Let's Play A Game (A RWBY Che...

By treylore

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Greetings & Welcome . You must be wandering why you are here, i shall tell you this is a tale of a boy who go... More

John's Ungrateful Life (1)
John's Ungrateful Life (2)
The Trial of (Y/N)
(Y/N)'s Game
Information #2
A Wilted Rose
Melting The Angel
Taming The Cat
Burning The Dragon (Finale)
Thank You and New book
10000!!! R!E!A!D!S!
John's Past (BONUS)
News To All (Vol.2)
Information (Vol 2)
Reunions (Vol.2)
The Past (Vol 2)
QnA/ Ask the cast
Atlas Intervention (Vol 2)
Author Note.
Grand finale (Vol 2).

Raid ( Vol.2)

1.4K 17 46
By treylore

Vale P.D

Eric: Allison, I want you to investigate Beacon again.

Allison: Why? We already cleared that place. 

Eric: No I think there's something more sinister there.

Allison: Yes sir. 

Eric: Take Jess with you.

Jessica was surprised by this and she pointed to herself.

Jessica: Me?!!

Eric: It's been a while since you exited this office anyway.

Jessica: Nice.

Allison: Alright I'll be taking my leave then.

Allison and Jessica left the room.

Eric: Now then Qrow.

Qrow: Yeah.

Eric: Have you been in contact with the jigsaw killer.

Qrow: Yup, I fought him. But his face it's a blur. He took Tai.

Eric: So you think we have a hostage.

Qrow shakes his head.

Qrow: Nope. Tai's dead. Most likely.

Eric: Damn. Alright you get so rest first. Winter come with me, will discuss this in more detail in my office.

Winter: Alright.

They both left the room leaving Qrow by himself. This whole thing with Tai reminded him of his past.

Qrow: *Sigh* John, Old friend. I hope you're- Wait. John.

L: Tsk Tsk Tsk. I hope you keep your mouth shut.

Qrow: What the- How did you.

L: I have my ways. Now then how do I silence you.


Eric was holding the revolver which had smoke coming out of it.

Eric: I don't think so. 

L: Tsk, You win.

The cloak just falls to the floor, as the body just disappears. 

Eric: What the, what did the body go.

Qrow: Nevermind that. John is the killer.

Eric: I knew it. Now then time for a raid.

Location Warehouse

Lily: JOHN!!!

John: What? I can hear you Don't need to shout.

Lily: They know.

John: Ah, about time. 

Lily: Huh? Your'e not worried.

John: I have this planned. If they know then they should appear at the old warehouse.

Lily: Isn't that the warehouse we're in.

John: Nope.

(Y/N) comes in carrying numerous amount of boxes.

(Y/N): Little help.

He says almost being crushed by the boxes.

Lily: Let me.

(Y/N): So then why did you ask me too-

John: The next phase.

John interrupted.

John: Now then the 2 agents, Jessica and Alison should be heading towards Beacon. And the police is about to raid the old warehouse with winter and atlisian forces. We're heading towards the endgame now folks.

(Y/N): Speaking of which did you now that in endgame-

Beacon Surveillance Room

Amanda: *Yawn* Man I'm bored.

Cam #1- Hallway

Cam #2- Lift.

Amanda: Hmm, what's this. The entrance. Now here's something fun John was right.

Amanda grabbed the shotgun next to her and walked out of the room.


Jessica: Hold up I'm deploying the drone.

Allison: Roger.

Jessica tossed the drone onto the ground and took out her phone so she could control it.

Jessica: Hallway cleared. Lift entrance cleared. Alright I think it is safe to enter.

Allison: Alright.

Allison drew her pistol just in case.

Jessica: Hey is that.

It was the dead bodies of the atlisian soldiers. now rotting.

Allison mumbled something and continued onwards.

Jessica soon followed.

Allison: Stay close.

Jessica: I'm fine I am not a chil-

Allison: Shh.

She said as she pointed towards Amanda sitting on a box.

Amanda whistling "More gun"

Amanda place a sentry turret in the ground.

Amanda: Hallway secured. 

She then walked off.

Amanda: Damn, Jess call for reinforcements.

Jessica: Got it. 

She takes out her transceiver.

Jessica: This is corporal Jessica Hoffman calling in for Backup.


She repeats again. No response

Jessica: Nothing.

Amanda: Seems like we are on our own.

Jessica: Yup.

Old warehouse

Outside was at least 2 squads of atlisian soldiers and just Eric and Winter.

Eric: You know the plan right. 

