my view. Her eyes were gleaming with lust; the black orbs clear with what they wanted me to do. I edged my face closer, lips grazing with hers. At the last second, I moved my mouth away, attaching it to her collarbone. She moaned loudly, the sound echoing off the walls, filling my ears. I was a slave to her sounds, whether I liked it or not. I slid my right hand up her torso, fingers treading lightly across her soft skin. I cupped her breast, appreciating the size. She whimpered as I gripped her nipple between my forefinger and thumb, playing with it. I tried many things to determine a reaction; I pulled, twisted and rubbed, hoping to see what she liked best. I eventually found a rhythm, alternating between the three. She arched her back, biting her lip to contain her sounds.

            “F-fuck.” She whispered, hips still rolling. I stopped my movements, stopped everything when she hit my most delicate part.

            “K-Krys, you . . .” I tried saying it, but I forgot how to speak as she hit the spot again, grinding into it.


            “Ugh, you . . . Pressed,” She did it again, realising the affect it had on me. I bit my bottom lip, my face contorting.

            “I pressed onto your clit?” She smirked, doing it several more times. It was driving me insane. “Whoops, guess I should stop doing it.” She attempted to get off me, bringing one leg up. My hand clutched at her hip, the other pinching her nipple. She gasped, unintentionally bucking into me.

            “No, you’re not going anywhere.” I crashed my lips to hers, devouring the sweet taste. Her hands gripped at my hair roughly, sifting her fingers through the strands. My hand moved from her chest, meeting the other one at her waist. I lifted my hands up, dragging her shirt along with them. I rubbed at the underside of her breasts before continuing, her back arching and her voice crackling. I broke the kiss, drawn back to her as soon as her top was off and thrown to the floor. She kissed me hungrily, as if she was a prisoner on death row and I was her last meal. Her hand moved from my hair, straight down to where her hips were grinding. I bit her bottom lip harshly, her thumb pushing right against it.

            “You asked for it.” She said before slipping her hand inside my shorts, rubbing over my underwear. “Wow, someone’s excited.” She said cheerfully. I blushed at her comment, pouting. I pointed towards her chest, indicating towards her two perky nipples.

            “I could say the same about you.” I winked.

            “Shut up.” Her mouth found its way back to mine, her tongue already delving inside. I moaned in appreciation as her tongue clashed against mine, her whole hand cupping my core. She rubbed against it, middle finger teasing the folds. I had no control over my vocal chords anymore, her hand working its magic. I felt like a coil of heat was forming in my abdomen, like a knot in a rope, threatening to snap. The heat spread throughout my whole body, my senses tingling. She reached inside my underwear, slowly making her way to my core. Her fingers teased me; middle finger moving up and down my slit, poking inside, then leaving. Her index finger rubbed nearby my clit, just outside of where she needed to go. I bit her tongue, hoping she’ll get the message. She smirked into the kiss, the corners of her mouth tugging up. She finally rubbed at the spot I needed her to, and my throat unleashed a hoarse groan. The rope was threatening to snap already, the knot becoming tighter. She pushed against it, rubbing harshly, but that was what I needed. My head fell backwards, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

            “Krys, faster.” She rubbed with three fingers, and it felt like a wave of boiling water had crashed over me. She flicked it with her thumb, then continued rubbing.

            “Come on, dammit.” She was actually telling me to do it, encouraging the knot to undo. I gave Krystal her wish after a few more of her movements. The rope snapped, my body becoming jelly. My vision blurred, blackness forming at the edges of my sight. My hands latched onto her, fingers digging in for dear life. She was the only thing I could feel, everything else had become numb. My senses started to come back, noticing her finger still rubbing, letting me ride it out. She stopped once I opened my eyes and looked at her, her finger dragging up my body, resting underneath my chin. She inclined my head up, kissing me softly. I couldn’t keep up for long, having to come up for air after a few seconds.

            She got off me abruptly, putting her bra and shirt back on. I was too weak to chase after her.

            “Where are you going?” I struggled to get up, but I did anyway. I tiredly walked over to her, my feet trudging. I grasped her hand, turning her to face me.

            “I’m going home.”

            “But I wasn’t finished with you.” I said, my lips attacking her neck. She let out a soft sound, smiling. She pushed me off her, hands lingering on my firm shoulders.

            “We’re running out of time, and I’d rather not be rushed.” She gave me a chaste kiss, hand on the door handle. “Besides, there’s always detention.” She winked, grinning at me and leaving.

            I walked over to half court, standing directly in the middle. I let myself drop to the floor, lying down across the painted line. I let out a loud and heavy sigh, hoping to imprint the memory of tonight into my brain forever.

            Krystal Jung, what have you done to me?

Amber POV

It’s been a week since Krystal and I had last done anything spectacular. I mean, we could only go so far in a detention. She wouldn’t let me touch her properly yet, even though she’s already done it to me, sort of. I just wish I knew why she was doing this to me, or what she was actually doing to me. Before Krystal came along, I had no idea I could want to touch a person so badly, or could actually need a person’s touch. It’s almost as if I craved her, and I won’t be happy until I get my fix. Krystal Jung had become my drug, but she was a dodgy dealer. Only giving me snippets of what I want, then finishing before I can get high off her. I wonder why I wanted her so badly, it’s not like there’s anything special about her.

            But there is something special about Soojung.

            I don’t know what it is, but something keeps drawing me back to her. Krystal is such an egotistical brat, but Soojung is just so cute that I want to cuddle her. Even if I’ve only seen Soojung come out to play once or twice. I pulled out my phone, sending a text to Krystal.

To: Princess Jung

Hey, come over. I need your help with something.

            I don’t know why I was still careful with what I texted her, it’s not like anyone is going to go through my messages. I guess there’s always just going to be that part of me that’s cautious now.

Krystal POV

I was walking around campus when I realised, it’s been too long since I had Amber touch me. I know it sounds perverted, but I like knowing she wants me so badly. Maybe it’s because of this deal we have, or maybe it’s because I’m starting to actually find her sexually attractive, I don’t know. She was always attractive, to be honest. It’s just that, now that I know how skilled her hands can be and how sinfully seductive her mouth is, I need more. But it seems that whenever I’m ready for her to do something to me, I back out last minute, becoming a coward. Hopefully, that will change soon; because lately, I have this shot of lust whenever we make out that begs her to fill me, to just take me. But my brain overpowers my hormones in that moment and ruins everything. Maybe if I find out why that is, I can overcome it.

            My phone beeps at me, it’s from Amber. Yes, we had gotten each other’s numbers. Purely for convenience, though. Now it’s just easier to tell each other when we want them. I smiled at the text, already walking in the direction of her house.

To: Llama Face

I’ll be there in ten.

We never shared more than two or three texts at one time, it’s not like there was any need to. This is nothing more than a way to get sexual frustration out of our systems; we’re not here to become friends or anything more.

Amber POV

She said she’d be here in ten minutes, it’s now been nine. Why is my heart racing so much? Why am I tapping my feet like I do when I’m nervous? I’m not nervous; I’m just . . . Okay, I’m nervous. But that’s probably because she’ll want me to touch her the way she’s touched me now, I have a right to be nervous about that. I mean, this past week has been pure luck. I never thought I’d get any of what I did right, but now I know I won’t. How am I meant to know what to do? Should I Google it?

            The knock on the door saved me from myself, pulling all thoughts out of my mind. I tried to be as casual as possible when I opened the door.

            “Hey.” I said calmly. She didn’t even bother with a greeting. She slammed the door shut with her foot before leaping into my embrace, legs and arms wrapped around me, lips moulded to mine. I held her up awkwardly, not expecting the situation to escalate like this. I planted my hands underneath her backside, stabilizing us. I walked us over to the dining table, letting her sit on the surface while I stood. Her arms latched together around my neck, not allowing my mouth leave hers. I wasn’t complaining, my hands already roaming her toned body. She let out a barely audible moan as my hands accidentally brushed over her chest, resulting in her pulling me even closer. My tongue escaped my mouth, tracing her plump bottom lip. She happily opened her mouth for my entrance, her tongue already battling with mine. My fingers danced up and down her thighs, savouring how smooth the skin was. We eventually pulled away from each other, gasping for air.

            “Hi.” She said coolly, brushing the hair away from her eyes, even though it fell right back into place. My hands moved against my will, reaching towards her hair and tucking it behind her ears. Her eyes, although rarely seen, were absolutely beautiful. They were the darkest onyx I’d ever seen, as inky as the night sky. They were so warm and caring, even though her heart was cold as ice.

            “You know, you should really get a haircut.” I said.


            “So I can have easier access to this.” My mouth attached itself to her neck, nibbling and sucking at the sensitive skin. She gasped loudly, her breath hitching in her throat. Her hands tangled into my hair, tugging on the roots. I made my way down, leaving a trail of love bites along the way. I reached her collarbone; knowing it’s her sweet spot, I licked along the length of it before taking a large portion between my teeth, leaving the biggest mark I could.

            “Amber . . .” She moaned, and god, it was hot. This was the first time she’d ever actually used my name instead of just a sound, and I was so glad she did. My hunger for her became so overpowering that my hands were already at the hem of her shirt, tugging at the tight fabric. I gave her a small peck before lifting her shirt up all the way. I watched the way her cleavage increased as her arms hauled the shirt overhead, my mouth already diving at the opportunity. Her top had only just hit the floor when my mouth was raining kisses over every inch of her exposed chest. My fingers scratched slightly as they dragged up the skin of her back and unclasped her bra, making her inhale sharply as the cold air hit her. I slid it off her arms, letting it join her shirt on the tiled floor. Her gaze bored into mine, the heat travelling through such a simple look. Her once clear eyes were now foggy, just like they always were in these moments.

            “Krys,” She raised a brow. “Are you actually going to let me touch you this time?”

            “After I’m done with you,” She pulled my face close, biting my earlobe, I let out a sharp hiss. “Maybe.” In one move, she pulled my shirt over my head with one hand and took off my bra with the other.

            “Wow.” I mumbled, her lips kissing everywhere on my chest but the place I craved her to.

            “Oh trust me, you’ll be saying more than ‘wow’ in a minute.” Her lips closed around my nipple, tongue flicking across it.

Amber POV

The feeling that was coursing through my veins could not even begin to be described. Her mouth, even though she was new at this, was incredibly skilled. I knew she was a quick learner, but the way her tongue is swirling right now would make you think she’d done this more than a few times. She let my nipple go with a small pop sound, licking her way up to my collarbone and attacking it with her teeth. My eyes rolled backwards, succumbing to the pleasure. Her mouth moved up my neck, sucking a mark to the surface just under my jaw. Her lips brushed against mine, hands trailing up my stomach to my chest. She rolled my nipples between her fingers coarsely as her mouth closed the distance. I moaned into the kiss, far too exhilarated for my usual self. My tongue roamed over her bottom lip, nibbling at it. She gladly gave me entrance, already tracing my tastebuds. My hands clung onto the hem of her shorts, undoing the button and dragging them downwards. This was the furthest she’d let me go with unclothing her, I hope it lasts. Her shorts hit the floor, joining the rest of the discarded material.

            Her hands tugged at my basketball shorts; getting the message, I kicked them off, leaving us both only in our underwear. The adrenaline was pumping through me as I realised I might finally be able to touch her properly, might finally be able to get to her hidden treasure. One of her hands left my chest, snaking its way to my core. She rubbed at the material, noticing how wet I was. I felt my cheeks heat up, she knows how turned on I am right now. Crap.

            “My my, Amber. Aren’t we the anxious one?” She said with that stupid smirk of hers, the smirk that makes me want to show her I can make her just as anxious. Her finger traced my slit over the fabric, making me dizzy with anticipation.

            “Shut up and just do it.” I whined. She gave me my wish; pulling my underwear down and moving her head towards my core, giving it a long lick. My head fell backwards, letting out a moan. I watched that damn smirk pull at her lips, her eyes alight with the usual fire. She teased me with her fingers, circling my entrance or grazing over my clit, but never actually touching either properly. I was beginning to get impatient, and I think she noticed; because next thing I know, she inserted a finger and starting rubbing my clit with her thumb. I had to hold onto the closest thing to me, the pain scorching through me. She kissed my abdomen, the apology seeping into my skin. I adjusted around her finger, the pain leaving and pleasure from her thumb replacing it. “Y-You can move now.”

            Her finger started to slowly move, making sure she wouldn’t hurt me. I quickly forgot that I was in pain as she started moving as quick as her thumb. The familiar feeling of the knotted rope came back, every nerve starting to tingle and zap. She brought my body closer, allowing me to lean over her. My hands rested on either side of her, palms down on the table. She took advantage of our position, her mouth attacking every inch of bare skin.

            “Krys . . .” I moaned, I could feel her smirk against my skin. She’s enjoying herself far too much. Then again, so am I. I arched my back, the knotted rope threatening to snap at any moment. With one final pleasurable thrust, my body became limp. I collapsed onto her, feeling too heavy to keep myself up. Red and black spots flashed before me as I lay on top of her, hiding her porcelain face from my view.

Krystal POV

Her heartbeat slowed, her breathing was more even. She was back. Her mouth plundered mine, the soft feeling of her lips on mine returning. I sucked on her bottom lip, already craving her. Our tongues clashed and danced, our hands touching everywhere possible. With a final peck, her mouth made its way to my neck, peppering kisses. She reached my collarbone, lightly teasing me. I whined, hoping she’ll get the message. She must’ve, because she sucked roughly on the sensitive spot, making me lean into her. Her hand moved from my waist to my abdomen, just shy of my underwear. I know she’s hesitant, but god, I need her to touch me. With a sudden spark of courage, I gripped her wrist, pulling it further down. Taking the lead back, she slowly rubbed over my panties. Her mouth worked its way up towards my ear, licking the shell and blowing on it, sending chills of pleasure through me.

            “Now who’s anxious?” She mused. I scrunched my nose up at her, I don’t like when she uses my own lines on me, the smartass. She slowly hooked her fingers underneath my panties, the material bunching up and becoming even more uncomfortable. I gasped and shuddered, my eyes shutting and brows furrowing.

His hand roughly bunched up her underwear, pulling it off completely. His face contorted into one of sick pleasure, his grin widening as the girl’s clothing became lesser.

            “Please, don’t.” The girl begged, tears welling up. She attempted covering herself with her hands, but he angrily pinned her hands down, making sure she knows all attempts are futile. Tears pour out as she begs for him to stop, but he doesn’t. He still gropes at her, still stroking her in an unpleasant manner. No matter how hard she tries, he doesn’t stop. She grabs his wrist as he tries to enter her, keeping his hand away from her most private of parts. He smirks devilishly, slapping her hard across the face. She relents, accepting her fate.

            “KangDae, where are you?” The girl hears her father shout. The man retracts from her, throwing her clothes at her and telling her to dress herself. She did what she was told, fearful of another slap.

            “Coming, Sir. I’ll be with you in one moment.” He yelled back. His strides were long as he neared the door. He stressfully slicked back his greying hair, giving the young girl one final look of disgust. “Tell anyone and I’ll kill you.”

My eyes shot open, tears stinging at my eyes. I took in the scene before me; Amber looked at me worriedly, thinking she’d done something wrong. I unlatched myself from her embrace, gathering up my clothing and walking to her bathroom. Feeling a tug at my hand, I look down at it. Amber had entwined her fingers with mine, rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb. It was soothing, but I was still shaking.

            “Krys, what is it?” She asked, panic evident in her voice.

            “You’ve done nothing wrong, Amber. It’s just that,” What am I meant to say; sorry for blacking out, I just envisioned almost rape in my mind? No, of course not. A tear dripped from my eye, running down my cheek. She reached out to catch the tear, but I pushed her hand away.

“I’m sorry.” I say before letting her hand go and sprinting to her bathroom. I locked the door, slumping against it. I don’t understand what happened. One moment I was happily about to sleep with Amber, and the next, I’m crying on her bathroom floor. Was it a flashback? Was it a dream? What was it? All I know is, it scared me beyond belief.

Not because of what happened, but because that girl looked a lot like me.

Krystal POV

I wrap the towel around my body, walking towards the mirror. I know it’s rude, but I had to use her shower, I had to clean myself. I pick up the hairbrush, swinging my damp hair to one side. I hadn’t really noticed how many hickeys Amber had given me until now; there are at least six down my neck, three on my collarbone and two on my chest. She really enjoys giving them, it seems. Then again, I like receiving them.

            I sweep my hair to the other side, continuing to brush it. This time, there was only one hickey. It was at the base of my neck, I looked closer at it, noticing it wasn’t just an ordinary red and purple bruise. There was a white line, as if I’d been cut or slashed by something. It was a scar, that was for sure, but I have no idea how I got it. I notice there’s more than one, all of them strategically placed. It seems as if no matter what clothing I put on, they’d be covered. I’m starting to think these scars weren’t purely accidental anymore. I unravel the towel, finding more scars along my mid back, so easily hidden. I drop the hairbrush, letting it crash to the floor. I gasp for air but none comes. I grip at the sink so hard that my knuckles turn white, trying to catch my breath. My eyes roll back, feeling something hit my head roughly before everything goes black.

The girl was cowering in the corner of her bedroom, wails leaving her body every time the man struck her. He had upgraded from simply using his hand to hit her, now he used a leather belt. The same belt that was holding up his pants minutes ago, but once again, the girl wouldn’t allow him to touch her like that. Now seething, he winded up his arm before bringing it down with a hard slap on her skin. The girl screamed in agony, feeling her blood pour out of the small incision he’d made on the base of her neck. She tried to hold onto the sore spot, but the man gripped her wrist harshly, bringing it above her head.

Her father said he’d be back in a minute, where was he?

“Why are you doing this to me?” She asked, voice hitching in her throat. He brought his face far too close for her liking, he inhaled the scent of her fear.

“Because you need to learn, Krystal.”

“My n-name isn’t Krystal, its Soojung.” She whispered, trying to pry her wrist free.

“No, it’s not. Its Krystal, because nobody loves poor Soojung, do they?” He came close to her ear, lips uncomfortably resting on the shell. “People only want Krystal. Even I want Krystal, and I get what I want.” He slammed her wrist against the wall, pinning her body there. She wriggled and thrashed to get free, but it was no use, he was too strong for her. He moved his face eerily close to hers, mouth puckering. She tried turning her head to the side, but he raised his belt in the air, ready to strike again. She had no choice but to succumb, to let his rough, dry lips press onto her innocent ones, stealing her first kiss.

I groggily opened my eyes, blackness still formed at the edges. There was a constant buzz in my ears, and a throbbing ache on my forehead. I raised my hand to it tiredly, touching the sore. Blood, lots of blood. Now fully conscious, I could feel the pain and the dripping sensation. I wet my towel, bringing it to the cut. It wasn’t too deep, I should be fine.

            I’m now completely certain that these are flashbacks, flashbacks of me. I now understand why I’m so scared of Soojung, why I think no one will love her. The man in my flashbacks – KangDae, I think – had stolen everything from me. He stole my innocence, he stole my personality, he stole who I am. Someone took all this from me, he stole me. I’m not the person I could be, because of him. My fury soon turns to sadness, becoming so intense that I drop to the floor, wracking with sobs. I can hear Amber pound on the bathroom door, asking to come in. I wish I could, but she can’t see me like this. She can’t see Krystal like this, and she definitely can’t see Soojung like this.

            She just can’t see me anymore, I can’t let her.

Amber POV

Now, normally I’d say I love when the weather changes to autumn. But to be honest, it’s just reminding me that I haven’t seen Krystal for half a month. Normally, the changing of seasons means the changing of people, and boy, she changed. She’s different now, isolating herself from everyone; we haven’t even had a conversation over these past two weeks. I’ve tried talking to her, but she brushes me off, coming up with an excuse and leaving. She won’t even hang out with her fan club, which probably made her popularity dwindle somewhat. Thankfully, I have detention today. Hopefully we can sort things out there, because I’ll be damned if I have to go another two weeks with her ignoring me.

            I take a deep breath before entering the detention room, God, I hope she’s here. Opening the door, I peek inside. The familiar sight of long brown hair and milky legs greets me; I let out a thankful sigh. I sit right next to her, taking her appearance in. She’s still got those piercing eyes, those luscious lips, and especially that ice-ridden expression. She glares at me, then looks away. I’m not falling for that, I need her to realise I missed her on some strange level.

            “Krys.” She doesn’t answer me, still looking ahead. “Soojung . . .” I try. Her head whips in my direction, eyes shooting icicles into me.

            “Don’t call me that.”

            “Why not?”

            “Because,” Her face turns into a grimace, tears brewing underneath her dark lashes. “Because, no one wants Soojung.” She said almost robotically, as if it had been instilled into her. I’d had enough of this, I’m sick of her ignoring me. I sit on her desk, legs propped onto the one opposite me. I spread myself out, making sure she’ll take notice of me. I raise my head, making my eyes level with hers.

            “I want Soojung.” I said earnestly. She scoffed at me, turning her head. I put my forefinger underneath her chin, making her look at me. “You say no one wants Soojung as if you’ve repeated it multiple times. You locked yourself in my bathroom, torturing me by making me hear you cry, yet you wouldn’t let me in and help you. You avoid me for two weeks straight, and then only say one sentence to me before ignoring me again. What’s wrong, Krys?”

            “Do you really want to know?” I nodded. She sighed heavily, eyes staring a hole into her hands. “I thought you’d say that. Well, you remember when I told you my first kiss wasn’t special?”


            “That’s because it was stolen from me, but not willingly. Lately, I’ve been having these flashbacks that I seemed to have blocked out. In these flashbacks there’s a girl who looks like a younger version of myself and a man whose name I think is KangDae. Or at least, that’s what the girl’s father had screamed out.”

            “You mean your father?”

            “I think so. Anyway, I think he was my father’s co-worker or something similar, because he was afraid of him, always leaving in a hurry when he heard my father.”

            “Leaving? You mean, he was with you?” I asked, brows shooting up.

            “Not by my consent. Like I said, my first kiss was stolen by him. This man would touch me, then tell me he’d kill me if I said anything.” Tears were brimming at her eyes, threatening to come out. “But in one flashback, he repeatedly hit me, saying no one loves Soojung and that people only want Krystal. Then, he stole my first kiss, and continued to touch me in ways I didn’t want him to.” Her body started trembling, her breathing becoming ragged. I switched my position immediately, getting off the table and sweeping her into my arms. I don’t know why, but I feel like she needs to know she’s safe now. I stroked her back with one hand, while the other was smoothing her hair.

