Smile | Johnil (Completed)

By DicktheTruckdriver

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Taeil is the God of Laughter. Johnny is a depressed Mortal that can't find it in his heart to laugh or smile... More

part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part ten

part nine

492 35 60
By DicktheTruckdriver

Taeil's Pov

I walked around Johnny's small and simple apartment. I could tell Johnny took good care of his apartment there was nearly to anything on the floor besides the furniture. The floors were spotless and the tables were waxed with a brown furnish stainer. Whites and browns made up most of the living room and small eating area he had before going into the kitchen.

The kitchen was pretty and quaint. The walls were a light bage to go along with the counters. 'He should go into design' I said to myself when I opened his fridge. Fully stocked, to my amazement. "It would be so domestic of me if I made him food so we could eat together when he gets home. Oh it would be so cute." I giggled taking out acouple of pans and bowls, deciding that I wanted to make an American favourite of mine Cheeseburgers. And sincr I had the knowledge of Johnny being born in Chicago I was going to make some Chicago style burgers if that is a thing.

Taking out so packaged processed meat I seasoned it and rolled the meat up into balls. "I can already tell this is going to be good" I chirped and oiled up the pan. I licked my lips and started to cook the burgers flipping them once in awhile and placing a piece of square cheese ontop of the burger.

"There should be a side atleast" I groaned and turned off the stove to look for a side to cook. Nothing goes wrong with burgers and fries right? But since he didn't have any fries but he did have potatoes I took them out and started peeling them.

"Gosh I am so domestic" I groaned rubbing my forehead. "Sure are" I rolled my eyes hearing Hypno behind me. "Don't you supposed to be like I don't know protecting peoples dreams right now and not bothering me?" I sassed turning to him. "Isn't it Dolus' job to annoy me" Yuta's nose scrunched up and he pouted.

"What Sicheng told me to do something productive in my life and go do something so here I am" I chewed on my lip and turned back around to start cutting the potatoes.

"So hows it going with destined one?"

"I don't know what you mean" I shrugged and threw the nasty parts of the potato away once I was done cutting the wedges. "You over here being domestic and shit. I'm excepting a niece or nephew in the near future" Yuta chuckled laying his head down is arms.

I shrugged not turning back to him. "Maybe you will get one or not" I know he second guessed it but what can I saw that Jaemin kid is so innocent and cute I just want to adopt him. Well after me and Johnny get together that is. I giggled to myself thinking about me and Johnny's lives in the future.

I was going to tell him who I was today. I hope he wont want to see me anymore after today, that would really crush my heart. "Gelos your burning the fries! Stop day dreaming" Yuta yelled startling me. I looked down and gasped taking the fries out of the grease and placing them on a plate.

I whined internally looking at the slightly burnt fries. "Whatever I'll just put alot of ketchup on them"
Yuta sighed and slouched back down into his arms. "You should of had Jaehyun cook. Your a terrible cook" I pouted and glared at Hypnos. "No one asked you for your opinion" I grunted and picked up the plates and sat them down at the small eating area Johnny had.

"Now leave Johnny will be here any minute" Yuta frowned and sat his head up. "Why does everyone keep making me leave. I'm so nice" and not a second later he disappeared. "Thank me (lmao you see what I did there), I love him and all but he was getting on my last nerve." I looked down at my burgers and smiled. They look surprisingly good, should I check if there edible? Nah.

The handle to the front door started jingiling making my heart race. I gulped down my anticipation and waited for Johnny to come inside. Once he was inside I put on my biggest smile on to hide the chasing fear surrounding me.

"Hey, hoho. How was your day at work" He turned to me and grumbled a little but he couldn't hide the small twitch to his lips. "Was fine. Why are you here?" I frowned and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

"I told you I was going to be here, hoho. I made you dinner" I smiled and hurried over to him and held out my hands for his jacket. He looked confused for a second before handing me his jacket.

"You know this is my home right?" I shrugged and ushered him over to the table. "Doesn't it smell good, hoho?" He shrugged his shoulders back at me and followed me to the small dining area. "Yum- burgers" he sounded sarcastic "wait until you eat my burgers" I hissed and sat down in my chair.

"Why am I the only one eating?" He asked "I'm not that hungry. You eat and I'll watch you"

"That's weird ya know" I rolled my eyes and laid my head down in the palm of my head.

He pierced his lips and took hold of the burger. He looked at me for a second and then took a bite. I saw his eyes light up and I smiled internally and externally.

"Wow this is good"

"See I told you, hoho" I'm so glad he likes it because I was going crazy. He finished up his burger rather quickly and smacked his lips together. "Was it that good?" I asked fishing for a compliment.

"Did you order this?" I frowned and shook my head "No I even made you fries" I thumbed back to behind me to were the fries were on the counter. "I'm stuffed" he rumbed his stomach and burped. I tried not to show my disgust.

"Are you going to tell me who the people were from earlier?"

"What did I say?" He thought for a second and his frown got deeper. "I don't even know how to do that anymore. I think the muscles in my face for that worn out a long time ago" I huffed "I'll make you smile just wait" he rolled his eyes at me. If he keeps doing that his eyes are going to roll into the back of his head.

"I'll do anything you want if you were to make me smile" I smirked "anything?" He bit his lip in thought. "Like come live with me and adopt a kid and live happily ever after anything?" I asked. His eyes bugged out and- and he laughed. He laughed a guy with no emotion just laughed at me. His laugh was lile music to my ears. I didn't know humans had such a beautiful laugh. Wow.

"Yeah sure" he chuckled wiping the tears from his eyes. "Well what time are you ready to leave? Because you just laughed and smiled my friend"

"Wait I did what?" I smiled and patted his cheek. "You laughed and that counts as a form of smiling because your lips turn upright"

"You are serious? I really did that?" I nodded my head.

"Sure did bub"


As you could probably tell this book is about to end. From the start it was supposed to be a 10 part book and look at that this is the 9th part.

I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as me. Even though I don't update as much this is one of my favorite books to write.


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