Winter: Yes, you've gone through this numerous amounts of times.

Eric: Alright, lets breach in.

Soldier: Breach.

The doors were blown.

Eric: Move in.

Soldier 2: Lets do this. Soldier NUMBER 2!!!!

Eric: He just ran in.


All of them moved into the room. It was empty.

The lights shut off and came back on.

Winter: What.

In the distance.

Soldier 2: SOLDIER NUMBER 2.

Winter: Get back here.

Eric: Woah look at this.

Winter: This technology. It's from atlas.

Eric: I see. Why would a serial killer have this.

Winter: I don't know. I think there's more too the killings Look.

She pointed to a desk with Many monitors.

Eric: Hmm, Wait isn't that 

Winter: WEISS!!!

Weiss was in a room chained up. but she wasn't dead, she was struggling.

Winter: I'll kill you John.

Eric: Hold up. There's a tape and a player.

Winter: Huh.

Eric plays the tape.

Recording Plays

Greetings and welcome. Eric and Winter. I have been expecting you. Since you are playing this tape. I presume you've fallen for the trap. But I am a merciful person In an hour if you can find the 4 keys to open the chest that has a key to the main door. Good luck. Oh and watch out for the traps.

Recording ends

Winter: Hah, he things we can't take down a door. Man place another charge.

Eric: I don't think they're here look.

Winter: Huh.

The soldiers were no where to be seen.

Eric turned only to see a shadow whizzed by him.

Eric: What the.

P.A system: You have 1 hour. let the games begin.

Winter: Let's just find the keys. 

Eric: Yeah.

They begin to walk down a hallway. But soon realise they have been walking a while.

Eric: How long have we been walking, I haven't seen a hallway this long before.

?????: hehehehehe.

Eric: Who's there.

He said panicked.

Eric: Must've been the wind.

Winter: Look the first door.

They open the door only to reveal a room filled with pipes. and long path leading deeper into the room.

Winter: What. 

Eric: Lets go I guess.

Winter: This is pretty big for a warehouse.

Eric: Yeah it is.

?????: hehehehehe.

Eric: Who was that.

Winter: You can here it too.

Eric: Yeah. Wait look.

There was figure standing in front of them. On closer inspection it was.

Winter: Weiss.

Weiss was just standing there. Winter walked up to her but as she did, Weiss just started to run. 

Winter: Wiess wait.

She followed her.

Eric: Winter.

It was too late.

Eric: Damn she took off. But something about this place it feels off.

Winter was chasing Weiss but soon the hallyway began to morph soon she arrived she arrived outside beacons courtyard.

Winter: What? Beacon.

Weiss: I love you (Y/N)

(Y/M): I love you too weiss.

Winter: What is this. 

The scene changed once again.

Weiss: Oh neptune yes.

Neptune: You love, this don't you snow angel.

Weiss: Mmm~ Neptune keep going.

Winter: She cheated on him.

The scene change one more time.

Weiss was chained up.

Weiss: Don't do this.

(Y/N): Why not, I loved you weiss, I loved all of you, but you betrayed me.

Weiss was silent.

Winter: What, weiss cheated on the boy she loved, that what got her killed. 

Winter became hysterical. Her sister was killed for some petty reason just because she cheated on some boy.

Winter: I'll kill you (Y/N) I'll avenge my siste-

Before she could finish her sentance. 5 sharp blades pierced through her.

Lily: Now I can't let you do that to my love.

Winter: You bitch.*Cough*

Lily: Atatatata. Don't talk, its just gonna make it worst.

Winter: Why? Why did you kill them.

Lily: They cheated on him, they broke his heart. they cause him to commit suicide. I think this is fair.

Winter: Fuc-

Lily sliced winter's throat with her other hand before she could finish her statement.

Lily: What would john say now. Ah right. GAME OVER.


What actually happend. 

Winter: Breach!!!

The lights go off. Lily puts everyone to sleep. And so the dream sequence begins.

Eric: Gah!!! What the.

He looks around to see many dead soldiers as well as winter. dead on the ground with blood flowing out of her chest.

Eric: What the hell. What is his purpose.

Lily: I don't know actually.

Eric: You.

Lily: Hello.

Eric: You're under arrest.

Lily: And who will arrest me. You, I don't think so.

Lily quickly dashed towards Eric. but before she could land her hit he was behind her. he quickly punched her. But she dodged and the last second.

Lily: What how.

Eric: That's a secret.

Lily: Grrrr, Vanish.

Lily disappears, her cloths dropping onto the floor.