            “Shh, it’s okay now. I’m here, you’re safe.” I felt my shoulder becoming drenched with her tears. I felt a foreign tug in my chest, a strange feeling of protectiveness arising in me.

Krystal POV

I couldn’t stop my tears from falling, all the pain I’ve endured just spilling from my eyes. I had just told Amber everything without a single trace of doubt. Do I really trust her that much? And why do I even trust her to begin with?

            “Shh, it’s okay now. I’m here, you’re safe.” She whispered soothingly. I don’t know why her voice or presence was calming me so much, but it was. I felt my body relax somewhat, my breathing becoming less hectic. I stifled my sobs, finally being able to pull away from her embrace. Her expression was one of general concern and worry. My chest tugged, my body feeling warm and fuzzy.

            “Did you feel that too, or was it just me?” I asked, voice still hoarse.

            “Feel what?”

            “The tug,” I placed my hand in the middle of my chest. “Here.” She looked at me with wide eyes, her jaw dropping. I pushed it back up, and she plastered on that dorky grin.

            “Yeah, what do you think it is?”

            “I’m not sure. Do you have any ideas?”

            “Nope, but it sure is weird.” She said. Her bottom lip jutted out, her thinking face was on. I kissed her softly, just needing the feeling of her mouth on mine back. “What was that for?” She asked as I pulled away.

            “Consider it a thank you.” I said with a smirk. Her alarm went off, detention’s over. We stood up, both walking awkwardly to the door. This time, no one needed a dramatic exit, no one needed to tease the other as they strut out the door. I don’t think either of us knew how to leave without making a parade of it. She coughed into her hand.

            “So, um, did you want to come over tomorrow?” She asked, raking a hand through her hair.

            “Already want me that bad, do you?”

            “No, well maybe a little. But I was inviting you because seeing as you told me your story; you’re probably going to expect me to tell one back.”

            “Since when did I want to hear about you?” I asked sarcastically, squinting my eyes at her.

            “Since you asked three or four months ago.”

            “Alright, fine. But I expect some great sex afterwards.” She wrapped her arms around my waist, slightly lifting me up. She leant down, sealing my lips with hers. I missed this, I missed her. It was like I was deprived of a necessity, and now I’ve regained it. I tried to ignore the flutters that erupted in my chest, pulling away so it would stop.

            “I would give you nothing less.” She said with a wink. She opened the door for me, ushering me out. “Princess.”

            “Why, thank you, servant.” I curtseyed, bowing my head slightly. I walked out the door, knowing she was watching me.

She always does.

Krystal POV

I knocked on her door, not really anticipating anything fabulous. From what I’ve learnt about Amber these past few months, it’s that she doesn’t open up easily. But now that I know she’s going to open up to me, it makes me worry about how close we’re getting. This was only meant to prove the point that Krystal Jung is irresistible, but for some reason now, I don’t want her to fall for Krystal anymore; I want her to fall for Soojung. And it’s nagging me, because I don’t know why I want her to.

            She opened the door, a smile on her face as soon as she saw me. I swear, my heartbeat did not start going crazy.

            “Hey,” She said almost breathlessly. “You look amazing.” This was the first time she’s ever complimented me that wasn’t just to have me wrap my legs around her, this was actually genuine. I smiled. Why did the tugging feeling come back?

            “Don’t I always?” I say, putting on my cool demeanour. She smirked, opening the door wider to let me in. She guided me to her couch, sitting next to me after locking the door. For the first time ever, we had nothing to say to each other. We were both just waiting for the other, sitting silently. She cleared her throat awkwardly.

            “So, this is more awkward than I thought it would be.” I chuckled softly. I cupped her face, my fingers toying with the nape of her neck. I brought her face closer, giving her a short but sweet kiss. Once we were apart, she looked less nervous.

            “If you tell your story, there will be a lot more of those.” I bargained, hoping she would just tell me.

            “Alright, here goes. When I was still living in America, there was this guy that I liked, named Henry. We would always hang out together, people said we were inseparable, and I guess they were right. But when I got the scholarship to this uni, in Korea, he wasn’t exactly happy. We would fight all the time; he would say I was just waiting for an excuse to leave him.”

            “So, you both liked each other?” I asked.

            “Not exactly. You see, after he said all these things, I thought he liked me back. Being the coward that I am, I sent him a text confessing my feelings. One day when we fought, I guess he’d just had enough of me. He sent my confession all around the school, letting everyone believe I was pathetic.”

            “You’re not pathetic.”

            “That’s not the point. He led everyone to believe that. And to make it even worse, he ridiculed me in front of the whole school, making a big speech about how he couldn’t believe I would like him let alone thinking he’d like me back. He told me I was a bitch,” Her eyes were getting glassy, tears threatening to spill. “He told me no one would ever love me, and that I was just a broken piece of crap.” She took a deep breath, trying to hold back her emotions. I didn’t know what to do, so I just reached my arms out and let her fall into them.

            “It's okay, Amber.” I tried.

            “No, it’s not okay. Because of him, I’m too scared to let myself fall for someone. Because of him, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell anyone how I feel, because of rejection.” She had already recomposed herself, her face becoming stone. She pulled away from my embrace, but only so she could see my face. With my arms still wrapped around her neck, she kissed me.

Amber POV

This wasn’t like our normal kisses. Normally, we’d have nothing but need in our kisses, just trying to cure our hunger. But this time, there was no innuendo behind it, it was just a kiss. Her lips still moved against mine, but they weren’t rushed. She still sucked her bottom lip, but it wasn’t rough or needy. Our tongues still clashed and moved against each other’s, but there was no urgency. Someone could even confuse this with a kiss of meaning, but it obviously wasn’t that. I pulled away, in need of air. We looked at each other while regaining our breath. Her eyes weren’t the usual colour they are after we kiss; there was no foggy onyx, they were as clear as crystal, no pun intended. The ice had melted, but there was no fire in them. I felt the same tug in my chest as I had yesterday, but this time it was accompanied by a gymnastic stomach.

            “You felt it again, didn’t you?” She questioned me. I nodded, brows furrowing in thought. What does it mean? “I should go.” She got up from the couch, sauntering to my front door. I couldn’t let her leave, not just yet.

            I followed her silently; when her hand reached out for the doorknob, I grabbed her wrist and pinned it above her head. I did the same with the other hand, leaving her completely vulnerable. She looked at me defiantly, holding back my further actions with her icy stare. Just as usual, it doesn’t work on me. I slowly inch myself closer to my desired destination, her neck.  She took in a sharp breath, closing her eyes as I flicked my tongue over her tendon. I worked my way up, peppering kisses all over her neck and jaw. Finally reaching her ear, I lick the shell and blow on it, basking in the way she shivers.

            “You seem to forget, I promised you some great sex afterwards.” I brushed my lips against hers, savouring the way her breath crashed onto my mouth. She tried wriggling free from my grasp, coincidentally moving her lips that extra distance she needed.

Krystal POV

My hands tangled into her hair as her mouth attacked my neck, sucking out the most pleasurable of sounds from me. I couldn’t contain my moans any longer; it’s just been so long since we’ve done anything, let alone this. I almost forgot what it was like for her tongue to run across my tendon, almost forgot what her hands were like as they danced along my back, hitting all my sensitive spots. She fervently held at the hem of my shirt, pulling it off roughly. She stared at me for a moment, checking me out.

            “Like what you see?” I teased, grabbing her hands and pressing them to my covered chest.

            “I’m not seeing much yet,” She undid my bra, letting it fall to the floor. “Guess you’ll just have to lose all the layers.” She lifted me up, holding my body against the door. My legs wrapped themselves around her thighs, hands clinging to her shirt. I planted my mouth on her jaw, sucking at the skin. My hands found the sensitive spot on her spine, stroking it lightly. She almost fell over, the pleasure distracting her. She plopped me down on the dining table, leaving me to sit while she stands.

            “Not taking me to the bedroom, I see?” I faked a pout.

            “Not when you’re distracting me that much, no. Besides,” She nibbled along my neck, sucking at the skin gently. “They always say to eat your meals at the dining table, and you look pretty damn delicious.” She continued to toy with my neck, sending shockwaves through me.

            “You’re . . . Ugh, such a . . . Dork.” I managed to say, my mind already starting to lose all train of thought. She kissed her way down my neck, deliberately dodging my collarbone. When I was about to whine, she just shushed me with her finger and bit down on my skin. I tried to hold back a moan. Her fingers undid the button on my shorts as she took my left nipple into her mouth. I threw my head back, my toes curling. Her tongue twirled while her hands slowly slid my shorts from my body. Now in nothing but my panties, I started to get embarrassed. She was still fully clothed, making me feel overexposed. As if she read my mind, she drew away from my chest and lifted her shirt off, it made me feel a little better.

            “Don’t worry about it; you have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

            “Easy for you to say, you’re not nearly naked.” I huffed.

            “I will be when I’m done with you.” She whispered huskily. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that tone of voice from her. She left as many marks as she could on me, starting from my chest to where she is now. Her mouth hovered over my abdomen, and I could see her hesitating. Normally around this point, I’d blackout. But I’ve told her my past, and I trust her with this. She looks at me, asking the silent question. I nod, signalling its fine. She hooks her fingers and cautiously pulls my panties down, watching my reaction tentatively. Once they’re off completely, I realise she’s never actually seen me like this before. Never seen me for purely me, in all my glory. I cross my legs to try and hide, but she just situates herself between them, hands resting on my hip bones.

            “You’re beautiful.” She said. Again, this compliment was genuine. Does she really mean it? And why am I blushing? I don’t blush . . .

            She plants kisses on both of my hip bones before moving south. She licks from the bottom of my abs to the very tip of my core. I let out a harsh groan, already anticipating her next move. She bites softly on each of my thighs before kissing them, letting her lips linger. She moves one of her hands upwards, claiming my left nipple between her fingers. In the same moment, she sweeps her tongue across my folds, tongue slightly delving inside.

            “Ugh . . .” I moaned. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting the pleasure consume me as her tongue spreads me apart and traced over my clit. Needing to know I’m still here, I tangled my fingers into her hair and latched onto the edge of the table, doing anything to know this isn’t a dream. Her tongue traced a circle around my entrance, teasing me relentlessly.

            “P-please, Amber.” I begged. I need her inside me. Now.

            “My pleasure.” She said in that wonderfully low tone. Her tongue probed inside, stretching me. I panted as she wiggled it around, but didn’t thrust.

            What a tease.

            I pushed her head in further, making her mouth slam into me. I swear I just saw stars, the feeling shooting electricity over my entire body. She drew away, her eyes boring into mine. Her mouth was curved upwards at the corners, her face flushed and her eyes turning to melted chocolate. Her expression was pure lust, and I have no doubt mine was the same.

            “You know, it’d be really hot if you did this by yourself.” She said.

            I don’t know where the sudden courage came from, or when I actually developed it. I buried both my hands in her hair, enjoying the way her tongue filled me up. I moved my hips in time with her tongue’s rhythm, making me moan uncontrollably. I felt an unfamiliar feeling, as if there was a coil of heated energy in me, ready to implode; but at the same time, I felt like it needed to happen. I moved the hand that was in her hair, letting it brush over my bud. Wanting the same shivery feeling back, I rubbed against it softly. But softly wasn’t enough, especially with the coil ready to snap. I rubbed faster, grinded my hips faster, did everything I could to get rid of this ache. In one moment, everything went dark. I thought I was having another blackout, but the pleasure flowing through my veins was telling me otherwise. Fire shot over my body, my vision was splotchy, and I felt like my whole body was shuddering. Once my body relaxed, I felt Amber lick up what I assumed to be my release. Once her head popped up into my view, I saw her dorky grin plastered across her face. This could only mean one thing, she’s incredibly proud of herself.

            “Told you you’d be a delicious meal.” She teased. I stuck my tongue out at her, and she captured it immediately. I clung to the back of her neck as her shorts rubbed against my still sensitive clit. I moaned loudly, making her move her hand towards where her shorts are. Wondering why her shorts are still even on, I grabbed them and roughly pulled them down. She kicked them off, letting them pool beneath her. She sucked on my tongue harshly, earning her a moan. My hips bucked themselves into her hand; it was soft and incredibly talented as it rubbed my folds slowly.

            “Don’t tease.” I mumbled against her lips. I don’t think she needed any more convincing after that, her index finger slipping inside and stroking my clit. I bit her lip, savouring the way she groaned. She pressed onto my bud, making me buck my hips and moan into her mouth. She chuckled against me, the corners of her mouth curling. I felt her finger move from where it was to my entrance, hesitating. I pulled away, looking her straight in the eyes. This was it. This is the moment where I decide if I want Amber to take my virginity.

Do I have feelings for her? No.

Do I trust her? Yes.

Do I want her to do this? Fuck yes.

I nod, letting her continue. She watches me, plunging inside. The pain is bearable, although stinging and burning somewhat. I bit my lip, trying to suppress the cry that was willing to come out. She kissed my forehead sweetly, letting me adjust around the intruder. Once the pain went away, I became aware that the burning sensation wasn’t that of hurt, but one of desire. It was like a fire raged within me, sizzling my entire body. I opened my eyes to find her still staring at me, waiting for me to say its okay. I lean forward, planting my lips on hers. She leaned right into it, starting to move her finger. Her thumb replaced where her finger used to be, rubbing me. I pulled away from the kiss, sighing loudly. I started to grind my hips on her finger, becoming impatient with her timid pace. She continued to move slowly, teasing me.

“Amber, f-faster.”


“But−” I started, but she curled her fingers, making me gasp. She did it again, driving me crazy.

“Louder, unless I don’t give you what you want.” She curled her fingers again, slowly moving her fingers downwards. I moaned into her ear, was that enough? “Louder.” Doing it again, I arched my back. The coil of energy was back, determined to snap soon. I nibbled her earlobe, licking it afterwards. Her finger slammed into me swiftly out of reaction.

“Am . . . ber!” I groaned into her ear. I felt her shudder underneath me, then everything sped up. She gave me exactly what I wanted, her finger pumping in and out of me at a blinding rate, her thumb rubbing equally as quick. In no time, the coil snapped. My body went limp, falling backwards. I think she caught me, but I was too high to notice. Everything was tingling and zinging with pleasure.

“Why . . . Did I . . . Wait so long for that?” I asked breathlessly.

“Worth the wait, I’m guessing?” She smiled goofily, making her eyes turn into crescents.

“Don’t get too cocky.” I warned. I yawned absentmindedly; does sex always make people tired? She scooped my up in her arms, carrying me to her bedroom. I wasn’t expecting she’d actually let me sleep, but she laid me down on the bed, lying next to me.

“Don’t think you’re sleeping.”

“What? Why?” I asked, body beginning to get sore. She got up from her position, hovering over me. Our noses were touching, but nothing else was. She moved her knee, letting it stroke my core. I moaned, hands diving into her hair. Suddenly, all my energy was back and I wanted to do this with her until I couldn’t take any more.

“Because, I’m nowhere near done with you.” 

Krystal POV

My eyes opened slowly, my head still in a daze. Last night, I let Amber have sex with me, and I don’t regret a thing. Is that bad? And why is she staring at me right now?

            “Good morning.” She said cheerfully.

            “Mornings are good?” I asked sarcastically, rubbing my sore eyes and stretching. “Why are you watching me?”

            “Because you’re cute when you sleep, Soojung.” My stomach flipped, she called me Soojung. I kissed her tenderly; her lips are just as soft in the morning. Bunching up the sheet, I began to walk to the bathroom. She looked up at me, watching my hips sway as I walked.

            “I’ll make breakfast, then.” She said, grabbing some clothes out of her drawers for me to wear.

Amber POV

“I know these aren’t exactly your style, but it’s the girliest thing I have.” I said, handing her a pair of jeans and tight t-shirt. She smiled at me, leaning up to give me a chaste kiss.

            “They’re fine, thank you.” She confidentially slid the towel off her body, dressing herself in front of me. I licked my lips as I saw leftover water glistening on her back, dripping down her spine. I had no control over myself; my body walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her bare neck and shoulders, taking in the intoxicating taste.

            “Any time for a morning quickie?” I heard myself ask. Brain, I did not allow you to say that!

            “Hmm,” She mumbled, leaning into my touch. She pulled the t-shirt over her head and down her body, covering herself. Damn. “Maybe tomorrow.” I watched her skip out of my room to the kitchen, stopping dead in the middle of the room. I wondered why, but then I saw the mess. Clothes were scattered in every place imaginable, I don’t even know how my shirt ended up on the microwave. I picked them up one by one and rolled them into a messy ball, launching it into my room.

            “I’ll take care of that later.” I said. She smiled, giggling under her breath.

            “Sure you will. So, what’s for breakfast?”

            My brain did that thing where it didn’t think again, “Well, I’d like to have you again.” I slapped my forehead, why am I such an idiot today? She walked towards me, hands wrapping around my neck. Out of habit, I rested my hands on her hips and leaned closer.

            “Uh-uh, I want some breakfast first, llama.” I sighed, defeated.

            “Alright, let’s make some.”

Eventually, we actually ate breakfast. The first three times I attempted toast, she ‘distracted’ me, leading to it burning while my mind was in another place completely. We sat on the couch, not being able to take the dining table seriously anymore. Once we were finished, I stood up, my hand stretched out to her. She gave me a quick peck, fingers interlocking around my neck.

            “I should go, people will be wondering where I am and . . .” She trailed off, looking at the ground embarrassedly.


            “And I’m in desperate need of a toothbrush.” I laughed at her comment, covering my mouth with my hand.

            “Maybe I should keep a spare one here for you.” I suggested, inching closer.

            “Oh, and why would that be?”

            “Because I have a feeling you might be staying over more often.”

            “Maybe I don’t want to.” I leaned in fully, capturing her lips.

            “You’re a bad liar.” I mumbled, hands still on her body as I guided her to my door. I looked through the peephole before opening it, making sure no one was in sight. She stepped over the threshold, feet on my porch. “You know something funny, I don’t hate you anymore.” She got on her tiptoes, kissing me sweetly. For once, the kiss wasn’t fuelled by lust, it was something else. Something that made my body shut down and my heart skip.

            “I find you tolerable.” She winks, sauntering off, hips sashaying hypnotically.

Krystal POV

Once again, school was average and detention was . . . Climactic. Now, lying on my bed, I let my thoughts wander. Naturally, my thoughts went to Amber. The way her mouth curls upwards at the corners before the rest, god, I want to kiss her again. Just to feel her mouth on mine, the way she sucks and nibbles on the corner of my mouth before heading south . . .

            “Hello?” I answered my phone awkwardly.

            “Soojung-ah!” The high pitch voice squealed.



            “Oh my God! Tell me everything about America, what’s being a pop star like? How are you? Are you with anyone? Tell me everything!” I screamed, this is the first time I’ve heard from her in nearly six months. I didn’t actually know how much I missed her until now.

            “America is fabulous, pop star life is hectic but worth it when I’m on the stage, I’m great; and yes, I’m with someone.”


            “Her name is Yuri, we met at a concert. She was my stagehand, she ended up having to help me with my outfits and well, you can guess the rest.”

            “Naughty Jess.” I teased.

            “Shut up. Now, tell me about you. What’s it like back home?”

            “Not bad, I guess. Mum and Dad are still at it all the time but eh, that’s normal.”

            “I rang for gossip, Soojung, I have a feeling there’s something you’re hiding from me.”

            Oh crap, “Hiding someone? No, doesn’t sound like me.”

            “Someone, Soojung, you’re in a relationship, aren’t you?”

            “No.” At least I wasn’t lying.

            “Yes you are! Who’s the lucky guy?”

            “There isn’t a guy.”

            “Who’s the lucky girl, then?”

            My mouth didn’t comprehend my brain’s warning, “Amber.”

            “Eee! What’s she like?”

            “She’s . . . Honestly, a total smartass. But she’s a great kisser, so that makes up for it.”

            Silence, then, “I want to meet her.”

            “You can’t.”

            “Why not?” I could hear her pout.

            “Because . . . You’re in America.”

            “Well, it was going to be a surprise. But, I’m visiting sometime in the next few days.”

            “What?” I screeched, I didn’t know it was possible for a human to make the noise I just did.  

            “I’m coming to visit. I want to meet this Amber of yours, to see if she’s worthy.” I heard another voice; it was muffled, but distinctly female. “Sorry, gotta go. See you soon, love you.”

            Before I could even answer her, she hung up. Guess she really wanted to be with whoever that was, probably Yuri. I’m so happy Jessica is coming to visit, but she wants to meet Amber. Amber, the girl I’m fucking for fun. The girl who I just said was my girlfriend. The girl who my sister, the Ice Princess, wants to meet.

            This is going to be trickier than I thought.

Amber POV

To say Krystal is acting weird would be an understatement; she’s been nice to me all day.

No, seriously, she has. She picked up my books for me when I dropped them, complimented my drawings, she even sat next to me and talked. I’m happy that she’s paying more attention to me, but at this rate, people are going to suspect something.

            Even now in detention, she’s got her face in her hands, listening to every word I say. This isn’t like her, she should be picking at her nails or fixing her hair or reapplying her lip balm.

            “Krys,” She smiled at me. “Are you feeling okay?”

            “Why wouldn’t I be?”

            “Because, you’re not acting like you.”

            She frowned, crossing her legs. “What do you mean?”

            “This isn’t you. You never completely listen to me, you’re never nice to me in school, and you certainly nevercompliment me. So, what’s wrong?”

            She huffed, “Alright, you got me. I’m being nice because I need a favour.”

            “What kind of favour?”

            “The kind of favour only you can help me with.”

            “Oh really?” I smirked, knowing where this was going.


            “And what do I need to do?”

            “You need to pretend to be my girlfriend for a day.”

            “Huh?” Wait, that’s not what this sounded like at all. I was hoping for some good fun in detention, why did commitment come into this? Oh my God.

            “My sister is coming down and I may or may not have accidentally told her you were my girlfriend. And now she wants to meet you.”

            “Why does she want to meet me?”

            “To see if you’re worthy of me. Jess is pretty protective, so you better play the part well.” She was back to the normal Krystal; uninterested, threatening, cold.

            I snorted. “Who said I was going to play the part?”

