Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. Jam...

By whats_a_fictionfan

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"𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒚 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆." "𝑫𝒆... More

The Power of Madonna
Bad Reputation
Dream on
Journey to Regionals
Still Friends
Britney/ Brittnay
Grilled Cheesus
Never Been kissed
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Original song
Prom Queen
New York
I Am a Unicorn
Pot o' Gold
Mash Up
I Kissed a Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
On My Way
Dance With Somebody
Summer Lovin'
The New Rachel/ Britney 2.0
The Break-up
Swan Song
I Do
Girls (and boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
The End of Twerk
New directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Back-up Plan
Goin' To the Chapel
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker: Pt.1
The Hurt Locker: Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
We Built This Glee Club
Dreams Come True
Danielle Morgan
Almost one year anniversary!


3.7K 68 4
By whats_a_fictionfan

I sat in class with Santana and listen to Sue day who was nominated for prom king and queen.

"Good morning McKinley High! First of all, to those of you thoughtful enough to leave maternity gifts outside my office, both I and my unborn child thank you for your lackluster cracked barrel meat-and-cheese medleys, and I'm sure that my trash can will find them delicious. Now it's time to announce this years senior prom court nominees. Your choices for prom king are... Rick 'the stick' Nelson, president Brittany S. Pierce, and also Finn Hudson. And now on to the category we all really care about: prom queen. Missy Gunderson, Santana Lopez, and Quinn Fabray as our previous elected candidate Danielle Morgan dropped out of the race. Congratulations to all our nominees... Becky, Becky, Becky, that's an antique!" We hear over the speakers. The bell rings not that long after and we all head into glee club.

"Okay! A big congrats to all our prom nominees! And a congrats to our nominee drop out!" Mr. Shue adds looking at me. We clap for everyone.

"Why did you drop out?" Tina asks. I shrug.

"I could've been a nominee last year and I dropped out because I didn't want to be prom queen. I dropped out this year for the same reason." I said simply.

"But, hey, listen up. We are all winners, because principal Figgins asked new directions to sing again this year! Come on!" We all cheered and clapped, excitedly.

"All right. Brittany has an announcement." Mr. Shue says and moves out of Brittany's way.

"Hello, my fellow Americans. The theme for this years prom will be... dinosaurs." Brittany announces. No one moves.

"Sheer genius." Santana mutters.

"Thanks. I was inspired by the new girl Joe, who reminds me of a cave woman. The refreshments will be berries, meat, and rainwater. As you are no doubt aware, the U.S. elections are riddled with corruption. Therefore, to keep prom elections completely aboveboard, I have appointed Santana, Danielle, and Quinn to count the ballots" Brittany announces.

"What? That makes no sense!" Kurt shrieks.

"Shut it, Richard Simmons. Yes, Quinn's my homegirl, but I don't trust her, and you know she doesn't trust me. Dani's the only one we both trust. Plus she'll keep us in check."

"You know, it's actually not a bad idea." Mercedes says. I smirk in victory.

"And last but not least, all hair gel has been banned from the prom." Brittany finishes. Blaine starts laughing.

"Right." He scoffs.

"I'm actually not joking. Hair gel was not invented until almost 30 million years after the upper Paleolithic Stone Age. And frankly, I don't like the way you look. Therefore, anyone who shows up to prom wearing hair gel will be turned away at the door. I hereby decree this to be the best prom ever." Brittany explains in depth.

"Okay." Mr. Shue stutters.

"Let's start thinking of... dinosaur songs." Mr. Shue says as we all try and clap.

Artie and I walk down the halls and I stop to change my books.

"We're going to prom together right?" Artie asks.

"I sure hope so." I say. I've already gotten my dress.

"I'm serious." He says. I close my locker and look down at him. I kneel down to his height.

"What's this about?" I ask him seriously. He shrugs.

"Well we don't have much time left so I didn't know if you would want to go with me or if were distancing ourselves from each other so it won't hurt as much when the day comes." Artie admits. I grab his hand.

"I don't want to be without you until I'm forced too, Artie. So yes, we are definitely going to prom together." I say smiling at him. His frown instantly turns into a smile/smirk sort of thing.

"Good. Good." He says. I laugh and kiss him.

"You realize, I got to experience both of my proms with you." I point out. He nods, pursing his lips.

