Roses And Thorns

By Maries_tz

113K 4.5K 574

Ever heard of happy ever after?. Well, you can think twice about that, Karen thought she had it all, a perfec... More

Author's Note.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57.
Chapter 58
Author's Note

Chapter 1

3.3K 114 6
By Maries_tz

Hey guys I'm back again I'm sorry my phone was stolen but I've missed y'all  so very much.
Let's keep on supporting  this story too, I love you all.

Chapter one is finally out!!.
Vote, share, comment!!!.

It was one of those nights that Karen  was sleepless, memories  of Ian  were  tormenting  her.
Her mother had asked her to go back to Venice  but she'd  refused not once or twice, they'd discover  of her deadly secret, her marriage  to the Russian mafia boss.
Karen knew she wouldn't be able to look at her mom in the eye and lie, her father was worse she was like an open book to him and only God knows what he'll  do if he finds out she's  married to him.

Why is she even thinking of him right now?, he'd  chosen to let her go it is not like he'd   have stopped her from leaving never but he had deliberately  pushed her away, how?, he'd  cheated with women!
Just the thought of it made her want to vomit.
Her mother had always told her stories  about Ivanov her father-in-law  that he was or maybe still is cold and ruthless heartless even but she had never imagined Ian her Ian to be anything  like him, Ian was worse.

Karen sat on her bed and took a deep breath, she's changed now, she's  a big girl that was all 3 years ago.
She went to the dressing table and looked at her reflection, over the few years she'd  come to appreciate  her far Bantu  origin hence the broad curves on her hips and those tempting  blobs that could turn any man into a sinner.
She'd  cut her long hair into a long bob now and dyed it into auburn.
That was better, she was now into fashion and design, went to several Victoria's  secret runways and decided it's  time she stood on her own.
She started Royal Decor dealing with indoor decor, design which turned out to be her favourite  gateway now.
Here in Paris no one knew her which was better, correction, her twin cousins and other cousins did a fine job visiting her every now and then.

Putting all those thoughts aside a he put on her leggings, an overcoat scarf and boots it was only 11pm she wanted to go for a dessert with her crazy twin cousins Elle and Belle.
She went to her car and drove to the restaurant,  she took a look at the menu and was still deciding  when her phone beeped, her  cousins were not coming oh no!.
She ordered a dessert and started eating a he felt a strange shiver as if someone was watching her, she dismissed the thought probably some client besides many people looked at her and admired her from a far.

After the dessert she went in her car and hit the road  after about 5mins of the drive a he noticed a black sedan which was behind her all the way from the restaurant,  she decide to change the route but the car kept on following  her.
After about 15mins Karen had no doubt  about the car yeap! , it was indeed  following  her.
She took a deep breath, think! think! think!!!, she sped up and drove to a near by hotel maybe  she should spend the night here back in her house she's  all alone the maid normally came during the day and if she goes back there they'll  surely kill her.
She got out of the car shaking  and booked a room and decided to spend the night there, tomorrow  a he will think of something  she made sure she locked the door with all its  locks and slept.

On the next day she went back to her house, she made sure to check the side mirror every now and then to make sure that no car was following  her.
After a long shower she dressed up and had breakfast of which she never finished, at times like this she wished she'd  call her father and ask for help he will surely freak out and he'll will break loose maybe she shouldn't tell him.
Her twin brothers were now only 17 but acting like her seniors, she better not tell anyone of her whereabouts  but it wouldn't hurt to talk to her mom right?.
She called her and chatted and decide to go to the garden, she better find something  to occupy her mind or she'll  go crazy, she took a scissor and plucked the white rose a then red ones she thought of decorating  her kitchen, it's  been long anyway and the tulips in her kitchen were worn out.

After some minutes she suddenly shivered, the hairs of the back of her neck stood firm, someone was watching  her but before her head turned am she felt that shiver, how did he find her?, her mind laughed at her how?, it was just a matter of time till he found her but why now?.
His deep voice called her, she turned and looked at the devil, so tall he'd  grown broader than how she remembered  him, his hair dark chocolate his features harder.
Like any Russian  mafia boss he had a white scarf on and full black outfit, hands in his pockets, smelling heavenly so good so expensive  so...Ian.
' did you find me?'.
They say there's never a stupid question but they lied hers sounded stupid even to her ears.
He shook his head with a smile his grey eyes with a blue ring  piercing  through her soul as though reading her worst fears and secrets, 'How?'.
Karen swallowed hard, stupid question 'I mean why?...why now?'.
He went closer to her his strong sweet scent of perfume of which she knew so well and aftershave engulfed her like an egg shell, she closed her eyes tight when she saw him raising  his hand to meet her face, bad bad bad memories  flooded her mind, those hurtful nights when he came back so angry  and took out all his angerbon her flooded her mind.
When nothing happened for about a minute she opened her eyes and with trembling  lips she looked at his hard face.
'Aren't you going to hit me today?'.
'The day hasn't  yet ended Karina'.
Karen shook her head sadly why is he even here?,
'Please leave Ian....I  we're  done'.
'You're my wife!', he yelled angrily
'I own  you every single fucking  part of you belongs to me! '.
Karen wanted to run, marrying  him was the biggest mistake of her life, what was she even thinking anyway?, she was so naive and stupid  yes but also in love.
Maybe it's  time to end it so that she can finally  be free.
'I....I want a d..divorce'.