            “If you don’t, I’ll tell her you cheated on me and then dumped me.” She smirked menacingly. “You’ll be dead within the next week.”

            I mulled all this over. Death wasn’t exactly number one on my ‘to do’ list. “Okay, but I’ll do it on one condition.”

Krystal POV

“What condition is that?” I asked. She drew nearer, looming over me. Her arms were either side of me, trapping me. Her face hovered over mine, the corners of her mouth pulling upwards.

            “Go on a date with me.” My heart leapt into my throat.

            “Why would I want to go on a date with you?”

            “Because, we both need a night out. Besides, think of how much better the sex would be in public.” Sex in public, it never even crossed my mind until now. The excitement mixed with fear. Having to try and contain myself as Amber leaves her marks on me, as her fingers toy with me until I scream. She kissed me softly, the burning sensation lingering on my skin. I reached up to tug onto her blonde strands and bring her closer, but she evaded me, now standing with her palm outstretched. I grasped her hand, shaking it firmly. “Looks like we have a deal.”

            “You do realise, Amber, this means you’ll have to know everything about me.”


            “So, Jess is coming down in the next couple of days.” She looked like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes widening and her nostrils flaring.


Krystal POV

“How long until she’s here?” I heard Jessica holler from the kitchen. For someone who’s willing to murder Amber, she’s being very hospitable. She’s already cooked food and set drinks down on the coffee table. Then again, this could be a plot to make her feel more at home before her execution. I checked my phone, searching for the last text from Amber.

            “She said she’d be here in ten minutes. That was about five minutes ago, so any time now.” She skipped over to the table, plates of food in hand. She placed them down, wearing a bright smile on her face. “Jess, are you alright?”

            “Of course.” Her smile faltered somewhat, the ice returning in her eyes. Before I could question her on it, the doorbell rang. I answered it, leaping into Amber’s embrace like any other girlfriend would.

            “Hey.” I pulled away, but she still held me in her arms. Her hands tightened on my hips, her eyes pleading with me. “What is it?”

            “I’ve forgotten everything. Literally, everything. Your sister is going to kill me, I’m going to look like a horrible person, you’ll never sleep with me again−” I silenced her rambling with a kiss, hoping it will calm her. When I heard Jessica clear her throat, I jumped away. Amber raked her fingers through her hair, looking dazed, yet still very frightened.

            “So, you must be Amber.”

Amber POV

I felt like my insides were freezing up just from her stare, the way she looked at me made me feel like I was going to just drop and never get back up. Her reputation precedes her. I cleared my throat and extended my hand.

            “Yes, I am. How are you?” She stared at my hand until I dropped it awkwardly. She clicked her fingers and pointed towards the lounge, indicating where my murder would be committed. Krystal and I walked slowly behind Jessica, worrying each step would be our last. It’s not that I want to be proven worthy of dating Krystal, because I don’t want to date her. I just want to get out of this alive. We sat down with Jessica opposite us, staring a hole into my body. Krystal grasped my hand, threading our fingers together. I looked down at our hands, marvelling at how well they fit together. I flushed red when I saw Krystal staring at me with a loving smile on her face.

            “So I’m just going to cut to the chase here, are you fucking my sister?”

            “What the hell, Jess?”

            “Quiet.  I want her to answer.”

            “No I am not ‘fucking’ your sister,” I trailed off. She’ll know if I’m lying, I should stay as close to the truth as possible. “But we have had sex.”

            “Is she your first?”

            “Jess, isn’t this a bit much?” Krystal tried, but her sister just held a hand up at her, clearly only wanting me to talk.


            “Mhmm,” She nodded. “And how long have you and my sister been dating?” This should be easy. Just like when we rehearsed, the answers were starting to come back to me.

            “Five months, I think.” I scratched my head, pretending to be forgetful. I glanced at Krystal, and she nodded happily.

            “And what do you actually know about my sister, Amber?”

            I looked at Krystal, trying to muster up the most loving smile I can. “Everything.”

            “Everything, huh?” I nodded. “Okay, when is her birthday?”

            “Twenty fourth of October.”

            “What is her Korean name?”

            “Jung Soojung.”

            “What kind of person does it take for her to come out of her shell?”

            “She has to trust them and know as much about them as they do her. So far, she’s only like that with me, Sulli and you.”

            “What’s her favourite food?”

            “Easy,” I smiled confidently; I hope all the questions are this basic. “Beef.”

            “What’s her biggest fear?” Okay, maybe they weren’t going to be basic. I looked at Krystal for some help, but neither of us had prepared for this question. I gathered up everything I had learnt about her these past months, hoping to find an answer in there.

            “Her biggest fear is that people only want Krystal, that people will only love Krystal and that nobody wants Soojung. Her biggest fear is that Soojung will never be loved.” They both had wide eyes at my response. Did I get it wrong? Jessica smiled, I definitely got it wrong.

            “Not bad.” She commented. Krystal squeezed my hand softly, rubbing circles with her thumb. “Okay, that’s enough about her. Now, let’s talk about you.” I gulped.

            “Okay, what do you wanna know?”

            “What’s your full name?”

            “Amber Liu.”

            “So, you’re not Korean?” I shook my head. “Where are you from?”

            “I’m Taiwanese-American. I lived in America until I got a scholarship here at the uni.”

            “Ah, an American. I see you never changed you taste, Soojungie.” She winked at her sister, making Krystal blush.

            “So I had a crush on someone before we moved here. I was eight, Jess.” They both laughed, sharing an intimate family moment. I felt like I was intruding on something, but then Jessica turned her head to me again, her eyes scaring the hell out of me.

            “What are your interests?”

            “The arts, mainly. I love music and drawing, although I do love basketball, too.”

            “Are you good at any of these things?”

            “I’d like to think so.” She wore a disbelieving look.

            “She is, Jess. I’ve seen her pictures, they’re really good.” Krystal defended. This made her expression ease a little.

            “Have you ever experienced heartbreak?”



            “Two years ago.”

            “Are you able to talk about it?” Krystal glared at her sister. Her circles had stopped, now just rubbing soothing patterns.

            “Its fine, I can talk about it.” I took in a long breath. “The basic outline is that there was a guy I liked, who got mad when I got the scholarship. After that, I thought he liked me back, but he didn’t. He spread rumours about me one day, making my life hell until I moved here.”

            “Sounds crappy.”

            “It was.” Krystal rested her head on my shoulder, making my heart jump.

            “Back to the questions. You said my sister was your first, were you hers?”

            “Yes.” I felt Krystal grip my hand tighter.

            “You know what, you’ve got guts. Not many people can even face my glare, let alone say they’ve slept with my sister while facing it.”

            “Thank you?”

            “Don’t worry about it.” She waved her hand, this girl is weird. “Anyway, you seem to know a lot about Soojung. And you seem like a nice enough kid, but I need to know one thing for certain.”


            “Do you love my sister?” There it was, the big question. The question we had rehearsed for half an hour just to make sure we could get our expressions right. Krystal and I looked at each other, the intensity shining in our eyes. I smiled at her, taking in all her beauty.

            “Yes, I love her.” It seemed so simple to say, as if I wasn’t lying at all. I saw Krystal blush out of the corner of my eye, making me smile even more.

            “Then that’s all I can ask for. Welcome to the family, Amber.” She took my free hand, shaking it firmly. “But just remember. If you so much as step a toe out of line with her, I. Will. Kill. You.”

Krystal POV

We convinced Jessica that Amber was my girlfriend, and Amber didn’t end up as a bloody, hacked up body on the carpet. So, I think it went pretty well. We stood up from the couch, Amber walking to the door while I spoke with Jessica.

            “So, what do you really think of her?” I asked.

            “She’s actually not that bad. You could do worse, I guess.” She shrugged. “I just want you to be happy and safe, Soojung-ah.” She hugged me, the warmth wrapping around my whole body.

            “Don’t worry,” I looked to Amber’s figure near the door, swaying back and forth while looking at the photographs. “I am safe and happy with her. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” I hugged her again, imprinting what this feels like into my brain. I’ll miss her when she leaves again.


            “I’m going to watch a movie at Amber’s tonight. You’ll probably be asleep by the time I get back.”

            “Alright, but be safe.” She winked, walking to her room. I chuckled at her comment, making my way towards the door. I linked my hand with Amber’s, knowing Jessica is still watching us.

            “Ready to go?” I asked, kissing her on the cheek.

            “Can’t I look at a few more baby pictures first?” She pointed at a chubby baby, sitting in a bath with a fireman’s hat on. Wow, I was an embarrassing child. I pulled her out the door, rolling my eyes at her. “Oh come on, you were so cute.” She teased, pinching my cheek. I could hear Jessica laughing from outside.

I closed her front door, locking it and closing all the blinds just in case. She was aimlessly looking through DVDs; clearly she took the movie thing seriously.

            “Amber?” I whispered huskily in her ear. I felt her shudder before she turned around, drinking in my appearance.

            “Y-yeah?” I pulled her up by her shirt, slamming her into the wall. I kissed her roughly, my teeth raking across her delectable bottom lip. She groaned, pulling away. “I thought you wanted to watch a movie?”

            “You’re such an idiot.” I planted my mouth on her jaw, leading a trail to her ear. I bit and sucked the lobe, tracing the shell with my tongue before blowing on it, giving her shivers. “Even if you’re not my girlfriend, I want to reward you for meeting Jess’ approval.”

Amber POV

My mouth dived onto her body, devouring anywhere I possibly could. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, my body shooting up in flames and searing my skin. I tasted every inch of her neck, tracing the delicious trail to her collarbone. She sighed into my ear as I bit on it, leaving a mark. Her head fell backwards, a light moan escaping her mouth. But a light moan wasn’t enough; I want her screaming to the rooftops. I don’t know why I wanted her so badly tonight, but neither of us minded. Especially her, as she was now clinging onto the back of my shirt for dear life as I left hickeys on every centimetre of her skin possible. Her nails clawed at my back, lifting my shirt upwards. I took the hint, removing my mouth and pulling my shirt off, throwing it across the room. I span us around, her back against the wall now. I planted my hands either side of the wall, trapping her. Her hands groped at my sides, nails scratching softly, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me.

I groaned at the sensation of her tongue gliding across my jaw, waiting for her to go higher or lower or anywhere as long as she kept going. I felt her smirk gloatingly at her actions, she loves knowing she can undo me. Her hands slipped under my bra, fingers lightly tracing my minimal curves. Not liking the fact that I’m the only one exposed, I moved her head from my neck. She pouted, probably thinking she did something wrong. Giving her a reassuring kiss, I lift her singlet overhead, flinging it to join my shirt on the other side of the room.

“What is it with us? We can’t even make it to the bedroom before we start undressing each other.” I chuckled, I guess that’s true.

“I’m not complaining,” I started, easily lifting her into my arms. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her hands interlocked around my neck, just like they always do. I kicked my bedroom door open, turning around and leaning against it so it’ll close. “I mean, I get to see you naked regardless of where we end up.” I winked at her. Her arms moved from around my neck, now resting on the wall to get a better angle. Her lips met mine in an already scorching kiss. My tongue traced her Cupid’s bow, asking for the entrance that was already granted. I bit her bottom lip playfully, earning me a barely audible groan. I started walking again slowly so I wouldn’t trip up. One step after another, we ended up next to my bed. But she wasn’t getting down, and I wasn’t stupid enough to push her away from me, even if it was only to the furniture in front of me.

One of her legs unhooked, so I let her down gently. Now standing up straight, she kind of looked intimidating. She was looking at me like she was a predator and I was her prey, a feral gleam shining in her eyes. She hooked her fingers under my bra straps and pulled me to her, my body melding to hers. She spun us around before pushing me onto the bed, staring down at me. I looked at her expectantly, was she not going to get on top of me and have her way with me?


“Well what?” She teased, always with the teasing.

“Are you going to fuck me or not?” I asked bluntly, just wanting her on top of me. I got my wish; her legs either side, pinning me down. I smirked victoriously; for once she actually listened to me. She leaned her head down, lips hovering over mine. Her hand slid into my shorts, rubbing at my already wet underwear.

“Yes, I’m going to fuck you.” Her hand was working wonders, my heart already hammering in my chest and the familiar tugging feeling returning to my stomach. “I’m going to fuck you so hard my name will forever be imprinted in your brain.”

“And nghh . . . Why’s that?” She kissed me softly, pulling my shorts off of me and pooling them on the floor. Her mouth moved to my ear, her hand still playing with me.

“Because, it’s what you’ll be screaming all night.” She whispered before removing my underwear and bra, her mouth nibbling at sucking at the skin above my chest. Her lips moved lower, taking my left nipple in her mouth, biting on it softly. My back arched, my legs unintentionally spreading. She used the advantage, plunging her forefinger inside and rubbing me with her thumb. I bit my lip to suppress a moan, not wanting to give her the satisfaction yet. Her other hand moved to my remaining breast, rolling my nipple between her fingers. This was all too much. At this rate, I’m going to come before I can even take another breath.

“Krys,” I sighed. “S-slow down.” Her mouth moved away from my chest, peppering kisses towards my jaw.

“Why should I?” She whispered huskily. That tone of voice alone nearly sent me over the edge, almost everything about her turning me on.

“Because if you don’t,” Her thumb pressed hard against my clit, shooting starts into my vision. “If you don’t, I’m going to come right now.” Clearly, she wasn’t going to listen to me. She increased her speed, her mouth biting a large hickey onto my neck. The familiar rush of pleasure ran through my veins, my vision turning to nothing but black and red spots. I’m not even sure if I screamed her name, all my sounds blending into one mass of noise. Nothing else in the world existed right now other than the feeling of floating and pure contentment.

“Told you so.” I heard her muffled voice, the rest of the world catching up with me. She kissed me intensely, her teeth capturing my bottom lip. I groaned, feeling my body heating up again already. Her mouth trailed downwards, nipping at my skin before reaching my core. She poked her tongue out, running it lightly over my slit. My head lolled backwards, eyes squeezing shut. The ever courageous Krystal was shining through, as she had already started running her tongue up and down the inside of me. My hand delved into her hair, gripping onto the strands; the other held onto the duvet, grappling it just as strenuously. Her tongue was tracing patterns onto my bud, driving me insane. She held onto my thighs, making sure I’d stay in place. Outlining my entrance, she made sure only the tip of her tongue went inside before retracting from me, teasing some more.

“Krys . . .” I moaned. She looked at me daringly before smirking.


“What?” I have never begged, why would I want to do that? She curled her tongue upwards, not anywhere near to filling me up. Even if she was only just inside though, it was bliss.

“Beg. For. It.” She pushed down on my clit with her thumb again, the stars coming back into my view. Oh right, this is why I want to beg.

“Please.” I muttered. She pushed down harder, making me shudder in pleasure.

“Louder.” She demanded. Am I going to Hell for saying this side of her is incredibly sexy? She pushed her tongue in again, a little further this time. Her thumb started rotating, making my body erupt into flames. Swallowing my pride, I give her what she wants.

“God,” I moaned, her thumb moving quicker. “Please fuck me, Krys!”

“Well, if you insist.” She winked. Smirking, she slid her tongue inside at a painfully slow pace. Losing my patience, I pushed her head in further, my hips already rocking with the rhythm her thumb was setting. Her tongue was gliding inside me, its pace picking up. I had already lost it, my body convulsing into its second orgasm. I screamed her name so loudly that I think the people outside would’ve heard, but I don’t care, it’s so goddamn worth it. She lapped up all of my release, wriggling upwards to lie next to my tired body.

“Wow . . .” I sighed breathlessly. She giggled, licking her lower lip.

“Guess you liked your reward, then.” She teased, smiling. I kissed her forehead, my hand stroking her hair away from her face.

“If I get rewarded like this every time I meet someone’s approval, maybe I should pretend to be your girlfriend at a family gathering.” I joked, earning me her melodic laugh in response.

“You know, I do have a large family.”                               

“Fabulous.” We chuckled. Pulling the duvet up, I covered our bodies. She sighed happily, leaning into me like she always does when she’s tired. “I’m so getting revenge on you tomorrow for this.”

“Can't wait.” She yawned, unintentionally snuggling closer to me. “Oh yeah, Amber?”


“I hate you.” She smiled before drifting off to sleep. I laughed softly, kissing her forehead once more.

“Hate you too, Krys.”

Krystal POV

I know it’s not right to say this. But, I love waking up to Amber’s arms wrapped around me tightly. I don’t know why. Maybe because she’s cute when she sleeps, maybe it’s because she’s so warm and comfy, maybe because it’s a nice reminder of what happened the night before, I’m not sure. All I know is, I love it. I let a smile adorn my face, a smile that was quickly diminished as I looked at the clock. We have twenty minutes to get to first period. Crap. Well, I’m sure Amber is normally late to that class, so I won’t wake her. Retracting myself from her embrace, I pad into the bathroom, anticipating a shower.

            I allow the relaxing feeling of the water to cascade down me, all my worries − if I even had any − washing away. I drew my hands across my face, rinsing away the sweat. Last night, I had dreamt of Amber again. We were making out the way we always do, but something was different. The way her mouth moved against mine was fuelled by something other than lust, the way her eyes shone was different, the way her hands roamed my body was different too. It was as if everything had more meaning to it, especially the way she touched me. The way her fingers danced across my skin, scratching lightly, heading lower and lower until . . .

            “Room for one more?” Amber asked, her voice low and suggestive. Her arms snaked around my body, hands caressing my stomach.

            “Amber, I’m going to be late if you distract me.” I threatened, but we both knew it was half-hearted. Her mouth planted itself on my neck, nibbling softly.

            “Consider it revenge, then.” She mumbled against my skin. Tongue escaping her mouth, she glided it across my pulse point. I leaned into her touch right away, allowing her free reign of my body. She spun us around, my back hitting the tiled wall harshly. The pain was easily forgotten as her mouth crashed onto mine, fuelling my desire for her. I bit her bottom lip and she gasped, giving me easy entrance. Brushing my tongue against hers, I allowed my senses to be filled up by Amber. The glorious sensation of her touch, her intoxicating scent, the sound of her soft groans, the taste of her breath mingling with mine, everything was combining into pure hormonal bliss right now. Her hands moved from my waist, one holding onto my back while the other ventured lower. “My my, Krystal, you’ve barely been in the water and you’re already this wet?” She mused, fingers rubbing my folds. I tried to hold in the moan that was begging to come out, but I couldn’t when her index finger rubbed a heavenly pattern onto my clit.

            “Stop with the cheesy lines and fuck me.” I demanded. That was all she needed to hear, her finger moving from where it was and slamming inside me. I let out a hoarse moan, my throat already beginning to get scratchy. She wasted no time, her finger pumping in me at a deliciously fast pace. I bit my bottom lip, suppressing the sounds that itched to come out. She kissed my neck softly, peppering a trail lower. She reached my abdomen and her finger pulled out of me slowly, though her thumb didn’t stop. Before I could protest, her tongue was inside me, keeping up the same pace as her finger. My hands clung onto the walls, hoping my body won’t topple over. I bucked my hips into her face, the tugging feeling rising in my stomach. Knowing I was close, my hips rolled in time with the rhythm of her tongue. She curled it upwards, dragging it as far inside as she could. I was beyond gone, my knees becoming shaky and my vision almost nonexistent. I fell into her arms, body trembling. Supporting myself again, I stood up straight and pulled her by her neck. My mouth clashed against hers in a passionate kiss, tongues colliding and teeth already nibbling. Her hands roamed everywhere as if she was trying to learn Braille, and she could definitely read the goose bumps her touch always gave me. Her hands came to my butt, giving both cheeks a firm squeeze before lifting me up. My thighs wrapped around her instinctively but loosely, letting her core align with mine. She held onto the wall with one hand, the other supporting my body. She thrust roughly, her core slamming into mine. I don’t know what got me hotter, the friction between us or the look on her face. Her eyes were staring right into mine, the fire alight and the chocolate melted. Needing the coarse feeling back, I bucked my hips, watching the same expression cross her face. Her brows furrowed, eyes squeezed shut and mouth agape slightly; as if her body was trying to let a sound come out, but her mind wouldn’t allow it.


            “What?” I pulled her closer, her mouth mere centimetres from mine.

            “Fuck me.” We stared at each other for a moment, letting the other’s beauty capture us. Her hips started rocking, making me grip hard onto her hair. My last orgasm clearly hadn’t worn off, as my second one was already around the corner. She let go of me completely, my body supported by her core strength alone. Both of her hands now on the wall, she slammed her hips against mine, the friction seeping into my clit and reverberating. “Nngh, yes!” I moaned, not being able to contain or restrain myself anymore. I was so close.

            “Come for me, Krys.” Her voice alone nearly did it, the husky tone even lower and lustier than usual. Her mouth latched onto my collarbone, kneading it between her teeth while sucking. That was all it took, one hickey to my sweet spot and I’m a goner. My fingernails scraped long red marks onto her neck and shoulders, my entire body shook so much that I nearly lost grip on her, my scream of ecstasy so loud that I nearly didn’t hear hers. Nearly. Coming down from our high, she carried me back to the bedroom, letting me rest on the bed. She kissed my forehead tenderly, her right hand moving stray hairs from my face. “I’m going to get dressed and make breakfast, come down when you’re ready.” We smiled warmly at each other, my eyes lingering at the nails marks on her neck as she walked out the door.

Amber POV

Her arms wrapped around me from behind, her head resting on my shoulder, sending hot shivers down my spine.

            “So, what’s for breakfast?”

            “Just toast.” I said, pushing the bread down. I turned to face her, smiling.

            “You know, toast takes a little while to cook.” A smirk pulled at her lips, a devious twinkle in her eyes. Her arms caressed me, gliding higher to drape around my neck.

            “It does?”

            “God, sometimes you’re really stupid,” She laughed, bringing my lips to hers. My hands went from my sides to hers, slightly pulling up the hem of her shirt and resting my hands underneath. Her hands tangled into my hair, making it even more tussled and shaggy. But I wasn’t complaining, not if it meant I get to kiss her like this. I pushed her forward, her back leaning against the kitchen bench. One of my hands rested against the surface, giving me a better angle for her neck. I removed my mouth from hers, showering her jaw and neck with light kisses. “Amber, stop.”

            “Why? What’s wrong?” I asked, but then the smell of smoke filled my nostrils.

