My Brother's Best Friend


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Park Y/N. You are the little sister of Park Jimin of BTS. He's extremely protective of you. What will happen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 *18+*
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 *18+*
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 *16+*
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 *16+*
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 *18+*
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 *18+*
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 *18+*
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 *18+*
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 *18+*
Chapter 42 - THE END (For real this time)

Chapter 18

163 9 6

"Jin! It was going to be a peck!" I whined as the sting on my ass was still present, he laughed with a smirk tugging on his lips, my mouth turned to a smile as I admired the happy look on his face. After a few moments, I nodded my head toward the door, hinting for us to leave. They each followed after me once they'd locked all the doors and turned everything off.

By the time I arrived home I was soaked through. Maybe Jimin was right about my outfit choice but, I wasn't telling him that. Once I was inside I immediately threw my drenched cardigan on to the back of the sofa and ran upstairs to have a warm shower, my clothes were off in seconds as I sprinted to the bathroom, closing the door and placing my towel on the radiator next to it.

I brushed my hair to get rid of all the knots before sliding open the shower door and stepping in, tuning the hot water on immediately to keep myself warm. The water fell down my cold skin, bringing the heat back almost instantly as I ran my hands through my evenly wet hair. I stuck my head out of the shower door and turned on some music before continuing. I put on my BTS playlist and enjoyed the sound of their voices filling the room, I hated being alone so hearing them made it easier- even if they weren't with me.

My mind flashed images of Jin, Yoongi and Joon as I heard their parts in the songs. Everytime I saw their faces, guilt ran through me, my heart was calling out for Jungkook but I was too stubborn to accept it. He'd never take me back if he knew what I did today, and Jimin would hate me. The thought of my brother and Jungkook hating me caused tears to form in my eyes, threatening to fall but I refused to let them, my heart sunk as Promise began to play from my phone... "Jimin oppa, Jungkookie, I'm sorry..." my words were soft and barely audible but they were enough to open the flood gates that blocked my tears from escaping.

My back pressed against the wall of the shower as I slid my body down to sit on the wet surface. I've never been so ashamed of myself as I am right now. My thoughts were suffocating as my heart beat quickened, my chest became tight and my breathing was unsteady as the ocean of tears fell down my face, hidden by the water that landed on my head from the still running shower above me. The shower was the best place to cry as the warm water comforted you while protecting you from the realisation that the tears were falling harder than you'd planned. My hands trembled as I hugged my knees, tight to my chest. The flow of water and the sound of it hitting the floor as well as the music streaming from my phone did a good job to cover the sounds of my muffled cries.

After almost an hour of continuous crying, my emotions were still rushing around my head as I began to feel dizzy. I reached up and turned off the shower before sitting myself back down, immediately reverting to my previous position. I could hear just how loud I was crying now and that only made the tears cascade harder. I was beginning to feel light headed as I struggled to get out full breathes, my breathing hitched continuously until I finally passed out from the pressure building in my head and chest.

/Jungkook's POV/

The guys and I had just finished practise for the day, wrapping up the new album and mastering our dances took so long but the reaction from ARMYs always made it worth it. Jimin and I planned to go back to mine for the night since he and Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon-hyung were fighting as they were late but wouldn't tell us why. He was complaining and wouldn't go alone so I said I'd accompany him- we were driving to my place until I remembered, it wasn't mine anymore so we had a last minute change in location and headed back to his instead.

As we pulled up to his home, none of the lights were on inside so we assumed Y/N was out. Jiminie unlocked the front door as he fumbled with his keys; he seemed really stressed but refused to tell me why. I rolled my eyes as he threw his coat onto the floor and kicked his shoes off before falling on to the sofa in the living room. I noticed a cardigan thrown on the back of it- tardiness must run in the family. I smiled to myself before heading upstairs to shower. After such a King day of practicing, I was in dire need of fresh water to cover me.

I stalked to the bathroom, throwing my shirt on the floor as I opened the door, I stopped almost immediately as I saw the unconscious frame of Y/N leaning against the wall in the shower. My heart quickened as I ran to her, holding her face in my hands. What happened to her?

