The Bad Boy's Trophy

By m_b789

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"What's wrong doc, you don't wanna help me," Jace stated with a puppy dog face, feigning offense. "I was just... More

Here We Go
We Are Doomed
This Can't Be Happening
It's Party Time
It Always Gets Worse
The Explosion
Just A Dream
Face It
What He Thinks
Not A Saint
Keeping Promises Is My Middle Name
Dont Do Anything I Wouldn't Do
Ask The Question
There's Nothing Else To Do At 7 a.m
Like Really Really
Tag Along
Its A Date?
The Reason We Came
Dont Cry Over Spilt Water
Secrets and Lies
Dont Check The Closet
So Close
Choose Your Fighter
Oh God
Begging Time
A Night Of Embarrassment
Maybe Some Revenge
Wrong Choice
A lot is happening

Time To Get Wet!

84 16 11
By m_b789

A/N: Hey guys! I missed writing so much! Most of all I missed all of you and your comments! So we are almost at chapter ten which is where I will give you a little surprise about me! I'm really hoping you guys enjoy this story! There is much more drama to come! For all you shippers out there, watch out!!
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EJ stepped into the room and even though a few people have already started to show up for the party, it was like the entire world disappeared. She has this breathtaking black one piece suit on that makes her look like a model. Her hair sits like fire flowing from her scalp. The setting sun's rays make it glow. I damn well know that every bone in my body is yearning to just run up and kiss her right here and now, but I can't.

Honestly how dare she, how dare she walk into a room with no confidence looking as beautiful as she looks right now. I'm almost mad at her. I wish she could see herself the way I see her, not the way she sees herself because of us.

One thing is missing, my shirt. I guess it was smart of her not to come down wearing it. People probably would have gotten very suspicious but another part of me wishes she did. I wish she just strolled into the pool house with my shirt on top of her swimsuit. I dont know why but the thought of her wearing my clothes makes my heart jump.

I wasn't the only one who noticed her, Steve looked straight up from the journal the second she walked in. That assholeish grin appeared on his face again. I hate how his eyes linger over her like she's his prey. It is disgusting.

"Froggy, I'm so glad you decided to hop on down here. We missed you." Steve said getting up and closing the space between the two of them. She shifted backwards and crossed her arms over her chest.

"There's no need to be so prude Froggy, we've all already seen close to everything that you're trying to hide. At this point you could basically loose the suit." Steve says as he picks up the sleeve of her bathing off her shoulder and pulls it down.

I can see EJ's face flush, she's starting to get nervous. It's killing me having to watch this and not being able to help her. I hate that he gets to touch her like that.

"Yeah I like that idea, it's not like we haven't seen it before Froggy." Adam pipped up from the couch. What a sleaze, he has Jessica drunkenly playing with his hair and he still has the balls to say shit to EJ.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind skinny dipping! That sounds like fun right Ash!" Lily slurs looking at Ash who is half way passed out on the bed already. Of course Lily wants to skinny dip, I wish I could blame the craziness on the alcohol but it's probably something she'd do sober.

For a second I let myself think about skinny dipping with EJ. She is so gorgeous, Jesus Christ.

Wowwww, you're such a creep dude, she's right in front of you in distress and you're fantasizing about her. Nice.

Shut up. I'm not fantasizing, I am just thinking about what would happen in the hypothetical situation that we ended up skinny dipping tonight.

Bro that's literally what fantasizing means dumbass. You're some knight in shining armor.

"We are totally going to do that later." Ash says giggling. "I wonder if Froggy is hiding her slimy skin for a reason. Let me guess Froggy, embarrassed because of how fat you are?" She continued without even opening her eyes. She is piss drunk and can still manage to be so incredibly mean. It's not surprising but it is impressive, she can't turn it off at all. She is just a horrible person. Alcohol usually makes people more amiable, not Ash, she's a bitch through and through.

She turns to me and in her hazel eyes I see a plea for help. I cant just stand here and let them screw with her. But at the same time I have to play my role, play the part, or else shit can go downhill really quickly.

"EJ, you're looking sexy. Black suits you. I was starting to worry you left the party. Though I would love to skinny dip with you right now, I'd rather save that for when we are alone. Sorry guys but if anyone is seeing her naked tonight, it's the birthday boy. I mean it's only natural for the birthday boy to end up in his birthday suit right EJ." I stepped to her and picked her strap back up. She softened under my touch and it was like she was pulling me closer to her. She met my eyes and I felt a wave of passion flow through me and I could feel my hand reach for her face on its own.

You stupid idiot, what do you think they are going to think now. You're basically three inches away from her lips and your hand is caressing her face! You're such a hopeless cause.

I had to cover this up, I cant just randomly reach for her face like this and expect no one to notice. Steve looked at me like I had three heads. "You know EJ, with eyes like those... the things I would do." I said and dropped my hand from her face. I could feel her cheek beginning to get warm under my hand but now I can see she was basically the shade of a tomato. Steve started to laugh which means I was safe and no one suspected how badly I wanted to kiss her in that moment.

"I was starting to worry you went and ruined Jace's birthday gift by leaving, you remember our little deal right?" He stepped between us and held up her diary.

"I remember" she weakly exclaimed. Steve thumbs through a few more of her pages and I can see her silently protest.

A few people have started to go in the pool, and I know about 140 people will be here within the next 20 minutes. I'm sure he will grow tired of her eventually but I want him to stop right now.