            “The toaster’s on fire!” She squealed, running to the other side of the room. I calmly grabbed a cloth, running it under the tap for a few seconds and put it on top of the flames. It stopped immediately, the fire extinguished. Turning around, I was met with a pair of arms around my neck and a tight squeeze. “Oh my God, you just saved my life!” She hugged me tightly, my chest tugging and heart pounding in my ears. She eventually pulled away, giving me a sweet but short kiss.

            “You’re such a drama queen.” I teased. Holding her close, I planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

            “You know I’m still mad at you for making me late.” She mumbled into my shoulder.

Amber POV

It’s weird how much I look forward to detention now. Before Krystal started coming, I used to dread the hour I sat in those chairs. Now, I can’t wait for the time I next get to open those doors and be greeted by her beautiful smile.

            Cracking the door open slightly, I peek inside. There she is, legs covered by tattered skinny jeans, black jacket adorning her slim torso, hair falling to her shoulders in flowing waves. The corners of my mouth tugged up, my heartbeat increasing for an unknown reason. I crept inside, closing the door silently. I snuck up behind her, coming to a stop just next to her ear.

            “Boo.” I whispered. She jumped in her seat, making one of the chair’s legs land on my toes. I screamed out in pain, staring at my foot, then her amused face. “This isn’t funny, get this thing off me!” She readjusted her weight, the chair leg releasing my foot. I held it close, massaging my toes to make sure they hadn’t lost any blood.

            “Relax, Amber. They’re fine.” She said, stifling a grin.

            “You call this fine?” I shoved my foot in front of her face, her smile growing. “You think this is funny?”

            “You did deserve it.” She smirked.

            “How does anyone deserve this much pain?”

            “That’s what you get for sneaking up behind your ‘girlfriend’ and scaring her.” My eyes widened at the word ‘girlfriend’. Did she mean to do that? Was she just joking around? Why is my heart hammering in my ears?

            “Speaking of girlfriends, I believe you owe me a date.” I said with a smirk. She pretended to look disappointed, cursing under her breath.

            “Maybe I don’t want to go on a date with you.”

            “Ah, but see, you already promised me one. And I never break a promise.”

            “Prove it. Make another promise to me, right here, right now.” I smirked. Reaching out my hands, I pulled her up from her chair, letting my hands find their place on her hips. I kissed her softly, savouring the taste of her lip balm.

            “I promise to have sex with you until the sun comes up if you go out with me tonight.” She smiled at me, clearly getting the answer she wanted.

            “Then let’s go.”

            “Wait, now? But, detention . . .”

            “Since when did you have any regard for the rules, Amber?”

            “Good point.” I said, grasping her hand and heading out the door.

Krystal POV

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Amber exclaimed, clearly not impressed by my answer.

            “Sorry, I’m not. I never learned how to rollerblade.” She looks at me with disbelief, her mouth opened as wide as her eyes. She tugged my hand, now walking us in the opposite direction of the club we were going to.

            “Well guess what, you’re going to learn.” She flashed me a toothy grin, pulling me along.

The stench of feet washed over my face as Amber pushed the door open for me, my nose crinkling in dissatisfaction.

            “Oh c’mon, don’t be such a princess.” She said, ushering me inside. The place was practically empty, only one person in the rink and two workers at the counter. No wonder, it’s not the most glamorous place in the world.

            “Hey!” One of the workers hollered, waving us over. Amber tightened her hold on my hand, making sure I wouldn’t run away. Coming closer, I noticed he wasn’t bad looking. He had a defined, square jaw, narrow nose and full lips.

            “Hey, Minho.” She smiled. “How are you?”

            “Not bad, yourself?” Amber shrugged at him, her bottom lip jutting out. He smiled knowingly at her. “I see. So, what brings you to foot odour central?”

            “I want to show my girlfriend Krystal how much fun rollerblading can be.” She wrapped an arm around me, looking at me with a bright smile. Feeling my cheeks heat up, I looked down, wondering why I didn’t correct her.

            “Ah, a beginner.” He smirked. “Well, I think this will be an interesting night after all.” He said with a wink towards Amber, who laughed at his actions. Why did I want to punch him and show him that she’s mine?

            “Yeah, it will be.” She rubbed my arm softly, reminding me of how interesting it will get afterwards. I grinned, my jealousy fading.

Amber POV

Finishing the last knot on my laces, I look at Krystal. She’s biting her lip, attempting to tie up the long laces. I start to roll my feet on the ground, getting impatient.

            “What, you didn’t learn how to tie your shoes up either?”

            “Aish, shut up. I cant it because you’re distracting me.”


            “Yes, distracting. You keep rolling your feet on the ground like a child.” She points towards my feet, which are still rolling. Because I’m the kind of person I am, I roll them even faster. “Amber, stop.”


            “Because if you don’t, I won’t have sex with you for a month.” She threatens.

            “That’s a lie. We both know you can’t resist me.”

            “Try me.”

            “Okay.” I get on my knees, tying up her laces. My fingers trace the delicious curve of her legs upwards, following until I reach her hips. I pick her up, holding her steady. I inch closer, rolling her towards me. Her arms snake around my neck, pulling me in. Our lips almost touching, she sighs impatiently. As she goes to close the distance, I let her go. She unsteadily rolls, falling onto her chair. She stares up at me, unamused by my little joke. “Told you so.”

            “You were wrong. I rolled away onto this chair to get away from you, you’re easily resistible.”

            “C’mon, Krystal; just admit it, you find me irresistible.” I smirked, holding out a hand to her. She took it, and pulled me hard towards the floor. My knees crashed onto the wooden floorboards, my torso and face not far behind. I hear Minho laugh at me, the loyal friend that he is.

            “The only thing that finds you irresistible is yourself.” She turned her nose up at me, turning away. “Ass.” She muttered under her breath. Shakily rolling away, she was grasping onto anything that was availably stable. I got up, rolling towards her. Her footing slips, arms flailing out as she falls. I catch her, easily lifting her back up. “Let go of me.”


            “Now, Amber.” I moved us from the awkward position, now holding her hands in mine.

            “No, Krystal.”

            “Amber Liu, you let me go right n−”

            “I’m not letting you go, Soojung.” I said sternly, my fingers twining with hers. She looked at me, eyes twinkling, mouth agape.

            “You just called me Soojung.” She uttered in disbelief.

            “That is your name, isn’t it?”

            “Only Jess calls me Soojung.” I rubbed my thumb against her hand comfortingly.

            “She’s not going to be the only one anymore.”

            “But nobody wants Soojung.” She said, the robotic tone clear in her voice. I kissed her forehead softly, bringing her arms around me into a hug. With my head resting on her shoulder, I lean back slightly.

            “I want Soojung.” I whispered in her ear. Pulling away from our hug, she looks at me earnestly. Bringing my head down, she pulls me in for a kiss. Her lips melded to mine, beginning the rhythm we always do. The familiar tugging sensation in my chest arose, along with the fluttering in my stomach. She inclined upwards, deepening the kiss. Before I could open my mouth wider, she toppled over. I felt a sharp pain in my back, my body hitting the floor hard.

            “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” She said, peppering kisses all over my face. I got up, bringing her with me. “Guess that’s the last time I go on my tiptoes to kiss you.”

            “No. I think it’s just the last time we rollerblade.” I chuckled, holding her tightly as we rolled to the chairs.

Krystal POV

I’ve never felt like this in my life before, it was a total out of body experience. I could see the slick, rain covered roads and the light reflecting off them. I could see myself smile brightly in a way I never have, not before Amber. Is this what it’s like to care for someone? I knew it was never in the plan, but every day I feel myself growing fonder of her. Maybe it’s because once you get past the hard exterior, she’s actually a really sensitive person who genuinely cares for people. That being said, she’s still a complete jackass.

            I felt something warm slide inside my pockets, enveloping my hand. I looked up to see her, straight-faced, as if she hadn’t done anything. I stared at her until she noticed, her eyes flashing with amusement.

            “What?” She asked.

            “Are you right there? Who said you could do that?”

            “I just figured your hands are warmer than my pockets.” She mused, giving my hand a soft squeeze. “Like you’d object to any of my advances anyway.” I slapped her on the arm playfully.

            “Ass.” Suddenly, her hand was out of my pocket and pointing towards a shop window. She retracted from me completely, standing outside the window. Her eyes were glazed over, her expression one of pure need. “What is it?”

            “Look.” She pressed her finger against the glass. “Isn’t it perfect? You know, my birthday is coming up soon. Maybe you should get it for me.”

            “ . . . It’s just a cap, Amber.” She feigned horror.

            “Just a cap? There’s no such thing, every cap is beautiful and needs to be worn.”

            “Tell you what; I’ll get you the hat for your birthday on one condition.”

            “Anything. Say it, and it’s yours.” She said honestly. I pulled her by her hoodie strings, crashing my lips to hers in an urgent kiss.

            “Take me home and fuck me like you promise.” Her expression changed to a completely different form of need. Her eyes no longer glazed over, her mouth no longer agape, her nostrils no longer flared. Fire blazed bright in her eyes, her mouth became firmly shut as she gulped, her nose twitching in anticipation.

            “As you wish, my princess.” She winked, pulling me into a piggyback and sprinting home.

Amber POV

I stepped onto my porch, letting her off my back so I could open the door.

            “So, here we are, the place where all good dates must end.”

            “Good dates, huh?” She said. “So, is this where great dates end, too?”

            “Oh, no. Great dates never end on the front porch.” She leaned closer, the view of her body teasing me.

            “Where do they end?”

            “On whatever piece of furniture I throw you onto.”

            “So, I guess that’s the question. Was this a good date or a great date?” Her arms slid around my shoulders, hands toying with the sensitive spots on my neck. I leaned into her touch, giving her a soft kiss.

            “Hmm. Just a good one, I think.” I teased, opening the front door and slipping inside.

            “Amber Liu you get back here right now!” She chased me inside, grabbing me by my hood and yanking me backwards. We fell onto the couch in a tangle of limbs, laughing together. My heartbeat picked up as she leaned closer, claiming my lips. She situated herself on top of me, a leg either side of my body.  My hands rested on her hips, fingers sinking into the soft flesh. Her breath hitched as my fingers grazed the sensitive spot on her sides, making her mouth open slightly. I took the chance, letting my tongue snake through and meet hers heatedly. Her hands pinned mine above my head, nails scraping in the most invigorating way. I let out a harsh groan as she moved her mouth onto my jaw line and began nibbling and sucking. I felt her smirk against my skin, taking pride in knowing she can undo me so easily. “Didn’t know you were so sensitive to my touch, baby.” She mumbled against my heated skin. I tried to ignore the fact that the nickname made me heat up even more.

            “Shut up.” I growled, using my strength to unpin myself and flip us over. She stared at me angrily, onyx eyes flaring.

            “What the fuck, Amber?” I laughed at her anger, it was kinda cute. I kissed her sweetly, her hands naturally diving into my hair as she melted into me.

            “I promise you can do whatever you want to me on my birthday.” I whispered onto her lips. “But tonight, I’m going to keep my promise.”

            “Promise?” She must’ve forgotten. I slid her shirt off her body, along with her bra.

            “I promised to fuck you until the sun comes up.” I kissed her again, biting her bottom lip and pulling on it. “And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” I smirked, raining kisses along her jaw. I reached just above her collarbone, watching her reaction as I took it between my teeth and sucked. She bit her lip, her hands fidgeting and eyebrows knitting together. She was being resistant. God, she’s stubborn. I traced one finger along her collarbone, the other outlining her abs as I kissed the sensitive spot next to her shoulder.

            “Amber . . .” She exhaled breathlessly. I let my lips wander, savouring every moan, pant and sigh that left her mouth. Reaching her chest, I kissed everywhere but where she wanted me to. “Stop teasing and just do it.” Taking cue, I brought her left nipple to my mouth, my hand playing with the other one. Her back arched as I flicked my tongue over the erect nub, her hands tangling into my hair, urging me on. I switched sides, swirling and flicking my tongue. Her hands pulled my hair too hard, making me bite her accidentally.

            “Shit, I’m sorry!” I apologized, raising my hands in surrender and lifting myself off her completely. But her face was contorted into one of pure pleasure, a sigh escaping her mouth. Wait, she liked it? I let a smirk play on my face, leaning back towards her. “I never knew you were into the ‘pleasure and pain’ thing.”

            “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.” She said, bringing her hands up and taking off my hoodie.

            “Like what?” I mused, her fingers setting my skin on fire as my t-shirt was thrown over head.

            “Like, I love it when you bite me. I love it when you scratch me as you come. But mostly,” her hands undid my jeans, fingers slipping inside and rubbing my already wet core. “I love knowing how wet I can make you.”

            “What makes you think nghh . . . You can make me so wet?” I tried to say smartly, but her fingers were just too magnificent.

            “Other than the fact that I can feel it right now?” I nodded as she took my jeans off, leaving me in my underwear. Since when was she in control? Her breath was hot against my ear, sending hot shivers through me. “I want you as much as you want me.” If I wasn’t wet already, I definitely was now. Using our position to my advantage, I worked my way down her body, leaving kisses wherever I possibly could. I hooked my fingers in the belt loop of her jeans, sliding them down with ease. She helped me by kicking them off, letting them drop somewhere onto the floor. I couldn’t help but stare at the wet patch that had formed on her panties; I unconsciously licked my lips at the intoxicating sight. A red hue stained her cheeks, but the fire was still blazing in her eyes.

            “My, my, are you blushing?” I teased.

            “Are you going to go down on me, or do I have to wait yet another night without you?”

            “It was only one night.”

            “That’s one night too many.” She said, guiding my fingers to pull off her underwear. What did she mean by that, though? Does she mean she wants to spend every night with me? Why am I happy that she wants to? Why do I want her to spend every night with me, too? Before I could answer any of these questions, I felt her guiding my hands once more, slowly inserting my fingers into her. I have to admit, it’s hot when she’s this confident. I pumped my finger in and out of her, concentrating on giving her the best orgasm she’s had yet. I curled my fingers, loving the way she arches her back and moans loudly. Bringing my mouth to her, I traced random patterns onto her clit with my tongue. “F-fuck, right there.” She instructed. Knowing she’s close, I sped up my pace. Moving my mouth, I kissed her hip bones lightly before placed a mark on each of them. Her back arched so high that I had to hold her down, her moans so loud that I’m sure the neighbours could hear us. I crawled back up to her, kissing her softly.

            “Another sweet spot, I’m guessing?” I said, pointing towards her hip bones.

            “Like I didn’t have enough already.” She huffed. “Can we move this somewhere else? The couch is incredibly uncomfortable in this position.” I chuckled at her comment, bringing her arms around my neck. I lifted her up, starting to walk to my bedroom. Her mouth latched onto my neck, tongue outlining the tendon. The bedroom seemed so far away, my vision now hazed with desire. I shoved her against the nearest wall, shedding myself of any unnecessary clothing along the way. 

            “Dammit,” I muttered. There was no way I was going to get us to the bedroom in time now. I moved her head from my neck, smashing my lips to hers. We kissed each other hungrily, the desire fuelling every one of our actions. Her nails clawed at my neck, leaving a tingling sensation behind. I bit her lip, pulling it softly. She moaned, hips bucking into me. “Yeah, we’re not going to make it to the bedroom.”

            “I don’t care.” She whispered before bucking into me again. I groaned at the sensation, hand scraping at the wall. Letting myself lose control, I grinded into her at an increasing pace. Her head flew back sharply, hitting the wall. She didn’t care, eyes squeezing shut, mouth opening, moans escaping. She was close, I could tell. I was too, just the sight of her turning me on beyond belief. “Amber!” She screamed. Her body erupted in shudders, a whimper leaving her body. Of all things to make me come, it was her screaming my name. For the first time ever, she had climaxed with it. My whole body floated at her words, joy practically seeping out of my pores. Why I felt like this though, I had no idea. Her face came back into my view, a soft smile playing on her mouth. Strands of her hair were stuck to her damp face, eyes still alight with the black fire they always were, plump lips still looking just as edible as they were an hour ago. She was the pure definition of perfect, and I can’t believe it took me this long to notice. I pretended to check a watch on my wrist, cocking an eyebrow at her with a smirk on my face.

            “You know, my clock here only says one am. I promised you till sunrise, looks like you have to deal with me for a few more hours.” She laughed, the sound filling my ears and making me smile. She kissed me tenderly, both of us savouring the caring gesture.

            “Perfectly fine by me, as long as we eventually make it to your bedroom.”

Amber POV

I tapped my pen furiously against the table’s surface, not being able to concentrate on anything other than her. She’s been swamping my mind all morning, seeping in and then fading, but never leaving. Of course she never leaves; even the thoughts of her are just as stubborn. I can’t stop myself, just the way her lips curve up as she smiles at me. The same lips that have licked, kissed and sucked every inch of my skin. Okay, focus. Her eyes. The same onyx eyes that can hold a raging fire in a lustful moment, the same eyes that squeeze shut as she screams in ecstasy. Okay, stop thinking about her appearance. Her personality. Her stubborn nature, her headstrongness, her bitchiness . . . Her past, her caring nature, her humour, her fieriness, her strength. Just . . . Her.

            There’s something I can’t shake, though. After all this, I admire and love all these things about her; but does that mean I love her?  There are many differences between us, but so many similarities as well. I feel this unbearable lust towards her whenever she touches me, but at the same time, I want to hold her in my arms and never let go. I want to bicker with Krystal and have fun play fights with her, but I want to cuddle and watch movies with Soojung. Is this love? Is being in love accepting all sides of them without a single trace of doubt or hesitation?

            The chair next to me scrapes along the ground, a figure sitting in it. I pay no mind to it, continuing my baffling train of thought.

            “Hey, what’s up?” I felt the shiver before the voice. The same shiver I always get when she’s nearby.

            “N-Not much, you?” I stuttered, mentally slapping myself.

            “Just thinking about what I’m going to do to you in detention.” She whispered in my ear, the tugging feeling in my chest arising. “See you there.” She got up from the chair, her gorgeous ass sashaying as she walked to her normal seat. My blood boiled, the thought of detention consuming me. I couldn’t wait, not for the sex, but to tell her how I feel.

            I hope she doesn’t hate me for it.

Krystal POV

Amber has been acting fidgety all day, always stuttering when we talk, tapping her pen nervously on the table; it was almost like we were at the start of our whole arrangement. She’s acting nervous, although what about, I’m yet to find out. I’d tried asking, but every time I was met with the same answer.

            Nothing, I’m fine.

            Sorry Amber, but I’m not entirely convinced. I know her well enough by now to know when something’s up. I hope I haven’t done anything wrong.

Amber POV

I wish she’d stop asking what’s wrong, I really do.  At this rate, I’m going to blurt something out and regret it completely. Knowing my luck, I’m probably going to do that anyway.

            Striding into detention, I was already greeted with her concerned face. She grabbed my hands, rubbing soothing patterns. I tried not to show how much I was enjoying that.

            “Amber, seriously, what’s wrong?”

            “Nothing is wrong.”

            “Well, obviously something is wrong.” She takes us to our usual seats, still grasping my hands.

            “Nothing is wrong.” I assured her.

            “Okay, so nothing is wrong. But I can see your face, I know that something is bothering you, or itching to come out.”

            “It's just that . . .” I trailed off. How are you meant to tell someone you love them when you already know they don’t love you back?

            “Just that what?”

            “What we have is very complicated.”

            “It is?”

            “To me, yes.” I let go of her hands, wiping them on my jeans. “On the surface, we have this great fuck buddy system where we use each other for sex.” She nodded. “But to me, lately it’s become a little fuzzy around the edges.”

            “What do you mean?” She asked, bottom lip jutting out and brows furrowing.

            “I mean that there is a fine line between us, and I think I crossed it. It was fine, the sex is fantastic and you’re a fabulous outlet for my sexual frustration. But lately, I’ve got this feeling in me where my chest tugs whenever you’re around, my stomach jumps around whenever you kiss me and this inconsolable beast rages whenever I see you talking with someone that isn’t me.” Her eyes widened, but her expression still unreadable as always. “You bring out this side to me, too. Like, it’s not just Amber anymore; it’s new and improved Amber. One who isn’t as nonchalant as usual, one who actually develops a conscience. There are so many things I need to say, but I can’t.”

            “I don’t understand.”

            “This is the only way I can explain it.” I said, awkwardly tapping my foot on the floor. I leant my face into my hands, frustrated at myself for not being able to spit the words out.

            “Explain what?”

            “I can’t.”

            “Amber, plea−” She reached out a hand to me, but I stood up, pacing around the room. I reached the wall, slamming a fist into it. I turned around, watching her scared expression. Even if we were at separate ends of the room, I could still stare right into her eyes, stare into her. I still could see all of her beautiful features, right down to the markings in her bottom lip.

            “Dammit,” I muttered, raking a hand through my hair. My shaking breath was the only sound in the room, the vibration reverberating off the walls. “I love you, Soojung.”

Krystal POV

“I love you, Soojung.”

            The words cut through me like a knife, slashing at my very being. Someone loves me, Amber loves me. I can’t be loved. She’s toying with me; this is all an elaborate lie. Wait, isn’t this what I wanted? I wanted her to fall for me. But now that it’s happened, I don’t know what to think. Am I meant to get some sick satisfaction out of this? Because I’m not.

            In fact, I’m getting another feeling completely. A slowly bubbling sensation starting in my toes and getting more and more intense as it settles in my chest, ready to burst like a balloon. She picked up her bag, scoffing at me.

            “Forget it,” She muttered, eyes not even looking at me. “I’m sorry I even said anything.” I wanted to scream for her to get back, I wanted to hold her close and tell her I felt the same, but I couldn’t. I don’t know what’s stopping me, but there’s a block. I need to chase her, but my legs won’t move. I need to call her back, to shout to her across the hallway, but my voice box stopped working. I needed to tell Sulli; luckily my hands were still working. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone, texting her.

“I heard you needed my services.” She smiled brightly at me, teeth shining. I hugged her, bringing her up to my room. I shut the door behind us, signalling for her to sit down. She shook her head.

            “No. Seriously, Ssul, you’ll want to sit down this time.” She did as I said, hand folded in her lap.

            “So what big drama happened now?” She tapped her chin, feigning thought. “You know, you haven’t actually told me that much. Let’s hear the full story.”

            “Full story?” She nodded. “The full story. Well, Amber and I have had sex multiple times now.”