My heart aches to see her like this, her eyes were puffy and red like her nose: she's obviously been crying. The sound of water dripping from her still wet hair filled the room as my eyes trailed the length of her body. I sat in silence, in awe of her beauty. How could she be so effortlessly gorgeous while being passed out? My lips formed a smile as I looked at her pink lips, they were pursed together slightly, almost inviting me in to kiss her- but she was unconscious so that would've been fucked up honestly...

I slipped my hand under her head and my other under her waist. I lifted her up almost effortlessly before trailing to her bedroom. It had been so long since I was last in here and the memories of everything between us came flooding back as I lowered her unconscious body onto her bed. Staring at her, I watched her bare chest move up and down as she breathed at a steady pace. "I should probably get you some clothes..." I whispered to myself as if I was still hiding from my hyung.

My feet dragged across the laminate flooring as I reached the walk in closet on the other side of the room, as the large, translucent door slid back revealing her selection of outfits, my eyes almost immediately drifted to a single T-shirt she had hung in the corner by itself. That was my shirt from the first night I stayed with her. Thoughts flooded my mind as I grabbed the long black material that covered the sleeping girl like a dress. I lifted her upper body and slipped the fabric onto her still wet skin so she could maintain some decency when I called her brother in to check on her.

"Hyung!" I called out for Jimin with a worried voice and within seconds he was stood by Y/N's bedroom door with a confused look plastered across his face. "She was passed out in the bathroom, I don't know what's wrong with her." My voice was shaky as Jimin took his hand in hers, pulling his phone from his pocket and dialling the emergency services number. I mentally slapped my head and cursed at myself for not doing that sooner.

"Call the Hyungs please Jungkookie, not Hobi." His voice was so stern and aggressive, he seems pissed so I chose not to be a little shit and did as I was told.

"Jin-Hyung. Jiminie wants you, Yoongi and Joon to come to his. He sounds like it's important so for your safety- I suggest you get here as soon as you can. You know what the little Mochi is like when he's mad." I spoke quietly since I knew Jimin hated being called that, but it was true. Jin released an audible sigh before agreeing and ending the call, telling me he'd bring the others with him. I knew they'd all be at the dorm and that was pretty close so the journey should only take around ten-or-so minutes.

Soon, the front door opened to reveal three of the eldest members of our group. Each seemed stressed and worried to be here and I assumed it had something to do with why the guys didn't come to practice today. I brushed it off and sent them into Y/N's room only to be greeted by a red faced Jimin watching their every move as they stepped cautiously up to the younger. His eyes were glued to each of the men as they stood silently waiting for him to speak but from the look on his face, I took the first step and began the conversation.

"Hyung. Why did you ask me to call them?" I spoke quietly, afraid that Jimin would snap if I spoke out of line. He sighed and rolled his eyes before finally opening his mouth to answer my question and let the older guys in on why they had been summoned.

"What did you do to her?" He completely disregarded my question as he directed his own toward Jin, Joon and Yoongi who each stood in the corner, as far from Jimin as possible. I saw as each of them gulped and racked their brains for a satisfactory answer to provide him with.

"We talked, watched films and played a game." Jin spoke up, he was blunt and stern, showing that he wasn't scared of whatever the blonde haired boy had to say back to him. He was using age to his advantage but this bad something to do with Jimin's baby sister and he wouldn't take it lightly.

/Jimin's POV/

As the eldest of us spoke with such disregard even though he could see the anger that was coursing through me, I felt myself clenching my fists but I had to be respectful and so, I took in a breath and released it before telling Jungkook to wait outside. He knew better than to piss me off right now so did as he was told and made his way into the hallway, shutting the door behind him.

My attention dragged back to the other men in the room, I was calm but I wasn't happy. I wanted answers and I sure as hell wasn't letting them leave here without giving them to me.

"Tell me in detail hyung. What did you do to my little sister." My voice was demanding and rasp as I felt my chest becoming tighter. I swear if any of them hurt her all respect would be thrown out of the window. Namjoon looked away while Jin rolled his eyes which called for Yoongi to speak on behalf of the group.

Author's Note:
I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while. Writer's block:(
So, Jimin isn't happy, Jungkook won't be either...
I hope you enjoyed this episode, vote and comment on your favourite parts!
Thank you~<3

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