(Y/N) room

Lily reappears naked.

(Y/N): Hey li-

Lily: What. Oh yeah I did the thing.

(Y/N) was extremely flustered.

Lily: What is not like you haven't seen me like this before.

(Y/N): J-just put on some cloths.

Lily: Okay.


Eric: Damn'it I lost atlas's support, Winter schnee is dead, I need to return to headquarters. One of the warehouse here. Must be their base.

New warehouse

John: Finally, He stopped Now then. to raven.

Oustide Hotel.

Raven was walking by herself, soon she bumped into (Y/N).

(Y/N): Oh hey, Raven.

Raven: Oh (Y/N). Have you perhaps seen tai. 

(Y/N): Nope,

Raven thoughts: He must be the one, the one Yang cheated on.

Raven: I don't want to use anymore of your time. If you excuse me.

(Y/N): Sorry for this.

Raven: What.

A solid metal bar hit her head.

Lily: Good job, I was getting bored.

(Y/N): Hey lily, Do you think What were, doing is wrong.

Lily: Huh, what do you mean. 

(Y/N): They cheated on me but I'm killing everyone they hold dear. Even though  they're not involve.

Lily: (Y/N) I love you, you know that. So whatever you do I will follow you. 

(Y/N): *Sigh* Lets get this done with.

Lily: Yup.

New warehouse

John: Ah Raven Branwen. This bitch, she knew, yet she didn't do anything.

(Y/N): Let's get this down with.

John: Cell 3. Oh put Weiss with ruby and yang.

(Y/N): Roger.

(Y/N) walked over to weiss's cell and opened it.

Weiss: You.

(Y/N): Come on.

He unchained her.

Weiss: I hate you

(Y/N): Same.

He brought her over.

The door opened. revealing a tired ruby and a chained up yang.

Weiss: Ruby!!!

Ruby: Weiss!!!

Weiss ran over to ruby and hugged her.

Ruby: I thought you died.

Weiss: John brought me back to live. After a few months.

Ruby: Huh, same here. 

Weiss: Why do you think he is doing this.

Ruby: Revenge. 

Weiss: We cheated on (Y/N), I didn't think he would go all insane.

Ruby: I know. 

(Y/N): Shut up in there.

(Y/N) locked the doors and walked off.

Control room

John: Hook up Raven to the Pendulum

Amanda: Ow.

John: Oh youre back. How did it go.

Amanda: The 2 investigators left. after they encountered the sentry. It also seems that their boss called them back as well.

John: I see. Well then onto the game.

Cell 3

Raven woke to the sight of an axe swinging in a oscillating motion.

Raven: What the fuck.

She tried to free herself. but could not

Viewing room

Yang: Mom!!!

Ruby: Aunt Raven!!!


Cell 3

Recording Plays

Hello, Raven, I want to play a game. Right now, you are feeling helpless. This is the same helplessness you bestowed upon others. But now, it's unto you. Some would call it Karma. I call it justice. You knew that she was cheating on me, You didn't bother to tell. You Kept it to yourself. after all this years now you feel what I felt. The axe will unto in 30 seconds, in 60 seconds it will cut you in half. But I'm not that cruel Place your hands into the boxes next to you. Your bones will be crush but you will be free. Its your choice. Live or Die

Recording ends

The timer started, the axe was slightly lowered.

Raven was contemplating whether to do it. In the she did. two hammer dropped onto her hands hitting it but not crushing it.

Raven: Ahhh!!! Shit.

30 seconds have passed.

The axe was lowered slowly cutting open her stomach

Raven screamed in agony the axe was slowly cutting away at he skin. She placed her hands in crushers one last time. the hammer came down again. Only breaking her hands. The axe lowers again, this time. it

Raven *Sobbing*: It hurts it-

The axe saws through her body leaving her in half.

Viewing room

Ruby and yang were crying.

Weiss: What sort human would do this.

Control room

John: Ah doesn't this feel great (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah. I guess.

John: Whats wrong, Having doubts about Team rwby.

(Y/N): What no.

John: Youre thinking about forgiving them aren't you

(Y/N): I guess you could say that.

John: Don't bother. They'll just break it again. 

(Y/N) was silent

John: Anyways, I guess it's time to end it all. With the death of summer rose and Tai. My revenge will be complete.

Word count: 2105.

Well then another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed it, also after weeks of thinking I will be ending this series with the next chapter. Now here comes the main question I want to ask you reader.

Forgive team RWBY. (and maybe get back together with them)


Don't forgive them and kill them in a grand finale.

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