            “How was it?” She butted in. I sent her my signature glare, reminding her how much I hate when she doesn’t let me finish.

            “Fucking fabulous, but that’s not the story. So I figured out the real reason behind my Soojung verses Krystal thing, I was sexually abused by one of my father’s co-workers, KangDae.” Her eyes teared up, mouth opening slightly. “Don’t worry, I’m fine now. The thing is, Amber helped me through it. When she held me and told me I’d be safe with her, my chest felt funny. Then she told me her painful past, and the same thing happened again. Then I had the bright idea of her being my girlfrie−”


            “Do you want to die?” I asked, she covered her mouth with her hands. “Jess came down for a day, and I had to pretend Amber was my girlfriend so she could meet her approval. It felt so real, like we were just another couple, and she was already scared of Jess anyway.” I laughed softly. “Can't blame her, either. So in exchange for that, I had to go on a date with her. On the date, we both felt the tugging chest thing again. But today, today she said something . . .”

            “What did she say, Krys?”

            “She . . . She told me she loves me.” I don’t think the sound Sulli made could be considered human. She flailed about and clapped her hands together, jumping giddily on the bed.

            “What did you say? Did you say it back?”

            “I didn’t say anything, I was too shocked.” I pouted, running a hand through my hair, yet another habit I picked up from Amber. “I just kind of stood there with my mouth hanging open. She left before I could say anything, telling me to forget that she even told me.”

            “Well, if she gave you more time without rushing out, what would you have said?”

            “I don’t know.”

            “Do you love her?”

            “I can’t love, I can’t be loved.” I repeated the imprinted words.

Krystal POV

“I can’t love, I can’t be loved.”

            “Yah! Don’t be stupid,” Sulli yelled, whacking me over the head with her knuckles. I raised my hand to the sore spot, rubbing at it. “That’s just what KangDae wants you to think. You can be loved, clearly. And it seems to me that you already love, but you’re too afraid to admit it.”

            “But how do you know when you love someone, Ssul?” She smiled at me, eyes turning into crescents.

            “It starts off as you looking at them from across a room. You start thinking about them when they aren’t around. You feel like you just need to talk to them and when you do, all you notice is how beautiful they are. Suddenly, it’s the best feeling and the most anxious feeling where you don’t get butterflies, but the entire zoo tromping around your stomach. Soon, you start looking for them in crowded rooms, hoping they’re looking at you. When you’re alone, you anticipate talking to them and you look forward to being able to look into their eyes. You wake up every day with the thought of being able to see them once more. You go out of your way to help them or just to pack in some small talk, if you can. Soon, you start to think about them right before you go to sleep and you think about having them in your future. Every beautiful song reminds you of their face and then makes you think about their voice, their smile, their hair, the ideas, their dreams and where you could possibly fit in amongst all that. Any day where you don’t interact with them becomes a wasted day.

            Others who talk to them become your competition and you feel jealous despite it all. When you’re in love, you become so sensitive to emotion and the feeling they give you that it’s like no one else is in the room but you two. You give them all of you and even though you think they’re far too good for you, you just hope they accept you. Being in love is not being embarrassed to want them or be around them. They’re the only one you want to be around and when you’re with them, suddenly every pain you’ve ever felt melts away and becomes your strength. Every struggle is insignificant compared to the struggle you’re willing to face for them. Maybe you even regard their happiness above yours. When you’re in love, you want to be their rock and you want them to turn to you. When you’re in love and you see that person, your mind is overwhelmed by thoughts and you can’t concentrate on anything but them. You miss them the moment you realise they’ve left you. That one person who you love is the one person who makes you happy without fail by just existing. When you’re in love, you want to tell everyone how great that person is and you just want to be special to them. When you’re in love, you know that you’ll fight for that person through thick and thin and you know you’ll believe in that person when they can’t even believe in themselves. They could tear you apart in a moment, but fill you with joy just as quickly. Being in love is being hurt and broken but wanting their respect regardless. It’s accepting every single detail and seeing them as perfection, even if they have flaws. Their ‘flaws’ become just another beautiful quirk of their exquisite being. When you’re in love, you open up and give them a delicate part of you which they can hurt most but it’s worth it for that special person.

            The love you feel cannot be understood by strangers. The love you feel cannot be fully understood by your mind. The love you feel can only be understood deep within your soul and heart and by those you share it with. Most importantly, love cannot be accurately described by words or lyrics but by actions and a mutual connection of the heart and emotions. Love feels unlike anything else the world can offer you.”

            “H-How did you know all that?” I asked, breath taken by her speech.

            “I was in love once, Krys.” Her smile went even brighter, reminiscing about her high school years. “And guess what.”


            “I saw the way your face lit up at certain things I mentioned. Stop denying it, Krys. Just tell her you love her,tell yourself you love her.” She hugged me, tears glistening in her eyes. “Just admit it to yourself that you’ve found someone worth fighting for, and don’t ever let it go. If you let Amber slip out of your grasp, you’ll never forgive yourself.”

            “You knew this was going to happen all along, didn’t you?” I mused. We got up from my bed, knowing it was time she left.

            “Honestly, I was hoping this would happen.” She laughed at herself. “I was always hoping you’d fall for someone you least expected to. Everyone deserves love, especially someone like you.” And with that; she was out of my house and in her car, speeding off into the night. I watched until her taillights became just another part of the shadows surrounding me. I looked up at the sky, just watching the stars twinkle. Right now, I felt like I belonged up there with them; being surrounded by other stars, but never being able to connect with them. But now I had connected with one, and I’m afraid that I’ve already lost her. I’m afraid she drifted off into the blackness like the other lonely stars. I hope it’s not too late, I really do.

            Because I love Amber Liu.

Amber POV

I know I shouldn’t avoid her. I know it’s incredibly rude considering all we’ve been through, but I can’t help it; every time I see her I feel like my heart pounce out of my chest and beg her to forgive me. But I know it’s hopeless, she won’t ever love me back. Ever.

            I walk into detention, hoping and praying she isn’t there. Of course she is though. There she is, staring at me like I’m the only person on earth. Her hands balled up into fists, ready to strike, even if they’re shaking. I sighed, sitting in my seat, facing away from her.

            “Don’t you dare ignore me, Amber.” She threatened, but I kept my gaze forward. She moves, now sitting in front of me. “Look, I’m sorry.”

            “Sorry? That’s the best you can do?” I laughed, tears stinging my eyes. “You could’ve just left me alone; you could’ve let me stay a shallow, shell of a person. You could’ve stopped fucking me, you could’ve stopped being so damn perfect! But of course, you didn’t stop any of those things. You watched me fall for you slowly, watched me admire your beauty at every possible occasion, watched me love you.”

            “I didn’t just watch you.”

            “Save it.” I said, a single tear leaving my eye. I caught it with my thumb before it could reach my cheek. “You could’ve at least had the decency to tell me you don’t love me. It’s not like it would’ve hurt any less, at least I would’ve gotten closure. But no, perfect princess Jung just had to have her own way. She had to stay the same ice-hearted bitch.” She looked at me blankly, her eyes glistening. “I wish I never fell for you.”

            “Shut the fuck up and let me talk!” She slammed her fist into the table, the sound bouncing off the walls. “You know why I’m so cold! You were there every step of the way with me while I was figuring out my past. You know how much it affected me, not only physically but emotionally. You know everything, even about my battle between Soojung and Krystal. I always hated getting called Soojung, but when you started it . . . It felt different. It felt like someone actually wanted her for once, as if my whole fucked up past had been a lie. Everything has changed; there is someone who does want Soojung now. And this screwed up my emotions. It was drilled into me that Krystal can’t love and Soojung can’t be loved, which is why the whole complex of love still baffles me even now. But then you came into my life, you started caring about me; you accepted all sides of me. You . . . You loved me.”

            “I−” My cheek stung, a red handprint becoming prominent.

            “How dare you love me! I’m not meant to be loved!” She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks. I didn’t know what to do, my heart constricting and my blood boiling. Before I could hold her, she got back up. She wasn’t staring at me with fury anymore, now it was a whole new emotion. The same emotion I know is in my eyes. She touched my cheek, trying to soothe the pain with her touch. “You remember when you said nothing could melt my heart of ice?”

            “Yeah.” I said, voice full of shame. Her mouth met mine in a chaste kiss, the feel of her lips lingering on mine.

            “You melted it, Amber.” She retracted from me, eyes casted downwards as she ran out of the room. 

Amber POV

Hearing a knock on the door, I stop flicking through channels and turn off the TV.

            “Hey,” Her scent washed over me, sending my nerves into a buzzing frenzy. “Can I come in?”

            “Uh, yeah, sure.” I opened the door fully, allowing her body to slide past mine. We sat on the couch together, neither of us looking at the other. I fidgeted with my fingers, picking at my cuticles.

            “So, what does this mean from now on?” She muttered. My head rose immediately, watching her reaction as I said the words I never wanted to say.

            “If you don’t love me, that’s fine. We can call all this off.” A sharp pain flowed through my forehead as her knuckles slammed onto me.

            “Babo!” She shouted mockingly. “Did you not hear me yesterday?”


            “I love you, stupid.” I smiled brightly as each syllable flowed out of her gorgeous mouth. She loves me, she really loves me.

            “Are you sure?” I asked, still in disbelief.

            “One hundred and ten percent.” I couldn’t contain myself any longer, the happiness flowing from me. I leaned into her, kissing her softly. For the first time, we really kissed. There was no rush, no heat, just love. For the first time ever, I was kissing Soojung. And it was beautiful. Her hands threaded into my hair, playing with the bleached strands. My hands found their way to her waist, not touching her, just holding her. We pulled away, staring into each other’s eyes. There was no flickering fire raging; there was no shining black fog. There was none of that; it was just her eyes, staring into mine. They were as clear as day, full of affection and adoration. I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for this.

            “I love you so much, Soojung.” I kissed her forehead. “Please don’t ever forget that.” She giggled, blushing furiously.

            “How much do you love me?” She asked, the playful gleam in her eyes. I planted my lips on hers softly, pulling away as soon as I’d done it.

            “This much.”

            “Uh uh, not good enough. I deserve more love than that.” I trailed kisses from the base of her neck to her mouth.

            “How about now?” I asked.

            “Nope, not good enough.” She smirked, an idea forming in her mind. “I need some kind of proof.” I smiled knowingly; she wants to play this game. I latched my mouth onto her neck, sucking and nibbling at the soft flesh. Her breath hitched in her throat, her hands tugging my hair delicately. I scooped her up into my arms, walking in the direction we know so well.

            “Then let me prove it to you.” I said, kicking the door shut behind me.

Krystal POV

Hearing the door shut, I took her face in my hands and kissed her. She smiled into the kiss, running her tongue across my bottom lip. I pulled away, looking at her teasingly.

            “Aw, c’mon.” She whined.

            “Slow this time, baby.” I smirked at her defeated sigh. She walked us over to her bed, laying me down softly. I stared up at her while she bit her bottom lip, her eyes undressing me. Slowly, she loomed over me, one leg between mine. She showered my face light kisses, hands resting on my waist. I smiled at how cautious she’s being, her hands shaking. “Amber, it's okay to touch me.” I heard her chuckle, a relieved breath leaving her mouth.

            “I thought you said slow.”

            “I didn’t mean don’t touch me.” I laughed. “I just meant no rushing. I want this to be perfect.” She kissed me, lips moving slowly.

            “You’re here, it’s already perfect.” She mumbled against my mouth. My heart soared at her words, a smile spreading across my face. She smiled back, her eyes shining. Her mouth met mine, fingertips dancing across my sides, sending electricity through me. Tongue escaping my mouth, I ran it across her cupid’s bow, loving the way she groaned at my touch. She opened her mouth, allowing our tongues to meet in a heated dance. My hands slipped underneath her shirt, sliding up and down her bare back. Her mouth retracted from mine, planting delicate kisses across my jaw. My nails dug into her back when she reached a sweet spot, a heavy sigh leaving my mouth. She smirked against my skin, running her tongue along my neck tendon. Another sigh leaving my mouth, I wrapped my legs around her waist.

Her hands lifted my shirt up cautiously, giving me time to rethink. She reached the underwire of my bra, giving me my chance to pull the fabric back down. I smiled, humming my approval as the shirt was thrown overhead. Her mouth moved downward, running across my sensitive collarbone. I gasped sharply, scratching lightly at her back. She groaned, the vibration rattling against my skin. I moved my hands along her heated skin, tracing up to her face. Taking it away, I planted my lips on hers. We moved slowly, in sync with each other. Her hands toyed with the underside of my breasts, teasing the skin. I took in a sharp breath, her fingers threatening to snap the minimal resolve I had left. She unclasped my bra, sliding it from my body to the floor in one movement. My hands moved to their own accord, taking her bra off and letting it drop to the floor. She inched away, quickly getting rid of her shirt and moving back against me. We groaned at the sensation of skin against skin, both of us craving to feel more of it. Her mouth showered kisses along my jaw; reaching my ear, she licked the shell, sending hot shivers straight to my abdomen.

“I want you, Soojung.” She whispered lowly, breath hot against my ear. There it goes, all that resolve I had snapped at her words. She knew exactly how to push my buttons, and I loved it. Using all the leg strength I had, I flipped us over, pinning her between my thighs. She smirked, knowing she’s about to get her wish.

“Want me, do you?” I said, a playful smile creeping up my lips. She gulped, nodding. I slid down her body slowly, letting my chest drag along her skin as I made my way up. I brushed my lips against hers, waiting for her to go the extra distance. Before she could, I moved away slightly. “How do you want me?”

“Every way possible.” She said, hands tracing all my curves. I mmmed at the sensation. She leaned up, capturing my neck between her teeth. I sighed in content as her tongue ran across the love bite she’d just given me.

“And what is ‘every way possible’?” I managed to say.

“I want you as my lover,” She licked along my tendon, my hands diving into her hair. “I want you as my girlfriend,” She kissed my collarbone far too lightly, the tease. “Most importantly, I want you as my future.” She said, love dripping from her words. I gripped her hair, bringing her up to face me. I slowly inched my mouth closer to hers, hoping my state of arousal won’t ruin the romantic gesture. She closed the space between us, claiming me as truly hers. During this time, my shorts and panties went missing, as did hers. She brought me closer so I could fully lie on top of her. Her hands rested on my hips, clutching them closer. My body ground against hers, my arousal spreading across her thigh. I moaned into her mouth, positioning myself so we were perfectly aligned. She bucked her hips, her core rubbing against mine. My mouth moved from hers, sucking and nibbling at the delicate skin on her neck. Her back arched, fingers digging into my flesh, her head swinging back as a moan escaped her mouth. I smiled, loving the fact that I can push all the right buttons. I let one hand travel from her hair, gliding across her skin until I reached her chest. I took a perky nipple between my thumb and forefinger, tweaking it. She ground harder and faster, making me bounce which each thrust.

“Amber . . .” I sighed, grinding into her just as hard. Her strong hands kept hold of me, keeping me in place while she had her wicked way with me. I was so close, the familiar pushing feeling on my abdomen. Suddenly, the grinding stopped. I was about to voice my anger when I felt her move herself underneath me, mouth positioned at my core. She prodded and poked at my entrance, sending electric shocks all over my body. Her tongue grazed across my clit, making me grind onto her. I heard a muffled approval from her, making my head spin. Her tongue continued its devilish patterns, my hips moving at their own accord.  She added a finger, pumping it at a delicious pace. “Oh fuck!” I screamed, my entire body pulsating. Every nerve was buzzing on edge, my breathing ragged. She must’ve moved from underneath me, because now I’m lying down and her mouth is on mine, her core hot against my thigh. Coming down from my high, my body started reacting again. My mouth moved against hers, hands scratching along her back. “Amber.” I mumbled against her mouth.

“Yeah?” I gave her one final peck.

“My turn now.” I watched the corners of her lips tug upwards, signature smirk spreading across her face. Making my way down, I peppered kisses everywhere I possibly could. Reaching my destination, I stroked a finger up her slit. She hissed, biting her lip to hold back a moan. But that’s not what I want, tonight; I want her screaming my name. Positioning myself between her legs, I let my tongue follow the same route my finger just had. A small sound escaped her, but that wasn’t good enough. I spread her folds, ready to dive in for my meal. I latched my lips onto her clit, sucking and licking it.

            “Holy fuck . . .” She sighed. I smiled, continuing my ministrations. Knowing she was already wet enough; I slid a finger inside her, pumping slowly. “Stop teasing.” I smirked, loving this feeling of power. I curled my fingers, hitting just the right spot. “Soojung!” Her head flew back, hips bucking into my face, hands clutching onto the duvet for dear life. I licked up her release, savouring the tangy yet sweet taste. Crawling back up to her, I watched her come down from her high.

            “Welcome back.” I said, moving her hair from her damp forehead. She kissed me softly, arms wrapping around my waist.

            “Thanks,” She chuckled. “Can we always have sex like this?” She asked earnestly, still afraid that I don’t love her. I snuggled in closer, one hand resting on her shoulder, the other rubbing her still oversensitive bud.

            “Who said we were done yet?”

Krystal POV

I wake up to an unusual sense of cold, a shiver running through my body. Realising I’m still naked; I pull the sheet up to cover my body as I get ready for a shower. Then I notice something even more strange, there wasn’t a pair of strong arms pulling me back, no warmth spreading across me from her body. I looked to where she normally is, but the sheet is completely off on her side, a note lying on top. I smile, always with the notes.

Morning Princess,

I wanted to wake you, but you’re too adorable when you sleep. I’m in the kitchen, meet you there when you’re done washing up.

I love you.

            I felt my smile rise all the way up to my eyes, the heat flooding into my cheeks. Holding the paper to my chest, I head for the shower.

Amber POV

I felt her arms snake around my back, fingers tapping against my abdomen. I smile at her gesture, loving how affectionate she is.

            “Morning.” She said cheerfully, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder. Taking my eyes away from the frying pan, I turn around, wrapping my arms around her waist. I grinned toothily at her before hugging her. I felt her shoulders shake as she laughed. “Okay, not what I was expecting.”

            “What were you expecting?” She inched back, hands sliding up and down my arms.

            “A kiss, at least.” I smiled, kissing her softly on the cheek and continuing to cook breakfast. The flame turned off, the bacon stopped sizzling, and Krystal was giggling. I saw her hand on the switch, moving up slowly to meet the belt loop on my jeans. She pushed me against the opposite countertop, hands still in control. She inched closer, spreading my legs with her thigh and pushing down, spreading heated tingles throughout my lower body. I stifled a moan, biting my lip at her actions. Her hands locked together at the back of my neck, fingers sifting through my hair. “When I said ‘kiss’, I meant a proper one.” I feigned anger, looking at the floor and groaning.

            “Aw, do I have to?” I mocked. She scrunched up her nose at me, bottom lip jutting into a pout. She dropped her arms, walking away.

            “Fine. Whatever, don’t kiss your girlfriend.” She huffed, making her way to the bedroom door. I panicked, chasing after her. My arms captured her around the waist, pulling her back to me. I couldn’t help but notice how close we are, the only thing stopping us from kissing is her anger.

            “I was kidding.” She scoffed, looking away from me.


            “Seriously, I am.” I tried.

            “How am I meant to know that?” She turned away, folding her arms. I pulled her close, embracing her as my lips met her forehead.

            “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” I muttered against her forehead, tightening my hold on her. “I should know not to mess with you like that.”

            “Its fine.” She said, pulling away slightly. She jumped onto the counter, waiting for me to continue cooking. I wedged myself between her thighs, a smirk on my face.

            “Is it too late for that kiss?” She laughed softly, a smile growing. She nodded, leaning in and capturing my lips. Her hands slid around my neck, fingers clutching at my shirt as I push against her core. She nibbled my bottom lip, earning her a moan. Pulling back, she smiled victoriously.

            “Guess what.” Her smile grew wider, oh no.

            “I was never mad at you.” She gave me a quick peck before running into the lounge. “Gotcha!” I ran after her, chasing her around the couch.

            “Soojung, get back here or so help me God I’ll never kiss you again!”

Krystal POV

This is the first time I’ve ever walked with someone to class. This is the first time I’ve ever held hands with someone who wasn’t Jess or Sulli. This was the first time I didn’t care about anyone’s opinion of me.

            And I love it.

            Feeling Amber’s hand squeeze mine comfortingly, I manage to smile even brighter. But eventually, the stares start to sink in. I felt my breathing accelerate, whether that be from the heaviness of their stares or from Amber’s increasing hand pressure, I wasn’t sure. Noticing she was wide-eyed and worried, I stopped walking. She looked at me, fear evident in her eyes.

            “You know, maybe we shouldn’t be doing this ye−” I cut off her nonsense with my mouth on hers. I could hear gasps, wolf whistles and shouts. I felt her lips on mine, moving in the familiar, sweet rhythm I’ve gotten accustomed to. I felt my heart speed up like it always does when she’s touching me, my chest tugging and my stomach flipping. I completely forgot about the judgemental stares around us until we pulled apart, her dazed expression making me grin. I grabbed her hand, threading our fingers and holding it high in the air. A blush crept across her cheeks, eyes casted downwards.

            “Attention everyone!” Not that I really needed to say it, all eyes were on us already, but it seemed dramatically important. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Kryst . . . I’m Jung Soojung.” I corrected, allowing myself to fully accept my real name. “And I’m hopelessly in love with Amber Liu! If you don’t like it, back off. Unless of course, you want to deal with my sister.” I threatened at the end, making all those who judged us walk away with a sour yet scared expression. The crowd around us depleted, and I started to walk. Amber’s hand held me back, her whole body rigid.

            “You just risked your social status . . . For me.” I laughed, giving her a chaste kiss.

            “I’d risk anything for you, Amber.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I kissed her again, slowly this time. Her hands rested on my hips, pushing my body away.

            “Not that I don’t want to kiss you, because believe me, I really do.” She rambled, raking a hand through her hair. “But were going to be late to class, and I don’t want you to blame me for that again.” She finished with a smirk, her hand twining with mine.

Amber POV

Stepping through the door, I realise how empty my house is without Krystal. There are clothes strewn about the floor, some hers, some mine. There are dishes, still waiting to be washed. There’s still something missing though. I can have her clothes, leftover reminders of her presence or her lingering scent, but it’s not enough. It’s not her. Which probably sounds really clingy, but I’ve noticed I’m not entirely happy unless she’s around. When she’s around, it’s like the shard of my heart that was missing got replaced. She makes me happier, brighter, better. She makes me, well, me. My phone rings, ripping me out of my thoughts.


