CHAINED ANGEL- Jihyo x Male R...


28.1K 839 89

You weren't the good type guy in your first life, but you are given a new chance... So you turned into a fall... More



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Did he just ask me to make up? Why does he has to play with me like that?
-Jihyo: W-What the h-he'll are you saying?
-Hyuk: I think you have a wrong impression of me since the first moment, look what I said about having a job, does nothing to do with having money or not... Please don't think of me as a selfish boy, I didn't meant that way...
-Jihyo: I... I see...
-Hyuk: What I said before, was true tho...i think you should really change that... Having the respect of them by scaring its not a good thing, I can tell...
-Jihyo: Why are you that interested in the students council?
-Hyuk: Oh, it's not that... I thought that what I said would help not only the students council, but also all the students...
-Jihyo: I have an idea then... (smirks)
-Hyuk: What are you planning?
-Jihyo: Join the students council, you want to change some things right?
-Hyuk: Yeah...
-Jihyo: Then is set, welcome to the students council... And congratulations, you are the first male to join... (smiles)

-Hyuk: I guess I don't have any other option now...
-Jihyo: Well, let's go to the students council room, you'll start by doing some paper work...
-Hyuk: Yeah...

Yah! Why do I have to work at the students council now? Why can't I just  be dead? I died being a murderer, why do I have to live as a human again? While following Jihyo I bump into a girl...
-Hyuk: Oh oh... I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going... I didn't pretend to-
-Girl: It's okay, I'm not hurted... After all I bumped into an angel, right?
-Hyuk: Yeah, wait what-

The girl disappeared, does someone know about what I really am?
-Jihyo: Kim Hyuk! Let's go, you have a lot of work to do...
-Hyuk: Y-Yeah, I'm going...

-At the students council room-
-Jihyo: So you have to attend this petitions from different clubs... I think they are asking for more money to buy new equipment and so... But being honest this is impossible, I mean, the school is not gaining that much... (sighs)
-Hyuk: We can look for a solution...
-Jihyo: I tried it, but the students now are scared of us... Just as you said...
-Hyuk: Can I know what did you try?
-Jihyo: Oh, I thought that by making them not to eat the whole day, we wouldn't have to pay the cafeteria's stuff... Also we thought about making them pay by their sits at class, the front more expensive and so...
-Hyuk: (mumbling) Terrible ideas...
-Jihyo: Hey, I heard you!
-Hyuk: It's normal that now they are afraid of you, but don't worry I'll check their petitions and after so, we'll see what we can do... (smiles)

-Jihyo: Okay, I'll be checking the last marks of each course so we can see the average of the school and so...
-Hyuk: Yeah, okay...

We start working, a silence fills the room, and the only thing that can be heard is the paper sounds and our breathing... We can say that we are really focused, but most, she's really focused... I can say that she's trying her best to do the best for the school, she looks really serious about this topics...But not only so, she looks determined, I like that... I guess I'm gonna help her during a while...

-Jihyo: What are you staring at?
-Hyuk: H-Huh?
-Jihyo: You've been looking at me for a while, do I have something at my face or what?
-Hyuk: Uh, nope. I was just admiring you, I mean you look so focused and determined about what you are doing... I thought that I like that attitude, so I decided to help you in everything I can...
-Jihyo: (blushes) Just focus on your work please...
-Hyuk: Yeah don't worry, I almost finished...
-Jihyo: Make me a list of what asks for each club, we'll be able to solve the problems easier in that way...
-Hyuk: Okay...

I make the list, and by what I get... This is impossible to do right now, the school doesn't have that funds...This is what they are asking for...

Football team (soccer): Captain, JB
-Needs 15,000 won to buy:
*new balls
*new match equipment (our t-shirts are too old)
*good boots for all the players

Arts club: President, Rosé
-Needs 10,000 won to buy:
*New paint brushes
*A new sculpture to draw
*More variety of colors

Basketball team: Captain, Namjoon
-Needs 20,000 won to buy:
*More balls
*A equipment for matches (we don't even have an official one)
*Repair the basket and each hoops

Tennis club: President, Eunwoo
-Needs 7,000 won to buy:
*More balls
* New nets

Taekwondo club: President, Somi
-Needs 15,000 won to buy:
*More belts for the new students
*More mats
*More sheets to break

Drama Club: President, Luhan
-Needs 25,000 won to buy
*New materials for the backgrounds (wood, strings, hammers, nails)
*To repair the audio machine
*To repair the focus

Swimming club: President, Sejun
-Needs 5,000 won to buy:
*New strings
*New sheets to swimm
*New googles

Dance Club: President, Lisa
-Needs 10,000 won to buy:
*New audio equipment
*Equipment for competitions

Makes a total of: 107,000 won needed
Our schools funds are: 47,000 won
Needs: 107,000-47,000= 60,000 won

I sigh, I don't know how we will get to achieve this petitions... It's impossible...
-Jihyo: Do we have a problem, right?
-Hyuk: We just need a way to solve it...
-Jihyo: How much is it?
-Hyuk: Huh?
-Jihyo: How much do we need to achieve their petitions?
-Hyuk: Don't freak out but... We need 60,000 won minimum
-Jihyo: Yah! That's impossible... Are there something we can skip from what they need?
-Hyuk: Uh, well... I think they really need everything they asked for...
-Jihyo: We need a way to gain money...
-Hyuk: Let's discuss about a way to gain it tomorrow, I think we should rest for today... Good job, president...
-Jihyo: Good job?
-Hyuk: You have done a good job today, let's go home... Tomorrow we can continue...
-Jihyo: Okay, good job as well... You joined and worked at the students council although it was your first day...
-Hyuk: It was a great day tho... Well let's go...
-Jihyo: Yeah...

We turned off the lights, and returned to each home... That's how I spent my first day at my new high school and how I started joining the students council...

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