He laughed like a dark laugh the kind of laugh she'd  seen her father let out when he's killing his captives and went closer to her all the humour gone now his eyes darker and merciless he grabbed her hair  and she winced in pain.
' are hurting  me'.
'Like he'll I am!!', he growled in anger and led her inside the house and pushed  her on the bed.
He raked his hands in his hair in frustration 'Like he'll I'll ever give you that damn  divorce!'.
Karen's eyes watered, she hugged her knees and sobbed quietly how did they turn from hearts and flowers to this?.
'We are leaving vozlyublennaya !'.
'No!, I wan want my freedom  Ian, I can't, not anymore', she begged in tears, 'Please'.
He laughed at her and sighed in a mockery  pity,  'Oh Karina dusha moya  have you forgotten what that mayor said?'.
Karen shook her head not this again no she'd  better make him see that they're  not compatible they are worse together.
'Pack your bags or whatever you're  going to need', he told her in fury his eyes starring  at hers.
'I'm going nowhere with you!!', she yelled or rather tried to yell at him.
He was on his way outside but turned and looked at her,
'Oh is that so dorogày'.
Karen knew that look so well she went to the other side of the bed her heart racing and hugged herself don't  get him mad her mind screamed at her, don't get him angry Karen!.

He turned and followed her to the corner and went closer and closer till their breaths mixed, he stroked her hair gently and smiled evil at her.
'You've learnt so much huh, but it seems like you've forgotten this-'.
He grabbed  her neck and presses it Karen nearly suffocated and coughed when he let her go.
'Ian...Ian', she coughed holding her now read neck and coughed again crying  too.
'Never my darling, never ever forget that lesson '.
He grabbed her elbow and pushed her to her closet 'Pack your bags', and with that he left.

Karen sat on the floor and sobbed what will she do now?, she can't call her father she'd  brought this all to herself  and she wouldn't let her mother worry about her mistakes. Her whirlwind  marriage to the mafia Prince was a mistake from the beginning  her mind had screamed to her that it was too fast but her stupid heart had other ideas, why?, she'd  known him since she was 5 he can't be bad not at all she knew everything  about him right?, his family and what they do for a living yes.
His work yes, all about him check but this new monster never.
She crawled to her drawers and took her pants and shoved them in a bag crying, she went on her knees and tears streamed her cheeks, they used to be so in love.
She wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve shirt and opened her next drawer.
The closet's door was yanked opened and she yelled in shock, the devil looked at her with no hint of pity or worry.
'I gave you time med, have you forgotten  I'm not a patient man?'.
Karen looked anywhere but his cold murderous  eyes, he  bent and raised up her chin, 'Have you?'
She shook her head in fear, he smiled 'Good girl', he stood up straight and turned 'Koslov!', he barked.
'Yes boss'.
'Pack all Mrs Vasiliev's belongings, we're  leaving!', he grabbed her elbow and pulled her outside to where his limo was and went to the hotel.

Karen took a look at her soundings everything  nice, she decided to take a shower first but broke into a sob when she  saw her reflection  in the mirror, his finger marks all over her neck, her hair like an old nest or an unfinished  nest, she washed her face and took a deep breath. She then had a bath and decided to take a rest before the big day which awaits her on the next day.
Karen woke up and looked at the clock 6pm she pulled herself out of bed there was no sign of Ian or  his men, she went to the kitchen which was quiet as well, she had some juice and a thought hit her if no one is in the pent house then....

She rushed to the bedroom and searched the bathroom, empty, balcony empty too, her heart joined in anxiety she rushed to take her scarf and shoes if she'd  hurry up then she'd get out of here and call her uncle Arnaud!!.

She opened the door slowly praying  to all the angels and saints for this to be her lucky day, she peeled and saw no one, left then right, no one.
She closes her eyes and said a silent prayer, she closed it and headed to the elevator, God oh God oh God please, it is now or ever.
She pressed the buttons and waited for it to open, seconds felt like hours, she continued  pressing the button
'Come on!, come on!', her palms sweating she wiped them on her jeans and prayed for a miracle.
Oh no.
She turned and put her head up high when she realized that it's  Koslov, 'What is it Koslov?'.
'Ma'am  you can't  leave, we have orders from the boss that-'.
'Well your boss can go duck himself for all I care!', she silently  prayed for it to open why is it taking so long anyway?, she would've  opted for the stairs but that will take longer and they'd catch her eventually if they use the elevator.

Koslov went near her but froze  when she warned.
'Touch me and I'll tell your boss that you wanted to rape me!'.
Karen saw him freezing and she felt bad  for it but nothing  will scare him she hoped after her escape he'd  find a room to forgive him.
The elevator's door binged
'Stay away from me Koslov I swear if you dare to touch me I'll tell him that you wanted to rape me!!'.
'That won't be necessary, you can go now  Koslov'.
Kate froze.
Can this day turn worse?.
He grabbed her elbow like she's  a little girl and took her back to the room, led her to their bedroom and pushed her on the bed.
'Enough with the tears'.
He  said with disgust and sighed when she let out a sob, he held her face with his hand and starred at her wet eyes.

'You're not leaving me Karina, never baby get that in that silly mind of yours, you're  mine!'.
Karen wiggled out of his touch, he was hurting  her body mind and soul, she checked a sob.
'Yes baby, let it out', he wiped off her tears 'Cry all you want  but I'm going no where sweetheart'.
'Why...why Ia...Ian why are you hurting  me'.
He shook his head, 'Because', he looked at her in the eyes and Karen  flinched when he saw pure lust and desire in his eyes, no, oh good Lord no!.
He chuckled, 'Oh dusha moya I can do whatever  I want with you, anything', he bent and brushed  his rough cheek with her soft one
'Anything  and everything'.
He stood up and took off his jacket then loosened  his tie with a smirk, Karen hugged herself  in fear.
'If you ever do anything  stupid again I'll make sure that you regret it', he kissed her cheek and left the room.

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