            “Yah! Where are you? We’ve been knocking for the past five minutes.” I hear Victoria’s motherly voice through the phone and outside my door.

            “Are you out with Krystal?” Luna’s chirpy tone asks.

            “Are you outside my door?” I question, allowing my feet to move from where they were planted. Opening my door, I see their bright and happy faces. Immediately I get tackled into a three-way hug, the air getting squeezed out of my lungs. “Guys, Air. Now.” But they don’t listen, letting go of me when they’re ready. I suck in as much oxygen as I possibly can, hand resting on my chest.

            “So, tell us everything.” Luna requested, smiling happily as she pulled up a chair at the table. I smirk absentmindedly, remembering the fun night on the dining table two months ago. Victoria closes the door and locks it, a habit of hers. She also sits down, elbows resting on the table, head resting on her hands. They’re both utterly intrigued, yet I don’t know how to tell the story.

            “Um,” I mumbled, trying to make up a less incriminating version of how I got a girlfriend. “Well, what do you wanna know?”

            “Quit stalling, Amber.” Victoria grinned at me, classic parent expression. “If you don’t want to tell us because we won’t like her, then you might want to break it off.”

            “No, that’s not it. It’s just . . . The way it happened is a little complicated to explain.” I scratched the back of my head, offering a weak smile.

            “Well, it’s not like you guys were fuck buddies or anything before you got together.” Luna mused, earning her a scolding for her language. My eyes widened at her accuracy, the expression giving it all away. “Wait, you were?”

            I nodded. Victoria gave me a displeased pout. Luna gave me a wink.

            “Then spit out your story now.” She started. “And if it’s not tear jerking or beautiful, I will clip you over the ears for using someone like that.”

            Luna snorted. “I’m pretty sure they were both using each other.”

            “It started like that. We were just using each other as an outlet for frustration.” I tried to think of the right words. How do you explain what happened with us? “But after some time had passed, we started getting closer and trusting each other. Her past is pretty screwed up, and when she told me about it; I felt the sudden urge to protect her, to keep her safe. I would even get jealous whenever someone other than me talked to her. I guess somewhere along the way, I crossed the fine line between love and hate.”

            “Aww!” Luna interrupted, hands clenched together and a bright smile on her face. Victoria shot her a glare, making her settle down.

            “So you love her?” Victoria asked, still uncertain about the whole thing. “I mean, it’s not exactly romantic . . .”

            “Does it have to be? So our story isn’t one to tell the grandchildren, that’s fine with me. The bottom line is that she mended me and I mended her. We both make each other feel whole, we both put each other before ourselves, and we both are willing to spend the rest of our days together no matter what anyone else’s opinion is. I love her, guys. And I would really love if she got yours and Luna’s approval, because all three of you mean more than anything to me.”

            “Our llama learnt how to love.” Luna said, a hand resting on her heart dramatically. I laughed at her, glad she always finds a way to lighten the mood. Victoria looked at me seriously, her mouth a thin line.

            “For now, she seems worthy.” I grinned toothily. “But I’ll need to meet her. We’ll need to meet her.” I nodded vigorously; just happy there’s a chance she’ll be accepted into the family.

            “So, on that note, where’s the wine?” Luna asked, making her way to the fridge.

Krystal POV

I stand silently, my eyes widened in shock. My throat is dry, losing its capability to work since long before. My hands are clenched around my belt, holding it so tight my knuckles were probably white. I was quaking with fear only moments ago, but now I was shaking in fury. My mother wasn’t home, so I decided to just tell my father straight up that I have a girlfriend. He complimented me on my bravery, but then said the one sentence I knew he was going to, but hoped he wouldn’t.

            “Just like Jessica, aren’t you?”

            I know he meant it as a joke, I know he said it to make me feel better. But it didn’t. It made me feel like crap, like even if I am gay, that it doesn’t matter because Jess has already done it. Jess has already been popular, Jess has already pursued her dream, Jess already told her parents she has a girlfriend. No matter what I do, I get compared, right down to my sexuality.

            “You think I’m telling you this because Jess has?” I snap, hands beginning to shake. He starts to shake his head, but I don’t want to hear another word. “I’ll have you know I’m telling you because I thought you’d support me, I thought you’d want to meet my girlfriend and welcome her into the family with open arms. I didn’t tell you to because I think being gay is the new trend I’ve copied off Jess. I told you because I love my girlfriend and want her to stay in my life as long as she’s willing to be in it, but of course Jess has probably told you all this with her situation. She would’ve already told you she’s in love, would’ve already told you she wants to be with this girl forever. It makes me wonder why I even bother with you sometimes, dad. All you and mum do is compare me to her and I’m sick of it.”

            “We don’t comp−”

            “I’m not Jessica!” I screamed with so much emotion that my knees nearly gave way. My whole body was racking with sobs but no tears would leave my eyes, I was just a horrible, wailing mess. He did nothing. He didn’t comfort me, he didn’t contradict me, he didn’t try. He just walked away, sighing heavily.

            “Krystal,” He called, now outside his bedroom door. I looked up, eyes stinging. “The only one comparing you to Jessica is yourself, remember that.”

            I seethed with anger, walking to my bedroom and slamming the door with as much force as I could muster. I crumbled onto my bed, not even bothering to waste my tears. I stared up at the ceiling, picturing all the fights I’d had with my parents about the comparison between Jess and I.

            It’s not like I’m going to admit that my father was right.

Amber POV

Her hands played with my hair, absentmindedly styling it in different ways. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at her face, wondering how I was ever so lucky to be with someone this beautiful. She huffed, messing my hair up and dropping her hands to her lap. Shifting in my seat, I tilted her chin upwards.

            “You okay?” She looked away, feet dangling off my desk.

            “I came out to my dad.” She mumbled, fingernails tapping onto the wooden surface. I rested my arms on her thighs, looking for any excuse to get closer or touch her.

            “Isn’t that a good thing?” Her eyes started to water, bottom lip trembling. I pulled her off the desk onto my lap, arms securely around her. “Didn’t he take it well?”

            “He took it very well, actually.”

            “Then what’s the problem?” I said, moving the hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ears.

            “He told me that Jess already came out so it’s no big deal.” She laughed to herself. “Stupid, aren’t I? Don’t see why I bother.” I pulled her closer, our faces only centimetres apart.

            “You’re not stupid.” I hate when she gets in these moods, I don’t like when she doesn’t like herself. “What else did he say?”

            “Well, I kind of . . . Screamed at him, telling him to stop comparing me.” I smiled, at least she doesn’t only yell at me. “Then he walked away, saying the only one comparing me to Jess is myself.” A tear left her eye, I caught it immediately.

            “C’mon, don’t cry.” I kissed her forehead, my hands stroking her back comfortingly.

            “How can I not cry? He’s right, after all.” She controlled her breathing, the tears slowly stopping. “I just blamed it on them because I know I’ll never get out of her shadow, no matter how hard I try.”

            “You’re not in her shadow at all.”

            “Yeah, right.”

            “I’m serious. You’ve already broken free.”

            “How do you know that?”

            “Because to get out of her shadow, you had to stop being Krystal and be Soojung. You even said it yourself yesterday, you’re Jung Soojung.”

            “Yeah. Yeah, I am Soojung.” She smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Thank you.”

            “For what?”

            “For loving me.” I smiled so brightly my gums were showing. Leaning in that extra distance, I brushed my lips with hers. It was only a soft kiss, just letting our feelings pour through. “Promise me something?”


            “That you won’t leave until you’re absolutely sick of me.” I laughed, the sound echoing in the room.

            “Looks like I’m never leaving, then.” I whispered, placing my mouth on hers once again.

Amber POV

I check my phone for the umpteenth time since I got home, still no text from Krystal. Today, I spent the entire day with Victoria and Luna just like I always do on my birthday. I invited Krystal to come out with us, but she said her and Jessica had some shopping to do and that she’d text me about coming over later. The thing is, she sent me that over twelve hours ago.

            Now, I’m sitting on my couch with a stupid party hat on my head, hoping to get a text from my girlfriend. I must look like such a loser.

            I drop my phone onto the couch, walking aimlessly into my room, hoping sleep will take my thoughts away. Throwing random clothes onto my bed, I start to get changed. I discarded my shirt, picking up the loose one I wear to bed. Noticing there’s something underneath it, I pick it up. It’s a box, black with a silver ribbon and a card attached. Out of habit, I take the card out of its envelope and begin reading.

Happy Birthday, llama! I promise I’ll see you tonight, hope you like your present!

 Love Soojung xoxo

            I smiled, so this must have been what she was shopping for. Carefully undoing the knot in the ribbon, I open the box.

            “No. Fucking. Way.” It’s a hat. The exact same hat I asked for when we went on our first date. I can’t believe she remembered it. I jumped for joy, dancing my way over to the nearest mirror. Putting it on, I tried all the various ways I could wear it. Being my usual dorky self, I started to some extremely sexy poses – which obviously involves me duck-facing and impersonating most teenage girls on the internet. I heard a laugh from the other side of the room.

            “How does anyone resist that hot piece of ass?”

            “I know, right?” I made a face at her, sticking my butt out. She threw her head back, the laughter coming out in hearty waves. I made my way towards her, a goofy smile on my face. She grinned at me, throwing her arms around my neck and pulling me closer. “Thanks for the hat, by the way. Although, I want to see what it looks like on you.” I took it off my head, placing it on hers and adjusting it to her head size.

            “What do you think, model material?” She pouted, her body changing into a pose. I laughed, stifling it behind my hand.

            “Might as well have bought it for yourself, it looks better on you.”

            “Really?” She turned the hat backwards, inching closer. “Lucky I have some other presents for you.” She whispered, planting her lips on mine for a soft kiss. Her finger traced my jaw, settling on the middle of my chest before pushing me backward. I obeyed, walking until she stopped pushing. Noticing we were just shy of my bed, I had a good feeling about where this is going.

            “What kind of present are you going to give me?” I asked. She pushed me onto the bed, wasting no time in crawling on top of me. She undid the first three buttons of her shirt, giving me a fantastic view of her cleavage. I licked my lips at the sight, wanting to taste her already.

“One that will have you screaming for more.” She pinned my arms above me, grinding her lower half into mine. I had to bite my lip to suppress the moan waiting to come out. Arms still pinned, she moved her mouth closer, carefully choosing the trail she followed. Knowing all the sweet spots on my neck, she bit each one, marking mine as hers. I already started breathing heavily, her mouth sending me into the familiar lusty oblivion. Her tongue flicked across my tendon, a loud moan escaping my mouth. I felt her smile against my skin, before getting off me completely.

“What the hell?” I yelled at her retreating figure. She turned around, winking at me.

“Close your eyes until I get back.”


“Do it, Amber.” She said in a deadly tone. I gulped, feeling the pressure of her icy glare for the first time.

“Fine, but this better be worth it.” I mumbled, shutting my eyes.

Amber POV

Opening my eyes, I saw . . .  Nothing. Blackness engulfed my vision, seeping through and making me panic. I wanted to get up, I wanted to move, but her body was on top of mine again. A leg either side, hands pinning me down. I was completely and utterly trapped. I felt her breath teasingly flow against my skin, the hot air sending shivers down my body. I couldn’t stop the anticipation from flowing through my veins. Her lips finally met my skin in a soft brush, her mouth lingering but not moving. I waited and waited, praying she would release me from this torture.

            “Why are you teasing me like this?” I asked, anger clear in my tone. Something I could only assume to be her tongue caressed my neck, leading a burning trail to my jaw. I hissed when she snagged some skin between her teeth and left a mark. Feeling something soft slide away from my eyes, I drank in my surroundings. She was situated on my lap like always (albeit only in her underwear); my room was still just as messy as the night before, nothing seemed out of place.

            Except the throbbing pain in my left arm.

            “You’re tying me up?” I yelled. She must have distracted me with the earlier teasing; I hadn’t even noticed she had done it.

            “Yes,” She squeezed her legs together, encasing me completely. “And if you stop struggling, I’ll have the other arm done in no time.” And with that, both my wrists were tied to the bed posts.

With bandanas.

I looked at her sourly, eyes piercing through her.

            “What the hell, Soojung?” I was absolutely seething; I can’t believe she’s done this. Her chest brushed against mine as she lowered her whole body on top of me, hands teasingly running up and down the length of my sides. Her tongue met my earlobe in an insatiable suck, teeth nibbling the aftermath. My breath hitched, my fury turning into a completely different kind of heat.

            “You said I could do anything I want on your birthday.” She whispered, licking the shell. My whole body shuddered, arms already pulling at the knotted cloth. “Tonight, I want to make you scream. Consider it one of many presents you’ll be getting.” The last thing I saw was her smirk, my eyes squeezing shut as her lips meet my skin. I gasped, already wanting her to release me from these stupid restraints.

            “W-why bandanas?” I spat out, my breath becoming ragged under her tongue’s ministrations. She continued lower, roughly pulling my jeans and underwear off.

            “Why not?” She flicked her tongue over my nub, making my head thrash to the side.

            “Maybe you shouldn’t have tied me – ugh!” I couldn’t finish, her fingers silencing me. Without warning, she was inside me, the way her fingers were curling alone nearly throwing me over the edge. My hips bucked, sending me into the familiar drowning yet floating sensation. Her magnificent tongue began swirling, her fingers dancing inside me. I struggled hopelessly against the bandanas, my body practically begging to touch her. “Let me out of these damn things!” I half moaned, half screamed. I wanted to be freed; I want to touch her until she can’t take anymore. But at the same time, my body was enjoying the helplessness of the entire situation. I don’t know what I craved more; to touch her, or to be touched.

            “Shut up,” She muttered against my searing skin. “And just enjoy yourself.” I nodded, finally obeying. Ignoring the heavy feeling in my arms, I focused on every other feeling I was receiving. The sensational feeling of her nails running along my skin, the breathtaking feeling of her tongue playing with me, the astounding way the fingers on her other hand pumped in and out of me.

            The blissful feeling of an orgasm.

            My body arched so much that the only parts of me left on the bed were my feet and the back of my neck. My veins pulsating so much that I could feel the blood throbbing through me. My brain stopped functioning properly, everything becoming hazy around the edges. My ears felt as if there was water running through them, every noise becoming drowned out. I lay helplessly on the bed, my beautiful girlfriend just watching me come down from my high with sly smirk on her face.

            “What?” I asked, still trying to catch my breath. Starting to notice all my surroundings, I realise my arms don’t feel heavy anymore. She stifled a small laugh, her eyes turning into crescents.

            “Nothing,” she giggled. “Just that you, um, ripped the bandanas.”

            “I what?” I looked at my wrists in disbelief. I had, in fact, completely torn the bandanas in two. I laughed at myself, figuring I must have super strength during orgasm. She looked at me shyly, crawling over to me slowly. My hands automatically gripped her hips, roughly pulling her towards me. Our lips met in a hungry frenzy, tongues already fighting the other’s for dominance. Her hands reached out around my neck, scratching lightly as one of my hands travelled lower. I teasingly dragged a finger along her slit, surprised that her wetness was leaking through the lace of her underwear. She moaned, body leaning into my touch. I smirked, loving how easily I can make her react. Her face moved away from mine, her teeth snagging her bottom lip in one of the sexiest expressions I’ve ever seen. Her brows furrowed, hips grinding themselves against my finger. Her nails scraped across my skin, dragging themselves to my arms. Grappling my wrists, she moved my hands away from her body. I pouted in frustration, hating the fact she won’t let me touch her just yet. She removed my top and bra without a second of haste, before unclasping her bra and peeling off her underwear, throwing it across the room. I couldn’t stop my heart from pounding faster; no matter how many times I see her naked, it still takes my breath away. I muttered the same wow I always do when I see her like this, watching her hips sway from side to side as she readjusts herself on top of me. I lick my lips as I watch her bite her lower lip, her fiery eyes beckoning me closer. She wrapped her slender fingers around my wrists once more; roughly pinning them either side of my head. She smirked, head diving into the crook of my neck.

           She nibbled and sucked across my oversensitive skin, making each place she planted her lips upon burn with an inconsolable inferno. I gasped as she sucked on my sweet spot, her lower half slamming into mine in the most erotic way. I grinded my core against hers, not bothering to fight against her vice grip. She groaned loudly on my neck, the sound bouncing off the walls and filling my ears. The corners of my mouth tugged up, enjoying the fact that I don’t need my hands to make her feel this way. Her mouth reached my collarbone, licking along the length of it before moving to my chest.

          “Oh, fuck!” I exclaimed, beginning to move my hips as fast as I could. She bounced slightly, her tongue bobbing against my nipple. The grip on my wrists ceased as she took the opposite nipple between her forefinger and thumb, her other hand scratching at my abdomen. I ran my fingertips along her body, devouring anywhere I could with my hands. Settling them on her hips, I guided her body into mine. Retracting her mouth, she looked me straight in the eye. The predatory gleam was there, mixed with the fire and the fog. I shuddered involuntarily, her heated stare always turning me on more than it should.

          “Don’t s-stop.” She muttered, throwing her head back and sighing. Her hands clawed at my skin, eight red lines becoming visible across my torso. “So close.” I held her closer, bringing my mouth to her collarbone. Sucking with as much force as I could muster, I left one of the biggest marks to date on her. I kissed my way to her ear, licking and biting the lobe.

          “Cum for me, Soojung.” I whispered heavily. And with that, she screamed. Her body erupted in shudders so violent they could be considered convulsions. Her head swung back, giving me an amazing view of her neck and chest. The view alone sent me over the edge; my nerves buzzing with electricity and my breath almost nonexistent. I fell backwards, letting her body lean on top of mine. I peppered kisses wherever I could, holding her tightly. She didn’t roll off, she didn’t even move. Her mouth just kissed my neck softly, her head snuggling onto my shoulder, hands splayed across my chest. I kept my arms wrapped around her, holding her as close as I could. The cold autumn air was creeping up on us; trying not to disturb her, I pulled the duvet over our bodies. I felt her smile against my skin. “Thank you for the best birthday present ever.”

          “What, the sex?” She asked, dumbfounded. She moved off of me, now lying next to me. I chuckled, shaking my head.

          “Well, that too.” I held her hand in mine, bringing it up to my mouth and placing a soft kiss. “I meant thank you for you.”

          “For me?”

          “Yes. Soojung,” I planted my lips on hers, just a soft kiss. “Thank you for being you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being the best present I could ever receive. Thank you for everything.” I rubbed my hands up and down her sides affectionately. “I love you.”

          She smiled brightly, her mood lighting up the whole room. “I love you, too.” She said without a single trace of doubt, her lips finding mine again.

          Once again, I fell asleep to the harmonic hum of her heartbeat.

Krystal POV

“What do you think?” I asked, turning for full effect. Last week, Amber asked me to meet Victoria and Luna, and today is the day I do. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a nervous wreck, my stomach doing triple back flips and my mind buzzing with all kinds of thoughts. I figured if I made a good first impression, they’d like me. But knowing how much of a mother figure Victoria is to Amber, I probably won’t make a good impression at all.

            “You look beautiful.” Amber said earnestly, her arms wrapping around me for a reassuring hug. I felt my cheeks heat up, her compliments never failing to make me smile. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Trust me, Victoria isn’t that bad and Luna . . . Well, Luna is a little weird, but she’ll like you.”

            “What if they don’t?” I asked, fingers toying with the buttons on her shirt. She gave me a warm smile, kissing my forehead softly.

            “They will, I promise.”

Amber POV

Luna answered the door, wearing an expression I know too well. To strangers or friends, it would look like any other friendly smile. But when you’ve known her for as long as I have, you know that smile. The smile that’s warning you of what to come, the smile that tells you Victoria is in what we like to call ‘super mum mode’.

            “Hi, how are you?” She said brightly, pulling both of us into a three way hug.

            “Good, thanks. How are you?” She answered Luna, manners extremely evident.

            “Oh, I’m not bad, not bad.” She paused when a crashing sound and a curse was heard from inside. Luna and I shared a look, knowing all too well that it was certainly not Victoria’s day. “Come in.” I placed my hand at the small of Soojung’s back, keeping my body slightly in front, just in case of a rampage. I could feel her shaking slightly, her breathing irregular.

            “Calm down, it’s usually like this.” I muttered into her ear, moving her along. We reached the dining area, Luna excusing herself for the kitchen. I pulled the chair out for Soojung, then sat in the one next to her. She dropped her head into her hands, eyes shut in fear.

            “Seriously, Amber, what am I doing here? Who am I kidding? They’re not going to like me; they’re going to hate me.”

            “Why would they hate you?”

            “Because I’m me.” She raked a shaky hand through her hair.

            “That’s exactly why they’re not going to hate you.”

            “How would you know?” She snapped, eyes full of dread. She moved my fringe out of my eyes, sighing. “I’m sorry.”

            “Its fine.” I reassured. “And I know they won’t hate you because if I love you, they will too.”

            “If you say so.” She casted her gaze downwards, eyes burning a hole into the floorboards.

            “I say so.” I kissed her forehead, bringing my hand to hers and twining our fingers.

Krystal POV

The plate was set down in front of me, an assortment of food on the table before me. Victoria eyed me closely as I reached for the beef, her gaze feeling like a weight on my shoulders. I looked at Amber nervously, then to Luna. We all had the same expression on our faces, we were all hanging onto the silence, hoping it would be slashed and that Victoria would speak; but frightened that if she did, it would be the end of me.

            “So, Soojung, is it?” Victoria asked, folding her hands together underneath her chin. I flinched at the name, still getting used to the feeling of it all.

            “Yes, but I have been known as Krystal until recently.”

            “Why’s that?”

            “Well, Krystal is my English name and everyone preferred it.” Amber rubbed my thigh under the table, letting me know she’s here if I need her. “But Soojung is my Korean name, and I would rather be called that.”

            “Uh-huh,” She studied me, her stare making me immobile. “So I have a question for you, and I want you to be honest.”

            “Okay.” I nodded unsurely.

            “Are you aware of the fact that apart from the past three weeks, you have been using Amber?” She asked, her mouth a thin slit. Luna had dropped her cutlery, her mouth agape and eyes wide. Amber’s hand had stopped moving, her eyebrows now completely hidden by her fringe. I gulped, trying not to crack under pressure.