"Where I almost got my teeth pulled out." Artie remembers. We both laugh.

"And also, the first night you spoke openly about your interest in me." I added with a smirk. Artie just nodded and went into kiss me again. The warning bell rang and we broke apart laughing.

"We gotta go." Artie says, calming down from his laughter.

The next day in glee club, Rachel walks up to the front of the room as I sit next to both Artie and Quinn who's still in that damn chair. I'm starting to get nervous. I look up, concerned at Noah who's behind me. I put my chin on his knee as I'm face-to-face with it.

"You ok?" I ask. He shakes his head no.

"We'll talk about it later okay?" I say. Noah shrugs.

"So Kurt and Blaine and I are throwing an anti-prom party." Rachel starts.

"What's an anti-prom party?" Mercedes asks.

"It's a party for those of us who maybe feel a little, you know, disenfranchised by the actual prom. And I got us a hotel room at Lima's best hotel, the red rooster express suite, and everyone's invited." Rachel explains with excitement.

"You're supporting this?" Quinn asks, looking at Finn.

"I'm supporting her, and I'll be there as soon as I'm done fulfilling my... obligations." Finn corrects her.

"The mood will be celebratory, the food will be catered, the libations will be plentiful, and the dress code will be creative black tie." Kurt starts to explain.

"Optional, optional, optional. And keeping up with the anti-prom theme, everyone is welcome and unlike the actual prom, which ends at eleven, ours goes until the wee hours of the night. It's where the funs at you guys." Rachel says getting even more excited.

"Okay, How is everyone Welcome when this is clearly just a party for you and the two gay winklevii twins?" Santana asks.

"Actually Santana, we invited most of McKinley's underclassmen." Rachel says and explains she invited Becky.

"I'm in." Noah says and moves up to the front.

"But what about your tradition of trying to spike Coach Sylvester's punch bowl? I almost lost my teeth for it last time." Artie asks.

"It's impossible. Plus it's a bummer, always failing- at everything." Noah says, walking out of the choir room. I frown at him.

"Can we just talk about what this really is? Rachel Berry isn't getting her way, so she's punishing the rest of us." I point out.

"Danielle, that's not the case at all." Rachel assures.

"Stop acting like you're fine and start dealing with your crap. Look, you choked at your big audition. I get it. I'm sorry, but it happens. And I understand that you're pissed off at the universe, but imploding on one of the last nights that we have to spend together because, basically, you're just not in the mood to dance is maybe the pettiest thing you have ever done. So have fun at your 'I'm a victim' party, acting like your not some selfish, self-centered, lame-ass wannabe diva from hell, because me, I'm going to my senior prom with my boyfriend and my friends." I implode and try and go find Noah.

The night of the prom I wear a red dress with sleeveless top that hooks around my neck and a separate bottom of the dress that was so long it dropped behind me on the floor. I wheeled Artie in.

"This actually looks amazing." I gush. We head into the crowd just in time to hear Brittany sing a literal dinosaur song, she's also dressed as a cave woman. We clap and cheer as the songs over.

Next Santana walks on stage and starts singing 'love you like a love song'. I sit in Arties lap and he kind of pushes us a little in his chair. It might seem weird, but just being with him was enough. I look over at Sam and Mercedes and we smile and wave at each other.

"I'm glad there back together." I say to him. He nods in agreement.

"They're good together." Artie agrees. I stand up and clap as Santana finishes the song.

A little bit later while Arties on stage, I see Rachel, Finn, Kurt, and Blaine walk in. I smile and wave over at them quickly before running up to the front to watch my boyfriend sing 'what makes you beautiful' I jump around and dance with the crowd and Santana and Brittany a little bit. We cheer as the song ends. Sam lifts Artie up in his arms and I laugh. When he sets him back down I go up and kiss him making everyone cheer louder.

"Gotta show everyone who my man is." I smirk. We both laugh loudly, though it was drowned out by the cheers.

Soon the voting starts and ends and I make Santana carry everything as we make our way into an empty classroom. We stop, seeing Rachel and Quinn in the hall.

"Stop making out with berry and get to the Spanish room, Quinn. It's time to count the votes and declare me the winner." Santana says enthusiastically.

We all get into the room and start counting. All of us doing our own counts and me making sure they're honest about it.

"My count for kings the same as yours, I don't get it. How could Brittany have only gotten four votes? This Dino prom theme was a smash." Santana asks confused.

"Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that she's a girl." I say.

"Well, screw this. I don't want to be queen is Brit isn't king." Santana says.

"Like you would've won." I scoff.

"Well, Good, because my count for queen was the same as yours. I won by one vote. I won." Quinn says as Santana writes on the chalk board.

"Yes, we get it... oh, who would have ever thought this would happen." I say sarcastically.

"It's everything I've ever wanted and I don't feel any different." Quinn finishes.

"Cool. I mean, i guess you deserve to win, right? What with being a crip and all." Santana laughs. I walk over to her and Quinn. Quinn turns to look at the two of us.

"You know, we all really have had the dream high school careers. Mega-popular, doing whatever we wanted. Whoever we wanted. You know, I'm really not surprised that you and I were the top two candidates. Even if Dani would've won, if she stayed on." Quinn chuckles.

"Yeah. Well, you know, it would be boring if we weren't so awesome." Santana says giving us a look.

"Don't you want to leave this place having made a difference?" Quinn asks. We both look at her.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask with a smirk.

We go back in the gym and I'm talking with Kurt when Blaine walks up to us.

"Don't make fun of the new kid with the bad fro. It's hair-bullying." Brittany tells us.

"Um, Brittany..." I start.

"That's not a new kid. That's Blaine without hair gel." Kurt says quickly.

"Is it really that bad?" Blaine asks.

"You look like if a poodle had a really tight perm." I comment.

"Yeah, you're Mr. Broccoli head." Brittany comments. I laugh.

"I'm just waiting for a bird to mistake your hair for its nest." I laugh.

"You look like the aftermath of an electro-shock patient." I add.

"You look like, if bob ross started to actually smoke pot, and had cut his hair really short." I continue. Kurt stops me, though I had plenty more.

"It's not that bad." Kurt laughs.

"Yeah, it is. It's really bad and you made your point. I abuse my power as president- but to help save the prom, and to keep people from turning to stone when they look at you, I'll give you special permission to wear hair gel, immediately." Brittany says. We turn around as Figgins starts talking.

"Quiet, please, children." Figgins says. I run into the crowd and go to meet Artie.

"First, I have an announcement to make: there are reptiles living in McKinley toilets no more. The family of snakes has been safely removed to the zoo, and they can live out their lives in the toilets there." We all cheer.

"And now, this heats prom court: Nominees for the prom king are: Finn Hudson, Rick 'the stick' Nelson, and president Brittany S. Pierce. Nominees for prom queen: Missy Gunderson, Santana Lopez, and Miss Quinn Fabray. I would like to invite last years queen, sassy male student Kurt Hummel, to crown this years winners." Figgins announces and Kurt hesitantly walks up on stage.

"And... this years prom king is... Finn Hudson." We all clap and cheer as he walks up and gets crowned.

"And the winner for prom queen is... students, for the second year in a row, we have prom anarchy. Receiving the majority of write-in votes, I would like to welcome to the stage... Miss Rachel Berry!" He announces. Artie and I stand next to her, Artie looking at her in shock. It takes a second but everyone starts to clap louder and louder. I give Santana and Quinn a wink.

"McKinley Titans, now down to your new leaders!" Figgins says into the mic. We all clap and cheer again.

"And now, first dance of this years senior King and Queen!" Rachel and Finn walk onto the floor and I walk on stage to sing 'you take my breath away' with Quinn and Santana.

Watching every motion
In my foolish lover's game
On this endless ocean,
Finally, lovers know no shame

Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion,
As you turn around and say

Quinn and Santana and Me:
Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Quinn and Santana Me:
Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Quinn starts to stand up and I'm shocked as hell but i keep singing. Santana and I see her struggle and we help her up and continue to hold her so she's completely standing. Everyone claps for her and we smile.

Quinn with Santana and Me:
Watching every motion
In this foolish lover's game
Haunted by the notion
Somewhere there's a love in flames

Santana with Quinn:
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn my way

And say

Quinn and Santana and Me:
Take my breath away (Quinn: My love)
Take my breath away (Santana: My love)
Take my breath away, ohh... (Me: Away)
Take my breath away (Me: My love)
Take my breath away

Artie and I sit on the fake dinosaur. I sit behind him to keep him sitting and turn his jaw, kissing him deeply.

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