Horror Stories

By xAliceSykes

460K 10.9K 1.7K


Horror Stories
The Last Letter
Windows in the Bathroom
Desired for Valuable
Victim's Philosophy
What to do if you were buried alive in a coffin
A Vanishing Boy
I Missed You
I'm a Doll
Behind Closed Doors
Exorcism in Latin. Just in case.
A Prank
Read Me!
Where and how to see a ghost
A New Kid
Mommy, take me with you
Black Wedding
Device For Self-Beheading
Ring And Grave
My Death
Musmal Wants To Eat Again
A Phone Call
Behind The Door
Putrefying Clown
Old Mr. Jones
Hide-and-Seek Alone
The Freak Show
A Gift of Mother-in-Law
The Word
The Little Dark Room
Stories of People Having Been In Hell
How to Summon a "Queen of Spades"
Something Different
Don't Open The Doll
One evening of one life
He Swore On His Kids' Lives
Night Music
Maternal Instinct
The Road
Silence in the Rain
Black Magic
Raw Head and Bloody Bones
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary Returns
Bloody Mary Whales
The Brick Wall
The Brother's Revenge
Burnt Church
Dancing With The Devil
Death Waltz
Devil On The Washington Rock
Don't Turn On The Light
Goblin Of Easton
Golden Hand
Ghost In The Alley
The Handshake
Hatchet Man
The Hook
La Mala Hora
No Trespassing
Playin' Piano
Screaming Jenny
Storm Hag
Vampire Hermit
Where's My Liver
White Lady
White Wolf
Bleeding Sink
Cow's Head
Death Coach
Don't Sell My House
Drowned Man
Fifty-Cent Piece
First Day of School
Ghost Handprints
I'm All Right
I'm Coming Down Now!
Invisible Hands
Jack and the Devil
Lady In Red
Milk Bottles
Moll DeGrow
Never Mind Them Watermelons
The Russian Sleep Experiment
New book!
Video Tape
Well to Hell
Digital Camera
The Recurring Dream
Madman Stan

Hairy Toe

2.1K 55 8
By xAliceSykes

     Once there was an old woman who went out in the woods to dig up some roots to cook for dinner. She spotted something funny sticking out of the leaves and dug around until she uncovered a great big hairy toe. There was some good meat on that toe which would make a real tasty dinner, so the old woman put it in her basket and took it home.

When she got back to her cottage, the old woman boiled up a kettle-full of hairy toe soup, which she ate for dinner that night. It was the best meal she'd had in weeks! The old woman went to bed that night with a full stomach and a big smile.

Along about midnight, a cold wind started blowing in the tops of the trees around the old woman's house. A large black cloud crept over the moon and from the woods a hollow voice rumbled: "Hairy toe! Hairy toe! I want my hairy toe!" Inside the house, the old woman stirred uneasily in her bed and nervously pulled the covers up over her ears.

From the woods there came a stomp-stomp-stomping noise as the wind whistled and jerked at the treetops. In the clearing at the edge of the forest, a hollow voice said: "Hairy toe! Hairy toe! I want my hairy toe!" Inside the house, the old woman shuddered and turned over in her sleep.

A stomp, stomp, stomping sound came from the garden path outside the cottage. The night creatures shivered in their burrows as a hollow voice howled: "Hairy toe! Hairy toe! I want my hairy toe!" Inside the house, the old woman snapped awake. Her whole body shook with fright as she listened to the angry howling in her garden. Jumping out of bed, she ran to the door and barred it. Once the cottage was secure, she lay back down to sleep.

Suddenly, the front door of the cottage burst open with a bang, snapping the bar in two and sending it flying into the corners of the room. There came the stomp, stomp, stomping noise of giant feet walking up the stairs. Peeping out from under the covers, the old woman saw a massive figure filling her doorway. It said: "Hairy toe! Hairy toe! I want my hairy toe!"

The old woman sat bolt upright in terror and shouted: "I ATE your hairy toe!"

"Yes, you did," the giant figure said very gently as it advanced into the room.

No one living in the region ever saw the old woman again. The only clue to her disappearance was a giant footprint a neighbor found pressed deep into the loose soil of the meadow beside the house. The footprint was missing the left big toe. 

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