"You know Steve, I think I saw Henry Dolson outside, he got us some more booze, wanna go check it out." Steve is a man with few loves, from what I've learned over the years Steve loves three things and three things alone: torturing EJ, any chance he can talk about or prove how amazingly rich and talented he is, and lastly, alcohol.

"Saved by the booze EJ, don't worry though, we have all night for our little chats, right." Steve pulled a strand of her hair and smiled at me.

"Let's go check out that booze, Henry promised only the best for The Ace's Birthday." Steve walked out of the pool house, Adam and the girls followed and I couldn't bring myself to move. EJ was looking at me with an adorable confused look on her face.

"Jace, I am so confused. What is happening, why did you ki-" Without even letting her finish my lips were on hers again. She is like a drug, so addicting. The cravings I get from her are so difficult to deny.

"EJ, I'm sorry." I can't do anything other than leave right now because if I stay, I fear I won't be able to keep this secret from her any longer. Those damn eyes of hers, it's like they see into my soul.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

He crashes his lips on mine cutting my sentence off. And the first thing he says after his surprise attack was sorry!


Honestly, yeah what the hell just happened? I feel like I'm frozen here, I dont get him. He just sits there and lets his friend fuck with me, then he says vulgar shit to me and what's the first thing he does when we are alone? SNEAK ATTACK KISS! I feel my knees shaking, one thing is for sure, I defiantly know I kissed him back on this one. Am I going crazy? I must be.

Jace kissing me can mean one thing, we must be in some weird alternate reality. Yep that's got to be it. Like I must have fallen through some worm hole and ended up in a pocket dimension where everything is the same except the fact that Jace now wants to kiss me every time he sees me.

Dude, it's not a pocket dimension. This is real life.

Nah, it can't be real life. Maybe this is like a really elaborate dream or something. Like Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz. But instead of flying monkeys, Jace fucking Luck is kissing me every time we end up alone.

How am I suppose to look him in the eye next weekend at dinner with his family? Knowing that not only have we made out but we have made out half naked.


I have made out with Jace...


I'm definitely in some sort of fever dream, maybe I'm in the hospital right now in a coma. That must be it. There can be no other explanation.

Or maybe he just, wait for it, likes you?

Not a chance, it is more possible that I have been abducted by aliens and put into some sort of drug induced experimental coma or something.

Jace Luck can't possibly like me. There is no way. Jace Luck, that same guy who has been there to remind me how ugly I am every day since freshman year, the same guy who once purposefully spilled his soda all over my white dress at some upscale restaurant his parents took my family too, the person who probably doesn't even look at me as a person let alone a romantic interest. Yeah there is no way he has any interest in me.

But do you want him to have feelings? Are you trying to deny it out of fear that maybe just maybe he may like you back. That he may be keeping that promise he made to you all those years ago after all?

We don't talk about that promise. Why are you even mentioning it. That was baby stuff, we didn't mean anything we did back then. That was before he turned into a major asshole. He probably doesn't even remember he said any of those things.

Besides I have bigger things to worry about than the past, like current present right now. There is probably around 120 kids already here and the party doesn't officially start for another few minutes. I want to hope that the group will stop fucking with me for the time being but honestly whose to say. I mean they do it in school they may as well do it here too since basically the entirety of the senior grade is here.

I have to get back out there, the music is already crushing my eardrums. The party is almost in full swing right now and the more time I spend in here hiding the more time Steve and all of them are spending out there probably plotting my doom.

This sucks, I know if I hide out in here it will just give them time to plan out there, but if I go out there I will be most likely made fun of or worse.

I open the door to see Jace in his full shirtless glory, God save me. I will let you in on a little secret, before Jace got all cool and hot and everything, he was chubby! Like so chubby, his mom used to call him her chunky monkey. I swear if I brought that up in front of Steve and them he'd probably cut off my head.

Then again he knows a lot about me and my embarrassing nicknames and what not so I guess it's more like mutually ensured destruction. We both can't say anything about the past because we both have some dirt on the other. Though that doesn't keep him from making my present a living hell, he has never once brought up any of the embarrassing things we used to do together, besides the us talking baths together part.

I wouldn't mind taking another bath with him right now, look at that body. Emma Jane we have kissed that Sexy God over there.

Shut up, I would rather die than take a bath with him, that's so weird.

Maybe just a quick one then? 


How about a shower, just like for five minutes?

No! Shut up, I dont want to see him naked, more importantly I dont want him to see me naked! I would probably did, right on the spot.

He'd probably kill to see you naked, he even invited us to take a bath with him! We should accept his invite. Look at him Emma Jane, just look at him.

I can see her point, Jace is gorgeous as I have previously mentioned. I just wish he was still that cute chubby mamas boy he used to be. The boy who would insist we make each other a gift for our birthday, not buy, even though he could afford whatever he wanted to get me and whatever he wanted himself. The boy who once told me something that I took the time to make him was more valuable than anything I could ever find in a store. I want that boy back. Where did he go?

Unknowingly I was walking closer to the edge of his in ground pool. He was floating on a raft in the middle of the deep end and despite the countless people jumping in and splashing he looked as though he was the only one in the pool. He was just so cool and handsome.


I wish I could get that boy I used to know back, I know he is in there somewhere. I just need to bring him out again.

"Frogs like water right?" A voice came up behind me. "Looks like we are going to find out" I recognized that voice now, Steve was right behind me with his hands on my waist.

"Time to get wet Froggy, in you go." I realized what he meant to late and before I knew it his hands moved from my waist to my back and he pushed.

So much for being invisible, I am about to quite literally make a splash at this party.

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