            “Yes? That’s it?” She looked at me with disbelief. “You’re not going to apologize for using her? You’re not going to say you regret it?”

            “No, I’m not going to apologize.” Luna and Amber shared a glance, the fear spreading through their eye contact. “And I most certainly do not regret it.”

            “Why don’t you regret it?”

            “Because as messed up as it is, us using each other has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I started, my fears diminishing with each word. “Are you aware that during all this time of using each other, we found out everything about each other, we mended each other and that we fell in love with each other?” She smiled at me, although not liking the fact I used her own words against her.

            “I am aware of some of that. Although I can’t help but wonder whether you actually love each other at all, or if you’re just going through a stage of lust which is confused for love.”

            Amber’s jaw dropped, Luna’s nostrils flared, my jaw clenched. Victoria smiled innocently.

            “How dare you.” She stifled a laugh, clearly enjoying the show. I stood up from the table, the chair I was once sitting on now crashing onto the floor. “You really think I don’t love her, or that she doesn’t love me?”

            “That’s exactly what I think.” Amber looked at her with shock, but I was too mad to care.

            “Then you are as dumb as you are tall. The way I feel for Amber is at least a million times stronger than anything else I’ve ever felt. She picked me up when I was down, fixed me when I was broken. She’s been with me every step of every damn way, hell; she’s even faced my sister and lived to tell the tale. I don’t care if we started as fuck buddies, I don’t care that we started off using each other. All I care about is that I spend every possible moment I can with her because nothing makes me happier than she does. No one can make me happier, no one can make me feel more loved, no one can make my heart beat faster. No one can want Soojung, except Amber.” Luna had tears in her eyes, smiling as each word tumbled out of my mouth. “I don’t care if you don’t approve of me, Victoria, I really don’t. Because at the end of the day, I will never stop loving Amber, and she will never stop loving me. Are you aware of that?” I picked the chair up, watching Amber’s expression change. Her eyes were watery, the corners of her lips pulling up into her adorable smile. She looked at me with admiration, shock, pride and most of all, love. I sat back down angrily in my chair, eating my nearly finished beef.

            “Eat it well.” Victoria said, smiling at me. I looked at her with confusion, as did everyone else. “It was all part of my plan; I really had to see if you loved Amber because I don’t want her getting hurt again.”

            “Really, why put her through all that? Why not just ask like most people would?” Amber asked, a tone of venom in her voice.

            “If I asked, she could’ve lied. I just had to make sure.” She smiled at me again, reaching over and serving me another piece of beef. “Welcome to the family.” 

Amber POV

“W-what are you doing?” She asked hopelessly. I could feel the vibration of her voice underneath my mouth. Feeling her body trembling, I reached my hands out, pinning hers onto the wall she was against. I pulled away from her neck, smiling at the various marks I’d left.

            “Well, you rewarded me greatly when I met Jessica’s approval,” She smirked, knowing where I was going with this. “So I figured it’s only fair if I do the same. On one condition, of course.”

            “Not another date, is it?” She wrinkled her nose, arms struggling. I chuckled, dragging my fingers up to her wrists, taking a firm grip and pinning them above her head. I melded our bodies together, sliding my thigh in between her legs and planting a quick on her collarbone. Our mouths were so close yet so far apart, only needing that extra step. She stared into my eyes defiantly, mischief glinting.

            “No. Although, we should have another one soon.” I smirked. “The condition is that you have to give into every little thing I want.”

            “Fuck off.” She muttered under her breath in English, showing how mad she really was about my request. “I will not be entirely submissive. No way.”

            “Then it looks like I leave you here, a flustered, horny mess.” I closed the extra distance, my mouth meeting hers. She struggled against my grip, but I just pushed against her harder, my thigh assisting in taking her mind off it. I pulled away, her teeth still attached to my bottom lip. “Or, you could feel like that the whole night. Who knows, you might even have fun.”

            She huffed. “Fine, you win; but only because you’ve already got me all worked up.”

            “Good.” I smirked, the ideas flooding into my mind. “Wait in the bedroom, make yourself comfortable.” I said with a wink, taking my hat off and sitting on the couch. How many ways can I make Krystal cum?

Krystal POV

Puffing my cheeks out, I walked into the bedroom. She said get comfortable, which probably means she’ll be a while. I flopped onto the bed, my mind racing with thoughts of Amber being totally dominant. She had said months ago that she was submissive, so it made me wonder why she’d make such a bold move, it’s not like her at all. Then again, dominant Amber could be even hotter. She could be more animalistic, less cautious and more passionate. God, that’d be hot. I let my fingers drift south, unbuttoning my jeans and slipping into my underwear.

            “Not starting without me, I hope.” I heard Amber call from behind the closed door. I re-buttoned my pants, walking over to the door and opened it. There she was, smiling brightly with a scheming glint in her eye.

            “Not at all, just thinking.”

            “About what?”


            “And what was I doing?” She edged closer, her fingers threading through the belt loops on my jeans.

            “Fucking me until my screams shatter the windows.” I answered, my arms snaking over her shoulders. I leant in to kiss her, but she pulled away, resting a finger on my lips.

            “Uh-uh, submissive, remember?” She chuckled at my pout. In one move, I was lifted and slammed against the nearest wall, her mouth attacking mine. She nibbled my bottom lip, her hands finding the zipper on my jacket and tearing it away from my shoulders. I moaned, arching my back and pulling away from the kiss as her hands roamed across my body greedily. Reaching the collar of my shirt, she didn’t even bother with the buttons. She ripped my shirt open, letting it join the jacket as she stared at my chest in awe. I sent her a questioning look which never got answered, her lips connecting to my jaw and hands groping me. Not being able to hold it in anymore, I let out a loud groan. My hands clung to her shirt as she carried me to the bed.

            Throwing me onto it, she took off everything but her underwear, and I couldn’t help but lick my lips at the free strip show. Planting a knee and hand on the bed, she crawled over to me. The look in her eye was so primal that it made me shiver. She gripped the waist of my jeans, roughly pulling down and hurling them elsewhere. She bit her bottom lip, eyes following every curve and crevice of my body. She smirked, straddling me and claiming my mouth. My hands rested on her shoulders, fingers toying with her bra straps. She bit my lower lip, sliding her tongue in after I gasped. I probed at her mouth, taking in every inch of the hot cavern. Her hands gripped my hips, holding them tightly as she rubbed our cores together. I groaned, wrapping my legs around her and leaning my head back. Her teeth immediately took the chance, diving at my neck and nibbling a trail downwards. She licked along my collarbone before biting the edge of it, nearly sending me over the edge.

            “Don’t you dare stop.”

            “Too late.” I could hear the smirk in her voice as she lowered her kisses.

            “Oh, fuck.” My hands tangled into her hair as she began nibbling my inner thighs. Hooking her fingers underneath my panties, she pulled them down and I kicked them off completely. My body flushed, her mouth meeting my clit already, sucking hard and twirling her tongue. I couldn’t help but lean up and look at her, her eyes met mine in one of the most heated stares we’ve ever shared. Moving her hands up, she tweaked at my nipples, making me scratch her head lightly. She groaned, the vibration coursing through my entire body. I started to spasm, I was so damn close.

            “Not yet.” Amber whispered against me, pulling me by my legs until I was level with her. She showered kisses over my chest and shoulders as she lifted me once more, leading us to another wall. I couldn’t even register the pain as I was practically thrown against it, two fingers already filling me as my legs wrapped around her. I scraped my nails along her back, hissing as she slammed into me repeatedly. My imagination was right; this side of Amber is such a turn on. She planted her lips on mine, tongues already clashing together. My nails dug even further into her skin, and she hissed into my mouth. She moved her mouth away, trailing kisses along my jaw. Reaching my ear, she took the lobe between her teeth, her hot breath making me squirm. I squeezed my eyes shut, sighing heavily. “Don’t close your eyes.”

            “W-why . . . Ugh, not?” I said breathily.

            “Because, I want you to look me in the eye as you cum.” I nearly lost it then and there, the demanding, dominant side of Amber getting me a step closer with every word. I kissed her neck, hoping she’d take that as an agreement. I pulled away, watching her mouth turn into a thin line and her breathing accelerate. She locked eyes with me, the heat in her eyes flowing into my body. I panted, sighing heavily as I looked down. Her fingers were disappearing inside me and when they came out, they glistened. I licked my lips, wondering why the sight of Amber fucking me turned me on so much. My heart stopped, my screams reverberating around the room. The whole time, my eyes stayed on hers. The fire in her eyes burned even brighter as she watched me come undone. “Wow.”


            “That was so . . . Wow.”

            I laughed, kissing her forehead. “You always have such a beautiful vocabulary, Amber.”

            “Shut up.” She hoists me up, planting kisses anywhere she could. Sitting me on the dresser, she smirked before prying legs apart. I bit my lip, anticipating where her tongue was going. Her tongue met my slit, giving it a torturously slow lick. I shuddered, gripping onto the edge of the dresser for support. She sought out my already engorged nub, biting it.

            “Holy fuck!” I screamed, my legs beginning to shake. There was no way this could last any longer, my lower abdomen already starting to constrict. She lowered her tongue, circling my entrance. Slipping her tongue inside, I arched my back, letting out a loud breath. “So . . . C-close.” I spat out, hoping she’ll hurry up and finish me. Her tongue thrusted in and out, circling me from the inside. I threw my head back, not caring if it hit the wall or not. With one final moan, I muttered her name and went back into bliss.

            Although, the bliss never lasts long enough. I always crave more bliss, the bliss only Amber can give. Which is why I wasn’t complaining at all when she threw me on the bed and trapped me between her legs. She took my hands in hers, leading them around her back as she leant in and captured my lips. The kiss was slow, but full of fire. Her tongue snaked around mine as her hands led mine to her bra hook, urging me to undo it myself. I unhooked it, dropping it to the floor as I responded to the kiss. My hands roamed her bare back, running a finger along her spine. She let out a shaky breath, her hands quickly pulling off her underwear before moving back to my sides. I gasped when she moved her mouth to my collarbone, biting a mark to the surface. My hips bucked, our cores grinding together in a delicious friction.

            “Oh God,” She muttered, her brows furrowing. I tried to move my hands lower, but she grappled them, pinning them above my head. She continued to thrust against me, creating a euphoric rhythm. She bit her lip, trying to suppress the sounds that were escaping. I whimpered, already on the edge again. Her movements became more hectic, her breathing more ragged. She screamed, and I screamed with her.

            I was completely and utterly spent. Snuggling into the crook of her neck, she wrapped her arms around me, and I gladly welcomed the warmth.  She placed a soft kiss on my forehead, fingers absentmindedly drawing patterns onto my skin.

            “So, how was that for a reward?” She asked proudly, already knowing exactly what I thought of it.

            “Brilliant. Actually, perfect.” I kissed her neck, my hands resting on her taut abdomen. “I don’t think I could ever get tired of sex with you.”

            I felt her chest rise up and down as she chuckled heartily. “Good, because I’m never going to be finished with you.”

            “Oh, really now?” I challenged, lifting myself up.

            “Really.” She smirked, her hands drifting south. Her mouth opened to say another smart comment, but I shut her up before she could, my mouth silencing her.

Amber POV

My ears were ringing, a strange high pitch noise filling my mind and waking me up. I raised my head groggily, eyes trying to adjust to the bright sunlight filling the room. Feeling something soft hit my head, I notice Soojung holding a pillow and wearing an unamused expression.

            “Answer your phone before I break it.” Oh, that’s what was ringing. She rolled over, trying to block out the noise. Standing up, I walked over to the jeans that were discarded last night and pulled out my phone. Unknown number, weird.


            “Amber, it’s Minho. I need help.” His voice was a little higher than usual, but he sounded frightened, that’s probably why.

            “What’s wrong?”

            “My car just got stolen; I’m at a payphone right now. I need you to meet me at Cafe Royale and give me a lift to my date; she’s going to be really mad if I don’t make it.”

            “I’m on my way, give me ten minutes.” I rushed to my nightstand, spraying deodorant before dressing myself.

            “Who was it?” I walked over, stroking her cheek.

            “Minho, he’s in a bit of a jam, I’m gonna go help him out.” I smiled softly. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. You should go out for breakfast, have some fun.”

            “I’ll call Sulli, then.” She leaned closer, smirking. “But not before I get a proper goodbye.” I grinned, placing my hand on her shoulder and closing the distance. Her lips met mine, her hands resting on my cheeks. I sat down on the edge of the bed, angling my head to deepen the kiss. Her tongue snaked out, twirling and moving against mine. I groaned, pulling away.

            “I gotta go.” She frowned, fingers twiddling. “Look, we can keep going when I get back.”

            “Sure.” I kissed her forehead, holding her close.

            “You know I can never stay away from you too long, Soojung.” She pulled away, smiling.

            “Alright, alright. Go on, now, go save Minho.” I kissed her one more time, getting up to leave.

            “I love you.” I winked, opening the door. She blushed, smiling and looking down.

            “I love you, too.”

I walked into Cafe Royale, not seeing any sign of Minho. I scanned the area, seeing a familiar face.

            One I never wanted to see again.

            “Amber, finally.” He approached me, smiling like the idiot he is.

            “What do you mean, ‘finally’?” My mouth turned into a thin line, and I crossed my arms to stop myself from punching him.

            “I’ve been looking for you for nearly a year and a half.” He ran a hand through his caramel hair, laughing at himself. Can’t blame him, I’d laugh at him too for expecting something from me.

            “That’s fantastic. Sorry I’m not totally overwhelmed and ecstatic about it, though, I was hoping you’d drop off the face of the earth before I saw you next.”

            “I deserve that.”

            “Yeah, you do. Do you have any idea how badly you fucked me over?”

            “Look, I know I screwed up, but I want to explain things.”

            I huffed, hating the fact I got tricked into meeting him. “You have one minute, then I’m out of here.”

            “Okay,” He took a deep breath. “After you left I was absolutely miserable, but I had no idea why. After six months, I came to a conclusion. I hopped on the first plane to Korea, and I’ve been searching for you ever since. I finally tracked you down into this city, pouring through the uni names hoping something will help me remember where you went. I eventually found out exactly where you are, and your number, so here I am.”

            “Sorry, did you want me to swoon at that? Because honestly, I’m incredibly creeped out by the fact you literally stalked me.”

            “No, I know you too well. I know you wouldn’t swoon.”

            “You think you know me? That’s hilarious.” I uncrossed my arms, clenching my fists. “Can you even tell me my middle name?”

            “Well, no, but−”

            “No? Okay, then tell me my favourite colour, my favourite song, my favourite article of clothing, try and tell me something you know about me.”

            He sighed, looking down. “I can’t.”

            “Then you don’t know me at all, Henry.”

            “Look, I spent a year and a half looking for you, at least let me say what I came here for.”

            “Why should I?”

            “For old times’ sake, hear me out.”

            “You never heard me out.”

            “Please? I’ll leave as soon as I get this off my chest.”

            “Fine.” He grasped my hands, twining our fingers. I looked down at them in shock, they’re not as warm as Soojung’s, they’re not as soft as Soojung’s, they don’t fit perfectly like hers either. “What the hell are you doi−”

            “I love you, Amber.” He smashed his mouth to mine, making me already feel disgusted. His lips were completely different. Different shape, different texture, different everything. It was horrible. He was horrible. I pushed him off of me, but clearly it wasn’t soon enough.

There she was, Sulli in tow, both of them wearing the same jaw dropped expression. Of all the possible cafes, why did she choose this one?

            “Who the fuck is this?”

Krystal POV

Leaving the bathroom, I felt completely refreshed and carefree. I picked up my phone; throwing a spare t-shirt Amber let me borrow over my head. Dialling Sulli, I heard her cheerful voice on the other line.

            “Krys, hey! How are things?”

            “Hey, Ssul. Things are great, absolutely great.” I smiled, memories of last night flashing through my mind. “Actually, that’s why I called. Do you want to go out for breakfast? I promise I’ll provide the food and gossip.”

            “You’ve got yourself a deal. Does Cafe Royale sound good?”

            “Sure, see you in ten.” Putting my phone to sleep, I slipped it into my back pocket. I headed out the door, grabbing an umbrella just in case.

“So, tell me everything.” She asked as soon as we saw each other.

            “But if I tell you everything now, we won’t have anything to gossip about in the cafe.” She linked her arm with mine, walking at the same pace as me.

            “Don’t lie. We both know you’re itching to divulge in some dirty details right now, we can get to the romantic stuff once we get inside.”

            “Okay, fine. So last night was . . .”

            “Incredible? Fantastic?” She smirked evilly. “Climactic?”

            “Ha-ha, you’re hilarious.” I slapped her shoulder playfully.

            “I try. But seriously, what happened?”

            “Amber . . . umm . . . Well, normally everything is very even in bedroom circumstances, but last night . . .” I trailed off, my cheeks flushing.

            “Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed.” She teased.

            “Not embarrassed, I just don’t know how to word it.”


            “She was completely dominant last night, and my God, it was the hottest thing ever in the history of sex with her.”

            “Oooh, tell me more. I want all the details.” She winked, even zipping her mouth shut to reassure me.

            “It's all still a little hazy,” I squinted, all the memories coming together, but I couldn’t put them in sequence. “I think it started with her just pinning me against a wall like usual, but then she told me I had to give into every little thing she wanted. Of course, me being stubborn, I wasn’t okay with it. But her mouth is just too good, and she convinced me. Then she told me to wait in the bedroom for her, now that I think about it, she was probably planning everything out.” I smirked, knowing Sulli will squeal at the next set of words to tumble out of my mouth. “She pretty much tore my clothes off of me before leaving marks, well, everywhere. She went down on me, but stopped before I could finish. Then she threw me against the wall, making me look her in the eye as her amazing fingers made me come undone. After that, we fucked on the dresser, the bed and later on some more walls.”

            “God,” She said, dramatically fanning herself. “I never would have expected that from her.”

            “I never did, either. Even months ago, she told me she was submissive. It threw me off my game a little.” I grinned slyly. “Then again, I’m never going to say no to dominant Amber. It was . . . Wow.”


            “It's the only way to explain it. The only way to explain her.”

            “Aww, Krys!” She giggled, squealing like a six year old. “So, I have to ask you something big.”


            “You love Amber and Amber loves you, right?”

            “That’s the question?”

            “No, I’m just clarifying.”

            “Yes, we love each other.”

            “And it’s been nearly six months, right?”

            “I guess, yeah.” She smiled, eyes twinkling.

            “I love when I’m right. I remember telling you this would happen ages ago.” She eye smiled, her nose crinkling. “Maybe I should just predict your marriage, then I’ll be completely convinced I’m psychic.”

            “You’ll be the first to get an invite.” I said, opening the door to the cafe. I stopped dead in my tracks, watching the scene unravel before my eyes.


            Amber with a guy.

            Amber holding hands with a guy.

            The guy confessing to Amber.

            A kiss.

            My jaw dropped as my heart sunk, my body turning numb. It was as if someone had frozen me to the spot. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. I felt the familiar sting of tears burning my eyes, but they wouldn’t fall. I need to cry, I need to feel something. But only one emotion is in me right now.

            Pure anger.

            “Who the fuck is this?” I asked, my voice cracking. Sulli grappled my shoulders, anticipating me to attack any second now.

            “Hi, I’m the guy hopelessly in love with Amber.” He stuck his palm out, smiling with far too much pride. “The name’s Henry, what’s yours?” The very mention of the name made me erupt.

            “I’m Krystal.” I ignored his palm, staring at it, hoping it would fall off his body. Amber gulped, definitely taking notice of me using my English name. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

            “None of it good, I assume?”

            “No, none at all. You fucked her up, yet here she is kissing you.” I turned to Amber, ready to burst. “You kissed him. After everything that’s happened, you kissed him. I thought I mended you, I thought you loved me. I thought, fuck, I thought I could spend the rest of my life with you. I was literally going to tell Sulli about everything, about how much I love you and about how easily I could spend every day with you forever. But it looks like it was all a lie, I was just some fucked up rebound. You couldn’t get over him, so you moved onto the girl with low self-esteem and trust issues. Great, Amber, just great. Well, I hope you know you’ve done well, really fucking well at making the emotionless girl fall for you. Are you happy now? Proud now?”

            “Soojung, I−” I slapped her hard across the face, Sulli holding me back from doing anything further. I don’t care if everyone was staring at us; I needed to let this out now.

            “Don’t you fucking dare call me that. You don’t deserve Soojung, you don’t even deserve Krystal.” My tone turned robotic, every flashback coming back at once and slamming into my mind. “KangDae was right all along.” I grabbed Sulli’s hand, running out of the cafe before anyone saw my tears fall.

Amber POV

“KangDae was right all along.” The sentence cut through me like a knife. I felt numb. No, not even numb.

            I felt nothing.

            Literally nothing. There was no sadness, no pain, no anger, no anything. Just a void where my heart used to be. I clutched at my chest, inhaling deeply. My heart was still beating in a steady rhythm, so why did it feel like I was a walking corpse? One tear fell after another, all the emotions catching up to me at once. The once numbness was now a searing and heart-dropping pain. My entire body felt like gravity was working double time on it, as if I was sinking into the floor.

            “What have you done?” I asked quietly, staring at Henry with so much hatred that I was sure my eyes flashed red.

            “I got rid of her, now we can be together.” He said cheerfully, reaching out to me. Having enough of this bullshit, I winded back and punched him square in the nose.

            “Don’t you get it, Henry? I’ll say it slow so you’ll understand. I. Don’t. Love. You.” He clutched at his nose, blood seeping through. “I won’t ever love you, because I love Soojung. She’s beyond anything I deserve, but she loves me too. Although now, it seems as though she doesn’t. And that’s your fault.” I picked him up by the collar, throwing him into the window. He didn’t go through, just cracked it severely.

            “What the fuck?” He asked defensively.

            “YOU’VE RUINED EVERYTHING!” I screamed, all the detestation seeping through my voice. Before leaving, I locked eyes with the guy at the counter. “I’ll pay for that later, I promise.” Finishing my business here, I ran out of the cafe before the manager saw the window. I had to see Soojung, I had to explain. Luckily, I knew exactly where she’d be.

Amber POV

I ran and ran, hoping my legs will continue to push, even if my knees were shaking. Finally reaching her house, I saw that her bedroom light was on. No one else was home, it seemed. I reached the door, hoping it’s unlocked.

            “Soojung?” I called out as I walked inside. Her house was just as pristine as it was last time I was here, except now there was no scary Jessica. Thank God she isn’t here, or else I’d be dead by now. I walked up the staircase, each step I took got me close to the sounds of sobbing. Knowing it was her, I slowly opened her door.

            “What the fuck are you doing here?” She snarled at me, not looking in my direction. I tried to walk closer, but Sulli’s wide eyes stopped me, her expression just as scared as mine.

            “I’m here to explain.”

            “Explain what, Amber? Explain how Henry just threw himself on you? How you’re the innocent victim here and have done nothing wrong?”

            “Well, yeah.” I scratched my head, hoping Sulli will guide me through this. She moved her hand slowly so Soojung wouldn’t notice, urging me to continue. “Look, I know what it looked like, I really do.  But you have to believe me, Soojung.”

            “And why would I have to?”

            “Because I fucking love you!” I yelled, my shaky knees finally giving out. “I love you, Soojung. I love you so damn much that when you left I was literally a mess. I threw Henry into a window for God’s sake, I yelled at him, punched him, I did everything I possibly could to try and numb the pain that was searing through my chest.” She got up, releasing Sulli’s arms from her. She walked over to me, kneeling down in front of me. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot, the once onyx now a bright brown. Her mouth was in a constant frown, her nose red, tears staining her cheeks. This is all my fault. She’s like this because of me.

            “I’m sorry, Amber.” She whispered, giving me a shred of hope. “But I need some time. Give me a week or two; we’ll see how it goes.”

            And there goes the hope.

            “What do you mean?” I asked.

            “I mean, I think we should take a break.” She stood up, leaving the room abruptly. Sulli looked out the door to where she went, going to follow her. Stopping at the door, she leant on the wall, sighing heavily with tears in her eyes.

            “You’ve really hurt her, Amber.”

            “You think I don’t know that?”

            “I know you do, which is why you have to prove it to her every single day that you love her and only her.” She fanned her eyes, biting her lip. “I know she still loves you, that’s why she’s hurting so much. But I’m going to help. There’s no way I’m giving up on you two without a fight, she deserves love.”

            “She deserves more than me though, Sulli.”

            “She deserves someone who loves her unconditionally, and that’s exactly what you do.” She let out a bittersweet laugh. “Even if you are a dork.” She walked to me, bobbing down, her eyes looking expectant.


            “Give me your phone.”


            “So I can put my number in it. I’m going to help, remember?” I gave her my phone, waiting as she put her number in. She stood up, trying to find where her best friend went. “I’ll keep in touch. But you better leave before she kills you or worse, tells Jessica.”

Krystal POV

Everything hurt.

            My chest was heaving and constricting, my mouth dry and lips cracked, my eyes stinging, my hands shaking, my mind quaking. No matter how hard I tried, the tears wouldn’t stop and neither would the pain. I can’t stop myself, I just can’t. I had countless missed calls and texts from Amber. I had no intention of returning them just yet; after all, I said I needed time. I know she wants to make everything right, but right now I need to take the time to figure out if I want to make everything right. Am I really willing to go through all that again? She kissed someone who wasn’t me. Well, someone kissed her. But that isn’t the point, is it? The point is that it was Henry, the same Henry who broke her and made her feel like she could never be loved.

            Another lot of tears came out after that thought. Amber can be loved. And whether I like it or not, I still love her. Hearing my ringtone, I wipe my tears away and clear my throat.


            “Soojung-ah, I miss you.” I smile; it’s nice to hear Jess’ voice after so long.

            “I miss you too, Jess.” I clear my throat again, trying to make myself sound as normal as possible. “How are you?”

            “I’m absolutely perfect, how about you?”

            “I’m good.”

            “Are you sure?” She didn’t believe me.

            “Yeah, I’m just tired, I guess. How’s Yuri?” I asked, quickly changing the subject.

            “Oh, about that,” She squeaked. “She proposed to me last night!”

            “Oh my God! I’m so happy for you, was it romantic?”

            She snorted. “About as romantic as Yul can get. We were going to go out for dinner for our one year anniversary, but had to cancel because of my schedule. She waited up all night for me with Chinese takeout; we ate and talked as usual. Things got a little intimate, as they always do after dinner; we were sitting on the couch, and she suddenly gets a pain on her butt. Then out of nowhere, she tells me she wants to spend the rest of her life with me and pulls a ring out of her back pocket.” I giggled.

            “Oh jeez, she’s such a dork.” I said, still laughing.

            “Not as much of a dork as Amber. How are things going with her?”

            “There going,” Don’t hesitate. Don’t hesitate. “Good.” Crap, I hesitated.

            “What happened?”


            “Soojung, don’t screw around with me. What happened?” She asked, her tone very final.

            “Well, it’s tricky to explain.” I tried to weasel out of it.

            “Just say it.”

            “Henry came back from America and kissed her.”


            “Henry, that guy she told you about.”

            “The one who broke her heart?”

            “Yeah, he kissed her. I yelled at him and then Amber, then I ran home.”

            “What did she have to say for herself?”

            “That she never initiated it, that she doesn’t love him and only loves me.” I started welling up again.

            “Did she kiss him back?” 

            “No, but she didn’t push him back right away.” There was a pregnant silence; I couldn’t even hear her breathing. Thinking the phone had cut out, I went to hang up. Before I pressed the button, I heard her voice. Shrill, cold and firm.

            “I’m going to talk with her, without you around. I’ll be back within the day.”

            “But, Jess, your schedules.” I tried, but it was no use.

            “Fuck the schedules; no one hurts my baby sister.” I heard the tone, she was gone. Probably booking a flight and saying bye to Yuri already.

            I couldn’t even cry anymore, I was too frightened to cry. My mind was stuck on thoughts of tomorrow, and if Amber was going to survive it. I didn’t even know when Jess was going to come back, which made me even more worried. The fact that I don’t actually know when she’ll try to kill Amber is the scariest part of all this. I was literally useless right now.

            I think I just put a hit on my girlfriend.

Amber POV

Belatedly, I walked to the door that had been knocked on several times. I assumed it was Victoria, as only she has ever stuck around that long on my front porch. I looked through the peephole, only to be met with the sight of another eye. It was onyx, like Soojung’s, but I wasn’t going to fool myself; surely a lot of people have dark eyes. I unlatched the lock, twisting the doorknob. I was met with the door slamming into my face. Before I could fall, a pair of hands wrapped around my collar and I was pinned to the nearest wall.

            “Hello, Amber.”


            Soojung must have told her sister. I couldn’t breathe, not because of fear, but because she kneed me hard in the stomach. I doubled over onto the floor, the pain searing throughout my body. A weight came crashing onto me, and it took me a moment to realise that she had climbed on top of me and punched me in the ribs. I coughed heavily, my lungs already struggling for air. “Now, this is how it’s going to go. I’m going to ask you questions one after another, and for every one that you get wrong, you get another beating. So choose your answers wisely.”


            “Good.” She raised her fist. “Now, question one: did you kiss Henry?”

            “No, he kissed me.” Apparently, that was the wrong answer. She jabbed into my ribs again, the air leaving my lungs it sharp exhales.

            “Question two: did you make Soojung cry?”

            “I didn’t mean t− ahh!” This time, her knee met my hip bone. I felt it shatter, my eyes squeezing shut as I yelled.

            “Question three: do you love Soojung?”

            “Of course I do.” I watched her eyes turn even colder. I don’t know what frightened me more, the possibility of death or her icy glare. My entire body froze over, my breathing becoming even more strained and the hairs on the back of my neck standing upright.

            “You do realise, you got three out of three wrong.” The sound of popping filled my ears as her fist met my nose. I felt something warm trickle down my face. Blood. Lots and lots of blood. It was filling my senses; the smell filling my now broken nose, the taste seeping into my mouth with every inhale, the feeling of it flowing down my face and neck. It didn’t take long for another pop and crack to be heard, my shoulder now positioned next to my ear. I extended my working arm, trying to hold her hands away from my body. Her fingers wrapped around my wrist, a jolt of pain shooting through me as yet another pop sounded through my body. Great, I had a broken nose, a dislocated shoulder, broken wrist, and a shattered hip, not to mention the high possibility of internal bleeding.

            “P-please,” I coughed. More blood. “Please, s-stop. I−” My vision started getting hazy around the edges, the sounds of punches and my wheezes now drowning out into the blackness. I struggled to get air, my chest feeling just as heavy as my eyelids.

           “Jess, stop!” A voice. Not mine. Not Jessica’s. It sounded familiar. Very, very familiar. I tried to move my head, I tried to see who it belonged to, but it was no use. My head fell back to the floor, a throbbing pain rebounding inside my mind.

            “I’m . . . I’m sorry.” I spluttered.

            The last thing I saw was a pale faced Jessica, looking behind her with wide eyes.

Krystal POV

“Jess, stop!” I screamed. I wanted to do more, I wanted to yell, I wanted to cry, I wanted to do something. I wanted to do anything that would get my sister off of Amber. I couldn’t see her face, but I had an extremely good idea of what Jess had done to her. I’ve seen this one too many times. Jessica was always the overprotective sister, not that it’s a bad thing; but when my girlfriend is almost unconscious underneath her and apologizing, it’s an extremely bad thing. She turned her head towards me, her eyes wide.

            “I thought I told you that I’d do this without you.”

            “If I hadn’t of come, she’d be dead after a few more of your beatings.” Working up the courage, I fixed my own icy stare on her and took her by the shoulders. Gripping hard, I guided her off of Amber and towards the dining area. I sat her down in one of the chairs, watching her every move.

            “She did agree when I said ‘hurt my sister an you’ll die’, so you really can’t say I’ve done anything wrong.”

            “Did nothing wrong?” I screeched, rousing Amber. Her eyes fluttered open, and she sent a pained smile at me. “Does that look right to you?”

            “It's just a blood nose.” She shrugged. I walked over to Amber, kneeling beside her. I wiped her fringe from her face, exposing the bruises. A small gasp left me when I looked her over, noticing all the injuries Jess had given her.

            “Just a blood nose?” I rolled my eyes. “It's a broken nose, a wrist that’s turned the wrong fucking way, a cut lip and a whole lot more, Jess!”

            “I don’t see your problem. She fucked you over, she deserves this.”

            “She doesn’t ever deserve this.” I cradled her in my arms, kissing every bruise on her beautiful face. “I’m so sorry, Amber.”

            “Don’t be, princess.” She rasped out. “I do deserve it.”

            “See, she agrees with me.” Jess said with a smile, a smile that left as soon as I sent her a glare. “Well, she hurt you, Soojung.”

            “She didn’t mean to.” I defended, looking down at Amber. “Did you?”

            “No, I didn’t.”

            “Pfft, please. Of course you’ll believe that. Last time I checked though, she kissed Henry behind your back and got caught.”

            “That’s not what happened at all.”

            “Then enlighten us with your tale of poor Amber, will you?” She spat out, her nostrils flaring. I held Amber tighter, ready to throw myself at my sister if I need to.

            “Jess.” I warned.

            “Its fine, Soojung.” She took in a shaky breath, her eyes squeezing shut in pain. “I got a call in the morning; it was supposedly from my friend Minho, who needed my help. I rushed off to help him out, but then I realised it was just Henry and his twisted way of meeting up with me. He told me that he’d been searching for me for a year and a half, even being a creepy stalker and hunting me down. He told me he loved me and kissed me, before I had the chance to stop him, Soojung showed up. I tried to explain, but she ran out before I could.”

            “Speed it up, kiddo.” Jess said.

            “After she left, I was a mess. I abused Henry, even threw him into a window.” Jess stifled a laugh, Amber and I cracked a smile. “I tried to patch it up with Soojung, but she’s stubborn as hell. So, for the past three days, I’ve been an absolute wreck. I’ve hated myself, cried myself to sleep and tried to think of ways to win her back. Because . . . Because, I may be living, but when she’s around, I’m alive. There’s no point in existing if she isn’t with me. As long as she’s always there at the end of the day, ready to be by my side, I feel complete. I’ve never felt this way about anybody but her; she’s the only person that can make my heart stop and then when it starts, it’s five times faster. I love her, and nothing is ever going to change that.”

            I looked in the direction of my sister, inspecting her reaction carefully. She had tears in her eyes.

            My sister.

            Jessica Jung.

            The Ice Princess.

            Was about to cry, just from Amber’s speech.

            “Well, I guess that’s all I need to know. Guess you found the right one after all, Soojung-ah.” She checked her phone after it buzzed, her cheeks heating up as she read the text. It must be from Yuri. She rose from her chair, eyeing Amber’s injuries carefully. “Sorry about that, you should be fine after a week or two, take it as an official warning. Just don’t ever hurt her again, because I will kill you next time.”

            “There won’t be a next time.” Amber looked up at me, the love in her eyes shining brightly.

            With a nod, Jess left, the door shutting soundly. Amber and I both let out a long exhale, grinning at each other. I couldn’t help myself; I leant in and brushed her lips with my own.

            “Ow, cut lip.” She whined.

            “Sorry, I just missed you . . . A lot.” I confessed, kissing her forehead lightly.

            “I missed you too, but can we get me to a hospital?” I laughed, wrapping my arms around her and hugging her. She leaned into it, kissing my neck softly. “I’m never letting you go again.”

Krystal POV

Have you ever tried so hard to concentrate on something, but you continuously keep getting distracted? Well, that’s happening right now. Paying attention to a movie has never been so hard, especially when there are two amazingly talented hands tracing your sides.

            “Amber, stop.” I muttered. Her lips came to rest on the base of my neck, trailing kisses down to my shoulder.

            “Why?” Her mouth was unrelenting, making it extremely difficult not to moan aloud.

            “Because you’re . . . ugh, still injured.” It had only been three weeks since Jess had done her damage, and I couldn’t help but worry. Her hands slid downwards, tracing patterns on my abdomen.

            “It's nothing; I’m not in any pain at all.”

            I turned to face her, unconsciously straddling her in the process. “What about your hip?”

            She shrugged, “Only hurts if you put a lot of pressure on it.”

            “But−” She silenced me with her mouth, her fingers still running across my clothed skin. My hands wandered up her shoulders and into her hair, letting the silky strands run over my fingers. Her tongue ran across my Cupid’s bow, asking for entrance. She doesn’t even need to ask, my mouth opening wider and tongue meeting hers automatically. Her hands dragged my shirt upwards, her fingers finding their way underneath the fabric onto my bare skin. I arched my back as she traced over a sensitive spot, a moan resounding in her mouth. She pulled away from the kiss with a smirk on her face, that damn smirk she always has when I react like this. She moved towards my jaw, dragging her tongue along the bone. I tugged at her hair, making her hot breath crash against my skin. Her teeth met my neck, taking in some skin and leaving a mark. Out of habit, I grinded into her. She pulled back, eyes wide.

            “Ouch.” And that was enough for me.

            “Sorry.” I got up, walking away. “We should stop, you’re hurting.”

            “Soojung, I’m fine.” She chased after me, holding both my hands in hers.

            “No, you’re not.” I huffed. Why is she so stubborn? She twined her fingers with mine, bringing them up to her mouth. She kissed each hand, her eyes never leaving mine. After seeing me blush, she smirked.

            “I’m fine.” She moved her body closer, trapping me against the wall. Pinning a hand on each side of my head, she sent me a wink.

            “Smartass.” Her lips came closer, like there was a magnet between us that never ceased.

            “You love me.” Her breath was crashing onto my mouth teasingly, as if it was just taunting me about the lack of space between our mouths.

            “You’re lucky I do.” I said before letting my lips meet hers. We moved in sync, her hands releasing mine and holding my hips in place. My arms threaded together around her shoulders, my nails scraping at the nape of her neck as she bit my lower lip. She placed her thigh in between my legs, and I couldn’t stop myself from grinding against it. One of her hands came to rest on my abdomen, tracing along the length of my jeans. I clutched harder at her hair as she undid the button of my jeans, now moving onto the zipper. I knew this time; it was going to be all about me. But I didn’t care, I can be selfish, just this once. It’s been so long, I can make it up to her afterwards.

            All thoughts left my mind when her hand came into contact with my clothed folds, her middle finger running along the length of my slit.

            “Seems like you missed me more than you let on.” I could hear the confidence in her voice, but I wasn’t going to correct her. I did miss her, a lot more than I’ll ever admit aloud. I grappled her hand with mine, pushing it harder against my mound. Taking the hint, she slid her hand underneath my underwear. I moaned at the contact, a shudder flowing throughout my body. Her thumb found my clit easily, her two fingers entering me just as easily. She sucked the skin on my neck as she pumped inside of me. I held onto her shoulders tightly, my brows knitting together as I sighed heavily. She sped up her pace, knowing it wouldn’t take much to make me finish.

            “Fuck . . .” She moved faster, her pace increasing to one I’ve never experienced before. It shook my whole body; sending every nerve on edge and making me pulsate from the inside out. Her teeth grazed along my collarbone, and I knew I was done for. “Oh fuck yes!” My eyes squeezed shut, my body convulsing into putty. She kissed everywhere she could, and my body was still firing up at her touch. The final kiss landed on my mouth, it was quick, sweet and filled with love. It made my heart swell and my cheeks flush.

            “Just for the record, I missed you too.”

Amber POV

‘One step after another, keep looking at the ground, don’t pay attention to the noises you hear.’

That thought process was one I always had in my mind whenever I walk alone. Victoria had instilled it into me it when I was young, which makes sense, as she was always worried about my father and what he crowd he was in. The sentence was one that had stuck itself in my head, and was always on repeat whenever I left the house. I haven’t used it since being with Soojung, maybe because now we’d always walk places together, or maybe just because I felt safer around her in general. But there was something different tonight. Tonight, the sentence wouldn’t stop, it was just continuing.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

I whipped my head at the sound, stopping dead in my tracks. There seemed to be nothing there, just the usual buildings and autumn breeze. Bringing my jacket closer to my body, I shook my head and continued walking.

Turning the knob of my front door, I realised it wasn’t locked. Shrugging, I walked inside to be welcomed with the sound of my shower running. I smiled, knowing Soojung is definitely planning to stay the night. Setting my backpack down on the dining table, I let out a huff before walking towards the bathroom.

            “Hey,” A hand clamped around my mouth, preventing me from screaming. My body was shoved against the kitchen counter, my arms pinned against the hard surface. I winced as he inched closer, his figure pressed firmly against mine. “You know, I’m getting sick of you playing hard to get.” He brought his hand to my cheek, stroking across my skin, turning me to ice. With anger bustling through me, I mustered up as much strength as I could, biting down on his hand and struggling against him.

            “Sooju−” I was met with a hard slap, my body crashing to the floor at the force. My cheek stung, and when something warm trickled down my skin, I knew it was blood. He stood over me, his caramel hair overshadowing most of his face. A small smile worked its way up his face, his features turning into an expression I’ve never seen before. And it scared the absolute hell out of me.

Krystal POV

Putting on one of Amber’s shirts, I reached for the hairbrush and walked towards the mirror. I stared at my reflection, smiling at myself. Who knew my plan would end up this way; that I would fall for Amber, that I would love her unconditionally. It was strange when I think about it, and Sulli’s prediction ran through my head constantly; a part of me hating she was right, but the other part wanting to thank her for it.

            “Sooju−” I heard Amber’s muffled voice through the door, along with the clear sound of distress. My heart pounding in my ears, I swung the bathroom door open and ran towards the sound, praying that she’s alright.

            I became immobile. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t do anything.

            Henry was on top of Amber, his hands groping at her body, staring me directly in the eye with a sick smile on his face; as if it was a challenge. Amber glanced at me, her tearstained face full of shame and fear. Finally allowing my body to work, I stalked over towards the devil incarnate and grabbed his collar, pulling him up and throwing him off my girlfriend. He laughed, his body only moving mere centimetres. Now standing, he looked me in the eye once more, a grin rising on his face.

            “Aw, now why did you ruin all my fun?” He chuckled at the end of his sentence, his eyebrows rising in amusement.

            “You’re,” I took one step closer, my hand clenching into a fist. “So,” I grappled his collar, his stare still penetrating me. “Fucking,” I raised my fist, noticing my knuckles were white. “Dead.” I finally allowed my fist to connect with his face. I smiled after hearing the satisfying crunch of his nose, taking even more delight in the way his head hit the floor loudly. I crawled on top of him, using every part of my body to inflict as much pain as I possibly could. “How dare you fucking touch her!” Hit after hit, I watched his face contort in pain and a grimace become his only expression.

            “Soojung, stop.” I whipped my head backwards, remembering why I was beating him up in the first place.

            “But he needs to−”

            “No, Soojung. Please, just stop.” He voice was weak, and for the first time in knowing her, I was the rock. I was the one that needed to console her; I was the one she needed most.

            “Leave now, or I will not hesitate to finish you off.” I said, stepping off of him. He nodded, getting up, running as fast as he could out the door. I immediately went to Amber, wrapping my arms around her and resting my head in the crook of her neck. She did the same, her hands clutching tightly on my shirt, her body shaking and breathing quaking. “It's okay,” I ran my hand through her hair, the other running along her back. It didn’t take a genius to know she was crying, but I didn’t point it out; I just continued rocking her back and forth, doing anything I could to calm her down. “You’re okay, baby. I’m here. You’re okay, you’re safe.”

            She pulled away, although her hands were still holding me close. I watched the tears stream from her eyes, her bottom lip quiver and her nose crinkle. She was vulnerable. Amber Liu, the strongest person I know, has now become the most susceptible person I know. I moved closer, kissing her forehead, allowing my lips to linger on her skin. She sighed at the contact, her fingers not once letting me go.

            “Thank you.” She breathed out, her voice shaky. I smiled at her, tilting her chin upwards to make eye contact with her. I stared into her eyes with as much affection as I could, hoping to pour out how much I love her in one look.

            “Shh, no need to thank me.” I wiped away her tears with my thumb, letting my hands rest on her cheeks. She smiled at me, her eyes spreading warmth all over my body. She closed the distance, her mouth meeting mine for a fleeting second before removing itself.

            “I love you,” She said, fingers tracing circles. “So much, Soojung.”

            “I love you, too.” 

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She turned to me and said a bit coldly, "Amber, you're awake.' I shakily asked Krystal, "K-Krystal. Who is this kid?" "Are you stupid?! I'm your daug...